4 minute read
CA Cattle Council Update
"Your support and ongoing investment is the only reason why the Council exists." The Cattle Council Needs You.
It’s an understatement to say that the California Cattle Council would not exist without the support of California’s cattle
producers. Your support and ongoing investment is the only reason why the Council exists. A dedicated team of board members and staff closely manages the disbursement of Council funds for priority projects. All board members are cattle producers who equally pay to the Cattle Council. As a cattle producer myself, I also proudly contribute. The Council does not need your investment to succeed. We require your participation. As an organization that prides itself on producer oversight, we need your input, feedback, and support. All Cattle Council meetings are open to the public. The Cattle Council meets in person at least twice per year - once in the spring and once in the fall. A handful of other meetings also typically occur throughout the year. These include meetings of our Executive Committee and project sub-committees. All our open to you to attend, listen and participate. The Council is preparing to host our Fall 2022 meeting on September 19th and 20th in Rancho Murietta near Sacramento. If you can join us in person, please do. Not all our meetings are held in person, though. Some are also available to participate via Zoom. Agendas and log-in instructions are posted on our website at least ten days before each meeting if you can’t catch us in September. You are extremely busy and don’t always have time to attend meetings. We get that. If you cannot participate in our meetings, you can always support the Council and the industry we love by sharing our campaign advertisements on social media. Ranchers and dairy farmers are not our targeted audience, but if you happen to see our paid advertisements on wildfire, the environment, etc., please share them. The Cattle Council was formed by the grassroots, and you are equally important in the success of our campaigns. Support our campaigns by pushing out our advertisements to your friends, neighbors, local leaders, etc. If you don’t see them on social media, please visit our social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to view and share our posts. The Cattle Council even recently funded a project to take our campaigns and messages to TikTok to reach Generation Z. Together we can strengthen the awareness of our campaigns and, ultimately, the success of what we hope and intend to achieve with those campaigns.

Save the Date
Fall 2022 Meeting September 19 & 20 | Rancho Murietta, CA
We will provide more details in the coming weeks. If you are interested in receiving meeting agendas via email, please sign up on our website: https://calcattlecouncil.org/meetings/
New Phase Of Wildfire Resiliency Campaign Launched This Summer
Earlier this summer, we launched an updated phase of the Wildfire Resiliency campaign, which focused on urging our leaders to immediately implement actions to ensure our forest, range, and wildlands are fire resilient and healthy. The campaign wrapped up at the end of July and included social media, radio, and display banner ads. Overall, the campaign had 15 million impressions! Below are copies of the advertisements used online and radio. Did you hear the radio or digital ads and videos? We would love your feedback. Radio Ad: https://calcattlecouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/CCC_GoodFire_60Radio.mp3 CAP Radio Spot: https://calcattlecouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/CA-Cattle-Council-KXJZAircheck-june-22.mp3
New Season Of Stories From California Cattle Country Is Out Now
In July, season 1 of #StoriesFromCCC ended with a visit to the Koopmann’s, discussing recipes and cooking a steak au poivre. Podcast host Ryan caught up with Natalie Koopmann and talked about recipes. The Koopmann's sell beef directly to consumers, and their recipes prove beneficial. Get Natalie's recipe, listen to the episode and see more behind-the-scenes photos on our website here: https:// calcattlecouncil.org/season-1-finale-steak-au-poivre-with-natalie-koopmann/ The podcast's new season kicked off with a trip to Kern County, where Ryan visited Buck Owen's Crystal Palace in Bakersfield, the Glennville Jr. Rodeo, and Laver's Ranch. To listen to and see more photos from S2E1, visit our website at https:// calcattlecouncil.org/season-2-episode-1-out-now/ Get a behind-the-scenes look at the podcast by following our Instagram page @ CalCattleCountry. To listen and learn about each episode, visit the homepage of the California Cattle Council website. This podcast is produced by the California Cattlemen’s Foundation with support from the California Cattle Council.
Cattle Country Exhibit Open In Tulare County Children’s Museum
Cattle Country, an exhibit at ImagineU Children’s Museum in Visalia, opened in 2021 and showcases the long history of cattle and cowboys in California. Complete with two baby calves in need of love and care, the exhibit teaches kids the basics of cattle and cowboy culture. The exhibit is presented by Tulare County Cattle Women's Association and funded by the California Cattle Council and Tulare County Cattlemen. ImagineU is located in downtown Visalia and is open to the public Friday through Monday. Visit www.imagineumuseum.org/visit for more information. If you visit the exhibit, take a picture and tag us on social media!
Faces Behind California Cattle Council: JENNIFER BERETTA
ennifer Beretta is a 4th generation dairy farmer in Santa Rosa, working alongside her father and brother at Beretta Dairy. Beretta is a Council board member and got involved to ensure that the investments made by California’s cattle producers are reinvested in programs that directly benefit them. To learn more about Jennifer and why she’s passionate about advocating for agriculture, visit calcattlecouncil.org/board-member-spotlight-jennifer-beretta/