1 minute read
ecosystems for generations to come. For the tremendous contributions to the science and management of rangeland ecosystems they have made, it is with great honor the Society of Range Management recognized Bree and Russell Burton with the Outstanding Young Professional Award.
Mary Jo Foley, Director of Outreach srmoutreach@rangelands.org
303-986-3309 | info@rangelands.org
Society for Range Management
8918 W 21st St N STE 200, #286 Wichita, KS 67205 www.rangelands.org
Good Grazing Makes Cent$ aims to provide practical, applicable, and economically feasible range management solutions which can ultimately improve productivity of the land and the bottom dollar of the ranch through conversation and collaboration between range scientists and ranchers.
Practical management info for your operation
Monthly Newsletter
Members will receive monthly interactive newsletters full of management tips, tools, and techniques.
Expert Video Content
Members will receive premium educational videos from producers and experts from across the country sharing the success stories and proven techniques.
Society for Range Management Access
Membership provides access to additional Society for Range Management resources including access to their premier academic journals, Rangelands and Rangeland Ecology & Management and many additional benefits.
Collaborate with rangeland scientists
Range Science at your Fingertips
Members have direct access to our collection of experts and range scientists who will be contributing to blogs, videos, and other sciencebased resources on a monthly basis.
Facebook Group
Members will be invited to join a Facebook group for collaborative, live discussions that directly connect rangeland scientists and producers in an easy to access and friendly forum.
Member-Driven Content
Monthly content and information will be driven directly from members’ own questions and queries. Each newsletter will have “submit a question” options that will be answered by our team of experts and possibly even be covered in depth in future newsletter editions.
Good Grazing Makes Cent$ is a project of the Society for Range Management and was made possible thanks to the generous contribution from the estate of Gary and Jo Frasier, longtime SRM members.
High Desert Grange Shows
April 8 | High Rollers Jackpot, Fallon
October 7 | Old Timers & PeeWee
Goat & Sheep Show, Fallon
*Adults & Youth Ages 3-8 only*
High Desert Grange Chapter #22
P.O. Box 5272 Fallon NV 89406
775.427.8210 highdesertgrange22@gmail.com highdesertgrange22 www.grange.org/highdesertnv22
Battle Born Stockton Well Grange Shows
February 4 | Cavy Cuddles & Bunny Love Show
February 25 | Horse Contest
Horse Judging & Hippology Educational Contests
May 7 | Easy Peasy Horse Show
June 3 | Battle Born Dairy Goat Show
October 15 | Spooktacular Horse Show
Battle Born Stockton Well Grange #29
P.O. Box 302 Silver Springs NV 89429 battlebornstocktonwellgrange29@gmail.com
BattleBornStocktonWell www.grange.org/battlebornstocktonwellnv29
Consignment Deadline: April 19, 2023
WVM Headquarters • Cottonwood, CA
Consignment Deadline: May 17, 2023
Internet Sale