Introduction to cloud computing

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Introduction To Cloud Computing

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Topics For This Module:-

What is cloud computing Characteristics of cloud computing Cloud implementationmodels Cloud service models Advantages of cloud computing Disadvantages/Concerns of cloud computing

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing, often referred to as simply“the cloud”, is the delivery of on-demand computing resources—everything from applications to data centers—over the Internet on a pay-for-use basis.

What is Cloud Computing? The goal of cloud computing is to apply traditional supercomputing, orhighperformance computing power, normally used by military and research facilities, to perform tens of trillions of computations per second, in consumer-oriented applications.

What is Cloud Computing?

This shared IT infrastructure contains large pools of systems that are linked together. Often,virtualization techniques are used to maximize the power of cloud computing.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing • On-demand capabilities • Broad network access • Resource pooling • Rapid elasticity • Measured service

Characteristics of Cloud Computing • On-demand • A business will secure cloud-hosting services through a cloud capabilities host provider which could be your usual software vendor.

You have access to your services and you have the power to change cloud services through an online control panel or directly with the provider.

You can add or delete users and change storage networks and software as needed.

Typically, you are billed with a monthly subscription or a

Characteristics of Cloud Computing • Broad network • Your team can access business management solutions using their access smart phones, tablets, laptops, and officecomputers.

They can use these devices wherever they are located with a simple online access point.

This mobility is particularly attractive for businesses so that during business hours or on off-times, employees can stay on top of projects, contracts, and customers whether they are on the road or in the office.

Broad network access includes private clouds that operate within a company’s firewall, public clouds, or a hybriddeployment.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing • Resource •pooling The cloud enables your employees to enter and use data within the business management software hosted in the cloud at the same time, from any location, and at any time.

This is an attractive feature for multiple business offices and field service or sales teams that are usually outside the office.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing • Rapid • If anything, the cloud is flexible and scalable to suit your elasticity immediate business needs.

You can quickly and easily add or remove users, software features, and other resources.

Characteristics of Cloud Computing • Measured • Going back to the affordable nature of the cloud, you only pay for what Service you use. •

You and your cloud provider can measure storage levels, processing, bandwidth, and the number of user accounts and you are billed appropriately.

The amount of resources that you may use can be monitored and controlled from both your side and your cloud provider’s side which provides transparency.

Cloud Implementation Models • Public Cloud • Private Cloud • Hybrid Cloud

Cloud Implementation • Public Models

• A public cloud is one in which the services and infrastructure are provided offCloud site over the Internet.

These clouds offer the greatest level of efficiency in shared resources. However, they are also more vulnerable than private clouds.

A public cloud is the obvious choice when:• • • • • •

Your standardized workload for applications is used by lots of people,such as email. You need to test and develop application code. You have SaaS (Software as a Service) applications from a vendor who has a well- implemented securitystrategy. You need incremental capacity (the ability to add computer capacity for peak times). You’re doing collaboration projects. You’re doing an ad-hoc software development project using a Platform as a

Cloud Implementation Models • Private Cloud •

A private cloud is one in which the services and infrastructure are maintained on a private network. These clouds offer the greatest level of security and control, but they require the company to still purchase and maintain all the software and infrastructure, which reduces the cost savings.

A private cloud is the obvious choice when:-

• •

Your business is part of an industry that must conform to strict security and data privacy issues. Your company is large enough to run a next generation cloud data center efficiently and effectively on its own.

Cloud Implementation • Hybrid Models

• A hybrid cloud includes a variety of public and private options Cloud withmultiple providers.

By spreading things out over a hybrid cloud, you keep each aspect at your business in the most efficient environment possible.

The downside is that you have to keep track of multiple different security platforms and ensure that all aspects of your business can communicate with each other.

A hybrid cloud is the obvious choice when:•

Your company wants to use a SaaS application but is concerned about security.Your SaaS vendor can create a private cloud just for your company inside their firewall.They provide you with a virtual private network (VPN) for additional security. Your company offers services that are tailored for different vertical markets.You can use a public cloud to interact with the clients but keep their data secured within a private cloud.

Cloud Service Models • IAAS (InfrastructureAs A Service) • PAAS (Platform As A Service) • SAAS (Software As A Service)

Cloud Service Models IAAS • Cloud infrastructure services, known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), are selfservice models for accessing, monitoring, and managing remote datacenter infrastructures, such as compute (virtualized or bare metal), storage,networking, and networking services (e.g. firewalls)

Cloud Service Models IAAS • Instead of having to purchase hardware outright, users can purchase IaaS based on consumption, similar to electricity or other utility billing.

Cloud Service Models IAAS • Compared to SaaS and PaaS, IaaS users are responsible for managing applications, data, runtime, middleware, and OSes. Providers still manage virtualization, servers, hard drives, storage, andnetworking.

Cloud Service Models IAAS •

Many IaaS providers now offer databases, messaging queues, and other services above the virtualization layer as well.


What users gain with IaaS is infrastructure on top of which they can install any required platform.

IAAS • Examples:• Amazon Web Services(AWS) • MicrosoftAzure • Google Compute Engine (GCE)

PAA S• Cloud platform services, or Platform as a Service (PaaS), are used for applications, and other development, while providing cloud components to software. •

What developers gain with PaaS is a framework they can build upon to develop or customize applications. PaaS makes the development, testing, and deployment of applications quick, simple, andcost-effective.

PAA S • With this technology, enterprise operations, or a third-party provider, can manage OSes, virtualization, servers, storage, networking, and the PaaS software itself. Developers, however, manage the applications.

• Enterprise PaaS provides line-of-business software developers a self-service portal for managing computing infrastructure from centralized IT operations and the platforms that are installed on top of the hardware.

PAA S • •

The enterprise PaaS can be delivered through a hybrid model that uses both public IaaS and on-premise infrastructure or as a pure private PaaS that only uses the latter. PaaS allows you to create applications using software components that are built into the PaaS (middleware).

PAA S • Examples:• • • •

Microsft - SQLAzure Amazon Web Services (AWS) – RDS (Relational Database Service) Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Elastic Beanstalk Google – App Engine


• Cloud application services, or Software as a Service (SaaS), represent the largest cloud market and are still growing quickly. SaaS uses the web to deliver applications that are managed by a third-party vendor and whose interface is accessed on the clients’ side.

SAAS • Most SaaS applications can be run directly from a web browser without any downloads or installations required, although some require plugins. • Because of the web delivery model, SaaS eliminates the need to install and run applications on individual computers.

SAA S • With SaaS, it’s easy for enterprises to streamline their maintenance and support, because everything can be managed by vendors: applications, runtime, data, middleware, OSes, virtualization, servers, storage and networking.

SAA S • Popular SaaS offering types include email and collaboration, customer relationship management, and healthcare-related applications.

SAA S• Examples:GoogleApps Salesforce Citrix GoToMeeting Concur CiscoWebEx Microsoft Dynamics CRM • Microsoft OneDrive • • • • • •

Advantages Of Cloud Computing • • • •

Cost Saving Reliability Manageability Strategic Edge

Cost Saving Perhaps, the most significant cloud computing benefit is in terms of IT cost savings.

• Businesses, no matter what their type or size, exist to earn money while keeping capital and operational expenses to a minimum. • With cloud computing, you can save substantial capital costs with zero in-house server storage and application requirements. • The lack of on-premises infrastructure also removes their associated operational costs in the form of power, air conditioning and administration costs. • You pay for what is used and disengage whenever you like - there is no invested IT capital to worry about. • It’s a common misconception that only large businesses can afford to use the cloud, when in fact, cloud services are extremely affordable for smaller businesses.

Reliabilit y • With a managed service platform, cloud computing is much more reliable and consistent than in-house IT infrastructure.


Most providers offer a Service Level Agreement which guarantees 24/7/365 and 99.99% availability.


Your organization can benefit from a massive pool of redundant IT resources, as well as quick failover mechanism - if a server fails, hosted applications and services can easily be transited to any of the available servers.

Advantages Of Cloud Computing Manageability •

Cloud computing provides enhanced and simplified IT management and maintenance capabilities through central administration of resources, vendor managed infrastructure and SLA backed agreements.

IT infrastructure updates and maintenance are eliminated, as all resources are maintained by the service provider.

You enjoy a simple web-based user interface for accessing software, applications and services – without the need for installation - and an SLA ensures the timely and guaranteed delivery, management and maintenance of your IT services.

Strategic • Ever-increasing computing resources give you a competitive edge Edge

over competitors, as the time you require for IT procurement is virtually nil.

Your company can deploy mission critical applications that deliver significant business benefits, without any upfront costs and minimal provisioning time.

Cloud computing allows you to forget about technology and focus on your key business activities and objectives.

It can also help you to reduce the time needed to market newer applications and services.

Disadvantages Of Cloud Computing • Downtime • Security • Vendor Lock-In • Limited Control

• Downtime •

As cloud service providers take care of a number of clients each day, they can become overwhelmed and may even come up against technical outages.

This can lead to your business processes being temporarily suspended.

Additionally, if your internet connection is offline, you will not be able to access any of your applications, server or data from the cloud.

• Securit y• Although

cloud service providers implement the best security standards and industry certifications, storing data and important files on external service providers always opens up risks.

Using cloud-powered technologies means you need to provide your service provider with access to important business data.

Meanwhile, being a public service opens up cloud service providers to security challenges on a routine basis.

The ease in procuring and accessing cloud services can also give nefarious users the ability to scan, identify and exploit loopholes and vulnerabilities within a system.

• Vendor Lock• Although cloud service providers promise that the cloud will be flexible In to use and integrate, switching cloud services is something that hasn’t yet completely evolved.

Organizations may find it difficult to migrate their services from one vendor to another.

Hosting and integrating current cloud applications on another platform may throw up interoperability and support issues.

• Limited • Since the cloud infrastructure is entirely owned, managed and Control monitored by the service provider, it transfers minimal control over to the customer.

The customer can only control and manage the applications, data and services operated on top of that, not the backend infrastructure itself.

Key administrative tasks such as server shell access, updating and firmware management may not be passed to the customer or end user.

Conclusion (Adv vs DisAdv Cloud Comp…) • It is easy to see how the advantages of cloud computing easily outweigh the drawbacks. •

Decreased costs, reduced downtime, and less management effort are benefits that speak for themselves.

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