February 2017
Monthly Newsletter of the Professional Women’s Association of Rome Celebrating our Silver Jubilee Anniversary
PWA is an international hub in the heart of Rome where ideas and values, tradition and innovation, diversity, culture and professionalism meet and intersect. On our journey into the future our travel companions are respect, ethics, and a sense of social responsibility. This year we celebrate our 25th Jubilee Anniversary.
How would you rate your sex life? Not exactly a question that you would expect to hear in an every day conversation with your colleagues, acquaintances or even close friends. And a question, that — I am ready to bet — many of us would have difficulties answering or would do so with a strong sense of discomfort and embarrassment. Yet, having sex is one of the very basic human instincts and the only means — a part from artificial insemination that still remains restricted to a very small niche of our society — to have children and build a family. It is also one of the most efficient ways of demonstrating our love and affection to our companion and an activity which fulfils one of our important needs, just like eating, drinking water, sleeping and exercising. Why is it so hard and to talk about it, then? Often it stems from our cultural, religious and familiar backgrounds and the perceptions we have about sexuality. On page 7 you can find a link to an interesting publication that presents some of the religious, ethnic, and gender factors that affect sexuality, general knowledge and education about sexuality and perceptions of gender diversity and transgender issues among many other factors in over 50 countries all over the world. I found it extremely enlightening and understood that based on where we were born and raised and where we live, hugely affect our perception of sexuality. Now, let's get back to the original question. How would you rate your sex life? Extraordinary, satisfactory, average or down-right miserable? Whatever your answer, I am certain there are aspects you can improve on. Boosting your sex drive can do miracles for your everyday life, your mood, your appearance and even your physical health. This issue of The People We Are is full of resources and reflections on how to go about it. Heck, we can even learn from the Ancient Romans who were far more easy and relaxed about sex than we are. Sexologist Valentina Cosmi — our very popular guest speaker from last year — is also at our disposal for advice. Why not take full advantage of it?
Hanna Suni editor and layout designer www.hamedesign.com newslettereditor@pwarome.org
in this issue
4 February Conference: What Turns You On
6 8 10 12 13 14 16 17
Let's Talk about Sex Drive Member Spotlight: Adriana Tempesta — the Robin Hood of Italy Are You Ready to Knock? What Turns Us On? Twist and Shout: Whatever Turns You On Love and Sex in Ancient Rome January Wrap-Up: Brexit, An Empty Chair February 00 ConneXion
18 Women and Words
10 14
18 3
PWA FEBRUARY Conference 15 February at 19.30 at Grand Hotel Palace
What turns You on? Let's talk about sex drive
What affects our sex drive? The atmosphere, our partner, innuendos, foods, music... but also how we feel about ourselves and especially about our own body. The more secure and confident we are, the more willing we are to give into an enjoyable relationship.
Sex drive also differs throughout our life cycle and we all experience highs and lows depending on hormone levels. Sexologist Valentina Cosmi returns to give the PWA audience a second, interactive presentation that will guide us to discover with an expert, how to live in harmony with our own sexuality. The conference will be held in Italian.
About Our Speaker
Valentina Cosmi
A graduate of Rome's UniversitĂ La Sapienza, Dr. Valentina Cosmi is a Clinical Sexologist and Psychologist. Founder of the SocietĂ Italiana di Sessuologia e Psicologia (SISP) and a Consultant at Policlinico Umberto I in Rome Valentina has been called on the past 15 years to assist many social services as an expert in her field. Valentina talked to the PWA audience in February 2016 and they requested to have her back to talk about sexual drive more in detail.
main sponsor
www.lifecoachitaly.it 5
Let's talk about By Hanna Suni www.hamedesign.com
February is the perfect month to wake up from our winter torpor and start enjoying ourselves fully. Explore and use some of these resources to boost up your sex life.
Sex Drive: How Do Men and Women Compare? Birds do it, bees do it, and men do it any old time. But women will only do it if the candles are scented just right -- and their partner has done the dishes first. A stereotype, sure, but is it true? Do men really have stronger sex drives than women? Experts say men score higher in libido, while women's sex drive is more "fluid." Now why is that?
Our sex drive can be affected by physical causes such as fatigue or medications affecting our body, hormone changes, psychological causes as well as relationship issues. Read more...
Why an active sex life matters There are several helath benefits that come with an active, healthy sex life. Lower blood pressure, stronger immune system and psychological benefits such as better selfperception are some of them.
Lifting the Veil on Women’s Sexual Pleasure A wonderful shift is happening. We finally have the openness and research to take a clear-headed look at the many nuances of women’s sexual pleasure. Through OMGYES you can constantly explore new ways to increase pleasure based in new research, videos and simulations. It offers knowledge for women and partners to make a good thing even better. Give it a try! Foods can also help boost our sex drive. From chocolate to safron, try them all!
Sexuality also differs from country to country and culture to culture. The Continuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality (CCIES) is a joint effort by The Kinsey Institute and its Library to provide resources beyond our walls to scholars, students, and the general public. You can find extremely thorough descriptions of several aspects of sexuality in each country-specific document. What differences there are, even within countries that are geographically close!
By Hanna Suni www.hamedesign.com
THE ITALIANS' ROBIN HOOD If I had to name the most versatile and active people I know, Adriana Tempesta would be at the very top of my list. A woman of many talents, she is both determined and sweet, ambitious and humble, precise yet relaxed. One of those women who in one day do the things that others will in a week, always with a bright smile. A true vagabond – having moved from one city to another every 2-3 years of her life – Adriana easily adapts to new places and manages to enjoy what each of them has to offer. Her father was an Italian Air Force Pilot and while born in Piacenza, Adriana he did her schooling in Rimini and university studies in Bologna. “Growing up in a military family and changing cities often can
be tough, but I learned to make the best of it. It means I have roots, friends and great memories from every place I have lived in”, Adriana explains. Ever since she was little, Adriana had a passion for human rights and admired the attorneys she saw in movies. She quickly earned her law degree at the Università di Bologna and then married an Italian Air Force pilot, continuing to travel the world with her own little family, husband and son Edoardo. Even changing cities every few years did not stop Adriana from practicing law; she always found a local studio to collaborate with. «In Tucson (AZ) I also got to take a semester of law courses at the University of Arizona, a fabulous experience altogether», Adriana remembers.
In 2009 Adriana established her own law studio in Ferrara, where she was living at the time. Even though the family later moved to Rome, Adriana continues to manage her firm traveling back and forth on a weekly basis. “In the end it takes me the same time – 2,5 hours – to travel to Ferrara with the train as it would take me to travel across Rome, let’s say, to Pomezia with a car”, Adriana reasons. She realizes that lawyers are often thought to “go where the money is” and be interested in helping people who can afford to pay for the services. She prides herself in being the “Robin Hood” of the Italians, as she is specialized in consumer law. “In 99% of cases, the stronger party – company, association or organization – is in fault and the client is right. However, very few consumers have the courage, time and money to take up lawsuits, so they surrender. I love supporting the weaker side and battling for the rights of ordinary people”, Adriana states. Adriana came to a PWA meeting three years ago, as she was curious about the international environment of professional women she had heard of. She was immediately attracted by its mission and the activities, and has found many kindred spirits within the association. “I really like the mix of nationalities and professions, and enjoy confronting myself with women from other cultures and backgrounds. Since September, Adriana is part of the Board and as Membership Director she meets and welcomes all the guests and members at every event. Aside from travel, work and PWA, Adriana
has lots of other passions. Having danced ballet since she was five, she will always be a ballerina. Every week she tries to cut out at least one morning hour to reach a Roman dance academy and get some exercise. “I could be the mother of all the other girls in my classes, but when I put my ballet shoes on, I don’t care what the others say or do, I just dance”, Adriana reveals. Adriana also loves to cook and experiment with recipes from all the places she has visited and lived in. She is not afraid of challenging herself in the kitchen and has organized dinners for 40/50 when her husband was Squadron Commander in Trapani and Instructor in the States. “I make a delicious caponata and love cooking ribs on the grill. For dessert, I would propose a delicious semifreddo alle mandorle”, Adriana lists. Tennis, skiing and golf are other sports this volcanic lady likes to do in her free-time and the entire family – that counts also Maria Sara, 8 and two cats – flees to the mountains whenever they can, in summer and winter alike. Together with the family, Adriana has classified all the places they have lived in so far. The top destinations have without a doubt been Tucson, Arizona and Shape, Belgium. Rome is at the top of the Italian hometowns, and Adriana loves the fact that she can choose her evening program from a variety of a theater plays or watch her movies in the original language that some Roman cinemas propose. “My dream is to one day have a big house with a garden in the center of Rome where I can host my children’s families when they come to visit”, Adriana laughs. No doubt she will succeed also in this.
By Hanna Suni www.hamedesign.com
Just Knock
JustKnock - The Revolutionary Recruiting Platform When Marianna Poletti was a student at the Politecnico di Milano, she often worked on exciting real-life projects, suggesting promising solutions to actual problems that companies were facing. At their best, those projects ended up in a pile of paper on a project manager’s desk and received no attention, let alone realization. This made her realize that the entire recruiting system needed to be revolutionized and based on meritocracy, motivation and pro-activeness. «Students and university graduates may have little work experience and seem immature, but they are active and knowledgeable consumers and have lots of ideas and willingness to contribute. Therefore, I was determined that a project like Just Knock would succeed», Marianna reveals. Just Knock, a revolutionary recruiting online platform, gives voice to young talents and tears down all the barriers that prevent them from expressing themselves and businesses to listen to them. It puts in place a system where young people can be actively involved in developing and innovating a company. JK allows talented youngsters to create new opportunities for themselves by sharing ideas in a protected environment. At the same time, it allows companies to seize those ideas and turn them into endless opportunities for re-
search and development. Just Knock is an intermediary between businesses and users, and works to protect both parties. All partners sign a contract by which they commit to respect intellectual property of the ideas. For the first time, users and businesses can cooperate in an environment of mutual trust. «There are two ways in which users can approach companies through JK: they can explore the, JOB CALLs, existing job offers, choose the most suitable one and apply by replying to the online brief. They can also challenge themselves through BASKET IDEAS, where the user can send his/ her own winning idea to one of the companies present on our platform», Marianna explains. The name Just Knock reflects the simplicity of the mechanism: the platform permits anyone to knock at the door of a company and to present an idea showing what they are capable of doing. In Marianna’s opinion, sending CV’s to companies is insufficient and creates useless biases based on the type of university, gender, age and exam votes of the candidate. These are in most cases false parameters to judge a person’s capabilities. «With JK, the company viewing a proposal cannot simultaneously discover the identity of the contributor behind it. If the company deems the project interesting, they can request the CV and contact the user. Therefore, there are no barriers based on prejudice», Marianna states.
«Sending CVs to companies is insufficient and creates useless biases based on the type of university, gender, age and exam votes of the candidate.»
Companies have welcomed JK with open arms, since the key aspect in today’s business world is problem solving. That is exactly what JK offers: young workforce that is pro-active and ready to solve existing problems. «Our clients include top-notch companies such as Bosch, Carrefour, Enel, Decathlon, Lindt and Leo Burnett, just to mention a few», Marianna proudly lists. JK was kicked off in 2015 and it can already boast several success stories. Decathlon was looking for in-store department managers and the candidates proposed successful solutions to reducing shopping time inside the store. The best solutions have been implemented in stores nationwide and the candidates are now employees of the international chain. L’Oreal was recruiting candidates for their Marketing Graduate Program and wanted to test their innovativeness. The candidates developed strategies for one of their perfumes and the best candidates are now living the career of their dreams. Marianna herself used the platform to find the perfect team. Her staff is 90% women, and Chiara Parini, Social Media and Community Manager, and Alice Giacomelli, Event and PR Manager, both sent winning suggestions through the platform and were employed for their merits and innovative spirit.
It took Marianna, Isabella Kuster, co-founder Luigi Passera and Arianna Marin, both partners, about 15 months to bring the project to completion and inaugurate the online platform. The team started off with thorough market research. «Analyzing the existing market and competitors is crucial to any new initiative. It is fundamental to understand how other companies in the same field operate, and what could be the possible opportunities and threats for the future. By structuring your project proposal based on market analysis you have a winning edge and it also helps the company recruiters see and understand your reasoning and the potential of your proposal», Marianna says. JK assists the young candidates by offering them a well-prepared and thought out structure for their presentations. Just Knock has grabbed a lot of attention nationwide, and Marianna has given dozens of interviews to journals and magazines. «The welcome we have received definitely tells us we are moving in the right direction», Marianna says. «In 2018 we hope to be present in at least 3-4 countries abroad. This will open barriers to an even wider, international exchange of talent and opportunities and it is exactly what our project aimed to do from the very beginning.»
What turns us on? By Cristiana Montani Natalucci
his question has indeed become a dilemma today! Perhaps it would be better to ask «what should turn us on?»
Responding to the latter has become incomprehensibly obscure. What turns us on? Everything that is brutal, violent, useless, sexual, of course. Why? Because social media are overwhelming us with terrible images of wars, violence against women and animals about which people post more and more, making them even more powerful. Social media are now the world's shopping basket where dailies, magazines and TV broadcasters are used to selecting their news to feed to public opinion. So eager to feed upon gossip, killing, violence against women, envy have become the “daily diet” that nurtures our imagination and forms the psychological abilities of the young generation. Going deeper, I read the latest research regarding the relationship between social media and the kind of feeling people have while they are reading it. The results are sickening: most people feel envy concerning what they read about others’ lives. If they see their friends are traveling or smiling and wearing a shining outfit at a party, they envy, comment, consider that negatively, and expire bad energy into the Universe, nurturing negative relations. So unfortunately, the dilemma remains; this is what turns us on, nowadays. There are however, a lot of surveys and data about the fact that art, culture and beauty are the most effective tools to make the quality of human relation-
ships rise. The sense of beauty has a more important place in life than æsthetic theory has ever taken in philosophy. The plastic arts, with poetry and music, are the most conspicuous monuments of human interest, because they appeal only to contemplation, and yet have attracted to their service, in every civilised age, an amount of effort, genius, and honour, only slightly inferior to that given to industry, war, or religion. Nevertheless beauty is not just a visual experience; it is a characteristic that provides a perceptual experience to the eye, the ear, the intellect, the aesthetic faculty, and the moral sense. We could also reason that moral behaviour is central. This, in fact demonstrates that if I nurture myself with poetry, smart ideas, extraordinary stories found in novels, articles, interviews, music, painting and sculpture, I can increase my quality of being part of the world, generating inclusion and positive attitude. Significant data proves that classical music in the hospital ward contributes to increasing health results in the patients who are hospitalised: this is a recent Italian experience. The most relevant aspect to point out is that where there is harmony, high quality and positive energies go and create good ways of "doing". So, when we pose the question what should turn us on the answer should be 'a sense of beauty'. Confucio used to say «everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it». Draw your own conclusions...
TWIST AND SHOUT, whatever turns you on by Valerie Baxter, President
Well, shake it up, baby, now Twist and shout C'mon C'mon, C'mon, C'mon, baby, Come on and work it on out Well, work it on out, honey You know you look so good You know you got me goin', now Just like I knew you would…
eleased on the Beatles' first UK album, Please Please Me (1963), this widely known pop song is regarded as one of the finest finest examples of British rock and roll for its vocal performance. I found myself humming it recently, when thinking about our the February conference on Sexuality. Initially because dancing turns me on as do sexy songs in general. But more profoundly, after the Women’s March in Rome on 21st January - synchronized with 600 other marches worldwide in favour of human rights, women’s equality and inclusion - it made me reflect on how women are still perceived today. From The Guardian (UK) 8th Feb headlines: ”Vladimir Putin has signed into law a controversial amendment that decriminalises domestic violence". From now on, beatings of spouses or children that result in bruising or bleeding but not broken bones are punishable by 15 days in prison or a fine, if they do not happen more than once a year. Previously, they carried a maximum jail sentence of two years. An article in the science section of the popular tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda cheerfully told readers about an “advantage” of wife-beating. It said: “Recent scientific studies show the wives of angry men have a reason to be proud of their bruises. Biologists say that beaten-up women have a valuable advantage: they more often give birth to boys!” I have never been one to wriggle and squirm, or to shout out against injustice. Rather I have always preferred to quietly speak up for myself, with determination and tenacity when treated with disrespect or thwarted by discrimination. You may remember Ridley Scott’s film (1997) starring Demi Moore called “G.I. Jane”, who by pure willpower, courage and example proved herself worthy as a Navy Seal, equal to her male counterparts. I personally recollect initial discrimination when in my
early days as a financial consultant for an important bank I was the only female in a role reserved solely to men. On the subject of gender equality times have certainly changed. Yet we need to twist and shout or speak out once again as we see our achievements placed under scrutiny despite recent favourable legislation. Among many women who now feel the need to twist and shout, we see the Speech by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson at a special event for the HeForShe campaign, United Nations HQ, N.Y., 20 September 2014. A very recent example is the final speech by Michelle Obama as First Lady, "So don't be afraid. You hear me, young people? Don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered. Empower yourself with a good education. Then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of you boundless promise. Lead by example with hope; never fear." The Italian parliamentarian Licia Ronzulli used shock treatment when she brought her infant Vittoria to EU auditorium debates, instead of employing a nanny as a surrogate. When accused of “going gaga” she replied "it was maternal, not political". There are many ways we can twist and shout to improve gender equality. We can make a difference for collectivity just with one woman. A woman who has the courage, the willpower and determination to make her point. Or, collectively we can act by demonstrating our strength in numbers to show we belong. Who said Silence is golden? It is not, and indifference is an enemy. I am a firm believer in Nike’s motto “JUST DO IT”. Hence, whether or not we consider our Italian appellative il gentil sesso (womanhood) diminutive of women’s rights or a sexist stereotype, my call to action is “Do whatever turns you on”. Because you can, and you’re worth it.
Love and Sex in Ancient Rome by Laura Rizzi www.laltraroma.net Jupiter, the Supreme God and the most important one in Roman religion, has an official wife, Juno, but he was famous for his love affairs and for raping other goddesses, demigoddesses, nymphs and beautiful mortal women. In order to capture his new mistress and to escape from control of jealous Juno, he frequently changed his aspect, through a ritual metamorphosis, He turned into a bull, a swan, an eagle, thunder, gold rain to name a few.
Eros stringing the bow Roman copy after a Greek bronze original by Lysippus (4th century B.C.) Roma, Musei Capitolini
Thanks to the archaeological research done with modern technologies and the new studies surrounding the Roman Empire now it’s possible to understand every aspect of ancient Roman life: how they built cities and infrastructures, where they lived, what they ate and how was their love-life.
The list of Jupiter’s lovers is long and most of them were punished by Juno for the unfaithful relationship. Jupiter's lovers — the so called Amori di Giove — have become a very popular erotic theme in different art forms; poems, sculptures and paintings, throughout the centuries from the ancient world to contemporary art. As an example, you can observe three paintings from different eras. In order to seduce Leda, the beautiful Queen of Sparta and mother of Helen, Jupiter turned himself into a swan.
First of all, the vast majority of the Romans, till the 4th century AD, were pagans; they loved the pleasures of life without too many taboos and the God’s behaviors were the best expression of these. Bacchus was the god of wine and fertility. During his wild celebrations, the Bacchanalia, there was a mix of music, dance and sex in a sort of ritual madness and ecstasy. His followers, maenads and satyrs are usually represented naked in erotic scenes.
Ara Grimani (end of the 1st century B.C.) Venezia, Museo Archeologico
Leda and the Swan Roman copy 2nd century A.D. after Greek statue of Timotheos (4th century B.C.) Roma, Musei Capitolini
Correggio, Leda and the Swan (1530-1) Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
There were laws that tried to moralize civic life but probably the daily life of the Romans was different and in Pompeii, for example, the archeologists rediscovered some lupanares, the ancient brothels decorated with erotic frescos to explain the performances of the prostitutes, the “lupae”.
Salvador Dalì, Leda Atomica (1949) Figueres, Dalí Theatre and Museum
In Roman mythology Venus was a very powerful goddess. She was connected with prosperity, victory, beauty and seduction and her name became a synonym for sexual love and desire.
Room inside the Lupanar Pompeii
Formally she married Vulcan, but she loved Mars and bore him Cupid, the god of Amor-Love. The Romans worshipped Venus and dedicated temples and statues to her in public places, such as the temple of Venus Victrix in Caesar’s Forum in Rome. In the iconography she is usually naked and represented in a very sensual atmosphere by herself or with her lovers.
Lupanar Pompeii
Venus and Mars with Cupid attending in a wall painting from Pompeii (1st century A.D.) Napoli, Museo Archeologico
Usually a lupanar was a small building with a few rooms, one for every slave prostitute and her clients. The biggest lupanar in Pompeii had ten rooms with small stone beds, covered by soft pillows and blankets.
If Olympus in Greece was a very tolerant and unconventional place, in the mortal Roman world there was a kind of “double moral standard”: in public and private life, for men and women.
The traditional Roman male virtues — as the word vir (man) demonstrates — were connected to courage and masculine strengths. There were also homosexual relationships, but they had to be very confidential.
The pilaster of Roman society was the traditional family and the feminine virtues were loyalty, modesty and chastity. The matrona was supposed to be a faithful and fecund wife and a good mother. Emperor Augustus introduced in 18 B.C. Lex Iulia de Maritandis Ordinibus with the purpose of encouraging marriage and having children to increase the population; he celebrated the Roman mothers with more than three children and in the Lex Julia de adulteriis, adultery became a crime, not only in private but also in the public sphere.
Emperor Adrian had an official wife, Vibia Sabina, but he had to marry her for political reasons and did not love her. He was in love with a handsome young boy, Antinoo. Antinoo died in mysterious circumstances during a cruise along the Nile and despite the shame related to homosexual relationships, Adrian built an entire city, Antinopolis, in his honor in Egypt. He also commissioned statues to celebrate Antinoo as a god in every province of the Roman Empire.
January Conference: Brexit, An Empty Chair
The very thought-provoking presentation by Prof. David Petrie of the University of Verona was followed by a fervent Q/A-session and discussion, and later by a lovely cocktail at the Grand Hotel Palace. Our March conference "Better safe than sorry" will be full of action when Mark Baxter teaches us the basics of self-defence. We will develop new thinking methods and observation skills that safeguard us International Women where ever we are. We will also learn tactics that work to evade a confrontation, and establish a plan to escape any dangerous situation and reach a safe refuge.
PWA BOARD ELECTIONS on Wednesday May 17
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Ready to be a part of it? For questions and to candidate yourself, contact electioncommittee@pwarome.org 16
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February 00 ConneXion
Famous for its delicious, fragrant pizza and breads, DoppioZero was the scene of the February ConneXion. Trendy venue + fresh cocktails - shaken, not stirred - + delicious foods = a very 007 style ConneXion. We were delighted to see lots of new, young people who are interested in our activities, welcome! Do not miss our next ConneXion on March 1st. Stay tuned!
women and words
poem Elvira La Rocca painting Rosanna Chiani
LA MAGIA DEI SENSI Si abbandonò senza riserve e mai resa fu piÚ dolce e devastante insieme. Scomparve ogni sofferenza... ogni singola stilla di quel dolore lancinante. E fu come tornare alla luce... ritrovare i colori... respirare un profumo sconosciuto... fluttuare in quell'ignoto agognato. Ed in quell'attimo capi la profonda essenza dell'amore.
Main sponsor
Life Coach Italy s.r.l. contribuisce allo sviluppo del potenziale umano per il benessere personale e organizzativo. Conta su un vasto network di qualificati professionisti che operano da anni in vari settori negli ambiti Life e Corporate, con particolare riferimento alla metodologia del Coaching in linea con gli standard di qualità di International Coach Federation. • • • •
Life Coach Italy offre una serie di servizi integrati e innovativi caratterizzati da: Competenza Personalizzazione Trasparenza Rispetto della Privacy www.lifecoachitaly.it
La John Cabot University di Roma presenta i MASTER 2017 “MANAGEMENT DELLE IMPRESE IN AMBITO INTERNAZIONALE” “MARKETING DELLE ORGANIZZAZIONI PUBBLICHE E PRIVATE E STRATEGIA DIGITALE” “MANAGEMENT STRATEGICO DELLE RISORSE UMANE E ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE” “BUSINESS FINANCE” “GESTIONE E DIGITALIZZAZIONE DEL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE” Il costo del master è pari a 10.000 euro. Sono previste agevolazioni economiche messe a disposizione dall’ateneo. Tutti i percorsi prevedono lezioni frontali, casi aziendali, project work, e stage in una delle 400 aziende/organizzazioni partner. L’esperienza di stage potrà iniziare già durante il percorso di studi per permettere l’applicazione pratica dei concetti appresi in aula. I master si svolgono in un contesto internazionale e per ogni percorso è previsto un modulo integrato di Business English e altre 70 ore complessive di Inglese (grammatica e conversazione). La faculty è composta da docenti e professionisti, tutti provenienti dal mondo del lavoro.I posti per la partecipazione ai master sono limitati. E’ previsto uno sconto del 10 % per i membri di PWA ed i loro familiari. Per informazioni consultare il SITO o contattare: Prof.ssa Antonella Salvatore - 06/68191219/267− professionaledu@johncabot.edu Dott.ssa Maria Vittoria Biseo - 06/45477657 − mariavittoria.biseo@elidea.org Dott. Fabio Scognamiglio - 335/6059901 − f.scognamiglio@yourcfo.it
PWA Jubilee Year 2016/17 Event program
conneXionsconferences March 1 April 5 May 3 June 7
special events
March 15 April 19 May 17
March 11 - IWD June 16 - Jubilee Summer Party Check out www.pwarome.org
Join us to celebrate IWD together!
What? An exclusive guided tour itinerary in Trastevere includes the Renaissance Villa Farnesina & Garden, plus the Basilica of S. Maria in Trastevere with LUNCH alla Romana. Discover female protagonists of the history of Trastevere: Julia the Elder (daughter of Emperor Augustus), Francesca, (a powerful Renaissance banker's wife), beautiful Margherita "la Fornarina"(Raphael's model & mistress), the blazing vitality of Christina, the Queen of Sweden who abdicated to Rome, Francesca, Trasteverina D.O.C. and charitable noblewoman (S.Francesca Romana). Where? LUNCH at Trattoria de Gli Amici, Piazza S. Egidio 6, 00153 ROME. Not simply a restaurant offering Roman cuisine. Managed by a cooperative promoted by the ComunitĂ di Sant'Egidio, it's a place where disabled people, together with professionals and friends who volunteer, are working towards a world undivided in two. Where Inclusion is the password to friendship. When? Tour Meeting point 10:40 hrs: Villa La Farnesina, Via della Lungara 230 Lunch: 13:00 hrs -Trattoria de Gli Amici, Piazza S. Egidio 6.
PWA is thrilled to announce the winners of the Me2 Inclusion Contest 1st place D'Altra Moda by Marina di Pietrantonio Concept Creating a new brand and online fashion, using recycled clothes and materials in a professional lab Inclusive actions • Putting together different creative and sartorial abilities and professional experiencies • Provide learning opportunities and training to unemployed people or anyone wanting to change industry and become a tailor • Creating a space that can allow people to exchange experiences • Recovering used clothes, with a consequent reduction of costs for the purchase of materials • Inclusion of older people who can transfer their manual skills such as embroidery, working with crochet and knitting, for the revival of crafts • Enhancing the quality artisan sectors, focusing on made in Italy • Promoting social cooperative development 2nd place More than 1 by Asya Bell Concept Creating Art Masterclasses accessible to everyone Inclusive actions • Providing knowledge, support and connections to people who don’t have the means to attend prestigious art institutions. • Providing opportunities for the tutors-volunteers and art students to build their CVs
The winners will be awarded and celebrated at the June Jubilee Summer Party.
expert resources
Expert Resources available now to all members online Feb-June 2017!
Join PWA, take advantage of the half year member offer flat rate €60 Feb-June 2017!
Membership news New Members Welcome!
We would like to welcome Handan Ascioglu Ozel, Claudia Pettinau and Dana Sabine Schuh as members who have recently joined our Association. PWA is a place that grows with each member, therefore we are looking forward to enjoying PWA together with you!
Make sure to take advantage of all that PWA has to offer, from our monthly events to scholarships and Expert Resources, from the Mentoring programs to TimeOut Professional TimeBank. If you’d like to join, visit our website and contact MembershipDirector@pwarome.org .
2016-2017 PWA Board and Team members President Valerie Baxter President@pwarome.org Secretary Secretary@pwarome.org Treasurer Treasurer@pwarome.org Programming Director Christine Sterpetti Programming@pwarome.org Membership Director Adriana Tempesta MembershipDirector@pwarome.org Associate Member coordinator Nicole Giacomarra MembershipAssociate@pwarome.org Social Director Laura Rizzi SocialDirector@pwarome.org Sponsorship Director Valentina Ferretti Sponsorship@pwarome.org PR Director Marta Schneider PR@pwarome.org Newsletter Editor Hanna Suni NewsletterEditor@pwarome.org Webmistress Rossana Scazzocchio Webmistress@pwarome.org Community Director Cristiana Montani Natalucci Media@pwarome.org Mentoring Consultant Maria Banks Mentoringconsultant@pwarome.org Special Projects Annalisa Cicerchia SpecialProjects@pwarome.org Think Tank Alessandra Tacconelli Thinktank@pwarome.org Media communications assistant Karima Hassa Media2@pwarome.org Legal Advisor Adriana Tempesta Legal@pwarome.org
Our In-Kind Donor
PWA Professional Women’s Association is a recipient of a Google Grants award. The Google Grants program supports registered nonprofit organizations that share Google’s philosophy of community service to help the world in areas such as science and technology, education, global public health, the environment, youth advocacy and the arts. Google Grants is an in-kind advertising program that awards free online advertising to nonprofits via Google AdWords.
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