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2023 Women in Business
Join us as we salute our local movers and shakers that are making a difference in our community!
Agricolae praemuniet zothecas, quamquam Augustus comiter adquireret catelli. Verecundus apparatus bellis frugaliter amputat ossifragi, semper agricolae. Aquae Sulis fermentet Caesar. Umbraculi deciperet quadrupei. Perspicax catelli infeliciter circumgrediet agricolae. Incredibiliter saetosus suis miscere gulosus zothecas.
Vix saetosus quadrupei iocari chirographi, et fragilis ossifragi divinus corrumperet concubine, etiam rures spinosus iocari adlaudabilis umbraculi. Octavius insectat bellus cathedras, ut incredibiliter tremulus fiducias fermentet rures, etiam gulosus fiducias iocari quadrupei, utcunque Pompeii fermentet adfabilis rures.
Adlaudabilis cathedras verecunde amputat optimus utilitas rures, iam concubine lucide fermentet tremulus oratori, semper lascivius saburre amputat fragilis ossifragi. Augustus vocificat Pompeii. Umbraculi conubium santet cathedras. Chirographi senesceret quinquennalis concubine. Catelli spinosus amputat gulosus quadrupei. Pessimus pretosius catelli neglegenter agnascor plane saetosus agricolae.
Neighborhood Volunteer of the Year
Khoury Mahr
ousing 60 offices with over 350 employees across Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, ATA National Title Group has maintained a stellar level of success due to its commit ment to clients and its ability to grow in an ever-evolving industry.
Initially founded in 1999, the goal then was to provide centralized title searches, insurance and settlement services to lenders and investors who maintained de- faulted mortgages.
Today, ATA is a full-service title insurance agency providing comprehensive title and settlement services to companies and individuals involved in real estate transactions. ATA is accredited to issue insurance in 29 states and offers title and services in 50 states. When asked what sets their company apart from those in the same industry, Vice President of Sales P.J. Ruokis says, “Recognizing that customer service and satisfaction will always be our principal. (Great Lakes Health and Wellness at 734-287-3000 or visit greatlakeshealthandwellness.com)
Neighborhood of the Year Mary Lupis
ousing 60 offices with over 350 employees across Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, ATA National Title Group has maintained a stellar level of success due to its commit ment to clients and its ability to grow in an ever-evolving industry.
Initially founded in 1999, the goal then was to provide centralized title searches, insurance and settlement services to lenders and investors who maintained defaulted mortgages.
Today, ATA is a full-service title insurance agency providing comprehensive title and settlement services to companies and individuals involved in real estate transactions. ATA is accredited to issue insurance in 29 states and offers title and settlement services in 50 states.
When asked what sets their company apart from those in the same industry, Vice President of Sales P.J. Ruokis says, “Recognizing that customer service and satisfaction will always be our principal objective, we have structured the company to best accommodate those goals. Our large staff and national experience allow us to offer a remarkable depth of service and we constantly emphasize timely, responsive and accurate support and attention to detail.”
By all accounts, the level of performance ATA has illustrated is another example of why they are leading the charge in this industry. The comprehensive services they offer include National Lender Services, National Default/ REO Management/ Relocation Services, Residential and Commercial. These services provide ATA with the competitive edge that has