4 minute read

Elko CattleWomen Awards

Jean Spratling, center

2022 Beef Advocate of the Year BROUGH RANCH BEEF

Kari Lyn & Jordan Brough of Brough Ranch

Mother of the Year JEAN SPRATLING

Jean Spratling was born and raised in Surprise Valley near Cedarville, CA where she

lived until she completed high school. Her parents are Bill and Betty Cockrell. Jean comes from at least 7 generations of agriculture prior to her, she has had big boots to fill, and I think she has done a pretty dang good job so far. Her family, The Cockrell and Harris families, come from long history of ranching in this area. As a child she learned solid values from her hard working parents and has passed that down to her children. There isn’t job on the ranch that my Mom can’t do, I think this is because of all the jobs she learned to do when she was still a kid. She will ride, rope, feed cows, run hay machinery, and cook for the whole crew as well. My Mom met my Dad at Utah State University and married not long after. She completed her degree in Ag Business and was also Valedictorian of the College of Ag Business. After which they returned to the ranch, to start a life and family together. She is the mother of 4 children: Gwen, Justin, Amanda, and Millie. My Mom was involved in every aspect of our lives from homeschooling us through different parts of school, sports, church groups, 4-H and FFA. My Mom served for several years as the Starr Valley 4-H club leader, Chaperoned trips, and helped coach us in the events we chose to compete in. She also made sure we learned to play piano, which I truly appreciate. One memory that comes to mind as I think of is her using a rake to help my horse side pass for 4-H and helping me get drug around on the end of a long lead when we halter breaking cattle 4-H projects that had just been released from the hydronic chute. My Mom has also taught us many other valuable life skills she learned from her mother Betty. These include sewing, gardening, canning, and cooking, making wool saddle blankets, and money management. She wouldn’t tell you this but she is very good at all of these things. No matter where we have all been or what we do, we have all come back to a love for the things our mom taught us. She’s always ready to help us attempt a new recipe, canning vegetables from the garden, doctoring sick calves, or exploring the outdoors. My Mom is always valued education highly. She has pushed us to pursue anything that interests us. We have all completed college and we all value education because of her. We all have gone different directions with our education as well. Gwen has a degree in Chemistry, has been a business owner and now is involved in a well known

Our Beef Business of the year award has been around for many years. However, two years ago we decided to update the award to the Beef Advocate

of the Year. This award encompasses a business or individual that shares the beef story in some way through their life. This year we have chosen Brough Ranch Beef as our recipient. Fifth generation ranchers from Clover Valley, Jordan and Keri Lyn have created a business to be admired. When looking to diversify the ranching operations, Brough Ranch Beef was born. The Elko Co. CattleWomen have watched their business grow over the years. Keri Lyn first started attending farmer’s markets in Elko, then started a beautiful, professional website to sell all their cuts of Wagyu and Angus beef. Before we know it, we see their name being associated with fantastic restaurants serving up their beef nightly. They are even making jerky now! Jordan and Keri Lyn share their story on social media daily. These days we need constant positive information put out into the social world and they do just that. From sharing daily operations, raising kids in rural America, sharing beef information, to recipe inspiration; it’s a glimpse into an operation that is rich in history, but staying current for future generations. The Elko Co. CattleWomen are proud to award Brough Ranch Beef as the 2022 Beef Advocate of the Year.

cutlery business. Justin has a degree in psychology as well as massage therapy and yoga instructing. Amanda has a degree in both Sports Injury Management and is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, and is also a massage therapist. And me, I chose the ranching adventure and also went to USU and have a degree in Animal Science and I am trying to figure out this ranching business. She is the person we all turn if we need to know how to do something meaningful. She is always in service of others; her kids, grandkids, friends and the community. She has a quiet strength and behind the scene humility that carriers throughout her everyday. She would never tell you how she can cook amazing meals, be on horse back all day, rope big calves, come home to bail someone out of a machinery mess, help children with school, and keep the ranch books straight....all in one day. She also has a sense of adventure, but would never explain her self in that way.....even today she would jump on a sled (or snowmobile ) on a good snow day. I cannot imagine having anyone else besides my Mom prepare me for this life. She is such an amazing Grandmother to all of her grandchildren.

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