Research Sites 
Research was conducted from November 2017 to May 2018 in six villages in Kulon Progo Regency, namely: Bumirejo, Gulurejo, Ngentakrejo, Wahyuharjo, Jatirejo and Sidorejo; as well as in Salmon Regency, namely Sendangadi and Sendangtirto. All eight villages had participated in the Inclusive Village Initiative (Rintisan Desa Inklusi) since 2015. Although both Regencies appear to have similar ethnic groups (predominantly Javanese) and religious affiliation (predominantly Muslim), each experiences poverty and growth differently at macro
(regional) and micro (household and individual) levels. The villages in Sleman Regency have relatively better welfare, upward mobility and movement out of poverty when compared to villages in Kulon Progo Regency (Statistics Indonesia 2015). The proximity of Sleman Regency to Yogyakarta city has considerably improved its public services and infrastructure whereas Kulon Progo is known for its proximity to an active volcanic site and is geographically more isolated with poor infrastructure and experiences water shortages.