Personal Productivity Challenges “Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Will Rogers Productivity Partners, Inc.
Microsoft wanted to know how individuals around the world were faring with their personal productivity issues. Microsoft seems the logical candidate to be asking these questions, since productivity generally follows technology. So from September 2004 through January 2005 they ran an online survey called the ‘Personal Productivity Challenge’. By the numbers. 38,000 people in over 200 countries responded to 18 statements about work-related practices. Here are some of the results: Of the people who work an average of 45 hours/week, they consider 17 of those hours to be unproductive. • The average number of emails received daily: 49 • Workers spend 5.6 hours per week in meetings. 69% feel the meetings aren’t productive. • Most common productivity pitfalls: ineffective meetings (46%), lack of team communication (36%, and procrastination (37%). Dr. Larry Baker, of Atlanta, developed the survey and his statement is right on the mark: “In my three decades of studying what makes workers productive, I’ve found that the most crucial skills are the ability to efficiently communicate across all kinds of boundaries, share important documents and manage the increasing volume of information.” But remember, 95% of information is still found on paper. Searching for information still comes down to the productivity level of an individual and their: • Skills. Have they been assessed and results reviewed? • Training. 42% of executives worldwide feel improving workers skills and knowledge increases productivity • Application. Do employees receive the support and feedback they need on their progress? • Tools. Using them rather than relying on them. There is no magic bullet. • Outcomes. Which tend to manage everything else. So begin NOW. Because when it comes to improving your personal productivity, procrastination is not your friend.
© 2005 Cynthia Kyriazis Productivity Partners, Inc.
Productivity Partners, Inc. specializes in helping employees overcome the 24/7 time management and organizing challenges they face in order to improve performance, increase productivity and reduce stress.
PPI assists individuals, teams, and entire companies in gaining confidence and control when it comes to paper, information, time, space and choice management. Offerings include: Onsite workshops Online workshops or webinars Assessments Coaching Consulting Presentations Products
Cynthia Kyriazis started her business in 1992 after 25 years experience in multi-unit operations management. She is an organizing and time management coach, consultant, trainer, speaker and author. Cynthia is past Secretary of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO), 2008 President of the International Society for Performance Improvement-Kansas City chapter (KCISPI), a national speaker, and consultant to the American Coaching Association. Cynthia can be reached at GoogleMe Productivity Partners, Inc.