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Crisis in Brazilian scientific research
We finished these 12 months with some concerns about the path scientific research is taking in Brazil, which affects us as professionals, either directly or indirectly. We know that, for a country to have science, the population should realize that it widely brings welfare and progress to the nation. The society and mainly the country leaders should notice that the formation of a critical mass is directly related to improvement in the productive system and, consequently, to the progress of a nation.
However, the serious economic, political and social crisis the country has been facing in recent years has led to an immediate cut of resources that were already insufficient. One of the major impacts was the approval of a constitutional amendment that freezes the public expenditures for a period of 20 years, besides the cuts in direct resources for the Brazilian post graduation. These measures may cause damages that are difficult to overcome. Therefore, Brazilian research, which had grown considerably in the last two decades and still needed to grow more in the quality of scientific research and international insertion, is at serious risk of having its progress compromised.
How to cite: Porto GG. Crisis in Brazilian scientific research. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019 Jan-Apr;5(1):4-5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.5.1.004-005.edt
In such a pessimistic scenario, we still see researchers who creatively try to progress in this crisis and can throw us some light! We cannot give up!
Precisely in this respect, we are trying to advance in our small contribution to diffuse the scientific production of maxillofacial surgeons. We still need to increase the collection of scientific articles to enhance the qualification of our journal. To achieve indexation in other databases, the number of original articles published must be higher. I hereby ask you colleagues for support, so that our journal may be even better every year!
Profa. Dra. Gabriela Granja Porto
Editor-in-Chief of JBCOMS Journal of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery