4 minute read

Battle Born Stockton Well


By Suzann Gilliland Peterson

January 8, 2022 is a special day in the life of Silver Springs, Nevada. It is

the birthday of Battle Born Stockton Well Grange. In tribute to the state of its inception and the history of the area, Battle Born Stockton Well (BBSW) became the 29th Nevada chapter of the National Grange of the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry (National Grange). Battle Born is the motto of Nevada and Stockton Well is one of the largest of the way stations of the five pioneer trails that converged at that well, including the old Carson Immigrant Trail. With its roots in agriculture, Grange is a national organization with a local focus. It is an organization of family values, grassroots activism, and community service whose members are provided opportunities to learn and grow as citizens and leaders. In the Public Television presentation “Spotlight on the Grange,” President Betsy Huber explains some of the reasons why the Grange was founded in 1865, including the fact that it was a way to bring people together after the devastating effects of the Civil War. She describes the Grange as a family organization that includes activities for people ages 5 to 105. In the same presentation, National Grange Executive Committee member Leroy Watson highlights the fact that another reason Grange was founded was to provide social, cultural and educational opportunities. Those opportunities remain an integral part of Grange life today, as does community service. Battle Born Stockton Well Grange began as a conversation in 2020 between Gloria Montero, Lecturer of High Desert Grange in nearby Fallon, and Carolynn Chamlee, a resident of Silver Springs. Carolynn was looking for an opportunity for her daughter to raise goats, a new endeavor for both of them. She met Gloria in 2019 at the High Desert Grange Old Timer’s Show, a popular annual event led by the chapter’s youth that features the goat-raising abilities of their parents. Unskilled though they were, Carolynn and her daughter found that High Desert Grangers were happy to show them the ropes. Carolynn remembers thinking, “A group of people so willing to help out others in a competition they, too, are also in, I felt

that was pretty special.” She was so impressed that she began to attend High Desert Grange meetings and began to bring others whom she felt would benefit from the experience. With the support and guidance of High Desert Grange, she set out to see if there was enough support in Northern Lyon County to create their own Grange chapter in Silver Springs. Thus began the conversation with Gloria and the building of a new chapter. With pride, excitement and praise for the hard work and dedication demonstrated by the new Grangers Carl Clinger, National Grange Deputy for Nevada and President of Nevada’s High Desert Grange, installed the new BBSW officers in a room filled with new BBSW members. On day one as an official Grange chapter, BBSW had secured an immensely impressive 95 members, quite an achievement for a new group. Volunteers are the lifeblood of BBSW Grange and volunteer contributions are evident in all areas of the chapter. Prior to their official launch, the soon-to-be members spent a year in preparation. Carolynn states, “I fully believe we are as successful and large as we are because of the quality of the material we offer.” The Battle Born Stockton Well Grange offers 13 different projects and hosts 2 horse shows, 1 dairy goat show, and 2 educational events a year. All projects are created and taught by BBSW members and the programs reflect the wide range of talent and enthusiasm among them. Projects range from animal husbandry such as hippology and Show Circle Critters (small show livestock) to sports which include shooting sports and soccer to self-sufficiency classes that promote homesteading, gardening skills and more.

President Jamie Graham believes BBSW will bring value to the Silver Springs community, especially to its youth. She says, “Living in a rural area, there aren’t many activities to do or organizations to partake in. Having something like Grange in a small rural community can bring so much positivity to the local community members. It can be a deterrent for the youth who may otherwise get involved in risky activities like drugs or alcohol. It can stimulate the presence of the family and doing things together.” In addition to creating a positive influence in her community, Jamie also hopes to bring new ideas to the national table for Grange members throughout the country as well. She looks forward to seeing where BBSW goes and hopes that they are able to reach many of their community members so they can share with them the sense of community that Grange has given to her family. Building BBSW Grange is a continuous and stimulating endeavor for all its members. “Welcome to the Himalayas” best describes their efforts. As Carolynn puts it, “Like the tallest mountains in the world, we will keep moving up.” For more information on Battle Born Stockton Wells Grange, contact Carolynn Chamlee at cmchamlee@ gmail.com or at 949-275-2815.

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