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A cycle that ends
With a sense of accomplishment and gratitude, I end this cycle of management ahead JBCOMS. It was an honor to have participated, with Belmiro Vasconcelos, since its conception under direction of Nazareno Gil, to its consolidation in subsequent administrations, of Sylvio de Moraes and Laureano Filho. The journal was an old dream that became a solid reality today, thanks to the vision of colleagues who have been in the College board.
The JBCOMS is a collective heritage. I am sure that the hard struggle for it to reach higher indexing levels in other databases will be maintained. It is still necessary to attract a greater number of original articles to meet this goal. For this, we need the continuous and intermittent, valuable collaboration from reviewers and authors.
How to cite: Porto GG. A cycle that ends. J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019 Sept-Dec;5(3):4-5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14436/2358-2782.5.3.004-005.edt
In this context, I thank you for the confidence placed on me by Nazareno, Sylvio and Laureano. Believe me, I tried my best, alike the reviewers, who offered time and dedication; and the authors who contributed with published knowledge. Without you, the magazine would not make sense!
To the new editor-in-chief, Sylvio de Moraes, I wish success in this new challenge, and be sure you can count on me whenever needed.
Profa. Dra. Gabriela Granja Porto
Editor-in-Chief of JBCOMS Journal of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery