Sustainability program at a glance eng driau 2010

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Programa Sustentabilidad Sustainability Program DMD/LAC Lutheran World Federation

Stewardship awareness and education for common witness and sustainability

Latin America, the countries and the churches in the Program

No human action can replace God’s action of creating and sustaining the church, but be an expression of responsible stewardship of God’s gift to the church.

The context: The paradigms of being the church in LA are in a period of crisis : •

From ethnic to national churches

• Impoverishment of countries has led to the impoverishment of the churches’ constituency, • Churches growing among the excluded and marginalized sections of society. • The “traditional” way of being church is challenged by other denominations, the own membership and the society

多What mission are we called to, with which resources and affirming which model of being church. lucrative

Gifts and Resources Development

S naivety

Finding other models of being church

Participatory Strategic Planning




DIACONIA IN CONTEXT The Church Contribution


Key Concepts •The Mission of God •Hermeneutical spiral •Participation •Gender approach •Self-reliance and responsible stewardship •Accountability •Systemic approach • Experiential and mutual learning •Institutional change As it is expressed in “Mission” in Context and “Diakonia in Context”

Sustainability Spiral In the broader perspective of God who creates and sustains

Santiago, mar. 2008

Managua, nov. 2007

Lima, ago. 2008 2010 Transition 4ยบ Meeting, November 2010

Gift and Resources Development Responsible stewardship

Participatory Strategic Planning Planning-evaluating-monitoring

Thinking and building the church Finding other models of being church

Program Objective To encourage and promote debate and actions which foster sustainable projection of the Lutheran churches members of the LWF in Latin America

Strategies Defining implementation agenda with regional leaders conference and governing bodies Think tank on sustainability (Grupo Animador)

“Joint-venture” Training of human resources Facilitation of training materials and resources Communion co-responsibility

Methodologies  Gradual process (ministry of Jesus)

 Involvement and active participation (early Christians)  Simultaneous and interdisciplinary process (the contribution of Luther, the two regimes, Law and Gospel)

 Participatory and mutual learning and action  Group learning by doing and sharing.P2P  Latin American popular education perspective


Tools  Discerniment of Our Call and Vision  Facilitation of participatory processes  Participatory Strategic Planning (and monitoring and evaluation)  Mapping and development of gifts and resources  Community of faith financial management (accountability standards and performance, stewarship)i.e:Financial Health Check

 Finding other models of being church

Experiences in Progress what the curches are doing

 Strategic Planning Process and Mission Plan in IELCO (Colombia)  Sustainability Process (Honduras)  Mission Action Plan PAMI IECLB (Brasil)  Facilitators Training Program Participations IELU (Argentina)  Financial Health Check for Congregations  Also actions in Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua

Experiences (indicators): IECLB-Brasil

Experiences (indicators): IELCO - Colombia

Experiences (indicators): ICLH - Honduras

Experiences (indicators): IELU –Argentina Uruguay

Experiences (indicators): IELU –Argentina Uruguay

Experiences (indicators): IELU –Argentina Uruguay

Short Term Goals

• To encourage churches to make political decisions about

the Program: to set mid and long term goals and to strength the regional governance of the Program •To motivate the church-to-church accompaniment in sustentability processes •To share learnings with other LWF regions •To motivate a strongly networking with other LWF departments/programs •To buil up and communicate the own PPME of the Program

2010 Operative Plan

• 2010 as a transition year

•Reconnection with stakeholders and partners •Recovering the local experiences •Accompaniment to some local experiences •Blog update •Systematizing the experiences and the process •4th Meeting (November) Program Resources •PLA 9018 (2010 USD38.000) •Core Group (Think Tank) Grupo Animador (volunteers) •16 churches delegates in the program (volunteer) •Facilitator (part-time position rented) •Geneva staff support (administrative and logistic)

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