Neri&Hu Profile_Intro

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᱑⤜㤔⽄㈤䊗᷍⭌㤔䅃㸕㈂᱒ – ➓Ⰼ㛂.⭣.㬆➄㋬㯶㞆㏐


)RXQGHG LQ E\ SDUWQHUV /\QGRQ 1HUL DQG 5RVVDQD +X 1HUL +X 'HVLJQ DQG 5HVHDUFK 2IÛFH LV D multi-disciplinary architectural design practice based in Shanghai, China. Neri&Hu works internationally providing architecture, interior, master planning, graphic, and product design services. Currently working on projects in many countries, Neri&Hu is composed of multi-cultural staff who speak over 30 different languages. The diversity of the team reinforces a core vision for the practice: to respond to a global worldview incorporating overlapping design disciplines for a new paradigm in architecture. Neri&Hu’s location is purposeful. With shanghai considered a new global frontier, Neri&Hu is in the center of this contemporary chaos. The city’s cultural, urban, and historic contexts function as a point of departure for the architectural explorations involved in every project. Because new sets of contemporary problems relating to buildings now extend beyond traditional architecture, the practice challenges traditional boundaries of architecture to include other complementary disciplines. Neri&Hu believes strongly in research as a design tool, as each project bears its unique set of contexWXDO LVVXHV $ FULWLFDO SURELQJ LQWR WKH VSHFLÛFLWLHV RI SURJUDP VLWH IXQFWLRQ DQG KLVWRU\ LV HVVHQWLDO to the creation of rigorous design work. Based on research, Neri&Hu desires to anchor its work on the dynamic interaction of experience, detail, material, form, and light rather than conforming to a IRUPXODLF VW\OH 7KH XOWLPDWH VLJQLÛFDQFH EHKLQG HDFK SURMHFW FRPHV IURP KRZ WKH EXLOW IRUPV FUHDWH meaning through their physical representations. Neri&Hu has been featured widely by the press around the world, including Architectural Review, Wallpaper*, Architectural Record, FRAME, MARK, Abitare, area, Diseùo Interior, Interior Design, I.D., Travel+Leisure, MARU, Perspective Magazine, ELLE DÊcor Italia, ELLE Deco China, Vogue China, Red Dot Year Book,, and countless more print and online media, as well as TV programs. Neri&Hu’s design have been recognized by a number of prestigious international design awards such as INSIDE Festival, AR Awards for Emerging Architecture, World Architecture Festival, D&AD Awards, Design Vanguard, Interior Design Magazine Best of Year Awards and Gold Key Awards, Chicago Athenaeum Good Design awards, I.D. Magazine Annual Design Review, Red Dot Awards, Contractworld Awards, The Great Indoors Awards, Design For Asia Awards, Perspective Awards, Taiwan Interior Design Awards, etc. The Founding Partners Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu were selected as one of the I. D. Magazine I.D. Forty and one of the 40 under 40 prominent designers shaping Hong Kong and Greater China respectively.

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Lyndon Neri is a Founding Partner of 1HUL +X 'HVLJQ DQG 5HVHDUFK 2IĂ›FH, a multi-disciplinary international architectural design practice based in Shanghai, &KLQD ZKLFK ZRQ $5 $ZDUGV IRU (PHUJLQJ $UFKLWHFWXUH E\ $UFKLWHFWXUDO 5HYLHZ 8. DQG ZDV VHOHFWHG DV RQH RI WKH WHQ Ă›UPV IRU 'HVLJQ 9DQJXDUG E\ Architectural Record, USA Mr. Neri received a Master of Architecture at Harvard University and a Bachelor of Architecture at the University of California at Berkeley. Prior to starting his own practice with partner Rossana Hu, he was the Director for Projects in Asia and an Associate for Michael Graves & Associates in Princeton IRU RYHU \HDUV DQG DOVR ZRUNHG LQ 1HZ <RUN &LW\ IRU YDULRXV DUFKLWHFWXUDO Ă›UPV ,Q KH ZDV VHOHFWHG E\ , ' 0DJD]LQH DV RQH RI WKH GHVLJQHUV JOREDOO\ ZKR GHVHUYH PRUH DWWHQWLRQ LQ WKH q, ' r Other than an architectural professional, Mr. Neri has been actively involved in teaching and research. He taught at Hong Kong University Architecture Graduate School together with his partner Rossana Hu. He served as an active visiting critic for design schools in the U.S. such as Princeton University, Harvard Graduate School of Design, University of California at Berkeley, and Syracuse University. Mr. Neri and his partner Ms. Hu have been invited to speak at BODW (Business of Design Week), Inside Festival during World Architecture Festival in Spain, Beijing International Design Triennial 2011, The White Box Workshop at Hong Kong Design Center, Design Roulette Shanghai 2011, RIBA (The Royal Institute of British Architects), The Graduate School of Design at Harvard University, Re-inventing with Design(Red)2010, Hong Kong, The Dutch Pavilion during EXPO 2010, Shanghai and many other design, fashion, art related forums and events. Lyndon Neri is also a founder of Design Republic, a retail concept store based in Shanghai that offers a unique collection of products created by the world’s EHVW GHVLJQ WDOHQWV PDQ\ RI ZKLFK KDYH QHYHU EHIRUH EHHQ PDGH DYDLODEOH WR FRQVXPHUV LQ &KLQD 7KH ĂœDJVKLS VWRUH GHVLJQ FUHDWHG E\ 1HUL +X HDUQHG WKH Perspective Awards Best Interior Retail and the DFA (Design For Asia) Best Design of Greater China. Aside from Architecture and Interiors, together with his partner Ms. Rossana Hu, Mr. Neri is actively working on a number of industrial design products for various EUDQGV LQ (XURSH LQFOXGLQJ 0222, %' %DUFHORQD 'HVLJQ DQG 0HULWDOLD WKH ODWWHU WZR ZHUH LQ FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK 6ZDURYVNLpV q6:$5296., (/(0(176 DW :RUNr project, they are developing their own product line under the monicker brand ‘neri&hu’, which was honored to receive the Perspective Awards, the Red Dot Award DQG , ' PDJD]LQHpV $QQXDO 'HVLJQ 5HYLHZ $ZDUGV 0U 1HUL DQG 0V +X ZHUH LQYLWHG WR JXHVW HGLWHG WKH 2FWREHU LVVXH RI ', PDJD]LQH LQ ZKLFK LV RQH RI WKH YDQJXDUG DUFKLWHFWXUDO SXEOLFDWLRQV LQ &KLQD WKH\ DOVR SXEOLVKHG DQG HGLWHG D ERRN FDOOHG o3HUVLVWHQFH RI 9LVLRQp 7KH ERRN LV D EHJLQQLQJ RI D VHULHV RI H[SORUDWLRQ on architecture and urban issues in major cities in China.

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Rossana Hu is a Founding Partner of 1HUL +X 'HVLJQ DQG 5HVHDUFK 2IĂ›FH, a multi-disciplinary international architectural design practice based in Shanghai, &KLQD ZKLFK ZRQ $5 $ZDUGV IRU (PHUJLQJ $UFKLWHFWXUH E\ $UFKLWHFWXUDO 5HYLHZ 8. DQG ZDV VHOHFWHG DV RQH RI WKH WHQ Ă›UPV IRU 'HVLJQ 9DQJXDUG by Architectural Record, USA. Ms. Hu received a Master of Architecture and Urban Planning from Princeton University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and Music from the University of California at Berkeley. Before establishing Neri&Hu with her partner Lyndon Neri, Ms. Hu worked for Michael Graves & Associates, Ralph Lerner Architect in Princeton, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill in New York City, and The Architects Collaborative (TAC) in San Francisco. 5RVVDQD +X UHFHLYHG WKH 3HUVSHFWLYH $ZDUG DV RQH RI WKH o XQGHU p SURPLQHQW GHVLJQHUV VKDSLQJ +RQJ .RQJ DQG *UHDWHU &KLQD 0V +X LV DOVR D )RXQGLQJ Partner and Creative Executive for Design Republic, a Founding Panel Member of 100% Design Shanghai, and the Regional Advisor for The Atlas of 21st Century Architecture, published by Phaidon Press. Ms. Hu has served on prestigious professional committees such as the Princeton University President’s Advisory Committee on Architecture, where she advised the President on architectural design and campus planning issues. Ms. Hu taught at Hong Kong University Architecture Graduate School together with her partner Lyndon Neri. She has won numerous traveling fellowship awards and has been a guest design critic at Princeton University, UC Berkeley, and Syracuse University. Ms.Hu and her partner Mr. Neri have been invited to speak at BODW (Business of Design Week), Inside Festival during World Architecture Festival in Spain, Beijing International Design Triennial 2011, The White Box Workshop at Hong Kong Design Center, Design Roulette Shanghai 2011, RIBA (The Royal Institute of British Architects), The Graduate School of Design at Harvard University, Re-inventing with Design(Red)2010, Hong Kong, The Dutch Pavilion during EXPO 2010, Shanghai and many other design, fashion, art related forums and events. Aside from Architecture and Interiors, together with her partner Mr. Lyndon Neri, Ms. Hu is actively working on a number of industrial design products for various EUDQGV LQ (XURSH LQFOXGLQJ 0222, %' %DUFHORQD 'HVLJQ DQG 0HULWDOLD WKH ODWWHU WZR ZHUH LQ FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK 6ZDURYVNLpV q6:$5296., (/(0(176 DW :RUNr project, they are developing their own product line under the monicker brand ‘neri&hu’, which was honored to receive the Perspective Awards, the Red Dot Award DQG , ' PDJD]LQHpV $QQXDO 'HVLJQ 5HYLHZ $ZDUGV 0U 1HUL DQG 0V +X ZHUH LQYLWHG WR JXHVW HGLWHG WKH 2FWREHU LVVXH RI ', PDJD]LQH LQ ZKLFK LV RQH RI WKH YDQJXDUG DUFKLWHFWXUDO SXEOLFDWLRQV LQ &KLQD WKH\ DOVR SXEOLVKHG DQG HGLWHG D ERRN FDOOHG o3HUVLVWHQFH RI 9LVLRQp 7KH ERRN LV D EHJLQQLQJ RI D VHULHV RI H[SORUDWLRQ on architecture and urban issues in major cities in China.

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Mr. Jerry Del Fierro, RA, managing director. Jerry Del Fierro, is the managing director of Neri&Hu 1HUL +X 'HVLJQ DQG 5HVHDUFK 2IĂ›FH D PXOWL GLVFLSOLQDU\ international architectural design practice based in Shanghai, China. Mr. Del Fierro boasts a diverse professional background and broad knowledge of the design and building process. Mr. Del Fierro’s design credentials include ZRUNLQJ IRU WKH DZDUG ZLQQLQJ DUFKLWHFWXUDO Ă›UPV RI &HVDU 3HOOL $VVRFLDWHV 3HUNLQV :LOO DQG 0LFKDHO *UDYHV $VVRFLDWHV LQ 3ULQFHWRQ ZKHUH KH LQLWLDOO\ PHW and managed projects for Lyndon Neri. In addition, Mr. Del Fierro has been a manager at Turner Construction, one of largest construction companies in the U.S., managing all building trades and their installation of work. Prior to joining Neri&Hu, Mr. Del Fierro was Director of the Architectural Department at an award winning Real Estate Development Company in the New York Metropolitan Area managing architects, engineers, and other building professionals on large scale complex projects. Mr. Del Fierro’s responsibilities include guiding the staff at Neri&Hu in providing the highest level of service to our clients by focusing on client needs, proper execution, and project delivery. Given his diverse background in design, construction, and development he brings a disciplined and holistic view of the design and EXLOGLQJ SURFHVV WR DFKLHYH D KLJK OHYHO RI SURIHVVLRQDOLVP IRU WKH EHQHĂ›W RI RXU FOLHQWV Mr. Del Fierro is a licensed and registered architect in the United States and is a graduate of Rice University in Houston, Texas where he received degrees in architecture, art, and art history. ⿧ă…‰ă?œ㝊㪛áˇ?ă§ˆâą˜ăŞ‰ă‚§ä ąăˆ ㏳ä?•ăžąä“˝â¤¤áˇ?ă§ˆâą˜ăŞ‰ă‚§ä ąăˆ ㏳㏨ä„œă‚łă‘ƒä”„ä‡ťăŠ°âź„â­Ľâą äŠ‹âż?⺛ろㅉä‘&#x;㪉ェ㏣㚒㰚Ṅ ⿧ă…‰ă?œ㝊㪛䇖䇹⹠䂚âż?â­Ľä“‰ä„–âĄ”ăˆ‘ä„ľă‚‘ăŞ‰ă‚§âźŽă…‰ăŞ‰ăŹŠâš…âşž⧭ä?ąă°šăŞ‡ă‚‘â­Ľâş„âł›ä?‹ăŹ—áą„ă°œä‹™ä„ľă…‰ä‘&#x;㏇⭼㪎Ⳟâ´&#x;㚒䇝〒ㅒ㸿ă­žâ­Ľ&HVDU 3HOOL $VVRFLDWHV 3HUNLQV :LOOä„ľă‚‘ă¸œä‡ťă śă‘ˇăŻšâ°şâ­Ľ0LFKDHO *UDYHV $VVRFLDWHVáˇ?ä„“㏨䊝㚨ă??áˇ?ă°œäˆŒâşšăšžâą˜㝊ăŞ›ă†‚ăŹ—â¤ƒă¸‹ăĄ…âš˝ă?Žăź?㚠Ṅ⨞⪏ä??ăśƒáˇ?⿧㝊㪛⿚䊝㗥⺛ä”?âŤ”â­ĽăŹŠâš…âšŒăŻ&#x; ä??ä„œâ­Ľ7XUQHU &RQVWUXFWLRQâ­„㌯âşžăŹŠâš…ăˆŽă?Žâ­Ľä?‘ă¸œáˇ?䊝㚨ă??ă°œăŚŒăŚ‰âš˝ă?Žăź?ăš ăŹŠâš…â­ĽăŚŒâşž⧭áą„äŠťă‚´ă§Œă§ˆâą˜ăŞ‰ă‚§ä ąăˆ ㏳ä??㣑áˇ?⿧㝊㪛䊝䔙㕅䇝ă?‡äŠ?⍔â°?。⭼Ⳡ⭚ âĽ›âłƒä?šâšŒăŻ&#x;â­„㌯ă…‰ä‘&#x;⤠ä“˝ăƒ â­Ľä?‘ă¸œáˇ?äŠťäŽƒă‚łâĄ™㏽䊿äˆ&#x;â­ĽâšŒăŻ&#x;ă??áˇ?ă°œâš˝ă?Žä“Śă…‰ä‘&#x;㏇áˇ?âš…⧭㏇áˇ?䄾ゑ䊝⍔㞎✕䊴ăź?ăš ă°šăŞ‡ă‚‘â­ĽăĄ…ă°œä“‰ä„–⚏㸍áą„ äŠťă§ˆâą˜ăŞ‰ă‚§ä ąăˆ ㏳áˇ?⿧㝊ăŞ›ăƒˆâś›ä“Śä…žă’?ăŚŒăł†äŠ’âš…ăľ‰âşžâššä“ƒă‹Žâżˆăż‰ă¤”áąƒ㾸㊧⪇ă?Žä„ľă‚‘ăź?ăš ä?•ăžąăŽ•ăŚŒ㞼ă¸‹ă‹Žâżˆăł‚âšŠä”?⡀ăŻ?ä“?â´&#x;ăš’â­Ľä?‘ä‹‘áą„ ă°œäŠťăŞ‰ă‚§áąƒăŹŠâš…⟎ă‹‹âłƒ ㊭⭊⤜ăľ?ăžąä„–ă°šă€žăŽźâ­Ľâ´‚âśœăˆŽä‚Šáˇ?䄾ゑ䊝㪉ェ⟎㏊⚅⺞⧭ä?ąăŚŒă˜‡áąƒä °ă†˜⭼㞹㏣䔘ⴈâ&#x;?ä‘›㸳ă—¨ă¸‹ă‹Žâżˆăł‚âšŠâˇ€ă ˜ä?Ťâ­Ľä“‰ä„–â´&#x;ăš’áą„ ⿧ă…‰ă?œ㝊ăŞ›ä‡–ä‡ąă—Ąâş›ä“ƒâĽ‚ă…‰ä‘&#x;ăŹ‡â­Ľăľ˜㝯áˇ?⥰ä„–ä‡ťă¸œä‡ťăžžăŻšâ°şâ­Ľ 5LFH 8QLYHUVLW\áˇ?䊝㚨ă??ă°œăŚ‚â­¤ă‘Źă…‰ä‘&#x;áąƒä„śă­–ä„ľă‚‘ä„śă­–ăŹ˜â­Ľä ˆă¸œáą„

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