SpeakLife Magazine

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Scott The Millionaire Mom




Message from the editor


Meet Laticia Nicole Beatty


Meet Lenika Scott


Speak Life Detox Tea


My Sister Keeper Apparel





NICOLE BEATTY Laticia Nicole Beatty says, this magazine was purposed to speak life into the mind, body, and soul to all that reads and contributes to inspire, building, motivating, and helping those that are less fortunate. A portion of funds earned by this magazine will be used to feed, clothe, and educate those that are in need. WE are Purposed Professionals that Speak Life. Speak Life Magazine will also be used as a vessel to create a network of women and men to concentrate on underserved issues in the community by bringing awareness to the cause and raising funds.

Laticia wants to encourage all I AM women and men to embrace their true LATICIA NICOLE and most positive self! We believe BEATTY AND that all women and men are Distinctive, Dynamic, and Determined I SPEAK LIFE, SO We believe that all women and men THAT WE ALL are capable of being magnificent, not MAY LIVE A LIFE OF only in their professional life but in ABUNDANCE. their personal lives as well. We believe in helping women and men see all these qualities within themselves. Let's support one another.




MONSANO On behalf of my company My Sister Keeper I would like to thank Laticia Nicole for giving me the opportunity to design and edit the #speaklife magazine. I love the fact that the Speak Life Magazine will be used as a vessel to create a network of women and men to concentrate on under served issues in the community by bringing awareness to the cause and raising funds. After reading the bios of these amazing ladies that are featured in this magazine I can see why each of them were selected to be featured

My Sister's Keeper was designed to help women in business remove any barriers from being successful in business. The founder Nadia has experience in launching several businesses and Non Profit organizations. While helping women launch their business Nadia realized some of the obstacles that business owners face is branding and creating the right marketing materials to attract the right customers. Nadia quickly realized that there was a need for a company to help women Network and support each other. We are only as successful as the network we surround ourselves with. Nadia is dedicated to the success of each woman in business.




Laticia Nicole



La’Ticia has been on stages across the

resides in Durham, NC. She is a certified life coach,

country inspiring audiences from all

motivational speaker, retired nursing home

backgrounds. Helping transform

administrator, registered nurse, bestselling author of 7

everyone that hears her, mind, body

books, nonprofit founder of Purposed Professionals Inc,

and soul With a heart to serve, Tish, as

independent business owner with her own vitamin

she is often called, received a

and herbal tea company that was birthed during the

Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing

pandemic while she was battling Covid-19, level 2

from Winston-Salem State University

marketing director in a network marketing company ,

and a Master’s in Business

CEO/ Founder of Laticia Nicole Enterprise, LLC, CEO/

Administration from the University of

Founder of The Speak Life Magazine and the


CEO/Founder of Speak Life Transformational Institute. She is currently obtaining a Doctoral La’Ticia established Speak Life Enterprises to serve

degree in Entrepreneurship.

women and girls who feel stuck in their lives because

La’Ticia Nicole Beatty has earned

of fear, rejection, depression, mental illness, or post

countless awards for being an

traumatic syndrome. Known as the "Transformation

humanitarian and mentor but her

Evangelist", La'Ticia electrifies audiences throughout

greatest accomplishments are her

the world while delivering words of hope and

husband Antonio Beatty of nearly 22

encouragement. But, most importantly she is a child of

years and their two wonderful

the Almighty God and is on a mission to encourage

children Antonio II and Aden Cole.

and transform people out of dead situations with her #Speaklife Enterprises.


Popularly known as “The Millionaire Mom”, Lenika Scott is a powerhouse entrepreneur who is truly building an undeniable legacy! Lenika is the epitome of The Proverbs 31 Woman who wears many hats serving as a kingdom-based entrepreneur, author, speaker, spiritual leader, mentor, devoted wife of 25 years, and proud mother of six beautiful daughters.

Her accolades include witnessing success in the areas of direct sales, business coaching, internet marketing, social media influence, exponential debt freedom, real estate, and authoring top-selling books entitled “Angelic Allies: God’s Messengers, God’s Warriors, God’s Agents” and “Fasting for a Breakthrough”.

Additionally, she has been featured on several esteemed platforms including Black Entreprise, Huffpost, Formidable Woman Magazine, Success, Women of Wealth Magazine, and a publication collaboration with John C. Maxwell on 15 Laws of Growth for Network Marketers. Whether it’s as a businesswoman, coach, or a spiritual leader, her organization has provided inspiration to help unlock others, birth destiny, and push many to be their best selves!


Why was it important for you to start your business and what is your mission and vision for your company? As a stay-at-home mother who departed from Corporate America, I was relentless and determined to make my mark in the entrepreneurial world. I’ve always kept the reason why I started the business at the forefront of my heart. Breaking through barriers and achieving financial freedom for the sake of my 6 beautiful daughters has been the fuel that first inspired me to start and has kept me ignited ever since! Even after experiencing challenges and rough seasons in business, my husband and I were sustained by our vision to overcome and beat the odds. It is because of the commitment to our vision and company mission statement of leaving behind a legacy and not a bill, that we are still able to share our testimony of success. Our vision of financial freedom enabled us to crush $1.7 million in debt, pay cash for our ½ million dollar home, purchase 9 additional properties debt free, send 2 of our daughters to college debt free without student loans, and become the first-generation multimillionaire couple to create a legacy within our families! Since earning multiple millions along the way, my mission has gone on to be showing others what’s possible, and teaching Kingdom Women how to manifest, take action, and unlock their wealth!

What words of encouragement would you give to someone who is reading this magazine and would like to start a business but is scared to start? Truth is, we all have fear! But what you choose to do with those fears ultimately determines success. Your success has much to do with eliminating the fearful thoughts that may discourage you from starting your business. We all live with different types of fear and face the negative chatter within our minds: “I am unworthy of success”, “no one will listen to me”, “what will people say about me?” –the list goes on! In order to truly tap into and reach the level of success that is destined for you, you must learn how to manage your thoughts, or else your thoughts will manage you. My best advice for starter entrepreneurs who are afraid would simply be this: overcome fear by taking action! In the realm of entrepreneurship, you must learn how to be uncomfortable. Though each step of the journey may be unknown, there’s such beauty in taking action despite the uncertainty. Over the years, I’ve personally learned that the only way to conquer and drive out fear is to simply step into action. Taking action creates a mental shift from fear to faith. It is faith that removes fear and illuminates the next steps on the journey! Begin your dive into entrepreneurship by connecting with your vision, investing in personal development, getting a mentor, identifying your brand message, choosing your niche with your ideal client in mind, removing the fear, and taking action!

"FOCUS ON THE PROMISE AND NOT THE PAIN" Although my husband and I were able to build a million dollar business from the ground up in 2009, we lost everything two years later. With a household of 9 mouths to feed, we found ourselves standing in the line feeling broken and ashamed requesting food stamps/government assistance. It was during this time that I discovered that whatever you focus on the most will grow. If you focus more on your pain and trials, then you will consequently continue to produce more of the same. Instead, choose to focus on your God-given abilities, skills, and talents. Rather than letting your “down place” define you, be resilient in bouncing back from the things that you may perceive as failure. When you are focused on the promise instead of your current pain, you are able to persevere, declare those promises, and ultimately witness success unfold!


I enjoy showing others the possibilities while teaching the coachable how I did it! I launched The Inner Circle, an ongoing group coaching program that equips entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, and authors to break barriers and expand their business to higher levels. The Inner Circle Group Coaching Program guides others in nurturing a business that they will love and fulfill their dreams of living in freedom, confidence, and success. Private sessions are also available to individuals who are seeking to scale their businesses and receive mentorship through one-on-one coaching.


If you're an entrepreneur, business owner, coach, or author who wants to own your space and take your business to the next level, let’s get connected!

8 Scriptures on How to #Speaklife to Your Vision When I was a little girl, I watched how my grandmother opened a dry cleaning business and taught her children how to build a family business together. Watching a black woman start a business allowed me to not only believe having a business could actually come true but I was able to see the blood, sweat, and tears that went into her vision. Unfortunately, what I didn’t know is that it took vision and a plan to make her dreams come to fruition. Behind the scenes, I am sure my grandmother prayed and wrote her vision and made it plain enough for the bankers to invest in her dream. I am also sure my grandmother understood without a vision we perish. This explains why she worked so hard to ensure her children and her children’s children would have something, which no one could take away from us, “Vision.” In Durham, NC I have hosted Speak Life into your Vision Board Mother and Daughter events. It was an absolutely amazing event with little girls as young as 4 and their mothers. Four amazing speakers and an up-and-coming teenage artist. Each speaker was able to motivate and inspire the mothers and daughters to believe in themselves. I pray these Scriptures to bless you as they have blessed me and many others.



1 Corinthians 2:9 But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”


Habakkuk 2:3 For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.


Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.


Habakkuk 2:2 And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.”


Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”


1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!

07 08

1 Corinthians 2:14 The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.

Joel 2:28 “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.”

I believe if you apply each of these scriptures to your life transformation will begin. The reason I chose eight is because it in the bible, eight represents a new beginning. I am an expert on Transforming the whole mind, body, and soul If you’re working with me, you can expect complete transformation and can expect to understand the power of mindset in achieving your life goals, improving your thought process, and letting go of your limiting beliefs to equip yourself with the right mindset by staying focused, committed, and motivated to pursue your dreams and achieve your objectives. You will also, gain awareness, look at your blind spots, and identify the areas of your life that are slowing you down so that you can improve them. You will build a spiritually grounded and empowered relationship with yourself. I can undeniably promise that you want to see yourself the same. I am La’Ticia Nicole, and I #Speak life so that you may have life more abundantly!!





Dr. Sakeisha is Author, Speaker, Podcast Host and Television Producer whoEducates, Empowers and Encourages husbands and wives on how to WIN in their marriage when they focus on improving in three key areas : Communication, Finances and Sex. Whether you are experiencing challenges in your relationship spiritually, emotionally, and/ or financially ,Dr. Sakeisha delivers proven strategies to break unproductive behavioral patterns and create lifelong change. Despite being the product of a single parent home , she made it her mission in life not to walk in her family’s generational curse of divorce. She is committed to creating a marriage that will survive when other marriages tend to fail. Shedemonstrates firsthand what it means to Rebuild Trust, Overcome Obstacles, Bounce Back from Bankruptcy,and Focus on Forgiveness amid Balancing Business, Family, Faith and Finances. She isextremely passionate about seeing couples “thrive” in their marriage and not “just survive!”

Author Of Marriage Can Win Struggling to Keep the Vows Wife Material Girl Get Up and Win

Why was it important for you to start your business and what is your mission and vision for your company? Like many other women out there, I have experienced my fair share of ups and downs, from job loss to bankruptcy, to severe health challenges; however, I was determined not to allow those brief chapters in my life to dictate the entire narrative of my story. Coming from a single-parent household, I thought that I was the last person that God would use to transform marriages, but God! I realized that the challenges that I experienced were not for me; they were intended to equip me so I could effectively help those I was blessed to serve. My mission is to Educate, Empower and Encourage couples to Embrace that Marriage Can Win especially when you focus on three key areas: 1) Developing effective communication skills, 2) establishing sound money management skills, and 3) increasing their level of intimacy so their Marriages Can Win. The vision for our company is to impact 100,000 couples and help them Build Strong Marriages, Build Successful Businesses and Build Generational Wealth for their families.

“You Must Be the Change that You Want to See!”

What are some of your speaking topics and how can our readers connect your business?

Signature Topics: ·It’s Your Time for Breakthrough ·It’s Time to Get C.L.E.A.R. ·3 Ways to Live The Life You Desire Without Compromising Your Values or Work Success ·There’s No Revenue In Excuses ·Communication, Commitment & Cashflow ·Help! I’m Struggling to Keep the Vows ·7 Signs Your Relationship Is Emotionally Healthy ·Overcoming The Great Divide of Communication, Finances and Sex ·From Me To We …. Positioning Your Relationships to Win ·7 Ways Having a Toxic Mom Can Impact Your Romantic Relationships ·Partnership Vs Help Me Ship ·Being A Game Changer When Things Don’t Go As Planned

Book Dr. Sakeisha Email: DrSakeisha@gmail.com


I would like to say to that reader, do not be afraid to make the decision to step out on faith. The timing to step out will never be perfect! Resist the urge to allow things like fear, or other’s expectations of you become the driving factor for your decisions. Be mindful that you do not have to have it all figured out! The only person that gets to decide your worth is you!! You are more than enough! There are many people who are waiting on you to be great. Do not allow fear to hold you back from stepping outside of your comfort zone. While your journey may be different from others, that does not mean that yours is not as valuable as theirs.…. You can do this!! Believe in yourself, you have got an entire tribe of people rooting for you and waiting for you to succeed. In 2020 amid the pandemic, we stepped out on faith and said yes to hosting the Marriage Can Win Radio Show, which led to an opportunity for a second radio show Date Night with The Hylicks. We also launched the Marriage Can Win Live Show ( 1st season 67 episodes) on Facebook, Released our fourth book Struggling to Keep The Vows, Started a Facebook Group called Winning Wives Pray which is a safe zone for wives so they can be poured into because as wives, we pour out so much, sometimes we just need a place to be poured in , hosted the Vow to Victory virtual summit for couples while running my Financial Services business. Now we are getting ready for a television show this Fall that will help married couples Build Strong Marriage, Build Successful businesses, and Build Generational Wealth for their families. If we had allowed fear to stop us, we would have missed several opportunities that God had waiting for us. All he wants is your yes. Did we experience challenges along the way? Absolutely. I will tell you this, be encouraged. A year from now you will wish you would have started. The results we are experiencing now are a result of our yes 1 year ago….


Why was it important for you to start your business and what is your mission and vision for your company?

Kimberly Guess

I always wanted to make a difference and I developed the drive and discipline to do something about it. I wanted to be the example of what i needed growing up facing the challenges that I had to conquer. Our mission continues to serve our communities throughout the state of North Carolina. We provide emergency services for homeless women & children such as school clothes, personal hygiene items, life skill seminars & a safe environment while transitioning back into the COMMUNITY. Our volunteer based COMMUNITY FAMILY also partners together to build strong educational life skills 4 the community. My vision is to help 100 women find a safe place to call home.

Vision without execution is just a daydream. Vision is something Kimberly executes flawlessly. She's an Award-Winning Two Time Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker, CEO and Founder of Nu Vizion Foundation 4 Lyfe, a non-profit organization for women in transition. Co-Founder of Nu Vizion TeleVizion, creative director, and head news anchor on Nu Vizion News Show. Nu Vizion TV & News were created for nonprofit organizations by nonprofit organizations. She highlights and reports on community, nonprofit and small businesses. She holds expertise in peer-to-peer mentoring and hosts an amazing show called The Woman I Am Today TV Show based on the Amazon Bestseller Healing Toxic Habits which Guess co-authored. Kimberly has proven through her self-care, self-esteem, self-love, and community-centered workshops/programs that she has an amazing gift of meeting people right where they are. The Woman I Am Today Tv Show is committed to exceeding your needs. Nu Vizion Televizion Where Your Dreams Are Our Priority. Please send in questions, comments or special requests NVTV4L@gmail.com We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out today. Catch The Show on ANCHOR YOUTUBE & SPOTIFY


How can our readers support your business? Donations through my nonprofit or Purchasing my products via my website beauty, books and more. Booking our services for any of your photography, videography, commercial advertisement, marketing branding needs. Check out Nu Vizion Televizion and join me as a co-host or guest for season 3 on The Woman I Am Today Tv Show.

What words of encouragement can you leave our readers? Just do it take small simple steps daily. Your growth will require you to change on the journey towards the accomplishment of your dreams. There will be times when you severely doubt that you can achieve them. That's perfectly normal. Don't think you're weak because of it. Continue to show up and do the work. Focus Hustle Motivate and Never doubt the dream within you. Take deep breaths and focus your energy on the fact that the I Am within can accomplish ANYTHING. Clear your head of all negativity and all that's on your mind NOW it's a simple ACT of breathing. Stop focusing on what you don't want. That's what caused your downward spiral in the first place. Now that you're back in the present moment and you know that you're in control, start to focus on what you want to happen. Visualize it repeat the end goal you want to achieve over and over and over again in your mind.



At the Speak Life Institute you will retrain your subconscious to unlock your full potential. Gaining clarity involves understanding your mindset and removing what's not serving you in your life and making room for things that will help you grow. What’s holding you back from reaching your full potential? The unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that are outside of our awareness. Retraining our subconscious mind into a new pattern of behavior unlocks our full potential.

There is a thought and emotion behind every behavior. Understanding this pattern can help you to see your negative behaviors and actions in a different way. Allowing you to take control of what's not serving your life and create habits that produce what you desire. In these module you will take everything that you have learned and apply it to your life through faith. Using the SMART goals developed in these courses, develop a 90 day plan for a changed mindset and a changed life.




"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" ~Philippians 4:13

KP Brabham KP Brabham, a faith-warrior, author, model, actress, leader, and teacher, is currently pursuing her Doctor of Business Administration at Walden University. She holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix, and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Winston-Salem State University. As a fiction writer, KP strives to encourage and strengthen her readers’ faith through the characters in her stories. Besides prayer, the ocean is her next best prescription for peace.

Why was it important for you to start your business and what is your mission and vision for your company?

It was important for me to start KPPennedThat so I could be my own boss, build a strong, profitable, additional stream of income to support my family, accomplish my dreams, and be a role model for my family and other women of color.KPPennedThat’s Mission is to create literary works that encourage growth, prosperity, and a sense of serenity.KPPennedThat’s Vision is to deliver positive messages that will become foundational in our readers’ decision-making and goal-development, and selfawareness.

What words of encouragement would you give to someone who is reading this magazine? If you’re hesitant for any reason to start your business, to become your own boss, make that hesitation your motivation.The longer you ponder on rather or not owning your own business is a good move, the longer it’ll take before you find out. You already have wings, leap and watch yourself sore



"I didn't know what this was going to cost me.I was disqualified for business, it had become distasteful to me, I had got a taste of another world Add and cared no more about making money. a little bit of body text For some days after the greatest struggle of my life, this question came 'Should I give up to this Christian walk or should I not?' I have never regretted my choice. -Dwight L. Moody Tracy R. Murillo Ministries was birthed out of a heart to set the captive free. Tracy and other vital members have a heart and desire to see others set free from all strongholds in their minds that have held them captive to not believe that God is good. Inner Healing and Deliverance are fundamental parts of the message she carries. She has been in Inner Healing ministries such as Amazing Love in Florida with Rita Bennett's teachings for five years, Sozo healing, Courts of Heaven just to name a few.

Give some words of encouragement to someone starting a Ministry

How can our readers support you?

You can pray and agree with us that we I would say if the Lord has put it on will use to set the captives free and your heart then go for it. Don't worry direct those who need help to this about how, when, and where ministry. You can donate to everything you need will come from. trmurillo.com and help us spread the Just take one step at a time and you gospel through my books and videos on will see God's faithfulness to provide the website. Also, you can donate to everything you needed and wanted to help travel and take our this Inner bring forth your vision. He will bring Healing movement to the nations. the right connections at the right time and all your provisions and more. www.trmurillo.com

Tracy R. Murillo is an ordained Minister, Evangelist, and Teacher. Her Ordination was held July 7, 2007 at Eagles Nest International Church in Monroe, Louisiana by Pastor George and Bishop Clarice Fluitt. Tracy has been a Pastor for Transformation of Chapel Hill working closely with Ed Silviso for almost 15 years. She serves currently as an Elder and Intercessor for Riverlife Fellowship church prayer team.

Tracy R. Murillo

Tracy has served as Associate Pastor at several churches with the latest at Last Days World Outreach with Bishop Victor Glover. She was a member of Women in Christian Media/Southeast Region in Nashville TN for two years and is a member of (TAG) Touch and Agree on Christian Business organization out of Raleigh. Tracy also ministers as a Prayer Team intercessor at the Worship Center in Durham, NC. Tracy had completed the School of Tyrannus through the Harvest Evangelism organization and has been a Radio Host for SIBN for the past 5 years. Her flagship radio program is called FREEDOMS VOICE where she won "Radio Host of the Year" in 2014.

Tracy loves to travel and teach healing all over the world and has been blessed to do so for the past 25 years. Tracy has had the privilege of appearing on television in Durham, North Carolina as well as Augusta, Georgia, and Summerville, Georgia. Tracy’s heart is to help the needy, deliver those in darkness into Christ's wonderful light, and be able to speak about her life experiences as a tool to bring others to freedom. She is also an author of many books, such as "Under the Shadow of the Almighty", "Perception", "Within and Without", "Count it all as Righteousness" and "Silent Cry" and the latest "Nothing Shall Chain our Souls". You can purchase these on Amazon.com and trmurillo.com.





Laticia Nicole Beatty

Thank you to our supporters and sponsors. We are looking forward to your continued support of the #speaklife magazine

Thank you

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