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choose two of the following Premier sponsorships ($9k value each):

2023 | MD 2023 | Arlington, VA

2023 | Arlington, VA 2023 | Arlington, VA

2023 | Arlington, VA

Includes: • 2 complimentary conference registrations • Opportunity to contribute to conference Thought Leadership compendium (up to 5 pages) • Opportunity to provide a video ad to be played during networking breaks (up to 60 seconds) • Top branding on conference marketing emails • Top branding on conference website • Mention on social media • Verbal recognition at conference • Logo on virtual platform banner • Listing on conference recap page

Yearly Recognition Includes:

• Monthly social media mentions • Logo on designated webpage • Verbal recognition at conferences • Dedicated partners slide displayed when meetings are held virtually.

This investment is a great way to target key audiences while still getting a high level of additional recognition.

Investment Cost: $25,000

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