2.1 PROGRAM OVERVIEW NATIONAL PROGRAM SUPPORT FOR LOCAL PARTNERS Program Peduli at national level gave its local partners considerable flexibility to design their strategies in a context-sensitive way, and to adjust their work plans throughout implementation with approval from the umbrella organisations. It supported design processes, quality control and overall cohesion through national-level workshops and analysis undertaken with the seven umbrella partner organisations. This discussion and analysis in turn informed the specific strategies of the 79 local CSOs that received support. The national Program Peduli team and umbrella partners provided learning events and regular mentoring and coaching. For example, a national-level gender analysis workshop (April 2016) and learning event on gender analysis (October 2016) included partners focusing on waria. A national technical working group on waria brought together representatives of CSOs working on human rights issues, gender and waria activists, TAF, DFAT, and the NGO leading Program Peduli’s work with waria – the Indonesia Planned Parenthood Association (PKBI). Their discussions contributed to a note on the social exclusion of waria and to the grant agreement with the South Kalimantan chapter of PKBI, which was selected to lead the work in Banjarmasin.
LOCAL STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT THROUGH THEORY OF CHANGE WORKSHOPS The process of generating locally relevant strategies for each of the Program Peduli locations started with a Theory of Change (ToC) workshop.17 Workshops in each location (68 in total) analysed the different dimensions of social exclusion, identified desired changes, enumerated beneficiaries, mapped stakeholders, and described the program strategy and assumptions. TAF designed the ToC workshops to involve beneficiaries, and used a simplified ToC format and methodology to encourage participation (see Section 3.4).18
BOX 1: WHAT IS A THEORY OF CHANGE? A Theory of Change (ToC) is a conceptualization of how a program believes a desired change can happen and of their own role in contributing to it. ToCs are used in the management and monitoring and evaluation of many development programs.
The initial ToC workshop for waria in Banjarmasin was externally facilitated by a social development specialist, and attended by 20 waria. Subsequently, PKBI headquarters supported PKBI South Kalimantan to revise the ToC in January 2016, and PKBI South Kalimantan in turn supported IWB-Banjaraty to develop its own ToC.19
17 For more information on Theories of Change see Valters (2015) or Stein and Valters (2012). 18 The ToC format used focused on the intermediate and ultimate changes the program aimed to achieve, rather than the causal pathways toward the ultimate changes. 19 Email correspondence with PKBI staff, 12 and 13 April 2017.