Ascending the Leadership Ladder: Understanding
the 5 Levels of Leadership
Professor Kishor Wasan believes that leadership is a multifaceted, diverse, dynamic discipline resembling a ladder with varying levels. John C. Maxwell, a renowned leadership expert, delineates leadership into five progressive groups, each showcasing a distinct leadership development phase Comprehending these levels is crucial for aspiring leaders to foster personal and professional growth and elevate organizational success.
Positional Leadership (Level 1): At the base of the ladder is Positional Leadership, where authority is derived solely from the title and position within the organization. Influence at this level is minimal, as followers only adhere due to the formal authority vested in the leader The primary challenge here is to grow beyond the granted control and build genuine relationships and trust
Permission Leadership (Level 2): Ascending to the second level, leaders operate on permission, with followers adhering due to developed relationships and earned trust. At this level, leaders create an environment of respect, appreciation, and interpersonal connections This mutual agreement forms the basis for a more collaborative and harmonious organizational atmosphere.
Production Leadership (Level 3): At the third level, leaders gain influence through their ability to contribute to the organization's objectives and generate results Leadership at this stage is characterized by competence, productivity, and momentum The generated results create a sense of trustworthiness and reliability around the leader, reinforcing their credibility and influence within the organization
People Development Leadership (Level 4): Reaching the fourth level, leaders focus on developing their followers, empowering them to ascend their leadership ladders Leaders at this level prioritize mentorship and the professional development of their team members, fostering an environment ripe for growth, succession, and sustained organizational success
Pinnacle Leadership (Level 5): The pinnacle represents the zenith of leadership, where leaders have excelled in developing other leaders capable of leading Leaders at this echelon leave a lasting legacy as their influence transcends their presence, creating a sustained impact that resonates throughout the organization.
Conclusively, the five levels of leadership offer a structured pathway for leaders to reflect upon and enhance their leadership journey. Leaders cultivate environments brimming with trust, collaboration, growth, and enduring success by understanding and navigating through positional, permission, production, people development, and pinnacle leadership levels. This journey is not linear but marked by continuous learning, adaptation, and a commitment to personal and organizational development