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Summer 2022







“It’s the responsibility of a Technology Publication to share new ideas and challenge the status quo.


And when a Publication fails to include different experiences, beliefs, and ideas, they miss out on a true perspective of our Global Environment.”

Linda Restrepo Editor/Publisher





Center for Disease

Control (CDC) has a problem and that problem is people living their comfy lives in their comfy environment. They believe that bad things can only happen to someone else somewhere else. They prefer to get their news from movies, or worst yet TikTok and pop culture. Humans learn about the world by collectively acquiring information, filtering it, and sharing what we know. For years, the CDC has attempted to inform the public of the potential for weaponized biological agents which are “regular” infectious diseases weaponized to cause mass morbidity. What if at a strategy meeting someone threw out the concept of why don’t we just tell the public that the dam Zombies are coming for them. Even humorous (sarcastic) at the time, it turned out to be a good idea,

WHY? 8

Because of the rise of zombies in pop culture, we have zombie movies, and zombie TV shows, we celebrate Halloween, and Day of the Dead, and people believe that it could happen.

Dead creatures could get out of their graves and take over the world, roaming the highways eating people that get in their way for lunch.”

The CDC proceeded with their Zombie attack program, utilizing the concept of Zombies to warn the public in case of a bioterrorism attack. A bioterrorism attack is when biological agents such as infectious diseases are weaponized and utilized to cause mass morbidity. Biological agents include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms.

Historical Perspective: The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people and peaking in Europe in the years 1346–53.


the Black Death

superpowers and bad actors began to think “why do we need guns, warships when a simple virus can kill millions of people”.



FACT CH E CK: Did the CDC really offer guidelines for preparedness in case of a zombie apocalypse?

R ESP O NSE: Yes, but the post doesn't say anything about a zombie apocalypse actually happening. Instead, it's a general disaster preparedness guideline, just framed around zombies because of the pop culture interest and a way to get more people educated about proper hazard responses.



Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Zombie Preparedness page.



big question


always been asked: how can scientists, who are educated to help humanity can justify the use of their privileged knowledge for the explicit goal of killing civilians en masse?


There has never been a response to this question but it is presumed that new or imagined threats to national security could persuade biologists to set aside any moral qualms in the name of patriotism; for economic security, fame, a career, or any combination of these motives.

big question

Another justification for the development of biological weapons always been asked: how can has been the suspicion that an Another justification for the scientists, who are educated to enemy has already armed development of biological weapons help humanity can justify the use of themselves with such weapons, hasprivileged been theknowledge suspicion that an their for the thus we must be prepared to enemy hasofalready armed en explicit goal killing civilians counterattack. History has shown themselves with such weapons, masse? us that such suspicions are usually thus we must be prepared to based on poor intelligence and/or counterattack. History has shown political agendas. The suspicions There has never been us that such suspicions are usually can however open the floodgates based on poor intelligence and/or to unrestricted military research. a response to this political agendas. The suspicions question but it is can however open the floodgates to unrestricted that militarynew research. presumed or The


imagined threats to national security could persuade biologists to set aside any moral qualms in the name of patriotism; for economic security, fame, a career, or any combination of these motives.


the First World War,

suspicions by the UK, the USA, and the Soviet Union that Germany was secretly developing biological weapons ran high. Fact Check: The German army was the first to use weapons of mass destruction, both biological and chemical, during the First World War, although their attacks with biological weapons were on a rather small scale and were not particularly successful. ( cles/PMC1326439/pdf/4embor849.pdf).



the First World War,

suspicions by the UK, the USA, and the Soviet Union that Germany was secretly developing biological weapons ran high. Fact Check: The German army was the first to use weapons of mass destruction, both biological and chemical, during the First World War, although their attacks with biological weapons were on a rather small scale and were not particularly successful. ( cles/PMC1326439/pdf/4embor849.pdf).

Nevertheless, France started its own biological weapons program in the early 1920s. In 1925, the signing of the Geneva Protocol banned the use of both chemical and bacteriological weapons. (EMBO reports VOL 7 | SPECIAL ISSUE | 2006).

History, shows us that Germany was intent on an expansion of its tank divisions and air force. The Nazis manufactured and stockpiled thousands of tons of chemical munitions. While Hitler never employed them in battle, historians say that was largely for tactical reasons. Gas was utilized in concentration camp gas chambers during the Holocaust.®

The concept of weaponized bio-agents continued in the1930’s when Japan conducted studies on prisoners of war using Anthrax which they called UNIT 731. In 1943 the U.S. began its pilot test programs in which we weaponized seven bioagents including Anthrax. A World War I veteran, part-time preacher, and Chair of the bacteriology department at the University of Wisconsin, Ira Baldwin joined the World War II Effort.

big question

After speculating that Germany and Japan were supporting biological The has warfare programs, he was invited to Washington by Colonel William always been asked: how can Kabrich ofwho the Army’s then to scientists, are educated Chemical Warfare help humanity can Service. justify the use of their privileged knowledge for the The question him was explicit goal ofposed killingto civilians en whether the U.S. could produce masse? tons of its own bacteriological agents. is alleged to have ThereHehas never been

Another justification for the development of biological weapons has been the suspicion that an enemy has already armed themselves with such weapons, thus we must be prepared to counterattack. History has shown us that such suspicions are usually based on poor intelligence and/or political agendas. The suspicions can however open the floodgates to unrestricted military research.


responded: “Absolutely,

a response to this[I]f youquestion could dobut it initaistest tube, you could in presumed that do newit or a imagined 10,000-gallon tank,” threats to and “if you get enough national security could tanks I’m sure you will persuade biologists to get tons. set aside any moral ( ce/features/weapon-biography-ira-baldwin/). qualms in the name of patriotism; for economic security, fame, a career, or any combination of these motives.


the First World War,

suspicions by the UK, the USA, and the Soviet Union that Germany was secretly developing biological weapons ran high. Fact Check: The German army was the first to use weapons of mass destruction, both biological and chemical, during the First World War, although their attacks with biological weapons were on a rather small scale and were not particularly successful. ( cles/PMC1326439/pdf/4embor849.pdf).


Baldwin, oversaw the mass production of anthrax spores to fill bombs along with hundreds of other scientists, civilian and military, involved in biological warfare research, which was kept secret as the Manhattan Project. In 1969 President Nixon allegedly stopped all biological warfare testing. The Soviet Union has a sophisticated program even though they suffered an Anthrax accident in 1979.

“Biological warfare is not some new hightech phenomenon, it has been utilized for centuries”. Table 1 presents examples of biological warfare during the past millennium.


...virtually no nation with the ability to develop weapons of mass destruction has abstained from doing so. mc/articles/PMC1326439/

1 1 big 5 5 question 1346



- Emperor Barbarossa poisons water wells Another justification for the The has with human bodies, Tortona, Italy development of biological weapons always been asked: how can has been the suspicion that an scientists, who are educated to enemy has already armed help humanity can justify the use of ofthemselves with such weapons, - Mongols catapult bodies plague victims their privileged knowledge for the thus we must be prepared to over the city walls of Caffa, Crimean Peninsula explicit goal of killing civilians en counterattack. History has shown masse? us that such suspicions are usually based on poor intelligence and/or - Spanish mix wine with the blood of leprosy agendas. The suspicions There has never been political patients to sell to their French foes, Naples, Italy open the floodgates can however a response to this to unrestricted military research.



1675 1763 1797


- Confederates sell clothing from yellow

fever and smallpox patients to Union troops, U.S.A.


question but it is - Polish fire saliva from rabid dogs toward presumed that new or their enemies the First World War, imagined threats to national security could suspicions by the UK, the USA, and Soviet - The first deal between German and Union that Germany was persuade biologists to the secretly developing biological French forces was not to use 'poison bullets' weapons ran high. Fact Check: The set aside any moral army was the first to use qualms in the name of German weapons of mass destruction, both - British distribute from smallpox and chemical, during the patriotism; for blanketsbiological First World War, although their patients to native Americans economic security, attacks with biological weapons fame, a career, or any were on a rather small scale and were not particularly successful. - Napoleonof floods the plains ( around combination these Mantua, Italy, to enhance the spread ofcles/PMC1326439/pdf/4malaria motives. embor849.pdf).



are typically found in nature and can be spread through the air, through water, or in food. Some biological agents like the smallpox virus can be spread from person to person and some like Anthrax, cannot. Weaponized bio-agents pose the highest risk to the public and national security because:

They can be easily spread or transmitted from person to person They result in high death rates and have the potential for major public health impact They might cause public panic and social disruption

big question

Another justification for the development of biological weapons always been asked: how can has been the suspicion that an bio-agents scientists, who are educated to enemy has already armed are the dangerous and themselves with such weapons, help humanity canmost justify the use of include : their privileged knowledge for the thus we must be prepared to explicit goal of killing civilians en counterattack. History has shown masse? us that such suspicions are usually based on poor intelligence and/or There has never been political agendas. The suspicions 1. ANTHRAX can however open the floodgates a response to this to unrestricted military research. 2. BOTULISM question but it is The



presumed 3. BRUCELLOSIS

that new or imagined threats to 4. PLAGUE national security could 5. SMALLPOX persuade biologists to aside any moral 6. VIRALset HEMORRHAGIC FEVER qualms in the name of patriotism; for economic security, fame, a career, or any combination of these motives.


the First World War,

suspicions by the UK, the USA, and the Soviet Union that Germany was secretly developing biological weapons ran high. Fact Check: The German army was the first to use weapons of mass destruction, both biological and chemical, during the First World War, although their attacks with biological weapons were on a rather small scale and were not particularly successful. ( cles/PMC1326439/pdf/4embor849.pdf).


W hile

the use of biological agents

as terrorist weapons is extremely rare, it can inflict mass injuries unmatched by conventional weapons. The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (GTD) defines terrorist attacks as “the threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation.” In today’s technology world, traditional military guns and tanks are no longer necessary to destroy an adversary. Adding to the foray is that many times we don’t even know who our adversary is, it is often difficult to determine the responsible party.

Ba d

actors can stay anonymous

while performing cyber attacks. Our increased utilization of technology provides tremendous opportunities but it also increases the vulnerability of people and governments to cyber attacks.


And playing around with bio-agents is not just for the big boys or big governments, today anyone with basic skills can be a player or if you prefer "an enemy”.



has demonstrated its ability to surpass

human-level intelligence in a broad array of areas. AI has seen exponential growth and diffusion as it is used across most industries, it solves business and transportation problems, detects fraud, supports fraud, it can also predict the emotional state and behavior of the person calling to help companies anticipate desirable solutions. Generally defined Artificial Intelligence represents the third era of computing, the ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions such as perception, learning, reasoning, problem-solving, contextual understanding, predictions, and exercising creativity, as well as or better than humans.


It is important to realize that machines, computers, artificial intelligence, and anything designed by humans will never be perfect. Mistakes will be made, poor recommendations will occur, and bad things will happen. In what started as an invitation to a conference in Switzerland to discuss the misuse of machine learning, like all Conference speakers eagerly determined to bring new knowledge to the event, Researcher, Fabio Urbina decided to conduct an AI experiment. Urbina’s day job is to implement new machine learning models in the area of drug discovery. His discovery not only shook him but the world. Through his research,

It took less than six hours for drug-developing AI to invent 40,000 potentially lethal molecules”.

These are some of the worst lethal molecules anyone has ever come up with. (

Technology exists everywhere in the Universe, just because we are not aware of Technology doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. While you sleep, the lights are burning late at labs around the world. Often referred to as the “devil in the fridge” CRISPR is a method that promises to revolutionize technology by allegedly allowing us to change nearly any gene in any way in any species. Simply put, CRISPR, an acronym for “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,” is a way to edit DNA. It can also be utilized to create weapons of war. Warfare has moved from tanks and guns to asymmetric operations. When considering the potential threat of biological weapons in the hands of rogue states or terrorist groups we must also look at the ordinary citizen. Early Genetic Engineering Experiments cost millions of dollars. CRISPR is now so democratized that it can be accessible to anyone delivered to your door for less than $300. Cheap and simple CRISPR kits are now sold on the Internet, allowing anyone to edit the genes of bacteria. The key emphasis here is on the word



And there it sat Next to my bottle of wine. Waiting for me to throw the dice

and meddle with aTechnology exists everywhere in the Universe, just because we are not aware system I knew of Technology doesn’t mean it doesn’t nothing about - exist. you sleep, the lights are burning permanently While late at labs around the world. Often to as the “devil in the fridge” changing my DNAreferred CRISPR is a method that promises to technology by allegedly and those of revolutionize allowing us to change nearly any gene in any way in any species. Simply put, generations to comeCRISPR, an acronym for “clustered interspaced short palindromic with uncertain regularly repeats,” is a way to edit DNA. Results

It can also be utilized to create weapons of war. Warfare has moved from tanks and guns to asymmetric operations. Early Genetic Engineering Experiments cost millions of dollars. CRISPR is now so democratized that it can be accessible to anyone delivered to your door for less than $300. Cheap and simple CRISPR kits are now sold on the Internet, allowing anyone to edit the genes of bacteria. The key emphasis here is on the word

ANYONE! - Linda Restrepo-

It is the ease of delivery and lack of oversight that could be a danger to humanity. Enemies search for methods to inflict maximum danger with limited resources and theoretically CRISPR can be done in their kitchen. Most of the research on CRISPR has been funded by the federal government and thus the American taxpayer. There has been a surge of CRISPR research by scientists in both Universities and Biotechnology companies, who are researching it for use in medicine and beyond. In 2018 publicly available CRISPR Patent Applications included: 872 in the United States; 186 in Europe and 858 in China.

It is the potential it has for mitigation which should keep the average person up at night. Genetic Engineering Technology augmented with AI can make existing Bacteria

morbidly endless. 26

So how does this all fit together? Exponential Technology is the type of Technology that grows at an exponential rate. It does this through conversion which is one technology interacting with another technology. The reason they become exponential is that costs come down creating more opportunities for more growth and or malfeasance. Converging with each other they produce a power never seen before or imagined possible. In this scenario, the Convergence becomes cyber warfare, co-mingled with genetic reproduction, weaponized bio-agents, and AI. A lethal cocktail to say the least. While disinformation on the subject runs rampant, Panic control is a major criterion of any crisis or dangerous situation, they tell you to go home and lock your doors, not because it will be the safest place but because it will keep you from roaming the streets like a Zombie.

So the message is that if you don’t want to become a ZOMBIE or be eaten by one you need to be informed and prepared”.




Linda Restrepo is Director of Education and Innovation Human Health Education and Research Foundation. She has been a recognized Women in Technology Leader Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence. Restrepo's expertise also includes Exponential Technologies Management, Computer Algorithms, Research, Implementation Management of Complex Humanmachine Systems. Interstellar exploration and Mars Human Habitats; Global Economic Impacts Research. Restrepo is President of a global government and military defense multidisciplinary research and strategic development firm.


She has directed Corporate Technology Commercialization through the US National Laboratories. Emerging Infectious Diseases, Restrepo is also the Chief Executive Officer of Professional Global Outreach. Restrepo has advanced degrees from The University of Texas and New Mexico State University.


Linda Restrepo

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Linda Restrepo

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TECHNOLOGY IN THE MAKING DISCLAIMER: This Magazine is designed to provide information, entertainment and motivation to our readers. It does not render any type of political, cybersecurity, computer programming, defense strategy, ethical, legal or any other type of professional advice. It is not intended to, neither should it be construed as a comprehensive evaluation of any topic. The content of this Presentation is the sole expression and opinion of the authors. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the authors or the Editor. Neither the authors nor the Editor are liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. You are responsible for your own choices, actions, and results.




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