4 minute read

President’s Perspective


2 President’s Perspective 4 NCA Roundup 6 Editorial by Lucy Snyder

Rechel “Your Beef Checkoff -

Setting the Record Straight” 7 Beef Checkoff Recipe 8 Eye on the Outside (Reprint) 9 Editorial by Kaitlynn Glover

“Conserving America e

Beautiful - e Ranching Way” 10 Eye On the Outside 11 Letter To America - Excerpt from the report “Conserving &

Restoring America the Beautiful” 11 NDA - Rabid Bats Confi rmed 12 Nevada CattleWomen 14 Nevada Farm Bureau Editorial 15 Nevada Farm Bureau -

Scholarships & Discussion Meet 16 SRM “ e Diversity of Nevada

Rangelands” 20 Let’s Talk Ag “Heat Heat Heat” 23 UNR - Awards of Excellence 23 UNR - Dr. Ivory Lyes now

National Program Chair 25 UNR - Study Using Drones 25 UNR - Rename Request 26 UNR - Telehealth Experience 26 UNR - Scott Allen joins Dept of Natural Resources 27 UNR - DON’T PANIC!

It’s Just Swarm Season 28 UNR - Experiment Station

Projects & Facilities 31 UNR - Excerpt from SERRT

Economics Final Report 34 High Desert Grange Update 36 Churchill County Cowbelles

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Nevada Trichomoniasis Papers: 1) Factors Infl uencing Rates of Adoption of Trichomoniasis Vaccine by Nevada Range Cattle Producers 2) Nevada Trich Survey Results Read the full articles here: progressiverancher.com/nevadatrichomoniasis-papers

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Owner/Editor/Publisher – Leana Litten Carey

progressiverancher@gmail.com Graphic Design/Layout – Visualize.Design

Cover Credit: Leana Carey

Published 8 times a year. View all issues at www.progressiverancher.com Readership reaches more than 30,000. e views and opinions expressed by writers of articles appearing in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters of opinion are welcome; submit via email. Advertising rates available upon request. Advertising does not imply editorial endorsement. Liability for errors or omissions in advertisements shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error or omission. © e Progressive Rancher Magazine. All rights reserved.

Leana Litten Carey, Owner/Editor

1951 W Williams Ave # 432 • Fallon, Nevada 89406 (208) 358-2487 • progressiverancher@gmail.com

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President's perspective

By Tom Barnes / President / Nevada Cattlemen's Association

I hope everyone had a happy 4th of July celebrating the freedoms of this great nation. Freedoms that were the result of great sacrifi ce and

hard work by so many in our nation’s history. I fi nd it discouraging that many in our country now take these freedoms we have grown accustomed to for granted. ey seem to forget the life and opportunities aff orded to all of us as citizens – the very reasons so many fl ock to our borders. is country was built upon hard work, determination and the will to make tomorrow better than today. I hope that we will soon return to these principals. I believe it is the responsibility of each of us to work to ensure that our freedoms and the principals this country was founded upon are protected for future generations. Walter Leberski was one those people who believed in the greatness of this country and he took it upon himself to make it better. Walt was a long-time friend of the livestock industry and believed in the mission of the NCA. He dedicated much of his time and eff orts to protecting our industry right up to the time of his passing. His dedicated support will continue as the NCA was the recipient of a very generous gift from Walt’s estate. e primary focus of the endowment is education. I am pleased to announce that we will soon be able to off er another annual scholarship in the name of Walter Leberski. ere were certain wishes and directives that he spelled out and we will honor those. We continue to appreciate all Walt has done for us. July is also the time of year when many Nevada cattle are sold for fall delivery. Given the wide-spread drought, feed costs and the current bottle neck in the meat processing segment, there is a lot of uncertainty in the market. I wish you all the best marketing your cattle. Tom Barnes

Tom Barnes President, NCA

Special Feeder Sales July 13 August 10 September 14

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