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Alan Dudley Brown III, PhD 5-1901 rue de Champlain Montréal, Québec H2L 2S9 Canada ePortfolio +1.514.915.4024 -



HIV/AIDS, Risk Analysis, Criminology, Socio-legal Studies, Justice and Inequalities, Feminist/Queer and Multicultural Perspectives




University of California Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology in with an emphasis on Gender/Sexualities, Criminology, Socio-legal Studies, Research Methodologies

2004 Riverside, California

3.7/4.0 Grade Point Average -

University of Amsterdam Belle van Zuylen Institute for Multicultural Gender Studies Graduate Certificate in Gender, Narrative and Feminist Methodologies

1999 Amsterdam, the Netherlands


University of Amsterdam Institute for Sexuality, Culture and Society Graduate Certificate in Sexualities, Ethnographic Research, HIV/AIDS

1998 Amsterdam, the Netherlands


University of New Orleans Master of Arts in Sociology in Social Theory, Methods of Social Research, Gender/Sexualities, Crime, Law and Deviance

1993 New Orleans, Louisiana

4.0/4.0 Grade Point Average -

San Francisco State University Bachelor of Arts in Sociology in Social Theory, Criminology and Criminal Justice 3.3/4.0 Grade Point Average -




McGill University Faculty of Law International Law Family Law Constitutional Issues Legal Writing and Research Law of Torts/Responsabilité civile

1991 San Francisco, California

Civil Property/Droit des biens Law and Social Theory Code Civil de QuĂŠbec




Teaching 2005 National Capital Educator's Teaching Award Finalist (Ottawa, Ontario) 2004 University of Oklahoma Distance Education Course Development Grant ($2,500) 2003 Incorporating Software in the Classroom ($1,500) 2002 Pan-Hellenic Council Teaching Award 1995 University of California Outstanding Teaching Assistant Fellowships 1999 Law and Society Association Graduate Student Honours Fellow 1998 University of Toronto Centre for Criminology Visiting Junior Research Fellow 1996 American Sociological Association Honours Fellow 1997 President, Honours Program Student Association Academic 2000 University of California Perkins Foundation Scholarship for HIV/AIDS 1999 University of California Award for Research on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons 1997-1999 University of California Graduate Student Association Research Award Grants and Competitions-General 2001-2004 University of Oklahoma College of Arts and Sciences Research Award ($2,000/year) 2003 University of Oklahoma Vice-President for Research Travel Award ($1,800) 1995-2000 University of California Academic Block grant ($10,000/year) Honour Societies Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society 2001-2005 Faculty Sponsor (Beta, Oklahoma) 1995 Founding Chapter President (Alpha Omicron, California) 1991-1993 Member (Lambda, Louisiana) President 1992-1993




My ePortfolio has additional supporting documents related to teaching effectiveness. Lower Division Survey Courses: Introduction to Sociology Sociology of Marriage and Family Social Problems Minority Relations Juvenile Crime and Delinquency The History of Criminological Thought Upper Division Theory and Methods: Classical Social Theory Contemporary Social Theory Data Analysis/Statistical Methods Methods of Social Research Senior Capstone Course in Methods and Statistics Special Topics: Risk and Modern Social Theory Special Topics: Feminist Social Theory and Methods Criminology/Deviance/Sociology of Law Criminological Theory Deviance and Conformity Gender, Crime and Sexuality Gender, Conflict and Social Change Introduction to Crime and Delinquency Juvenile Crime and Justice Minorities and Justice Sociology of Law Special Topics in Criminal Justice: Hate and Bias-Based Crimes Violence in American Society Gender/Sexualities Men and Masculinity Social Psychology of Human Sexuality Sociology of Gender Sex Work and Prostitution Graduate Seminars Research Methods (MA) Sociology of Law (MA/PhD) Directed Studies Individual and Group Offerings Sociology of Health and Wellness Queer Theory: Social Science Perspectives

Deviance, Sexualities and Social Control Governmentality, Control and Risk




L'Université Concordia Assistant Professor of Sociology (Contract)

2007 - 2009 Montreal, Quebec CANADA

Taught undergraduate courses in Criminology and Juvenile Delinquency, Social Theory and Research Methods. Despite their substantive differences, those courses adopted a similar commitment to principles of equity and social justice. This position, combined with my recent studies in the Faculty of Law at McGill, has opened a new avenues to explore as I continue my search for a tenure-stream position. -

L'Université d'Ottawa Assistant Professor of Criminology and Social Sciences of Health

2005 - 2006 Ottawa, Ontario CANADA

Designed courses in social justice and conflict, criminological theory and Minorities and Justice Performed a full range of service and administrative duties aimed at student recruitment and retention. I was honoured to be nominated by my students and selected as a finalist for the National Capital Award for Excellence in Teaching--a first for the Department of Criminology at the University of Ottawa. -

C.T. Lamont Centre/Elisabeth Bruyère Research Institute Recruitment Coordinator / Research Assistant

2005 - 2006 Ottawa, Ontario CANADA

I created and executed a complex recruitment framework for a multi-method research project focused on access to primary health care. Feminist methodologies of inclusion and direct action were key tools in ensuring a balance between the voices of service providers and consumers. -

University of Oklahoma Assistant Professor of Sociology

2000 - 2005 Norman, Oklahoma USA

Building on my field experiences in Los Angeles, I continued to develop my teaching and research agenda in the ares of sexualities, gender, HIV/AIDS and social control. I added 2 new courses to the curriculum: an undergraduate Capstone course dealing with Feminist Perspectives on Sex Work and Prostitution and a graduate seminar in Sociology of Law. Other duties included courses and seminars on gender, inequalities, research methods, feminist research methods and prostitution and sex work. I received strong evaluations from students and faculty alike. Developed new ways to engage with students through service learning and community based projects and assessments, such as the design and sale of t-shirts in a course on Global Inequalities. -

Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Epidemiologist / Research Assistant / Ethnographic and Community Specialist

1998 - 2000 Los Angeles, California USA

Supervising a team of 4 Community Health workers, I used my skills in ethnography, research design and project management to conduct a multi-site study on risk behaviours among men who frequented bathhouses and saunas in Los Angeles. In addition to training staff in qualitative methodologies, I conducted more than a dozen in-depth ethnographic interviews in both Spanish and English with the participants. Using participant and non-participant observations, I would then recruited by the Director of the LA County Sexually Transmitted Infections Unit to spearhead the County multicultural response to the epidemic rate of syphilis infections among HIV positive community members. From these efforts, breakthrough knowledge transfer initiatives were established with a diverse group of Community Based Organizations. I have presented findings from these projects worldwide, including the XIII International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa. -




Peer Reviewed Journals Preston, Pamela J., and Alan D Brown III. (2005). "John court: Comparison of characteristics, sexual behaviour, and sexual attitudes of clients of street prostitutes" The Journal of Ethnicity and Criminal Justice. 3(5). Hammers, Corie J., and Alan D Brown III. (2004). "Towards a feministqueer alliance: A paradigmatic shift in the research process". Social Epistemology. 18 (1): 85-101. Brown, Alan D. III. (1999). "Beyond prostitution: Justice, feminism, and social change". Canadian Women's Studies/les cahiers de la femme. 19 (1&2): 163-169. Book Reviews (2003). "Essay review: Heterogender: Homosexuality in Honduras". Manuel Fernรกndez-Alemany and Stephen O. Murray. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews. 33(2): 178-179. (1999). "Essay review: Coming Out of Feminism? (Merck et. al., eds) and Inside the Academy and Out: Lesbian/Gay/Queen Studies and Social Action. (Ristock and Taylor, eds.) Canadian Journal of Sociology Online. Policy Reports Contributor Comparison of Models of Primary Health Care in Ontario (2006) C.T. Lamont Centre/Elisabeth Bruyere Research Institute. University of Ottawa Department of Family Medicine (Ottawa, Ontario) Epi-Profile (2001) Los Angeles County HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Program. Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (Los Angeles, California). Chamberlain, Ronna, Cyndi Boezio, and Alan D. Brown (1995). Mental Health Reform in Kansas: An Evaluation. Office of Public Policy and Social Research. University of Kansas School of Social Work. (Lawrence,

Kansas). Maynard-Moody, Steven, and Alan D. Brown III (1994) Parental Satisfaction with Schooling in USD 497. Institute for Public Policy and Business Research University of Kansas (Lawrence, Kansas) -



"Intersecting Sexual, Racial and Political Identities." Pacific Sociological Association, April 2009: San Diego, California. "Risk, Reflexivity and Danger."Pacific Sociological Association, April 2009: San Diego, California. "Plowing, Pigs and Poppers: "Barebacktivists" and Narratives of Criminalization." American Society of Criminology, November 2008. St. Louis, Missouri. "Tabarnak! Language Politics in a Gay Montreal Chat Room" Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, August 2009. San Juan, Puerto Rico. "Law as a Weapon in Sexual Conflict: Revisiting Turk's Law Power Thesis," Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 2008. Boston, Massachusetts. "Gender, Sexuality and Social Control: PnP, riding bareback and modern urban sexualities." University of Ottawa Gay and Lesbian Pride Week, February 2006: Ottawa, Ontario. "Recruitment and retention in health care research: Setting the gold standard." Canadian College of Family Physicians, December, 2005. Vancouver, British Columbia. "Bridging the gap: Mentoring, wellness, and the road less traveled." Rainbow Health: National Conference on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health, 2005. Halifax, Nova Scotia. "Desire, risk, and the sexual presentation of self: Missing links in the sociology of HIV/AIDS." Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction Annual Conference, 2004. San Francisco, California. "The politics of belonging: Sexualities, identities, meanings." Second International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, 2004. Prato, Italy. "Narratives of risk: Sexual cultures and the politics of identity among a group of 'barebackers.'" International Conference on Gender, Sexuality, and Health, 2004. Vancouver, British Columbia. "A comparative analysis of commercial sex: Implications for theory and policy." American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, 2003. Denver, Colorado. "Theory and practice in sex-work reform: The case of 'John's School'" with Pamela J. Preston. American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, 2002. Chicago, Illinois. "Feminism confronts queerness: Is there a queer methodology?" with Corie Hammers. European Centre for Women's Studies Annual Conference, 2002. Belfast, Ireland.

"(En)gendering risk: Substance use differences between lesbians and gay men." with Corie Hammers and Kelly Wright. Society for the Study of Social Problems, 2002. Chicago, Illinois. "Beyond the sissy factor: Bullying, masculinity, and violence." with Jay Gillam. Southwest Social Science Association, 2002. New Orleans, Louisiana. "Narratives of risk: Gay men confronting AIDS at the millennium." International Institute for Qualitative Research, February, 2000. Edmonton, Alberta. "Young men who have sex with men (MSM) in commercial sex venues (CSV) in Los Angeles: Comparing risks/assessing needs." American Public Health Association, November, 2000. Boston, Massachusetts. "Psychosocial factors associated with HIV risk among young AfricanAmerican men who have sex with men." American Public Health Association, November, 2000. Boston, Massachusetts. "Connection to the community: How does it impact HIV risk among young African-American men who have sex with men?" United States Conference on AIDS, October, 2000. Atlanta, Georgia. "Public sex and sexual cultures: Bathhouses, risk, and the lives of men who have sex with men (MSM)." International AIDS Conference. July, 2000. Durban, South Africa. "Moving the meaning of marriage...or not: Conceptualizing marriage in two communities." with Michele A Adams. Pacific Sociological Association, April, 2000. San Diego, California. "Things that go 'bump' the dark: Darkrooms and the social organization of public sex." Pacific Sociological Association, April, 2000. San Diego, California. "Migration, identity, and sex work: A domestic traffic in women." Pacific Sociological Association, April, 2000. San Diego, California. "Beyond the margins: Adolescent sexuality in comparative perspective." International Association for the Study of Sexuality and Culture, June, 1999. Manchester, United Kingdom. "Sexing the academy: Queer experiences with 'Queer' theory." University of Rhode Island Symposium, April, 1999. Kingston, Rhode Island. "From the father's house to the 'Big' house: Adolescent prostitution and the making of criminal justice policy." Western Society of Criminology, February, 1999. Oakland, California. "Fielding sexuality: Some notes on participatory research and adolescent survival sex." International Institute for Qualitative Research, February, 1999. Edmonton, Alberta. ** "Adolescent women and survival sex: Some theoretical and methodological considerations." American Society of Criminology, November, 1998. Washington, DC. "Survival sex: A review of the literature." American Sociological Association, August, 1998. San Francisco, California. "The political is personal: Toward a socio-political conceptualization of

hate crimes." American Sociological Association, August, 1998. San Francisco, California. "What's love got to do with it? Toward a postmodern conceptualization of marriage: Legal deconstruction, queer marriage, and equality." Law, Gender, and Sexuality, University of Keele, June, 1998. Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom. "Beyond the margins: Body, soul, and method." Qualitatives '98. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, May, 1998. Toronto, Ontario. "Community, media, and hegemonic identity: Visual images and queer culture." Pacific Sociological Association, April, 1998. San Francisco, California. "The ecology of hatred: An examination of the relationship between community and bias-based crime." Pacific Sociological Association, April, 1998. San Francisco, California. "Engendering conflict/conflicting agendas: The unhappy marriage between conflict and feminist perspectives in criminology." Pacific Sociological Association, April, 1998. San Francisco, California. "Media, myth, and representation: Deconstructing the queer ideal." Thinking Gender, UCLA Center for the Study of Women, April, 1998. Los Angeles, California. "Contextualizing hatred: A feminist critique on tracking bias-based crimes." American Society of Criminology, November, 1997. San Diego, California. "Officer response to domestic violence in same-sex households: An exploratory analysis." Southwestern Social Science Association, April, 1997. Albuquerque, New Mexico. "The (lack of) differences in parenting between gay/lesbian and heterosexual parents." California Sociological Association, April, 1997. San Diego, California. "Hate crimes as political violence: Shifting paradigms." Law and Society Association, March, 1997. St. Louis, Missouri. "Toward a theoretical consideration of gay male promiscuity." Southwestern Sociological Association, March, 1997. New Orleans, Louisiana. "Thinking sexuality/(re)thinking methodology." Southwestern Sociological Association, March, 1997. New Orleans, Louisiana. "Feminist research methods as activism." Disturbing the Peace: Activism, Power, and Social Change, University of California at Riverside, April, 1996. Riverside, California. "The construction of family and mothering: An exploratory analysis of parenting and sexual orientation." Thinking Gender, UCLA Center for the Study of Women, March, 1997. Los Angeles, California. "Researching diversity: The promise of a feminist research ethic in the study of the gay and lesbian community." Thinking Gender, UCLA Center

for the Study of Women, February, 1996. Los Angeles, California.




2007-2009 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Fieldwork and in-depth interviews in French and English with staff and clients of two Montreal bathhouses focused on HIV risk and questions of social/legal/moral responsibility 2006-2006 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada After taking a position as a clerk and room attendant at a Vancouver bathhouse, I conducted four months of participant observation with staff and clients with a general focus on questions of risks relating to party drug use and HIV 1999-2000 Los Angeles, California Participant and non-participant observation in Los Angeles bathhouses and sex clubs with English and Spanish speaking clients/participants 1998 Amsterdam, the Netherlands Three months of intensive fieldwork in Amsterdam bathhouses and "darkrooms' focused on individuals' HIV risk prevention and negotiation strategies. 1997-1998 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Conducted approximately six months of fieldwork among gay/lesbian/queer identified homeless and street-involved youth in Toronto.




Languages Fluent: spoken, written, reading French Spanish Conversant: spoken, written, reading Italian Dutch Research/Project Management Expert on Focus Groups and Participatory Methodologies Experienced in CATI Laboratory setup and maintenance






CSS Html Linux/Gnu (Open Source) Productivity Adobe Acrobat Captivate Contribute Flash Fiireworks Pagemaker Microsoft Office Wordperfect Data Analysis Quantitative SPSS SAS Minitab Qualitative HyperResearch Ethnograph Atlas/ti Nud*ist Epidemiological Epi-Info AnSWR Ez-Text Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS) Moodle Sakai Blackboard WebCT



SERVICE ACTIVITIES To the Discipline CSAA Congress Panel Organizer: Risk, Danger and Sexuality (2005) International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society Session Organizer and Discussant: Youth Sexualities and Human Rights (1999) American Sociological Association Session Organizer: Activism and Academia--False Dichotomies (1997)

Session Organizer and Discussant: Survival Sex, Gender and (Missing) Communities (1997) Session Organizer: Planning Your Job Market Year (1997) Midwestern Sociological Society Intersections of Race, Class, Gender and Sexualities. (1997) Reviewer (1999-2009) Canadian Women's Studies Feminist Criminology Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice Social Epistemology To the Campus/University Quebec Public Interest Research Group: Prisoner Correspondence Project for LGBTQ Inmates (2008-2009) Concordia Film and Discussion Night:The Sociologiy of Sexualities in light of Kinsey (2008) Editorial Staff for Inaugural McGill Journal of Health Law (2007) McGill University Faculty of Law Human Rights and Social Justice Caucus (2007) University of Ottawa Pride Week GLBTQ Speaker's Series (2005-2006) My(gay)self and (Queer)Subjectivity: Notes from the Field Herding Cats, Juggling Chainsaws and Other Useful Skills Needed to Research "Deviant Sex" Teaching Controversial Topics. University of Ottawa Centre for Teaching and Learning Training Course (2005) To the Community Organized a Sock Drive for Homeless Youth with Students from my Juvenile Crime and Delinquency Course (2007-2009) Volunteered my services in the area of research design, data collection and statistical analysis to the Capital Pride Committee to assess various social wellness and equality indicators among GLBTQ attendees at the annual Pride Festival (2006) University of Ottawa Department of Criminology Outreach and Wellness Committee--Organized a "Business" Apparel drive for women in need of "professional" clothes for job interviews, court appearances, and other times when necessary. (2005) Participated in the 2005 Community-Wide Research Rounds for Student Residents in the Medical School. (2005) University of Oklahoma Study Abroad Committee as Foreign Language (Spanish/French) Interviewer (2000- 2005) University of Oklahoma Department of Sociology Undergraduate Affairs (2000-2005) University of Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student

Misconduct Committee (2001-2005) University of Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student Appeals Committee (2001-2005) -



American Society of Criminology Division Memberships Critical Criminology Women and Crime American Sociological Association Section Memberships Crime, Law and Deviance Law Sexualities Canadian Evaluation Society Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Canadian Public Health Association Canadian Society of Criminology Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Law and Society Association International AIDS Society International Sociological Association Society for the Study of Social Problems Sociological Practise Association




Scott L. Coltrane, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences and Professor Sociology University of Oregon tel: +1.541.346.3902 fax: +1.541.346.1150 114 C Friendly Hall 1245 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403, USA -

Trina L. Hope, Associate Professor Sociology University of Oklahoma tel: +1.405.325.3647 fax: +1.405.325.7825 780 Van Vleet Oval Kaufman Hall Norman, OK 73019, USA -

Susan Sharp, Professor Sociology University of Oklahoma tel: +1.405.325.2829 fax: +1.405.325.7825 780 Van Vleet Oval Kaufman Hall Norman, OK 73019, USA -


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