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E&E News Update Deb Haaland Confirmed

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Deb Haaland confirmed as Interior secretary Emma Dumain, E&E News | March 15, 2021

The Senate has confirmed Rep. Deb Haaland for Interior secretary, the historic culmination of a contentious confirmation process that became a proxy battle over President Biden’s energy agenda and ignited accusations of double standards for Cabinet nominees of color.

The New Mexico Democrat won confirmation this evening, 51-40, making her poised to become the first Native American to ever run a federal agency and the first Indigenous person to run a department with a historically hostile relationship with tribal nations. Four Republicans joined 47 Democrats in voting “yes” — Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Nine senators were not present for the vote. Haaland faced tough questioning from Republicans over whether she would push Biden’s executive orders curbing oil and gas drilling on public lands further to the left, specifically whether she would advocate for a permanent ban beyond the current pause on new leases. The congresswoman has, in the past, expressed opposition to all fossil fuel extraction. Senate Republicans also pointed to Haaland’s record opposing pipelines, championing the Green New Deal and endorsing legislation keeping animals on endangered species registries in perpetuity as disqualifying characteristics. Democrats, however, accused Republicans of treating Haaland with a level of disrespect they would not, and have not, applied to white men nominated for Cabinet positions. “We need to be honest with ourselves about what is going on here,” Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minn.) said in floor remarks shortly before Haaland’s confirmation vote. “Once again, a woman, and a woman of color, is being held to a different standard, and we need to name it.” Haaland was elected to Congress in 2018, becoming the first of two Native American women that year to ever win a seat in the House. An enrolled member of the Pueblo of Laguna and former chairwoman of the New Mexico Democratic Party, Haaland served throughout 2019 and 2020 as the vice chair of the House Natural Resources Committee and the chairwoman of the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands. 2 E&E News Update -

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Owner/Editor/Publisher – Leana Litten Carey

progressiverancher@gmail.com Graphic Design/Layout – www.AllegraReno.com

Cover Credit: “Lucy Rechel, Snyder Feedlot Owner/Manager” by Leana Carey

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Leana Litten Carey, Owner/Editor

1951 W Williams Ave # 432 • Fallon, Nevada 89406 (208) 358-2487 • progressiverancher@gmail.com

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