3 minute read

Rating Examiner Pathway Program

By Cheryl Faust MFS, MM

It’s not necessarily new, but it is virtually improved! The Ratings Examiner Pathway program provides a comprehensive education to trial examiners, ensuring all PSA examiners are of the highest caliber, both professionally and ethically.


As our virtual ratings continue to flourish, the ratings team identified a need to bridge the gap between a newly-acquired master rated coach and them becoming a rating examiner. Ashley Wyatt and Kelley Morris Adair were appointed to create an educational platform for trial examiners wanting to become full-fledged examiners. The main goal is in-depth education and mentoring of new examiners through their trial experience so they will be fully qualified and prepared to step into the examiner role. Without on-site exams taking place, there has not been an opportunity for trial examiners to ask questions and get feedback on their thoughts and comments. Likewise, there is not a great deal of time to fully evaluate a trial examiner after a virtual rating site. We are excited to see the progress of this program for our new rating examiners.

“There is nothing like having a community with the same journey and goals as yourself. Having the support and communication with everyone involved in this program has been very beneficial for my growth. I thank PSA for their commitment towards making us more confident and successful future examiners.” — Tara Patterson

Are you newly master rated?

Congratulations! You passed your master exam and want to become a rating examiner… now what? Check List:

• Contact Barb Yackel at PSA headquarters for the trial examiner application and trial examiner tracking form.

• Return application and wait for approval.

• Contact Barb Yackel for a calendar of rating sites to schedule trial examiner opportunities.

• Attend mandatory virtual examiner training session with Kelley Morris Adair and Ashley Wyatt prior to trialing exams.

NOTE – New Round Table Discussions

At the conclusion of a virtual exam day, Kelley, Ashley and Barb will hold round table discussions open to all trial examiners and the monitors that were scheduled that day. This is a great opportunity for our trial examiners to ask questions, hear feedback, and have a better understanding of sitting on the other side of the table.

We look forward to this program evolving into a unique educational and training opportunity as we obtain the most qualified and professional examiners for our rating system.

“Being a trial examiner has brought to my attention how important it is as a coach get to the point of instruction quickly and directly, as we look for in a ratings candidate...The round table discussions that take place after the exams provide additional feedback on becoming a better examiner and coach while providing an opportunity to feel the support from some amazing, fellow coaches. The entire process is a great source of continued learning and growth; both personally and professionally!” — Michelle Hocknell

New Tier I & Tier II Examiner Process

• Begin Tier I trial exam process — registered and certified exams.

• Trial two registered exams and two certified exams.

• Fill out tracking form.

• Attend two additional examiner advancement sessions (1:1) with discipline chair or working group member.

• Attend end of day round tables for discussion of trialed exams (discussion of process).

• Obtain advancement from discipline chair/working group member.

• Begin interim period as an official examiner on registered and certified rating exams, per office schedule.

• Follow up assessment (reflection) with discipline chair/working group member after third official exam.

• Begin Tier II trial exam process — senior and master exams.

• Trial examiners may be accelerated at the discretion of the ratings chair, discipline chair, or working group member. For example, examiners that are master rated in other disciplines—and have active ratings—will not be expected to complete this entire process.

• All newly-appointed examiners will be acknowledged in PS Magazine.

“The new Examiner Pathway Program is flexible and accessible giving the trial examiners both confidence in their leadership skills as well as clarity on the entire examination process. I am so grateful to the PSA community for continuing to organize, maintain, and increase its standards while providing a community for us as choreographers and coaches!” — Kate McSwain

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