The Progressive Rancher - October - December 2020

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USDA Provides Additional Coronavirus Assistance On September 18, 2020, President Donald J. Trump and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced an additional $14 billion for agricultural producers who continue to face market disruptions and associated costs because of COVID-19. This is the second round of COVID assistance relief through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), or “CFAP 2”. Please find attached the final rule published in the Federal Register. Below are a few key items to note:

Cattle Payments The CFAP 2 payment rate for eligible beef cattle is $55 per head. Payments will be based on the maximum owned inventory of eligible livestock, excluding breeding stock, on a date selected by the producer, between Apr. 16, 2020 and Aug. 31, 2020. Eligibility

There is a payment limitation of $250,000 per person or entity for all commodities combined. Applicants who are corporations, limited liability companies, • USDA has determined that CFAP limited partnerships may qualify for 1 and CFAP 2 are separate programs. additional payment limits when members USDA’s first CFAP program was actively provide personal labor or personal designed to address disruptions that management for the farming operation. In had occurred by April 15, 2020. CFAP addition, this special payment limitation 2 payments are intended to address the provision has been expanded to include disruptions that have occurred since trusts and estates for both CFAP 1 and then. As a result, CFAP 1 payments will 2. Producers will also have to certify not impact how CFAP 2 payments are they meet the Adjusted Gross Income calculated, and two separate payment limitation of $900,000 unless at least 75 limits will be in effect. percent or more of their income is derived • For price-triggered livestock, payments from farming, ranching or forestrywill be based on a fixed number of head, related activities. Producers must also be which is defined as the lower of the in compliance with Highly Erodible Land maximum owned inventory of eligible and Wetland Conservation provisions. livestock, excluding breeding stock, on Applying for Assistance a date selected by the eligible producer from April 16, 2020, through August Producers can apply for assistance 31, 2020, or a specific number of head beginning Sept. 21, 2020. Applications (4,546 head of cattle or 10,870 head will be accepted through Dec. 11, 2020. of hogs, for example). Cattle payments Additional information and application can be calculated by multiplying the forms can be found at maximum number of head by the Documentation to support the producer’s payment rate (for example, if you have application and certification may be 325 head eligible, you should expect to requested. All other eligibility forms, such as those related to adjusted gross receive $17,875). income and payment information, can • Commodities not eligible for CFAP be downloaded from 2 include: Hay, except for alfalfa, crops apply. For existing FSA customers, intended for grazing, and animals including those who participated in raised for breeding stock. USDA’s FAQ CFAP 1, many documents are likely elaborates: the payments to livestock are already on file. Producers should check focused on market inventory because with their FSA county office to see if there are limited funds available for any of the forms need to be updated. CFAP 2 and the Commodity Credit Customers seeking one-on-one support Corporation (CCC) authority that with the CFAP 2 application process can fully funds the program is meant to call 877-508-8364 to speak directly with a assist with costs associated with market USDA employee ready to offer assistance. disruptions. Breeding stock is typically This is a recommended first step before kept for many years and therefore their a producer engages with the team at the value is less likely to be impacted by FSA county office. temporary price impacts. Non-breeding animals are more likely to be sold and More details are available on the USDA’s therefore more likely impacted by CFAP website: gov/cfap/livestock. market value changes.

NCA Seeking Teacher of the Year Nominations The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association has started their annual quest for “teacher of the year” candidates. We are asking for your help in soliciting nominations from school principals and fellow teachers. The deadline for submitting nominations is November 1, 2020. The nomination form can be found on our website at:

The nominations must be an elementary, junior high, or high school teacher who incorporates agriculture into their regular curriculum. For example, a teacher who teaches a one-week segment on agriculture and its importance to Nevada. Nominees may also include teachers considered in previous years but were not selected for the award. Nominations must include a completed NCA Teacher of the Year Application Form and an attached outline of the nominee’s curriculum that has integrated a unit about agriculture. The winner of this award will receive a $1000 stipend to use on school supplies, donated by the Nevada Agriculture Foundation. The award recipient will also be recognized on the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association webpage and in their Sage Signals publication. The heritage of Nevada is ranching. Nevada Cattlemen’s Association believes the future of our industry lies in the education of the generations to come, as we explore new and innovative methods of sustainability. Please help us in our efforts to support our teachers and their vital efforts in educating our youth.

Nominations may be submitted by email to with “2020 Teacher of the Year Nomination” in the subject line; forms may be faxed to 775-738-5208; or sent by mail to, “Teacher of the Year Nomination”, C/O Nevada Cattlemen’s Association, P.O. Box 310, Elko, NV 89803. For further information or questions, please email or call 775-738-9214.

HOS Emergency Declaration for Livestock Hauling and Feed Hauls has been Extended On September 14, 2020, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced an extension to the Emergency Declaration on Hours of Service, that would extend it until December 31, 2020. This declaration includes: 1. Livestock and livestock feed; a. FMCSA has informed us that the relief is only available to transporters of finished feed. Transporters of feed ingredients are ineligible for the relief. 2. Medical supplies and equipment related to the testing, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19;

The Progressive Rancher

3. Supplies and equipment necessary for community safety, sanitation, and prevention of community transmission of COVID-19 such as masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, soap and disinfectants. 4. (4) food, paper products and other groceries for emergency restocking of distribution centers or stores. Direct assistance does not include routine commercial deliveries, including mixed loads with a nominal quantity of qualifying emergency relief added to obtain the benefits of this emergency declaration. To view/download a document explaining the Declaration in its entirety, please visit: emergency/extension-modifiedexpanded-emergency-declarationno-2020-002-under-49-cfr-ss-39025


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