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Membership Anniversaries

We would like to recognize the dedicated members who have supported the PSA and our profession for so long. We value your commitment to education and skating.

30 Years


James Bowser

Jana Brazee

Dawn Frisch-Franklin

Mary Lynn Gelderman

Darin Hosier

Jeannie Lafornara

Jennifer Licciardi

Sherry Marvin

Carole Fortini Mercer

Jeffrey Nolt

Linda Putkonen

Leslie Sharrio

Serguei Soukhanov

Sheila Thelen

John Thomas

Holly Viall

Thad Wocasek

Kirk Wyse

40 Years

June Banasik

Denise Beaumont

Linda Marie Blount

Melanie Bolhuis

Patricia D’Alonzo

Joanie Glick

Priscilla Hill-Wampler

Susan Mitchell

Billy Schneider

Donna Schoon

Kathy Zarpaylic

50 Years

Vera Bowen

Robert Crowley

Marie Millikan

Lorraine Nelson

Patricia Noska

60+ Years

Carole Shulman

David Shulman

Maude White

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Shulman Award for Lifetime Achievement Recipients

You can imagine our complete astonishment when the Shulman Award for Lifetime Achievement was so graciously given to the PSA office staff. This action was extremely thoughtful and appreciated more than you know.

Rochester-based PSA staff: Carol, Elizabeth, Donna, Jimmie, Charmayne, Amanda, Barb

After what has been the most challenging year, both personally and professionally, this recognition means so much. We believe deeply in the PSA mission of education and accreditation, and we are proud to be part of the PSA team.

Colorado-based PSA staff member Heidi Thibert

When we selected the “TEAM PSA” theme last year, none of us realized just how important that mantra would become. The staff truly came together like never before. On the days when we felt like we had nothing left to give, the PSA team was right there with support for each other. We have worked so hard to do more, be more, and be the very best in order to support our members throughout the pandemic.

Translating gratitude into words from feelings is one of the most difficult things to do, especially when it comes from a deep place. As we reflect on this honor, we want to be clear. We are not just grateful for the recognition; we are grateful for the support to make it happen. The PSA staff would be lost without the volunteers that work alongside us through thick and thin and the members who make this organization run. Each of you should know how grateful we are for all of you. We are all TEAM PSA.

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