WHAT DO PROFESSIONALS DO? The Gardener By Lucio Valencia A gardener is a person who works with plants and vegetables. Before starting garden work, he prepares the terrain. His responsibility is to keep the area tidy and clean. He plants ornamental flowers. Gardening is a very entertaining profession because it is in contact with nature, pretty flowers, ornamental plants,and trees.A gardener usually must have tools and garden machines to cut grass and trees.
He works in the public parks with ornamental plants and flowers.These types are rose,daisy, jasmins, carnation,tulip, gladiolus, sunflowers,dahlias, violet ,and any other flowers. He also plants decorative plans for home and vegetables.He uses some fertilizers for the normal development of plants. In my country there are some public parks with ornamental flowers, and plants. The houses have beautiful flowers; I visited Boston Museum Garden, a marvel, where there are the most beautiful flowers and plants in the world.A gardener planted those flowers
WHAT THE DENTISTS DO? By Sibele Ferreira Pereira The professional dentist helps us to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile through procedures that can be aesthetic or required. He provides advice and instruction on taking care of the teeth and gums and diet choices that affect oral health. Today there are several aesthetic procedures. The two simplest procedures are tooth whitening and orthodontic appliances. These procedures required he can remove tooth decay and fill cavities.
When the teeth are fractured, he can repair it. The dentist is able to identify diseases by physical exams, radiographic, and laboratory. It is really important to keep your mouth clean not only for your self- esteem, but also the mouth is related to our body. In our mouth there are bacterias and when we do not care for our mouth the bacteria can migrate to other organs through the bloodstream cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Firefighters By Gisele Kemmerich Almeida Being a firefighter is a very beautiful profession. Firefighters risk their own lives to save the lives of people or animals that are in danger. The firefighter is responsible for preventing accidents, assisting in risky situations and for acting when emergency situations occur. He undergoes intense training to act in events such as fires, landslides, drowning, explosions, leaks, accidents and other events in which human life, nature and heritage are in danger. Among its duties, it is the prior inspection of open or closed environments, in order to eliminate threats. Protection of public property. A firefighter needs to have good body and psychological health, as his work is heavy and requires good body conditions and at the same time very delicate, as in some situations they have to deal with death. Being a firefighter is not easy. He or she spends a lot of time away from home and live a life in constant danger.
Being a Photographer By Pamela Casemiro Being a photographer is not just turning on a camera and taking pictures. Photography is much more than that. As a photographer, you have to know how to use the equipment being used, and to master lighting and positioning techniques, angles, and many other things. To start professionally in photography, it is necessary to have training or to be studying, to have the responsibility to know what is being done because the expectations of others will be placed in the photographer, to have good influences, and to research about other photographers already consolidated in the market. It is necessary to know that in the beginning, things will not be easy, but over time one gains experience. Inside the photograph there are three main pillars: the ISO, the aperture of the diaphragm and the shutter speed. We can also add the focus. You need to know how to configure the camera correctly so that the photos have quality. After the three pillars, it is necessary to find out which style of photography to follow: classic, artistic, lifestyle, or dramatic among others.
It is also necessary to think about the bureaucratic part, the business part, knowing how to manage, and control expenses, knowing when to invest, how to do a good promotion, studying the market in the area, identifying what style of photography is missing in your region, how to position yourself in the market, knowing how to win new customers, how to serve customers, deciding whether to open a studio or just want to serve at customers' homes, all of this is very important. In conclusion, photographing is an art of eternalizing memories, recording important moments and places in people's lives. Photographing involves many things, but the end result is very worthwhile: it is indescribable to see the reaction of people when they receive the photos. Within photography there are many rules of composition, of light, there are many varieties of equipment to buy, but with a good scenario, good equipment and having a good knowledge of how to use the techniques, the photographer can register any moment, person or place.
A mother’s job by Nevine Gadalla I'd like to explore my mother’s job. I want to shine light on motherhood. What is the role or place of mother’s in society? And the world too. All the mothers in the world are the same. I cannot believe how mothers are very important in our life until I was a mother. So that's why I want to explore her. When I was younger I saw my mama's Superman’s. She did a lot of things at the same time. She cooked, cleaned, focused on my brothers, and listened to all of them at the same time. I didn’t believe that before. But now I’m trying to do my best to do like her. I think I need more than 24 hours in a day. I will try to explain to the mother’s. I have a lot of reasons to explore here. First, the mother’s role with her family. What does she do in her house? She works all the time with all her energy and love towards her children and her husband. Second, She helps her children to take care of them for everything. The school, clean, feed, and listen to them all the time. Third, Also her husband tries to help him to give hand to
him any time. The day starts at 6:00 am and finishes at midnight. Start with her kids to go to school, then she prepares breakfast for her husband. After that, she goes to her job. And when she comes home she cleans her house and prepares lunch for her family. Then studying with her children. Finally, we must appreciate the mother’s role in the life of her children, her work, and in Society as well. The Society can’t advance without women. She is the one who educates her children and teaches them morale and ideas in order to advance Society. That is why God honored the mother and the community as well. That is why we celebrate Mother’s Day every year. Also we have international women’s Day. In the End, I would like to thank my mother for what she did with me throughout my life. And I hope to raise my children and teach them just as my mother did. She is my idol. Thank you my mom.
Police officers By Katherine Medina Police officers supervise the rules of
defensive driving, and more. In addition, police officers should be treated with respect no matter
society. They are empowered by the state of the
what the circumstances are. Police are also
nation. Therefore, they promote public safety.
funded through taxes that citizens have to pay.
Most of the time , they help improve the quality
Police members are paid at least $70,000 per
of life for all the citizens.
year. There are many slang words that people
Most of the time a police officer helps to
use for the word ‘police’ such as ‘cop’ and
maintain law and order in local areas by
more. The police have the authority to self-
protecting members of society and their
defense when someone is violent first. That is
properties. They also investigate criminal
why you should just do what the law says so you
activity as child abuse, domestic violence, rape,
won’t get arrested. Police recently have gotten
assault, etc. Police have a dress code that
many backlashes because of the Black Lives
includes wearing uniforms. Most of the time
Matter protest that is happening in America, but
they wear suits. A woman can wear dresses and
it doesn’t change the fact that they are hard-
shirts that also have a representation that they
working people.
are police officers. To become a police officer, the applicant
In conclusion, police officers are the servants and guardians of society who keep and
has to pass a police entrance exam. He or she
enforce the rules and regulations, promoting
needs to be accepted into the police academy.
the safety of all members of the community.
They learn self- defense , computer skills,
What are the main responsibilities and risk of nurses By Selma Morel De Marte
At present, nursing professionals carry out their tasks in different areas: Hospitalization, outpatient, home, laboratory, research, The nurses are very important teaching, operating rooms, intensive for the medical team, because it has care units, nursing homes, prisons, most responsibilities within a occupational medicine units and clinic.The fundamental responsibility humanitarian organizations. of the nurse can be summarized in today the lives of nurses have been three aspects: Preserving life, endangered due to COVID 19 as alleviating suffering and promoting they are the first to attend to the health. It should be noted that the pasientes when they arrive at the care performed by the nurse must be emergencies, therefore they are at carried out in an efficient, effective, risk of spreading. I greatly appreciate timely manner and in accordance the work of nurses because with their with the established procedures to kindness and care they provide us ensure the satisfactory and prompt with safety in the face of any recovery of the patient. disease.
TEACHING By Santiago Leon Fajardo
Teaching is the process of transmitting a series of knowledge, techniques, standards, and / or skills. It is based on various methods, carried out through a series of institutions, and supported by a series of materials. Teachers of all walks of life and subjects have the ability to shape opinions and help form ideas about society, life and personal goals. Teachers can also expand students' limits and push their creativity. Teaching is a tough job, but it is one where you can make the most impact in another person's life. Teachers are important in society because they prepare and influence tomorrow's leaders. Every day, students learn important lessons about sharing, respect, valuing differences and making ethical decisions. Teachers create the people of the future and they transmite their knowledge, values and principles to students. They are the example to follow for a lot of people, they know the method to learn something and they have the ability to guide people to the knowledge of a topic or career. Once time, one teacher told me that it is important to go beyond things, deepen the subject and demonstrate interest in it. Also it is important to read carefully about the topic to understand what is reading and how it works. It is worth emphasizing the importance of putting into practice what has been learned in search of a common good.
The Firefighters jobs By Ehab Morsy
What do firefighters do? They do more than fight fires. They drive fire trucks and other emergency vehicles. They put out fires using water hoses, fire extinguishers, and water pumps. They also find and rescue victims in burning buildings or in other emergency situations. Firefighters’ responsibilities are to protect citizens during emergencies, to ensure availability of water at fire scenes by testing hydrants, requesting and expediting repairs, and verifying repairs. The kinds of things firefighters do every day are sweeping and mopping the floor, throwing out the trash, dusting surfaces, washing linens and windows, and cleaning the fire trucks. They also take care of small maintenance issues such as painting. The dangerous parts of the firefighters’ jobs are smoke inhalation and crush injuries from collapsing structures. They can suffer from heat exhaustion, as well as long-term job-related illnesses such as asthma, persistent coughing, heart disease, cancer and lung damage. Many people don’t know what firefighters do. Now we see above what firefighters do. Firefighting is a very difficult and dangerous job.
By Sibele Ferreira Pereira According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, the word explore means to search and discover something. In always discovering there are many ways to follow. When you decide to do something, you need to know about them, even if it's little. There are many ways to explore. When we are mothers and our children are the age to go to nursery school or school, we always want the best for them. We explore several sites about school, we read all reviews about it and asked for references until we chose a special place for them. So we choose a place and evaluate it to discover if there is a good place for our children. We approved everything and now is time for our children to start exploring. There are many challenges for children when starting activities in a new environment. It can be positive or negative. The first challenge is that the children are used to the family environment. Their feeling of vulnerability can make it difficult for them to accept this separation, and they can start crying and resist to do activities. In the moment of adaptation, they will start developing friendships and meet new things. Right now they will start their discovery about the place, about the teacher, new toys and new rules. For another way it can be good for them to have this experience. In my opinion, exploring is like when the kids go to school for the first time. They need to learn about everything. All is new for them. But they don't give up at the first time. That we can be like a kid, learning new things all day and that can be enjoyable.
What does it mean to explore? By Ruby Acosta I was born in Rio Piedras PR, during the years I began to explore my island. When I grew up, I had an imagination of what it would be like to live in the United States. Everyone said that living in the United States was bad because there was a lot of racism. I continued studying until the end of my 4th year. Explore being independent from the age of 17. In 2014 I traveled to Boston Massachusttes, on December 31.Explore what is new American Culture which i did not like. I started working in factories, something different from my customs. When I was working for 3 months, I was exploring racism,they discriminated against me for not knowing English. Traveling, having a new life and exploring new cultures is very difficult since you are not used to the life you are living now. For me, it is a learning concept because we get used to new experiences and it changes our lives. The opportunity to move to Boston was incredible after so much effort. Here are the best hospitals and the best education. Explorer By Gisele Kemmerich Almeida An explorer is someone who travels through a new or little known territory, in search of new knowledge, with the aim of investigating, studying and researching various aspects of it. In the course of an explorer’s professional career, he or she faces many risks and challenges, but also many adventures and new discoveries. Some positive points in the life of an explorer are: They are always visiting new places, they know places from all over the world, because they travel a lot and they don't work in the same place for a long time. Each discovery they successfully make contributes to the country's growth and development. In every place where they work, they live great adventures. But unfortunately the days are not just great adventures. In the course of a professional career, an explorer takes many risks of life every day. Explorers who explore wildlife face great challenges such as wild buffalo, feral jaguars and hungry alligators. They face days of hard work, and a good result requires constant study. They also spend most of their time away from home, do not eat and sleep well and this is not good for healthy people. This can sometimes be full of adventures and good stories to tell, but it is also linked to dedication and commitment with which these researchers develop their scientific projects.
What does it mean to explore? By Claudia Coelho When I think about exploring a lot of information comes in my mind. The first thing is adventure. Explore and propose a university of experience. New countries, new friends, new foods and a lot of other possibilities. To be an explorer it is necessary to have determination, disposition and courage, because a lot challenges will appear. Is it necessary to start planning. Choosing the distinction is the first. A new country offers a lot of options . When someone comes to a new place it is normal to want to visit the most important monuments , but there is necessary information about this. There are many places in some countries that are dangerous ,but the wonderful photos are exciting. It is important to know the culture of a country to avoid embarrassing problems. The foods are different and can be a good or bad experience. For example, I wouldn't like to eat at Chinese restaurants. There the foods are very exotic. So, exploring is good. The experiences can take more culture and goods or negatives learning, but everything is important. This is a big challenge.
Explore meaning to transverse or range over. By Thamiris de Almeida Moreira Teixeira In 2015, my husband and I decided to explore “ New Life� in the United State. We moved from Minas Gerais- Brazil to New Hampshire - USA. We Have researched about USA. First of all, we would miss the Family, it would become a point negative to our adventure. Second point was exchanged our professional life. My husband was a Security Technician in an International mining company and I worked with family business. The third was the benefits that is what motivated us to explore USA. The United States America is a safe place to live, clean cities, low crime compared to Brazil and good neighbors. At North America, in New Hampshire were we decided to live. The seasons are well defined and there has a lot things to do, for example to explore nature with beautiful views. Finally, we are living in New Hampshire since 2015 and we are happy and satisfied. We met news ability and we grow in all areas in ours lives.
Exploring a new country By Cassia Azevedo Exploring a new country is a great opportunity to make yourself happy and fulfilled as a person. We can list three great positive reasons to explore another country and the world. First, leaving one’s country of origin makes people trust themselves, especially when they need to learn for themselves about the culture and language of this new place. For example, when I moved from Brazil to the United States, it was a great challenge in my life, but it was an opportunity for me to trust myself. Today it is very rewarding. I learned about the country's culture and language. I believe that I became a better person. Second, exploring the world enriches the human being, I do not
mean financial wealth, but spiritual wealth. When people embark on this undivided trip home, they begin to meet people of all kinds, and with different cultures, of course. Finally, when the person leaves his comfort zone and faces the differences by going elsewhere, that person expands his mind. New challenges and experiences open the mind to significant changes in life. For instance, knowing different customs, cuisines, places, and people is great for expanding horizons and practicing respect and tolerance. In conclusion, migrating to a new country makes people happy and fulfilled. People start to trust other people and even feel stronger spiritually and expand their mind. These are the reasons for exploring the world.
What does it mean to explore? By Pamela Casemiro The word explore can have many meanings. For me it means “Exploring is learning and finding out more about the place.� To Learn about culture and customs, how people relate, how we can help what's around us is true exploration. For almost three years, together with my family, I have been exploring this country, learning a lot, and discovering great opportunities to grow and be able to give my children a better future, to have had the opportunity to meet people so important and special that they helped us a lot, and see that thanks to the effort, study, and work of my husband, and also because he had the opportunity to study here and get his license to be able to practice the profession he graduated in Brazil, to know that we are in the process for him receiving permission to work is very
rewarding. So we can return to the community everything we are receiving. Having the opportunity to learn a new language, seeing that my children are getting a good education, being able to provide comfort and providing experiences of exploring and discovering new places is priceless. Being able to see their development as a person and see their character being built in a more just society is incalculable. In conclusion, I will always want to explore this country, and any place I know with the eyes of those who want to add and not take advantage of it in a bad way. My family has a motto that is, no matter where we go or where we are, we will always return all the good that we received. We fight and sacrifice ourselves to have this opportunity to explore this country, and we will always be grateful to be here.
What is it to explore? By Selma Morel De Marte I lived in Dominican Republic, and I came to the United States to explore the country. I wanted to know if it was worth leaving everything and coming to live in this great country. I wanted to experience what culture, people, jobs, the health system, and the education system in America were like. During my research I realized that it was a change from earth heaven in every sense of the word . My country references the standard of living of the United States as different from our Caribbean countries. There are better study opportunities, the health system is well above ours, schools are very good, and there is a better quality of life.One thing I could compare was that people are lonely,the system of life goes very fast, you work hard, but people tend to become depressed.. The city Leominster of massachusett which is closest for me to explore. It is very cold in the winter, and very hot in the summer.The winter is very long and snows a lot. The schools are very good and have a good curriculum. I can say that compared to my country, America has many good opportunities for anyone who can take advantage of them.
What is it to explore ? by Nevine Gadalla What is it to explore? I like to explore America because 1.5 million immmigration canes to America every year.I have been living in America since 2015. Before that I left my country to come to America to explore a new country, new people, new place and new culture. It's my first time leaving my family and my country. But I see a lot of people in the world they come to here every year. I have a lot of reasons why I like to explore America? I talk about three reasons. First, education, second the health systems , last , American people. Education is the first one reason why I want to explore America. First, Education is progress more than any country. Also education in America is free until college, not like many countries, Also the curriculum is very organized and not hard for the students. And I like the education system. They care about all the students, and they care for them for everything they need. I see all the teachers, my children and the principal too in the school. They call us if we need help or if my children need any help. I appreciate that. I like all the teachers here. They are helpful and smile. They are ready to help any student any time without any fee. Some countries they take private classes to have any service. The Second reason to explore America is the Health system. Is very perfect. Everybody in the world likes to make checks in America. Maybe it is more expensive than any other country, but it is a very perfect check. They have perfect modern good devices, and the hospitals are fully equipped anytime. Also the medical staff is always affectionate with the patient and tries to help them all the time, Also I want to explore the hospitals which are very clean and organized. I feel I’m very comfortable when I see that. Finally, I would like to explore the American people. Is another reason to explore this country. They are polite and kind full people. When I came here I felt comfortable. All the people like to help anybody need help. Always they ask if you need help just call me. I see that in the school, the work and the hospital. They are smiling and helpful. In the End, America is welcome to any immigration needing help like work, education and health. That’s why I like to explore it. Also when I lived here I see why America received 1.5 million immigration every year.
PLACES TO VISIT Qena, Egypt By Hebbah Gad My favorite place to visit is Egypt Egypt is my favorite place to go. I was born in a city in Egypt named Qena. Most of my family lives there and that’s what makes it my favorite. The first reason Egypt is my favorite place to visit is because my whole family lives there. The reason I like to go to Egypt is to see my whole family and to be able to hang out with them. Most of my family live in Qena. And the other half of my family lives in hurghada. I love to go and see them and be able to talk to them. I also love to visit Egypt because I love the country. There are the best cleanest beaches. The beaches there are so warm and so clean. They also have amazing safaris. And great sightseeing places. I love to go out at night. It's so beautiful. The city never goes to sleep. There’s fresh warm air. It's amazing. It’s a very beautiful place. These are some of many reasons I love to visit Egypt. I love to spend time with my family and see the amazing places there are in Egypt. I don’t get in to go a lot so whenever I do go it’s the most special thing ever.
Machu Picchu exploration By Lucio Valencia
Many people want to explore different places, cultures, and history around the world. Peru is one of the most amazing countries in the world due to his diversity in culture, architecture, and climate. Machu Picchu is a landmark for this country. In my country there is a culture called Inca,who builds a citadel called Machu Picchu, located 50 miles (80 km) northwest of Cusco city Peru,in the Andes mountain. Machu Picchu has ruins built with giant rocks. Machu Picchu was explored, and discovered by Hiram Binglam in 1911. Machu Picchu is designated a UNESCO world patrimony.It is one of the seven wonders of the world for its architectural design of the Inca Empire. Thousands of tourists visit it daily. I think this exploration is very important to know the culture of the Inca because the mountain has terraces, aqueducts,and roads.
Dominican Republic By Katherine Medina Exploring for me is discovering or experiencing new things. The Dominican Republic is a beautiful country to visit and that is why many tourists visit us.A Lot of tourists prefer to travel to the Caribbean because it’s summer all the time with the temperature of more than 100 degrees . When tourists visit us, most of them worry about learning to speak to Spanish before they come to visit. They like to try to speak Spanish when they're there. They love to dance merengue. One of the benefits that the tourists that we have everything include in the hotels and the flights don’t cost too much. And we have beautiful beaches with white sands. We have our traditional food, rice beans, beef, sancocho, and mangu (plantain). A con that tourists can find in dominican Republic is that somebody can trick you there. One other con that’s there is that if you leave the spot away from the hotel there no gonna count for the same thing because there is a problem with the light there we don’t have light all day. Tourism is the main source currency for our country, but due to covid 19 our economy has dropped since tourism has dropped. I recommend everyone to visit and explore my beautiful country. ” Dominican Republic has everything. ” That’s the saying of our country.
COMPARING AND CONSTRASTING Alaska vs Dubai By Pamela Casemiro Alaska and Dubai are two countries with very different climates but with similarities. The climate characterizes each type of country, region, state or city, sand and ice are part of completely different climates, every day we can learn about how the weather is anywhere in the world, thanks to meteorological centers. Alaska's climate is sub-polar or polar with cold, snowy, long, dark winters and short, relatively mild summers, winter stays for four months from November to March, with maximum temperatures of 32 fahrenheit. The Alaskan summer lasts four months from May to September, with temperatures between 59 to 79 fahrenheit, in the summer the days are longer, reaching nineteen hours of sunshine. The climate in Dubai is hot and arid, and very dry with many temperature changes during the year. Winter in Dubai is a little cooler with an average maximum temperature of 73 fahrenheit, and 57 fahrenheit at night. Summer in Dubai is very dry, hot, and windy. The average maximum temperature during the day is around 104 fahrenheit, and during the night 86 fahrenheit, it hardly ever rains all year round. Alaska and Dubai have the four seasons, but the ones that predominate are winter and summer. The two countries have months more suitable for touring one because it is with higher temperatures and the other can be with milder temperatures, Alaska is dominated by ice and Dubai and dominated by the desert., In conclusion, we have two countries with different climates, but with well defined winter and summer, which have tourism, with very unique landscapes.
Boston Vs Santo Domingo By Katherine Medina Boston is a city with many
opportunities like other countries. The
opportunities for people to get ahead.The
weather is always hot and never snow. The
life is expensive but they have a lot of work
economy of Dominican Republic comes
options. The only problem is the language
from tourism.An advantage of living in
for many people because for most jobs you
Santo domingo is you can have your own
need to speak good English. Another
house and don’t need to pay rent.
problem is not having a car and having to
Finally we can realize that Boston
take public transportation. The weather has
and Santo Domingo are way different. When
four climate stations, winter, spring, summer
we live in Santo Domingo we feel like we
and fall .Summer is the best because you can
are living as a family because even friends
have fun riding bikes and go to the beaches.
can make you feel like they are your family. Once you start living in Boston you realize
Santo Domingo is the best place to that you have lost that because here you live, but life is much more expensive and work for yourself and you work for you and there are not many work options. We only your kids. In my opinion Santo Domingo is speak Spanish which is more helpful in the best even though here I have more finding jobs. Most people want to go to options and opportunities to continue my college but don’t have the same goals .
THE WEATHER IN MINAS GERAIS AND PARANA By Sibele Ferreira Pereira In Brazil there are many states with beautiful diversity seasons. That stands out with their particularities. I will ĂŞnfase two states and their weather Minas Gerais and ParanĂĄ, because the weather is very different. If you like warm weather, you need to meet Minas Gerais, the prevailing climate is the tropical high altitude, in addition to presenting the tropical climate. The tropical climate is present in the lower areas, the temperature in this region varies between 22 and 23 graus celsius with two well defined seasons, with raining summers and dry winters. On the other hand the Parana is the coldest region in Brazil, sudden drop in temperature and even the formation of hail. There are four defined seasons. In a subtropical climate, the summer is warm and in the spring the climate begins to become pleasant and plants gain more life and color. The autumn is characterized by the great variability of the rains, mostly due to the passage of cold fronts. Minas Gerais or ParanĂĄ are two really beautiful states. Each one with your specific seasons and its way of enchanting us.
Similarities and differences between Massachusetts and Egypt by Nevine Gadalla Did you know that Egypt’s weather is very similar to the one in Massachusetts? Massachusetts is an American state while Egypt is a country but believe it or not the two of them have many similarities. The first similarity that may seem odd to you is weather. The weather in Egypt is very hot in the summer and dry. This is just like Massachusetts weather in the summer, some people believe that Egypts weather is super hot and very dry but this is very not true Egypts weather in the summer could be compared to Massachusetts. The second similarity between Egypt and Massachusetts is tourism. Both Egypt and Massachusetts get many tourists especially in the summer which is very understandable. Egypt gets visited for mostly The Great Pyramids Of Giza but Egypt also gets visited for its beautiful beaches. This is very similar to Massachusetts tourism, Massachusetts gets visited for its beaches too. All in all both countries get visited by tourists a lot every year. With similarities there comes differences and there are differences between Egypt and Massachusetts. The first difference is the time zone. This is an obvious one but there are a lot of things a time zone could change. First off the different time zones may mean different meal times, different mean times as in breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is a major difference because Egyptians usually eat dinner at 9pm maybe even later. People in Massachusetts eat dinner at 6pm. The reason this could be major is because studies show that what time you eat can affect many things like body weight, cholesterol level and sleep. The second difference is culture. People in Egypt pray a lot more than in Massachuests and there is more ethnicity in Egypt then Massachusetts. The reason for this is because most people that live in Massachusetts are Christians while in Egypt there are Christians, Catholic Christians, Orthodox Christians, Muslims and more. This gives Egypt more culture than Massachuessts but unfortunately because of Ethnicity people divide in Egypt meaning that a lot of people don't help each other. Egypt and Massachuessts have many more similarities than people really think but with similarities comes differences. These are some similarities and differences between Egypt and Massachusetts.
Differences in the weather between boston and Santo Domingo By Selma Morel De Marte Santo Domingo is a hot country all season. The 365 days of the year temperatures are very high and hot and it's always summer. Boston's climate is mostly cold most of the year. Most of winter snow falls. personally I like the cold more than the heat. Boston has 4 seasons in the year that are autumn, summer, winter and spring, while in Santo Domingo all the time is summer. the climate of santo domingo although it is very hot at the same time it has a lot of humidity while boston even in the summer has a cooler climate In Boston the seasons of the year are beautiful and each season is very marked while in Santo Domingo it is always the same season and it keeps raining constantly. In Santo Domingo you can go to the beaches all the time and do outdoor activities because the weather allows it, in Boston you can only visit the beaches in summer and outdoor activities in summer, spring, autumn and some winter days that permitting temperature. Finally, I believe that both cities are beautiful and each habitant adapts to the climate of each one. Personally, I like the climate of Boston better.
Climatic difference between Mato Grosso and Massachusetts By Gisele Kemmerich Almeida
Mato Grosso is a state located in the central west region of Brazil. Massachusetts is a state located in New England in the United States. Mato Grosso has a tropical, humid climate. It does not have its seasons defined. It is very hot all year round. Temperatures range between 30 and 40 degrees Celsius. In the winter period, it is not cold, and it is the hottest period of the year. It averages 3 months without rain. In some places there is a lack of water in the houses and for animals. In the summer period, it is also hot, but it rains a lot, this makes the temperature drop and the weather is pleasant. Massachusetts is a state that has four seasons well defined. But most of the year is cold. In winter it is very cold. Most days the temperature is below zero degrees Celsius. In this state there is no winter without snowing. Summer is very short, with an average of three months of heat. With only a few days, the temperature is very hot. In conclusion, these two states with their great climatic differences are two very good places to live, each with its own charm.
Explains what a biologist does. By Claudia Coelho
A biologist is an individual who studies everything about animals, plants, and everything that evolved into natural ambient beings. When a biologist is studying, he or she chooses a segment of biology to study. After choosing that segment, the biologist begins a long journey, because he or she has a lot to study.
Biology is falling in love with everything that exists in the natural world. It is fascinating to understand the symbiosis of all life forms and their place in nature. It is amazing to imagine how everything emerged out of chaos. It is impossible!!! This profession has to be constantly observing, studying, and searching information about the object of study. Your career involves dedication, time, and sacrifice. Many stay in dangerous places, and precarious conditions, but the result is gratifying.
The natural environment is an inexhaustible front to explore. Each discovery reveals more issues to be solved. Years ago the natural environment wasn’t as important that it is today. For example, when I was studying biology I chose to do marine biology, but there weren’t any jobs in the area so I decided to change to be a biology teacher. Today the natural environment is very important, because your protection results in the maintenance of balance that involves the world's health.
Biologists fight to make the world a better place and control exploration. Preserving the planet results in quality of life. It is important to explore the natural resources, but it needs to be done carefully.
Biology is a beautiful profession and despite all the barriers, it is still worth all the dedication. Contemplating what God created is wonderful.
The differences between Egypt and U.S.A
By Hebbah Gad Two very different countries are Egypt and the United States of America. There are many differences such as clothing, weather, and food. One big difference is the clothing everyone wears. Egypt has many different styles that you have never seen or wore before. Even guys wear these very long shirts sometimes. Another big difference is the weather in Egypt. They don’t have snow. And here in the United States they have snow during the winter. Also in Egypt the winter is not cold. Here in the United States the winters are very cold. Last but not least the food is very different in Egypt then the United States. Egypt has many different types of spices and soups that I’ve never seen in the United States. And In Egypt they eat bread with almost all foods. And here there’s many meals without bread. There are many differences from Egypt and the United States. Many of them are very reasonable differences.
Challenge is knowledge By Santiago Leon Fajardo Challenge is knowledge. Anything you find difficult to do, is because it requires a special effort and consists of something you don't know yet. So when you achieve one goal and you learn to do it properly, it's because you've learned something new. I came here because opportunity presented itself in front of me and I took it. For a long time I have wanted to live in the United States since it seems to me a very good country full of opportunities and quality of life. It has been a challenge for me, starting with the language, but I am learning it. As a child I used to use English as a game and that is why learning it has been entertaining, now it happens that English will change my life. I am impressed that there are a lot of places to go and know, also there are so many people from different cultures and I am curious to know their way of seeing the world. That is another benefit that learning English brings me. Sometimes it is complicated because I have not yet fully mastered the language and I get frustrated because in Spanish I can perfectly express my ideas but in English I need time to process the information, I think it is a matter of practice. In conclusion, learning another language can be frustrating and complicated, but if you take your time and put your desire into it, you can achieve it, so you will get to know something new that will help you achieve your goals.
CLASSIFICATION Parenting Style By Katherine Medina
Every parent has different parenting
to show our kids to have goals and one way
styles to raise their children. I considered
to show them is to give them the example
myself as a strict parent. I like to put rules in
ourself. Another one is to show them to have
my house for example, my kids have to
trust in themself to be able to do what they
make their own bed and take out the trash.
want. Finding kids help when they need it
My version of giving my kids consequences
like counselors because this is a country
taking their electronics for 3 to 1 week
where most kids suffer from depression and
depending on what they did.
anxiety. One mistake as parents that we make is buying them everything they want
Taking care of kids here is so much even if they don’t deserve. We have to put a more difficult here than in my country. I feel limit because you get things when you need like kids in this country don't get proper it or deserve it. love. Most of the kids don’t care what sacrifices we go through to give them what
Finally being a parent is the best
they want. Us parents need to show our kids
thing but is also very hard. You always have
to be responsible and independent. We need
to work hard and always take time to spend
with your kids for example, go out and eat,
help them with homework but never forget what our kids do