The Progressive Rancher - Jan 2019

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25-year Veteran Land Manager Brings Commitment to Collaboration

2 BLM/ NDA News Releases

26 Western States Hemp

3 Riding for the NCA Brand

28 Stop The Burn

4 White House Executive Orders

30 Snowstorm Forage Kochia

5 NCA Roundup

32 UNR History: Sheep In Nevada

6 2018 NCA Awards Banquet

33 BLM News Release

8 NBC Beef Checkoff

36 2018 Van Norman & Friends Branding Contest Results

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced that Jon Raby, a veteran BLM land manager and leader, has been named State Director in Nevada. Raby will report to the BLM Nevada State Office in Reno in early January 2019. Raby, currently serving as the Acting Montana/Dakotas State Director, will lead the management of 48 million acres of public land in Nevada and 59 million acres of Federal mineral resources.

In making the announcement, BLM Deputy Director Brian Steed said “Jon brings a great breadth of national, state and local experience with him as well as a real commitment to collaboration. I look forward to having him in this critical leadership position.” Raby’s career in federal service started over 25 years ago and includes 20 years with the BLM. In addition, he has also worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Forest Service. Raby has held several important assignments in recent years, including BLM Liaison to the Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Land and Minerals Mgmt, and Chief of Staff in the BLM Director’s Office in Washington, DC.

Immediately prior to becoming Acing Montana/Dakotas State Director, Raby served as the Associate District Manager for the BLM’s Medford District in Oregon. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Ohio Northern University. Jon enjoys all types of outdoor activities and is an avid hunter, angler, and blackpowder shooting sports enthusiast. An announcement about succession in the Montana/Dakotas State Office is forthcoming.

NEVADA PRODUCE DISTRIBUTED TO FOOD-INSECURE SENIORS IN LAS VEGAS The Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) and Three Square Food Bank of Las Vegas teamed up last month to provide more than 12,000 pounds of fresh, Nevada-grown produce to 545 low-income seniors in Las Vegas. Nevada received $151,000 from the USDA this year to implement the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP), which provides coupons to food-insecure seniors throughout the state. The program improves access to fresh, local produce while reimbursing participating farmers who accepted the coupons at farmers markets throughout the state. “At the end of the summer, we had $16,200 in leftover funds for a bulk purchase of produce from Nevada farmers,” Devin Wilcox-McCombs, social services specialist for the NDA’s Food and Nutrition division, said. “With that money, we were able to purchase an additional 12,150 pounds of produce and 540 pounds of honey from seven farmers throughout Nevada.”

The produce included potatoes, tomatoes, apples, pears, winter squash, yams, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, sugar pie pumpkins and garlic. The NDA partnered with Three Square of Las Vegas to distribute the items through their Senior Share program.

“Seniors are one of the most vulnerable populations impacted by food insecurity in southern Nevada,” said Jodi Tyson, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Three Square Food Bank. “Barriers such as chronic health problems, mobility issues and fixed incomes often prevent seniors from accessing the nutritious food they so desperately need, and we are grateful for partners like the NDA who understand the importance of effectively utilizing resources to help alleviate the stress of senior hunger.”

10 Mind of Millennial 11 Opinion - Falen Law Offices 12 Eye on the Outside 14 Nevada Cattlewomen 15 Uhart Interview - Renee Jackson 16 BLM News Release

38 USDA FSA News Release 38 NDCNR News Release 40 NDCNR News Release 40 Churchill County Cowbells Update & Recipe

18 UNR News Release

42 9th Annual Western States Ranch Rodeo Association National Finals: Results

20 Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo

44 Range Plants for the Rancher

22 Nevada Farm Bureau

46 DWR Public Notice

24 Introducing The Central Nevada Regional Water Authority

46 HWCWMA Curlycup Gumweed

17 BLM - Kathryn Dyer

The Progressive Rancher Owner/Editor/Publisher – Leana Litten Carey Graphic Design/Layout – Allegra Print & Imaging

Cover Credit: Stacy Butler

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Three Square’s Seniors Share program provides healthy groceries like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins to food-insecure seniors living with chronic conditions. This effort is improving the quality of life of one of the community’s most vulnerable populations.

Leana Litten Carey, Owner/Editor

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2 JANUARY 2019

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From the desk of your NCA president By Sam Mori, NCA President Happy New Year! I want to wish everyone the best in every way as we enter 2019. It is always exciting to look forward to a new year and the prospects and potential of our ideas and dreams. We are so very fortunate to be in a business that is full of wonderful people that have the ability to produce food and fiber in a variety of conditions and challenges and do it better than anywhere in the world.

Change has been made in the Sage Grouse Plan as the BLM has rolled out its revised Environmental Impact Statement. Some of the things we have asked for are included and it will take time to see the results, learn what is working and what needs to be changed. One of the things we continually tell the agencies is as a mistake is identified, lets make the necessary changes to not repeat the same mistake again.

We will be working with a new congress, a new Governor and a new legislator in Carson City, NV as we start the New Year. Your Association will be engaging with the entire political community to make sure our interests, concerns, and needs are known and addressed. It is important to hear from you should you feel something needs to be brought forward. Remember, we in leadership of the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association work for you, our valued and appreciated members.

As we look into the future, there lies plenty of concern around the amount of protein in supply worldwide. Tonnage of the beet, pork, and chicken are totaling record levels. We have been encouraging our elected officials to keep this in mind as they are implementing the Farm Bill and Trade negotiations. Demand for our product is excellent and it is important we keep moving it to the American beef hungry consumer all around the world.

We want to thank everyone that sent cattle to the Silver State Classic Calf and Feeder Sale last month. This sale is a major fundraiser for our Association as a portion of the commission comes to us. Thank you to Fallon Livestock, LLC for entering this agreement with us. Your consignments are greatly appreciated and needed. The Fallon Bull Sale is coming up in February and is also a fundraiser for the Association, should you be needing bulls.

Well my friends, I know you are all busy and I appreciate your taking the time to read this article. I look forward to the new year and the relationships and opportunities we are so fortunate to experience.

Your membership is the single most important asset this Association has. I cannot express how valuable your membership is to our industry. Thank you to all of our members, make an effort to check on anyone you feel should join us in a unified effort to promote and defend this great industry!

Till Next Time,


Sam Mori President, NCA

Six State Grazing Boards as well as interested public land representatives gathered to discuss many issues during their annual meeting at the 83rd Annual Nevada Cattlemen's Association convention November 15-17, 2018 in Winnemucca.

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 3 

WHITE HOUSE EXECUTIVE ORDERS Energy & Environment • December 21, 2018

Promoting Active Management of America’s Forests, Rangelands and other Federal Lands to Improve Conditions and Reduce Wildfire Risk By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of the United States to protect people, communities, and watersheds, and to promote healthy and resilient forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands by actively managing them through partnerships with States, tribes, communities, non-profit organizations, and the private sector. For decades, dense trees and undergrowth have amassed in these lands, fueling catastrophic wildfires. These conditions, along with insect infestation, invasive species, disease, and drought, have weakened our forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands, and have placed communities and homes at risk of damage from catastrophic wildfires. Active management of vegetation is needed to treat these dangerous conditions on Federal lands but is often delayed due to challenges associated with regulatory analysis and current consultation requirements. In addition, land designations and policies can reduce emergency responder access to Federal land and restrict management practices that can promote wildfire-resistant landscapes. With the same vigor and commitment that characterizes our efforts to fight wildfires, we must actively manage our forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands to improve conditions and reduce wildfire risk. In recognition of these regulatory, policy, and coordinating challenges, the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture (the Secretaries) each shall implement the following policies in their respective departments:

(a) Shared Management Priorities. The goal of Federal fire management policy for forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands shall be to agree on a set of shared priorities with Federal land managers, States, tribes, and other landowners to manage fire risk across landscapes. (b) Coordinating Federal, State, Tribal, and Local Assets. Wildfire prevention and suppression and post-wildfire restoration require a variety of assets and skills across landscapes. Federal, State, tribal, and local governments should coordinate the deployment of appropriate assets and skills to restore our landscapes and communities after damage caused by fires and to help reduce hazardous fuels through active forest management in order to protect communities, critical infrastructure, and natural and cultural resources. (c) Removing Hazardous Fuels, Increasing Active Management, and Supporting Rural Economies. Post-fire assessments show that reducing vegetation through hazardous fuel management and strategic forest health treatments is effective in reducing wildfire severity and loss. Actions must be taken across landscapes to prioritize treatments in order to enhance fuel reduction and forest-restoration projects that protect life and property, and to benefit rural economies through encouraging utilization of the by-products of forest restoration. Sec. 2. Goals. (a) To protect communities and watersheds, to better prevent catastrophic wildfires, and to improve the health of America’s forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands, the Secretaries shall each develop goals and implementation plans for wildfire prevention activities and programs in their respective departments. In the development of such goals and plans:

(i) The Secretary of the Interior shall review the Secretary’s 2019 budget justifications and give all due consideration to establishing the following objectives for 2019, as feasible and appropriate in light of those budget justifications, and consistent with applicable law and available appropriations: (A) Treating 750,000 acres of Department of the Interior (DOI)administered lands to reduce fuel loads;

(B) Treating 500,000 acres of DOI-administered lands to protect water quality and mitigate severe flooding and erosion risks arising from forest fires; (C) Treating 750,000 acres of DOI-administered lands for native and invasive species; (D) Reducing vegetation giving rise to wildfire conditions through forest health treatments by increasing health treatments as part of DOI’s offering for sale 600 million board feet of timber from DOIadministered lands; and

(E) Performing maintenance on public roads needed to provide access for emergency services and restoration work; and (ii) The Secretary of Agriculture shall review the Secretary’s 2019 budget justifications and give all due consideration to establishing

4 JANUARY 2019

the following objectives for 2019, as feasible and appropriate in light of those budget justifications, and consistent with applicable law and available appropriations: (A) Treating 3.5 million acres of Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service (FS) lands to reduce fuel load;

(B) Treating 2.2 million acres of USDA FS lands to protect water quality and mitigate severe flooding and erosion risks arising from forest fires;

(C) Treating 750,000 acres of USDA FS lands for native and invasive species; (D) Reducing vegetation giving rise to wildfire conditions through forest health treatments by increasing health treatments as part of USDA’s offering for sale at least 3.8 billion board feet of timber from USDA FS lands; and

(E) Performing maintenance on roads needed to provide access on USDA FS lands for emergency services and restoration work. (b) For the years following establishment of the objectives in subsection (a) of this section, the Secretaries shall consider annual treatment objectives that meet or exceed those established in subsection (a) of this section, using the full range of available and appropriate management tools, including prescribed burns and mechanical thinning. The Secretaries shall also refine and develop performance metrics to better capture the risk reduction benefits achieved through application of these management tools. (c) In conjunction with establishment of goals, and by no later than March 31, 2019, the Secretaries shall identify salvage and log recovery options from lands damaged by fire during the 2017 and 2018 fire seasons, insects, or disease.

Sec. 3. Coordination and Efficient Processes. Effective Federal agency coordination and efficient administrative actions and decisions are essential to improving the condition of America’s forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands. To advance the policies set forth in this order and the goals set by the Secretaries, the Secretaries shall:

(a) Coordinate with the heads of all relevant Federal agencies to prioritize and promptly implement post-wildfire rehabilitation, salvage, and forest restoration; (b) Streamline agency administrative and regulatory processes and policies relating to fuel reduction in forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands and forest restoration when appropriate by:

(i) Adhering to minimum statutory and regulatory time periods, to the maximum extent practicable, for comment, consultation, and administrative review processes related to active management of forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands, including management of wildfire risks; (ii) Using all applicable categorical exclusions set forth in law or regulation for fire management, restoration, and other management projects in forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands when implementing the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.);

(iii) Consistent with applicable law, developing and using new categorical exclusions to implement active management of forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands; and (iv) Immediately prioritizing efforts to reduce the time required to comply with consultation obligations under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).

Sec. 4. Unmanned Aerial Systems. To reduce fire and forest health risks as described in section 1 of this order, the Secretaries shall, in coordination with the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, maximize appropriate use of unmanned aerial systems to accelerate forest management and support firefighting and post-fire rehabilitation in forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands. Sec. 5. Wildfire Strategy. (a) In collaboration with Federal, State, tribal, and local partners, the Secretaries shall jointly develop, by December 31, 2020, a strategy to support local Federal land managers in project decision-making and inform local fire management decisions related to forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands, thereby protecting habitats and communities, and reducing risks to physical infrastructure.

(b) In developing the strategy described in subsection (a) of this section, the Secretaries shall:

The Progressive Rancher

(i) Identify DOI- and USDA FS-administered lands with the highest probability of catastrophic wildfires, as well as areas on those lands where there is a high probability that wildfires would threaten people, structures, or other high-value assets, in order to direct and prioritize actions to meet land management goals and to protect communities; (ii) Examine the costs and challenges relating to management of DOI- and USDA FS-administered lands, including costs associated with wildfire suppression, implementation of applicable statutory requirements, and litigation; (iii) Review land designations and policies that may limit active forest management and increase the risk of catastrophic wildfires;

(iv) Consider market conditions as appropriate when preparing timber sales, including biomass and biochar opportunities, and encourage export of these or similar forest-treatment products to the maximum extent permitted by law, in order to promote active forest management, mitigate wildfire risk, and encourage post-fire forest restoration; (v) Develop recommended actions and incentives to expand uses, markets, and utilization of forest products resulting from restoration and fuel reduction projects in forests, rangelands, and other Federal lands, including biomass and small-diameter materials; (vi) Assess how effectively Federal programs and investments support forest-product infrastructure and market access;

(vii) Identify and assess methods, including methods undertaken pursuant to section 3(b)(iv) of this order, to more effectively and efficiently streamline consultation under the Endangered Species Act;

(viii) In conjunction with the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, identify methods to reduce interagency regulatory barriers, improve alignment of Federal, State, and tribal policy, and identify redundant policies and procedures to promote efficiencies in implementing the Clean Water Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.), Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.), and other applicable Federal environmental laws; and (ix) Develop procedures and guidance to facilitate timely compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act.

Sec. 6. Collaborative Partnerships. To reduce fuel loads, restore watersheds, and improve forest, rangeland, and other Federal land conditions, and to utilize available expertise and efficiently deploy resources, the Secretaries shall expand collaboration with States, tribes, communities, non-profit organizations, and the private sector. Such expanded collaboration by the Secretaries shall, at a minimum, address: (a) Supporting road activities needed to maintain forest, rangeland, and other Federal land health and to mitigate wildfire risk by expanding existing or entering into new Good Neighbor Authority agreements, consistent with applicable law; and

(b) Achieving the land management restoration goals set forth in section 2 of this order and reducing fuel loads by pursuing longterm stewardship contracts, including 20-year contracts, with States, tribes, non-profit organizations, communities, and the private sector, consistent with applicable law. Sec. 7. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or (ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals. (b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


Successful NCA Convention Held in Winnemucca By Kaley Sproul Chapin, NCA Executive Director On November 15-17, 2018 NCA members and affiliates joined together from across the state to participate in the 83rd Annual Nevada Cattlemen’s Association (NCA) Convention held at the Winnemucca Convention Center in Winnemucca, Nevada. If you attended, I am sure you would agree that it was a great way to be updated on current issues affecting our industry, attain new contacts and enjoy good company that shares similar views. This joint convention brought together Cattlemen, CattleWomen, Woolgrowers resulting in the highest number of convention attendees in Winnemucca. Next year’s convention will be held in Elko, NV on November 21-23, 2019 be sure to mark your calendars!

Bayer Animal Health, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Boss Tanks, Inc., CowBoss Liquid Feeds, Greenway Seeds, Intermountain Farmers Association, Kirby Mfg. Inc., Knipe Land Company, Laird Manufacturing, Liphatec, Inc., Moly Mfg., Inc./SILENCER, M W I Animal Health & Micro Technologies, Multimin, Nevada Beef Council, Nevada Department of Agriculture, North-West Livestock Supplements LLC, New York Life, Pacific Intermountain Mortgage, Pinenut Livestock Supply, Powder River, Pro Group Management, Scales Unlimited, Inc., Scales NW L.L.C., Simplot, Society for Range Management, The Nevada Rancher Magazine, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, UNR College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, Natural Resources, U. S. Fish & Throughout the three days of the convention, Wildlife Service, USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services, committee meetings took place to discuss issues of USDA Farm Service Agency, USDA-National importance and to establish policy. Various educational, Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA-Natural informative and inspirational sessions were also Resources Conservation Service, W S R Insurance, held to benefit attendees, these sessions included and Y2 Consultants, LLC. Thank you again for your the Inspirational speech by Jay Hill, QuickBooks continued support of the association and industry. by Cassi Johnson, Cattlemen’s College by Tamzen Stringham of UNR, two sessions regarding fire with a The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association would like to panel of professionals, CattleFax presentation by Troy thank the committee chairs for their dedication and Bockelmann, and a session regarding Trichomoniasis hard work in putting on the committee meetings. regulations in Nevada. Some of the other guest Preparation not only consists of reviewing retiring speakers included Deputy Director Timothy Williams, policy resolutions but it also includes presenting Office of External Affairs, U.S. Department of the relevant information that pertains to the committee Interior, Ethan Lane, Executive Director of the Public in which they are representing. Four committees Lands Council and the National Cattlemen’s Beef held meetings at this year’s convention: Public Lands, Association Federal Lands, Senator Pete Goicoechea Research & Education, Private Lands, Wildlife & and members of various agencies. According to the Environmental Management, Legislative Affairs, and people who attended these sessions, they felt it was Animal Health & Livestock Issues. successful, worthwhile and most of all beneficial. Along with reviewing and changing policy, the lineup The association tradeshow was filled this year with of speakers presenting at the committee meetings great businesses and agencies that support and enhance were very influential. These speakers were either NCA our industry. The association would like to thank the members its partners working to achieve one goal, following trade show participants: American AgCredit maintaining a successful Nevada Livestock Industry.

The Progressive Rancher

The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association would also like to thank our generous sponsors for making this convention a success: Platinum Sponsors - AgriBeef/ Performix Nutrition Systems, American AgCredit, Barrick, Laird Manufacturing, Newmont Mining, and Snyder Livestock Company, Inc., Bulls For The 21st Century. Gold Sponsors - Eide Bailly, Intermountain Embryonics, Liphatec, Inc., Merck Animal Health, Western Video Market, W S R Insurance, and Utah Wool Marketing Association. Silver Sponsors Boehringer Ingelheim, McMullen McPhee & Co., LLC, Nevada Agricultural Foundation, Pinenut Livestock Supply, Inc., Resource Concepts, Inc., and Y 2 Consultants L.L.C. Door Prizes Contributed by Range Magazines, Big R Winnemucca, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Scales Unlimited. We encourage you to visit these businesses and thank them for their continued support of NCA and our industry. The Annual NCA Awards Banquet was held on Friday evening which allowed the leadership of the Association to celebrate those individuals in our industry who represent what this industry is really about. NCA President, Sam Mori, announced the 2018 Award recipients including the 100,000 Mile Club Award, Allied Industry Award, Teacher of the Year (presented by Sue Hoffman with the Nevada Agricultural Foundation), Cattleman of the Year Award and the Hall of Honor Award. We thank everyone who attended our convention and helped to make it another successful year. We look forward to working with each and every one of you throughout the year. Please feel free to contact the NCA office directly at 775-738-9214 with any suggestions, comments or concerns to help make next year’s convention just as successful if not better!

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2018 NCA Annual Awards Banquet by Kaley (Sproul) Chapin Executive Director

During the November 16, 2018 Nevada Cattlemen’s Association (NCA) Convention Annual Awards Banquet held in Winnemucca, Nevada, President Sam Mori announced this year’s recipients for the President’s Award, 100,000 Mile Award, Allied Industry Award, Cattlemen of the Year Award, Teacher of the Year Award, and the first-ever Hall of Honor Award. At the discretion of the organization’s president, these awards are given annually to individuals in recognition of significant contributions to the NCA, their community, the land, and the beef industry.

< 2018 PRESIDENT'S AWARD Tom Barns | Jon Griggs | Hanes Holman

Left to right: Sam Mori, Hanes Holman, Tom Barnes and Jon Griggs

The 2018 President’s Award went to Tom Barnes, NCA President-Elect, Jon Griggs, NCA First Vice President and Hanes Holman, Second Vice President. They each were presented with a custom tooled leather binder from Capriola.

2018 "100,000 MILES"AWARD > Richard (Dick) Swisher

Left to right: Sam Mori, Chuck Swisher, Dick Swisher and Jack Swisher

The 100,000 Miles recipient this year was given to Richard (Dick) Swisher. Members of the Swisher family presented the NCA sponsored recognition for riding over 100,000 miles on horseback during his lifetime.

< 2018 NCA ALLIED INDUSTRY AWARD Intermountain Farmers Association

Left to right: Sam Mori, Katie Dodge, Katie Swisher, and Darla Barkdull

The Allied Industry award was presented to the Intermountain Farmers Association (IFA) in Elko, NV. Accepting the award on behalf of IFA was Darla Barkdull, store manager. The employees of IFA in Elko have a long-standing reputation for providing quality service as well as display the character and integrity we all search out to do business with. Their support of the livestock industry over the past many years is nothing short of fantastic.

2018 CATTLEMAN OF THE YEAR > Dennis Beiroth

L to R: Kelly Barnes from American AgCredit, Dennis Beiroth and Sam Mori

Dennis Beiroth, a rancher in Mountain City, NV was recognized as this year’s recipient of the NCA Cattlemen of the Year. This is the most prestigious award NCA bestows upon one of its own in recognition of significant contributions, such as the countless hours Dennis served for the livestock industry. He was awarded an American Western Hat, compliments of American AgCredit.  6 JANUARY 2019

The Progressive Rancher

Members of the NCA Executive Committee were recognized and each presented with fencing pliers for their hard work and “mending fences.” These were given as appreciation for their tireless efforts put forth on behalf of the livestock industry.

2018 TEACHER OF THE YEAR Dennis Jarrel

for Walt Leberski

Mack Lynon Middle School, Overton, NV

Dennis grew up in Nevada and has lived here most of his adult life. His parents always had livestock, and though they did not ranch or farm on a large scale, he has always had an affinity and appreciation for the agricultural life and heritage. Dennis stated, “I have a deep appreciation for the work of Nevada’s ranchers and farmers and am truly honored to be recognized by your [NCA] association.” The award was presented by Sue Hoffman recognizing that Dennis will receive a $1,000 stipend to use on school supplies, donated by the Nevada Agriculture Foundation. Teachers must utilize agricultural information and/or materials within their classroom curriculum in an effort to assist students in learning the importance of agriculture. Learning activities may include but are not limited to an understanding of its impact on the personal lives of the students, the environment, and the economy; and an understanding of how agriculture is part of national heritage.


A new award was created this year to honor those who contributed so much to the industry within their lifetime. The 2018 Hall of Honor was given in memory of the late Dean Rhodes of Tuscarora, NV and the late Walt Leberski. for Dean Rhodes

In memory of Tim DeLong's dedication to Nevada's Public Land Industry, a plaque was presented to Timmy Lyn DeLong by Central Grazing Comminttee Secretary Rachel Buzzetti.


The Nevada Farm Bureau President, Bevan Lister and NCA President Mori presented three 100-year-old farms and ranches with Nevada Centennial status: Miller Ranch of 1914, Pursel Farms of 1918, and the Moura Ranch of 1916.

At the conclusion of the program, Sam Mori stated that the NCA will continuously work on behalf of its membership because that is the job of the NCA and they are there to help. He looks forward to another year serving as the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association President.

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 7

CHECKOFF NEWS: Beef. It’s What’s For Ninjas. The Nevada Beef Council (NBC) team was proud to be a part of the 2018 Nevada Cattlemen’s Association convention in November. Jill Scofield, Director of Producer Relations, was in attendance throughout the convention, sharing information about the NBC and Beef Checkoff efforts. She and Bill Dale, executive director of the California and Nevada Beef Councils, also presented some exciting checkoff results during the convention’s annual Beef Promotion Lunch. For those of you who weren’t able to join in on the convention fun and hear these results first-hand, we’d like to share with you some of those details and impact to offer a better sense of what’s happening on a national level thanks to your Beef Checkoff. In 2018, the Beef Checkoff made some positive strides in achieving its goal of positioning beef as the top protein, namely by capitalizing on beef ’s greatest strengths: ✔ The people: the farmers & ranchers who raise beef ✔ The protein: its unique blend of essential nutrients makes beef one of the most high-quality proteins ✔ The pleasure of eating of beef: the great taste and pleasurable experience it provides

One way in which beef was shown as a food for strength this past year was through working with Lance Pekus, a contestant on the popular network television series, American Ninja Warrior. Just wrapping up its 10th season, American Ninja Warrior boasts more than 6

million viewers per episode. Lance Pekus, a rancher from Salmon, Idaho, began competing on the program a couple of years ago, sporting his cowboy hat while he made his way through the challenging obstacle course competition. For this past season, the Beef Checkoff began working with Lance as a brand ambassador, having him wear custom “Beef. It’s What’s For Ninjas.” shirts when he competed and in his interviews. Lance has been an obvious choice to not only characterize the strength beef provides, but also represent the ranching community. In addition to his popularity on the American Ninja Warrior program, Lance’s position as a beef brand ambassador was further amplified through a series of videos available on and streaming on a variety of other web sites. Lance’s story and a series of photos of him and his family on their Idaho ranch are also available on the BIWFD Web site. Working with an influencer as popular in today’s American culture as Lance Pekus has certainly proved beneficial, but the timing of this partnership has also been fortuitous. Over the past year, the checkoff has worked to position the iconic Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. brand that has been around for more than 25 years. The brand was completely refreshed and relaunched in late 2017. The relaunch including the combining of eight different websites about different beef topics into one digital destination about all things beef. The newly refreshed has had more than 11 million website visitors in just one year. The Beef Checkoff also identified opportunities to bring the story of beef as a food for strength into the overall Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. advertising efforts. Over 2018, the checkoff launched a fresh and innovative advertising campaign with the creative wrapper line of “nicely done,” beef. The “nicely done” tag has resonated with all areas of the people, protein and pleasure components positioning beef as the top protein. The results of all of these efforts have been quite impressive, with significant consumer engagement. Here’s a look at some of the specific numbers: ✔ More than 60 million video views in 2018 (as of November 1), including: ✔ Strength/Lance Pekus videos – 15+ million video views ✔ Taste/Nicely Done videos –33+ million video views

✔ Responsible/Rethink the Ranch videos – 10+ million video views

✔ 11.2 million website visitors this year – 96% increase year-over-year

✔ 7,000+ Google keywords associated with beef driving traffic to the new website ✔ All told, there were more than 160 million consumer touchpoints in 2018. "I look at people in my life, and I’ve got family strength. Sitting around the dinner table, eating, talking with your family, talking about their day. That all builds strength, emotional strength, mental strength. All of that builds the overall strength of a person."

Check out videos about Lance Pekus and his ninja journey at

The work done on a national level to position beef as the top protein only amplifies the important work being done on a statewide level by organizations such as the Nevada Beef Council. We hope you are as impressed with the exiting programs being carried out throughout the country as we are.

For more about the Nevada Beef Council or the Beef Checkoff, visit or  8 JANUARY 2019

The Progressive Rancher

By Nevada Beef Council Staff

The holidays may be behind us, but the season of entertaining has not come to an end. Whether you’re serving up appetizers for a day of football viewing, or want to have a hearty snack ready for when the buckaroos come in from the cold, these Tiny Taco Beef Tarts will win over any crowd.

Tiny Taco Beef Tarts INGREDIENTS • 12 ounces Ground Beef (93% lean or leaner) • 1/2 cup chopped onion

• 1 teaspoon minced garlic

• 1/2 cup prepared mild or medium taco sauce • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin • 1/4 teaspoon salt

• 1/8 teaspoon pepper

• 2 packages (2.1 ounces each) frozen mini phyllo shells (30 shells total)

“Courtesy of Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.”

• 1/2 cup shredded Mexican cheese blend Toppings:

Shredded lettuce, sliced cherry tomatoes, guacamole, sour cream, sliced olives, or any other favorite taco toppings COOKING 1. Heat oven to 350°F. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Add Ground Beef, onion and garlic in large nonstick skillet over medium heat 8 to 10 minutes, breaking up beef into small crumbles and stirring occasionally. Add taco sauce, cumin, salt and pepper; cook and stir 1 to 2 minutes or until mixture is heated through. 2. Cook's Tip: Cooking times are for fresh or thoroughly thawed Ground Beef. Ground beef should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160ºF. Color is not a reliable indicator of ground beef doneness. 3. Place phyllo shells on rimmed baking sheet. Spoon beef mixture evenly into shells. Top evenly with cheese. Bake 9 to 10 minutes or until shells are crisp and cheese is melted. 4. Top tarts with lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole, sour cream, and olives, as desired.

Looking for more beefy appetizer ideas? Find more at collection/10011/appetizers-worth-sharing or

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 9

In the Mind of a Millennial By Jill Scofield, Director of Producer Relations, California & Nevada Beef Council

Beefing Up The Holidays If you’ve read this month’s Nevada Beef Council and Beef Checkoff update or were in attendance at the Beef Promotion Lunch held during the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association convention in November, you’ve learned a little more about some of the latest efforts employed by the Beef Checkoff to position beef as the top protein. You might also be interested to learn just how the Beef Checkoff worked to reach a diverse array of consumers – not just Millennials, but influencers and consumers in a number of categories – with beef messaging over the holiday season. And many of these efforts involve new and innovative methods that haven’t been used before, adapting to new technologies and consumer trends. Making sure beef was on the top-of-mind for consumers planning their family holiday menus was a top priority as 2018 came to a close. As consumers actively looked for recipes, cooking advice and culinary inspiration for what to serve during the holidays, Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. created a “surround sound” approach to make sure beef was at the top of the list. How was this accomplished? Well, through a number of ways, actually – some of which were pretty cutting edge. For one, the BIWFD brand partnered with Tasting Table (, a media platform that targets people who like to eat and drink. During the holiday season, the platform showcased tasty beef recipes to the millions of followers. The partnership included:

A custom website landing page featuring a variety of beef entrees, appetizers and brunch options

wo dedicated email blasts that were sent to all Tasting Table subscribers

Social posts that were shared from the Tasting Table social media platforms, driving consumers back to the site

Banner ads with the “Nicely Done, Beef ” taglines

Insertion of beef videos that were particularly fitting for the holiday season.

This is one of many efforts over the past few months that have highlighted beef ’s place at the holiday dinner (and breakfast and lunch) table. Another exciting partnership was with Costco Wholesale. BeefItsWhatsForDinner. com and the popular wholesaler—which has eight locations in Nevada—partnered to showcase beef recipes and cooking tips in four “Quick & Easy, The Costco Way” videos. The video posts shared ground beef recipes in late October, flank steak in late October, a strip steak cooked in the skillet-to-oven method on December 6, and a traditional holiday ribeye roast along with a ribeye breakfast hash recipe for leftovers on December 10. Videos were posted on Costco’s Facebook page and as well as shared by the Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. Facebook page. And finally, the Beef Checkoff has been working to reach broader audiences by tapping into the realm of Artificial Intelligence. Late last year, "Chuck Knows Beef " was launched. Chuck is the only all-knowing beef expert powered by Google Artificial Intelligence, and went live as part of a soft launch testing period in October. Chuck is now live on Amazon Alexa, and can be found through open search on or enabled directly through the Alexa app. The checkoff team is also working to have Chuck enabled on Google Home Assistant. You can also learn more at "Chuck Knows Beef " provides consumers with yet another way to have all heir beef-related questions easily answered. From recipes and cuts, to nutrition and cooking tips, plus a whole lot more, Chuck has the lowdown on all things beef. If you utilize Amazon Alexa, simply enable the skill on your device, and state “Alexa, ask Chuck Knows Beef ” and then your specific question to engage with Chuck. You can ask Chuck for good Tri-Tip recipes, or the many options for ground beef, or anything else related to cooking with beef. Since Chuck is still in the soft-launch phase, the beef community is working hard to help Chuck get smarter by asking him questions about how to prepare beef. So, if you have an Amazon Alexa device, join in the fun and help Chuck “beef up” his knowledge so he can be a greater resource for consumers. You And if what I’ve described in the last few paragraphs reads as though it’s written in a foreign language, that’s okay too. The point is really to showcase how the Beef Checkoff is continually evolving to reach consumers in new and different ways that fit easily into their daily lives and practices – even if those practices seem a long way from the ranch. To learn more about these and other exciting effort to promote and showcase beef, visit:

10 JANUARY 2019

Jill Scofield is the Director of Produce Relations for the California and Nevada Beef Councils. She grew up on a cow-calf ranch in Northwestern Nevada

The Progressive Rancher

About the Beef Checkoff The Beef Checkoff Program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States may retain up to 50 cents on the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national checkoff program, subject to USDA approval.

Supreme Court Opinion Weyerhaeuser v. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (aka “Dusky Gopher Frog Case") The Supreme Court penned a major Endangered Species Act decision in favor of property rights against big government overreach, but there are still major questions to be decided The United States Supreme Court unanimously decided a case brought up by the Fifth Circuit in Louisiana popularly known as the “Dusky Gopher Frog Case,” the case dealt with critical habitat designation on private property for the dusky gopher frog. The Court’s opinion can be summed up as a major win for private property rights in the face of extreme government overreach by the Fish and Wildlife Service due to the absurd decision reached by the Fifth Circuit. Originally, the Fifth Circuit ruled that the Fish and Wildlife Service could designate critical habitat on property that was not even habitable to the endangered species. Further, the Fifth Circuit ruled that a court could not even review a landowner’s challenge to the decision despite the decision to list the property would potentially cost the landowner approximately $34 million in lost development opportunity. Ultimately, the Supreme Court unanimously sided with property rights and ruled that critical habitat actually has to be “habitat” (why did it take intervention of the Supreme Court to decide that?), and a property owner can at least challenge an absurd conclusion that at $34 million harm to a landowner does not outweigh the benefit of creating critical habitat that an endangered species cannot even live on. The frog in controversy is popularly known as the “dusky gopher frog,” “dusky,” because of its dark coloring, and “gopher” because it lives underground. The dusky gopher frog is about three inches long, with a large head, a plump body, and short legs. It is famous for covering its eyes with its front legs when it feels threatened, peaking out of its legs periodically until the danger passes. The Fish and Wildlife Service listed the frog as an endangered species in 2001, but did not designate critical habitat (as is required by law) until 2012. In 2012 the Fish and Wildlife Service designated several thousand acres of critical habitat for these frogs on all private land in the states of Mississippi and Louisiana. Although there was no contention as to the designation of the acreage in Mississippi, the critical habitat designation for the acreage in Louisiana was disturbing because dusky frog has not lived on the Louisiana property in decades (if ever). Further, the acreage as it currently stands is completely uninhabitable by the frog. In fact, the proposed critical habitat in Louisiana only has one of the three required characteristics for habitability. Thus, despite the fact that the habitat would have to be physically altered in order to successfully introduce dusky gopher frogs in the area, the US Fish and Wildlife Service designated the area as critical habitat claiming that the one characteristic that could make the area habitable was essential the frog’s survival. The landowners in turn requested that the property be excluded from critical habitat designation because the economic harm vastly outweighed the benefit the critical habitat would create for the frogs. The Fish and Wildlife Service in turn denied their request and chose to designate the area anyway. This decision came despite the fact that the designation of critical habitat in Louisiana could result in economic impacts of up to $34 million stemming from lost development opportunities. The disturbing implications of the Fish and Wildlife Service’s designating critical habitat on land currently uninhabitable by the endangered species is that it opened the door for the Fish and Wildlife Service to do the same thing across the country. For example, if the monarch butterfly ever became an endangered species, the Fish and

Wildlife Service could hypothetically designate any and every pasture and every backyard in America as critical habitat because it is capable of growing milkweed, one of the essential components to the monarch butterfly’s habitat. In turn, this would open the door for the Fish and Wildlife Service to coerce landowners to modify their property to become habitable for an endangered species that does not currently live on their property.

(for example, requiring a surrounding the ephemeral turn, the property owners include those areas where currently survive.

change to the forest habitat ponds the frog could use). In argue that “habitat” can only the endangered species could

Another major question presented is whether land an endangered species cannot currently survive can be included as land “essential for the conservation for the species?” This Until this Supreme Court opinion, the case had been ruled question is important because land not currently occupied in the Fish and Wildlife Service’s favor from the lower by an endangered species can only be designated as critical courts. Each of those rulings concluded that the critical habitat when the Secretary of the Fish and Wildlife Service habitat designation was proper and that there was no determines that the land is “essential for the conservation habitability requirement for designation of critical habitat. of the species.” So, hypothetically, if the Fifth Circuit rules This opened the door to allowing the Fish and Wildlife that an area that the species cannot live on is still considered Service to list any property as critical habitat for a future “habitat,” but not “essential for the conservation of the endangered because there was no need to prove that an species,” it would in turn ultimately result in the same victory endangered species actually could survive on that property. for landowner property rights, because the Fish and Wildlife Taken to the extreme, this could allow the Fish and Wildlife Service could not be designated as critical habitat in places Service to list property in Colorado or Wyoming as critical that the species could not currently survive on. habitat for polar bears or Siberian tigers because Colorado and Wyoming have cold climates. The lower courts also Finally, when does the Fish and Wildlife Service have to concluded that they could not review whether the Fish and exclude critical habitat for economic reasons? If the Fifth Wildlife Service failure to exclude the area from critical Circuit reviews the economic determination of the Fish and habitat designation for economic reasons (as is required by Wildlife Service, and ultimately gives little or no weight law) was proper. This was perhaps even more disturbing than to the contrary evidence against the Fish and Wildlife even the habitability issue because it took away all oversight Service’s economic reasons, then the ability for landowners and allowed the Fish and Wildlife Service to make absurd to challenge a decision not to exclude critical habitat would decisions, like not excluding critical habitat in an area that ultimately mean very little. could have millions of dollars of economic impact with little In the end the tale of the Dusky Gopher Frog Case is both to no benefit to the endangered species. disturbing, and relieving at the same time. Disturbing, Upon taking up the case from the Fifth Circuit, the Supreme because two lower courts were willing to give a government Court rejected the 5th Circuit’s findings on two major issues. agency the power to obliterate a landowner’s property value with little to no public benefit attached to the violation of First, the Supreme Court ruled that critical habitat rights without any oversight from the judiciary. Relieving, designations under the Endangered Species Act were limited because the Supreme Court unanimously sided with to only those areas that qualified as “habitat.” The Court in property rights and ruled that a property owner can at least turn sent the case back to the Fifth Circuit to determine the challenge an absurd conclusion that a $34 million harm to a landowner does not outweigh the benefit of creating definition of “habitat.” critical habitat that the dusky gopher frog cannot even live Second, the Supreme Court ruled that the decision not to on. Ultimately however, this goes back to a deep-rooted exclude an area from critical habitat for economic reasons problem within our current government system in which is reviewable by the courts. The Court ultimately reasoned Congress and the courts have given too much power to that although the term “may” is used in the statute lends to unelected federal agencies. So today we revel in a victory for agency discretion, however the discretion lent to the agency property rights, but we realize that the fight is far from over, does not hide the decision from being reviewed by a court. but we can appreciate that this is indeed a victory. Because the Fifth Circuit failed to even look at the Fish and Wildlife’s decision not to exclude the property from being Sincerely, listed as critical habitat, the Supreme Court sent the case back to the Fifth Circuit to consider whether the cost to the landowners outweighs the benefit of the critical habitat to FALEN LAW OFFICES L.L.C Attorneys for the West the species.

Conner Nicklas

In sum, there were two major victories that came out of this decision. First, the Supreme Court acknowledged that a critical habitat designation must include property that is in fact “habitat.” Second, the Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision not to exclude critical habitat for economic reasons is reviewable by courts. Despite these two rulings, there are several major questions that are raised by this opinion that the Fifth Circuit will have to address, that might eventually go back up to the Supreme Court.

Conner Nicklas is an associate attorney at the Falen Law Offices (formerly known as Budd-Falen Law Offices), a property rights advocacy law firm based in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The firm specializes in dealing with property rights and public lands issues on behalf of landowners for various circumstances, including the Endangered Species Act, grazing rights, local government advocacy, oil and gas, water law, and representing landowners in cases where the other side has eminent domain authority. Due to the importance of this case in protecting private property rights, this firm was closely involved in the Dusky Gopher Frog case and wrote an amicus brief for over a half dozen property rights advocacy groups* to the United States Supreme Court. (*Those groups are the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, One major question is, what is the definition of “habitat?” Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts, Wyoming Farm The Fish and Wildlife’s position is that “habitat” can include Bureau Federation, Wyoming Wool Growers Association, the New areas that would require some degree of modification to Mexico Cattle Growers Association, New Mexico Wool Growers, support a sustainable population of an endangered species Inc., and Progressive Pathways, LLC.)

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 11

By Joseph Guild

Overregulation & Overreach | Overruled & Overturned It rarely happens but recently the United States Supreme Court ruled unanimously in a case which has significant ramifications for American farmers and ranchers. Many readers may have heard about the US Fish and Wildlife Service attempt to take over 1,500 acres of private property in Louisiana which the service designated as critical habitat for the future home of a tiny frog. There are very few of these frogs left on just one small plot of land in Mississippi and the service wanted to create a new habitat on the land in Louisiana even though no frogs had lived in this state in over 50 years and the land would have to be altered so it would be suitable for a new frog home. This land could provide over 30 million dollars in value in timber sales and development opportunities to the owners if it were able to be retained by them without government appropriation according to some evidence provided by the owners at a trial against the governmental agency. The lower court ruled against the owners and the case was appealed eventually ending up in the Supreme Court. The government argued it was justified under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in designating the private property as critical habitat and its action should be give traditional judicial deference effectively validating its decision and not be subject to overly strict judicial review. This deference standard has been developed by the courts in cases such as Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council and Auer v. Robbins. Together or separately they are called Chevron and Auer deference and lawyers who deal with Executive Branch agencies are very familiar with this court acknowledged deference.

There's been recent movement in the Supreme Court, mostly in plurality decisions or evidenced in footnotes, that some justices are willing to overturn these deference standards entirely. This recent unanimous decision in the frog case is a clear indication, in my opinion, there is a new concern at the court about what many of us in agriculture have been saying for a long time. The world of Administrative Law has grown too powerful and unbridled agency power needs to be significantly reduced. The final note on this issue for now also comes from the Supreme Court. In a case involving the Department of Veterans Affairs denial of benefits to a marine suffering from PTSD, the court agreed to review the decision and limited the question it will try and answer on appeal to whether these deference standards should be overruled. So stay tuned, there could be some good news for those who have to deal with Federal Agencies. Switching gears, recently the other three National Cattlemen’s Beef Association officers and I were invited to attend the formal introduction ceremony for the new Environmental Protection Agency “Waters of the United States Rule”. This new rule will replace the flawed 2015 rule which defined which waters were under the jurisdiction of the EPA so broadly the agency would have authority to regulate most of the open space land in the United States and a significant amount of the other land.

...unbridled agency power needs to be

significantly reduced.

For instance, a rancher friend in the west who operates on tens of thousands of acres of private land estimated, under the 2015 rule, all of his ranch would be subject to EPA regulation even though there are no rivers on his ranch or tributaries to rivers and all the water he uses for In the frog case the Supreme Court did a very unusual his cattle comes from springs and seeps or ponds and thing as I wrote above. In a unanimous 8-0 decision, tanks which are filled by rainwater. Under the new rule before Justice Kavanaugh joined the court, they rejected none of his ranch will be subject to that jurisdiction. these government deference arguments. In the case of an agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous statute or The avowed purpose of the new rule is to give some confronted by an allegation of arbitrary or capricious certainty back to the water using public whether it is a actions which violate the Administrative Procedures rancher or the manager of a large metropolitan water Act, agencies often say we know more than the court or system. As the acting Administrator of the EPA the Congress because we have the expertise necessary to Wheeler said in his remarks, the EPA worked with all carry out complicated governmental activities. Therefore, interest groups to develop a rule that a farmer could the court should give our decisions deference even if it walk onto his land, look at a water source and say it is or thinks our action is unreasonable. is not a jurisdictional “Water of the United States.”  12 JANUARY 2019

The Progressive Rancher

Under the new rule all navigable water, tributaries of that water, wetlands adjacent to the water, ditches, impoundments and canals that operate to cause water to flow into navigable water will be subject to EPA jurisdiction just as surface water that fit into these categories was subject to EPA oversight before the 2015 rule. Thus, all of the water which the Clean Water Act protected will still be under the jurisdiction of the EPA after this new rule is implemented. Private property rights and the nation’s water are going to be just fine even though there are those who are already criticizing this rule. Critics are saying the EPA is going to put the waters of this nation in harm’s way. The agency is endangering the American public and ruining the environment. This is such nonsense it would be laughable if it weren’t so ironic. The Clean Water Act is still the law of the land. If a person or farmer or corporation pollutes water today they are subject to sanctions and fines and can be prosecuted by the EPA. Nothing has changed except a little more common sense has made the rule more reasonable. Dozens of interested groups and individuals were consulted before the rule was published last week. These groups helped to write the proposed rule so it was not only beneficial to the country’s water but it is practical too. Examples of these groups are the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, The American Farm Bureau, The national Association of Home Builders, and the American Manufacturers Association. There were many more. Also, there will now be a 90 day comment period during which anyone can criticize or add suggestions to improve the rule. The underlying problem with our reliance on the administrative “fourth branch of government” is the tendency of the agencies to over regulate. No one wants dirty water coming out of a tap or irrigating our crops. One of the first rules of livestock husbandry is to provide the animals in your care the freshest cleanest water possible. However, when an over-zealous agency seeks to go beyond the borders of the legislation giving it the authority to write regulations, and those regulations make no sense and are counterproductive to innovation, creativity and prosperous commerce they should be overturned. I believe we have some hope that is happening now. I’ll see you soon.

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Market your cattle with the professionals!

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 13

Convention News and Your 2019 Officers

ANCW National Meeting to be held in Louisiana end of January 2019 I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Welcome to 2019! This month I would like to discuss our state convention that was held this last November, introduce you to your 2019 Nevada CattleWomen, Inc. state officers, and discuss agriculture in the classroom activities. Our state convention was held in Winnemucca this last November. Nevada CattleWomen, Inc. held meetings on Thursday afternoon, with the annual membership meeting and breakfast on Friday morning. The organization has new bylaws and we will have a new membership form to match our new and current bylaws. I am hoping to have the bylaws and membership form up on our website by the end of January at www. At our membership meeting, we had a presentation by Amber Smyer from the Nevada Department of Agriculture on Nevada agricultural literacy. She presented information and resources that are available for affiliates to use in classrooms in Nevada. She also had kits that were available for affiliates to take home with them. Both Nevada CattleWomen, Inc. and Nevada Cattlemen’s Association passed a resolution for Nevada Agricultural Literacy for Youth. The resolution focuses on the importance of education to Nevada youth about Nevada agriculture. We were asked after our membership meeting if we would take our approved resolution to our national organization, American National CattleWomen, Inc. We will be sending this resolution forward during the January 2019 national meeting.

By Staci Emm

The resolution THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, states, “Nevada CattleWomen, Inc. supports and encourages special emphasis be placed in teacher-training workshops, agricultural field days, and other agricultural activities concerning agriculture production, federal lands, agricultural marketing, agricultural risk and agricultural workforce development.” At the end of the membership meeting, the election for the 2019 state officers was held. Our officer team for 2019 is the following:

Staci Emm, President • Melinda Sarmon, President Elect Madison Bowers, Vice President Ruby Uhart, Secretary • Sidney Wintermote, Treasurer Janice Connelly, Parliamentarian The Executive Committee will be holding a couple of in-person meetings during the next year, and will meet via conference calls to work on projects for the upcoming year. We also will continue to build our website as we get content. Lastly, I would like to remind everyone that our national meeting will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana the end of January 2019. ANCW will be meeting Monday, January 28 – 30, 2018. The agenda can be retrieved from

Special Feeder Sales

January 8 February 12 March 12

NCA Bull Sale • Feb 16

14 JANUARY 2019

The Progressive Rancher

Like The Roots That Hold A Tree In Place by Ruby Uhart

A few months ago, as I headed to town, the dirt road had my mind wandering and an idea hit me. I thought of the days spent horseback alone, unseen and undocumented when nothing exciting happens, but the day is perfect, even if no one else ever hears about it. I thought about the hours spent in the tractor baling hay and the long winter months spent flaking it off to cows. I thought of the days when the cows calve and things go right or when things go wrong and it all goes unnoted. I thought of the tears shed for a favorite horse lost and tears shed for the first steps of a newborn calf. I thought of the pride and heartbreak on shipping day when a year’s worth of work comes full circle. I thought of the lines on my face and the scars on my hands and the stories they tell. From my thoughts came the idea to tell the stories of the countless ranch women in Nevada whose story has never been told. We see her sometimes, honored for events she attends in town or acknowledged for being part of meetings or memberships. But more than we know, her story goes untold. Her day to day life is nothing exciting to speak of to those in the outside world. To her and her family and the ranch she calls home, those day to day events are everything. Sometimes she is the main operator and sometimes she is the second in a partnership. She is often her husband’s right hand, performing the duties of teacher, doctor, veterinarian, banker, accountant, secretary, decorator, irrigator, cowboy, horse trainer or heavy equipment operator. Some jobs are seasonal while at other times these things seem to happen all at once. In my opinion her story needs to be told. Historically, people in agriculture have been a private group, not sharing the details of their lives preferring to keep their business to themselves. Now more than ever people need to understand the back ground of those who grow their food. The words “factory farms” are used all too often, removing the human element from the story of agriculture. My goal, my hope is to share the human element from the woman’s perspective. These are her words, this is her story…

Interview with Renee Russ Jackson

Hi, my name is Renee Russ Jackson. I’ve been a member of the Elko County and Nevada CattleWomen for about 25 years. I grew up on a family cattle and sheep ranching operation outside Ferndale, California. Our family ranches are on the north coast of Humboldt County and date back to the 1850s. My husband John and I live on the YP Ranch, 90 miles north of Elko. John is the general manager of the YP and it originally was developed by his grandparents. We are very fortunate that all three of our kids love the ranch and their time spent here. Our oldest daughter and her husband also live and work on the ranch full time. Our son is graduating from Cal Poly in December and then he will also be coming back to the ranch to work on the cowboy crew and on construction projects such as water developments. We have a cow/calf operation and raise all of our replacement heifers. My typical day changes depending on the time of year. Early in the fall, the cows “come home” off the desert and forest range. We gather pairs and process the calves (vaccinate & brand the slicks or unbranded calves) and sort them into steer cow/calf pairs and heifer cow/calf pairs in preparation for shipping and weaning. We usually saddle horses around 5:00 am and meet up with the cowboy crew at the 7J Ranch. We head out from there to various locations on the ranch to gather cows & steer calves and wean and ship the steer calves. Later in the fall we gather and wean the heifer calves and get them moved into the weaning lots. We love working cattle but once in awhile when things get challenging, I try to pay attention to the lead guys, keep my mouth shut, do my job and persevere. Most days I get home by 3:00pm and catch horses for the next day, do chores and get dinner started. The wildfires of 2018 changed the ranch considerably this past summer. The Martin and South Sugarloaf fires had a huge impact on the wildlife and fences. We lost a few head of cattle, some haystacks and a lot of fall feed. With so much destruction all around, we also have to stop and count our blessings ... we were so fortunate that we didn’t lose more cattle... and thanks to our good friends, crew and Independence Valley Volunteers, we didn’t lose any horses or homes. The best thing about ranch life is the freedom and bond of a tight family and crew. The toughest thing at times is our location; being 2 hours from town has its ups and downs. A couple of days ago my best horse became ill after a long, cold day of weaning; so thankful our youngest daughter (who is a licensed veterinary technician) knew what to do. She did a super job of administering a shot of banamine in the vein. A couple of hours of walking and Boomer was on the road to recovery. Most days at the ranch are really good, fulfilling days. There are things that come up like equipment breakdowns, severe weather, marketing the cattle and government leases that have the potential to be stressful. I worked for a bank for all four summers of college. Even though I liked the people, it was pretty obvious that I needed to earn a living outside. The thought of being in an urban area very long would totally stress me out. The best way to make a good day is to plan for it. I’m a bit of a weather junkie and try to dress for it. We have to be on the self reliant side to get along with our climate and remote location. Thankfully John and our son-in-law are pretty mechanical and they can fix just about anything from equipment, machinery, etc to furnaces and home plumbing. Youtube is good for something! My favorite season is spring. I absolutely love branding and going on the wagon is a huge highlight every year. Most days we set up a horse shoe-shaped trap in a new location. The calves are feeling good on green grass and the wildflowers are amazing. It’s a great motivator to get in shape and stay healthy. Spring and summer are also great for getting in a few quarter horse shows, ranch rodeos and half marathons. There are good things to look forward to with the change of the seasons. On the 4th of July our family takes side-by-sides up into the mountains behind our house. We take a picnic lunch and lots of pictures. What a wonderful day we always have... exploring, taking in the beauty and awe of the mountains and wildlife. We can only hope and pray that in time the mountains will recover from the totality of the wildfire that engulfed it this summer. At the Cattlemen's Convention a couple weeks ago, one of the speakers was saying that only 2% of our population is involved in agriculture. We help produce some of the safest and best tasting meat for consumers. I think it’s important for folks to know that beef is nutritious and delicious as well as a great source of protein. The ranch land is in better shape when the grass is grazed responsibly. We love our cattle and treat them well. This lifestyle allows us to do what we are meant to do and hopefully, with good stewardship, hard work and perseverance, the ranch will continue on to the generations to follow.

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 15

Ranch properties now available Mason Mountain Ranch 3782 deeded acres plus small BLM permit. Summers up to 300 pair in the past. Recent improvements to stock watering sources and new set of corrals. Landowner Elk Tag(s). This is good summer range! $1,750,000 Pending - Will contine to show and take back up offers! Jiggs, Nevada Smith Creek Property 220 deeded acres with approx. 126 with surface water rights out of Smith Creek. Great homesite already carved out of the hill above the meadows with well and trees planted. On county-maintained road approx. 30 miles out of Elko. Price: $680,000. Flatnose Ranch East Side 680 Acre Ranch near Pioche has over 400 acres Water righted out of 3 irrigation wells and Flatnose Spring. Currently approx. 216 acres in Alfalfa under 4 center pivots and handlines. Yearly landowner Mule Deer tags. Priced at appraisal of $2,700,000.

Need more Ranch Listings: Sold in the last 6 months: Z Bar Ranch, Bar O Ranch and approx. 14,000 deeded acres in Clover Valley. Have buyers looking - let me sell your ranch or farm! For additional information on these properties, go to: BOTTARIREALTY.COM

Paul D. Bottari, Broker 1222 6th St. PO Box 368 Wells, NV 89835

Work: 775.752.3040

Home: 775.752.3809 Fax: 775.752.3021

GUARD RAIL 13 feet 6 inches long x 12 inches high 95 pounds per stick $1.50 per foot Additional discount for quantity purchase

775-427-2643 News Release News Release No. CCDO 2018-37 Lisa Ross (775) 885-6107 • Gerrit Buma (775) 885-6004

BLM approves Bently Land Acquisition Project

Nevada Water Solutions LLC Water Rights / Resource Permitting Expertise

Thomas K. Gallagher, PE 775•825•1653 / FAX 775•825•1683 333 Flint Street / Reno, NV 89501

CARSON CITY, NV - The Bureau of Land Management has approved the Bently Land Acquisition Project of 14,522 acres of environmentally sensitive lands owned by Bently Family Limited Partnership. The Secretary of the Interior approved funds for this project as part of Round 15 of the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act. The parcels are located in Douglas, Carson City and Lyon Counties, Nevada. The land that will be acquired is located in the Pine Nut Mountain Planning Management Unit of the Bi-State Action Plan, would consolidate federal ownership and management for the protection of Bi-State Sage Grouse Habitat, cultural resources, riparian areas, other wildlife habitat and improve public access. A copy of the EA and other associated documents are available in the BLM Carson City District Office and on the project webpage at For more information, contact Gerrit Buma at 775-885-6004.

16 JANUARY 2019

The Progressive Rancher

Hi, I'm Kathryn Dyer and I am the BLM Nevada Range Program Lead. My intent is to maximize the usefulness of this article for everyone, so feel free to leave feedback / ideas at or 775-861-6647. The importance of monitoring and collaboration were discussed in the last three articles, and some energy surrounding cooperative monitoring nationally was brought up (such as the National Cooperative Monitoring MOU), as was another exciting national initiative (Outcome Based Grazing Authorization demonstration). I introduced you all to the newly released 3rd edition of the Nevada Rangeland Monitoring Handbook (NRMH). This is available for interested parties from any state to use, and I encourage you to visit the website to see the full handbook. All the topics mentioned in this article are available in greater detail in the NRMH.

One topic that seems to be continually confusing is how objectives and monitoring plans are created to be complementary to each other. In the last article I discussed SMART objectives. We will revisit those today, and add a monitoring component. Having clearly articulated objectives and an associated monitoring plan included in the analysis and permit are some things that are requirements of the Outcome Based Grazing Authorizations, but are actually very important and useful to everyone. Remember, objectives identify data requirements, and determine what monitoring methods are required and how often measurements need to be taken. This will ultimately inform and guide livestock movement. Objectives and monitoring methods must be developed that can be measured, accomplished, and agreed upon by all principal parties. If objectives have been set in the past, discuss why they were selected and if they are correct. All available information relating to the issues needs to be considered during objective development. When the desired conditions exist, objectives will include maintenance of conditions. Objectives must be based on a sufficient amount of information to determine if change from a current condition to a desired condition within an acceptable timeframe can be achieved. The objective should specifically describe how long it would take for the achievement to be attained (expected with time frame)s. If objectives are expected to take more than 10 years (the life of a grazing permit) to achieve, then intermediary steps/objectives should be defined that would show progress towards meeting objectives.

Objectives must be measurable attributes of the resources that are directly affected by the management actions. For example, for livestock grazing management, plant species composition or community structure is appropriate to describe a desired plant community within the potential of a specific ecological site. These resource characteristics respond directly to livestock use and are sensitive to changes in grazing management. Likewise, riparian characteristics, such as willows and amount of streambanks dominated by stabilizing species on a specific stream reach, are resource attributes that can be directly affected by livestock use and respond to management changes in many settings. It is paramount that the selected resource objectives be site-specific, within the site and state's capabilities, and clearly predicted from planned livestock grazing or other management. After crossing an ecological or geomorphic threshold, it is not reasonable to base an objective on the previous state without significant investment (and often risk) associated with active restoration; that is, not just a change in management. Ensure that the scale of the objectives and monitoring are applicable to the scales of the issues and proposed actions. Resource objectives state specific attributes of natural resource conditions that management will strive to accomplish, the area or location where this will occur, and the time frame. Resource objectives must be site-specific, measurable and attainable statements of the desired resource attributes. Qualities or attributes of good objectives are SMART: S - Specific. They describe what will be accomplished, focusing on limiting factors, and identifying the range of acceptable change from the present to the proposed condition.

M - Measurable. The change between present and proposed condition must be quantifiable and measurable.

A - Achievable. They can be achieved within a designated time period and in accord with resource capability. The time period may be in calendar time and/or may incorporate timing in relation to floods or droughts.

R - Related/Relevant. They are related in all instances to the land use plan goals and relevant to current or planned management practices. Thus, they must be worthy of the cost of the management needed to achieve them and the monitoring needed to track them.

T - Trackable or Time-specific. They must be trackable over time and must include a definite timeframe and location for achievement, monitoring and evaluation. As an example, a SMART objective might read:

Increase by 15 percent the proportion of the greenline that is dominated by deep/densely rooted (stabilizer) riparian species or late seral community types (Burton et al. 2011) within 10 years* on Rose Creek in Big Meadow (designated monitoring area (DMA)1).

The objective above is a long term objective. Notice how it has the SMART components, allowing it to be clearly tracked and communicated. Now we just need to create the monitoring plan needs to be set up so as to show whether the proposed management is meeting the objectives. Long-term, or effectiveness, monitoring measures changes over time in resource attributes. It periodically measures progress toward meeting long-term objectives. When properly connected to t also helps determine the applicability and effectiveness of annual indicators. Long-term monitoring usually occurs at permanent sampling locations. Techniques used or types of data collected periodically for long-term monitoring may include frequency, percent composition by weight of the vegetation, photo plots, and a variety of other methods. Remember that with long term monitoring, it is vital that the same location and monitoring method be used so that trends can be shown. An example of a long term monitoring method that may be used to track the above resource objective is a Greenline CommunityType Transect, which tracks the vegetation composition on the greenline. The greenline is the first line of perennial vegetation on or near the low water edge. This Greenline Community-Type Transect may be done every 5-10 years at the specified location. Now you have a long term objective with a monitoring plan, but what do you do in the meantime to ensure you are managing towards that objective? Sort term objectives (often called annual indicators, or annual use indicators) should be created that would lead toward attainment of the long term objective. Short term objectives are your management plan for success. For the example above, these may include such things as: Growing season rest at designated intervals (every other year, etc).

Maintaining a 4 inch stubble height of the desired stabilizing species

Short grazing duration and long recovery periods are easily tracked (short-term monitoring) through actual use. The fourinch stubble height end-point indicator is easily monitored, but not the driving strategy. Period of use and intensity are management tools or annual indicators of plan implementation, not objectives. These are formed from knowledge of vegetation dynamics and ecological processes. For example, the 4 inch stubble height has been found to provide enough photosynthetic material for the riparian stabilizing plant to maintain its health, and expand its root system. Stubble height has been used to monitor the remaining parts of herbaceous plants after grazing, usually on meadows or greenlines. Perennial herbaceous stubble can provide greenline roughness that slows water and encourages sediment deposition and retention. Stubble height is often used as an indicator of the effects of riparian grazing management. Intensity of use versus leaf area for ongoing photosynthesis during the growing season has important implications for plant physiological responses to grazing and regrowth. Therefore, seasonal use (measured within the growing season) is often used as a trigger for livestock movement.

The Progressive Rancher

If the above annual indicators are your short term implementation objectives, then your grazing use records and stubble height monitoring will be included in your short term (implementation) monitoring plan. Short term, or implementation, monitoring addresses four topics: 1. conformance with management plans (the actions applied – e.g. actual use dates by pasture or use area) 2. current, annual or short-term impacts of the implemented management on resources of interest 3. weather and 4. other unplanned events (e.g. fire) This information guides day-to-day and year-to-year management by monitoring within-season triggers and end-point indicators. Accumulated short-term monitoring records help interpret trend and other long-term monitoring information. These data will provide a logical and reasonable basis for continuing or adjusting current management practices. Often short-term monitoring leads to management decisions within the grazing season. Before making an adjustment in the timing, duration, and intensity of grazing, utilization and other short-term monitoring data from several years prior must be considered. However, if the use of triggers is the management strategy, then animal movements may be based on annual use levels. Prompt implementation of management changes may keep rangeland more productive. The need for triggers and the strictness of their application should vary on a case-bycase basis, depending on the current status of the resource in relation to the objectives and the degree to which an action prohibits or enables achieving those objectives. For example, movement at a utilization trigger is usually not important in the dormant season, or if the principle strategy is short duration grazing with recovery. So, in summary, Long-Term Objectives have long-term monitoring methods associated, but also need to be logically tied to short term objectives with an associated monitoring plan. In the example above: Long-term SMART Objective:

Increase by 15 percent the proportion of the greenline that is dominated by deep/densely rooted (stabilizer) riparian species or late seral community types (Burton et al. 2011) within 10 years* on Rose Creek in Big Meadow (designated monitoring area (DMA)1).

Long-term Monitoring:

Conduct Green-line Community Type transect at the designated location every 5 to 10 years.

Short-term (annual) Objective/Indicator:

Growing season rest at designated intervals (every other year, etc). Maintaining a 4 inch stubble height of the desired stabilizing species

Short-term Monitoring Plan:

Maintain accurate grazing use records

Collect stubble height data at the designated location at the designated time frame (usually connected to livestock removal or growing season) By creating this connection between the short and long term, we now understand why we are managing towards certain conditions on any given year with a long term objective in mind. I hope this has given a good foundation for the importance of understanding long and short term objectives, how they are (or should be) connected, and being able to effectively monitor both. JANUARY 2019 17

USDA GRANTS $4.97 MILLION FOR RESEARCH EVALUATING SNOWPACK AND WATER ALLOCATION Media Contact: Nicole Shearer Communications Officer Office of Marketing & Communications 775-784-1169 •

Is agriculture at risk from changing water availability? Twelve researchers from five institutions in three states, representing several academic disciplines, aim to find out.

Mountain snowpack is a primary source of water for the arid western United States. This region, which includes Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah, receives precipitation in mountains far from agricultural fields, and during the winter months when crops are not grown. Water allocation institutions are the rules, regulations, rights and management strategies that determine how that water gets distributed among competing uses. Changes in mountain snowpack is altering water availability in ways that are not yet well understood, and it is not clear how well existing water allocation institutions will cope with these changes. To bring scientific focus to these inevitable changes, the University of Nevada, Reno recently received a $4.97 million grant from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture to lead a major research effort that includes the Desert Research Institute; Colorado State University; Northern Arizona University and Arizona State University. “Water is our most precious resource and finding solutions for dealing with water scarcity and quality is critical for communities across the U.S. who grow and raise the food we eat,” Acting NIFA Director Tom Shanower said. “By investing in projects that address a critical problem for American agriculture, we aim to find better tools and technologies for water management practices that make a difference for our farmers, ranchers, and foresters.” Changes in Water Availability “Agriculture in the arid West has historically benefitted from natural storage and predictable melt rates of mountain snowpacks; but, existing built water storage and delivery infrastructure no longer represent our snowpacks,” Adrian Harpold, assistant professor in the University of Nevada, Reno College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, said. “Earlier melting of mountain snowpack alters the timing of runoff, putting additional pressure on reservoirs to meet the needs of agricultural water rights holders.” Changes in availability and seasonal timing of mountain snowpack runoff mean that everyone, from farmers to municipal managers, is going to have to adapt. Conflicts have already arisen where existing water allocation laws and regulations have failed to allocate water in accordance with all rights holders’ expectations, and water authorities have intervened to limit permitted water rights. According to the researchers on this project, Western water allocation strategies may benefit from changes to adapt to longterm mountain snow-melt patterns. “This change in runoff timing will require more active management of reservoirs, based on new hydrometeorological forecasts rather than on historical climate norms, to enhance water supply for downstream consumption and to mitigate floods,” Seshadri Rajagopal, assistant research professor in the Division of Hydrologic Science at the Desert Research Institute, said. During the next five years, the interdisciplinary team that includes hydrologists and economists will evaluate the following: · How changes in mountain snowpack affect available water; · Which basins in the arid West are most at risk;

The effectiveness of existing water allocation laws and regulation in managing these changes, in comparison with proposed modifications;

· How changes in available water, and laws and regulations, affect the economic well-being of various groups in society – including the sustainability of agricultural production in the arid West.  18 JANUARY 2019

The University of Nevada, Reno recently received a $4.97 million grant from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture to lead a major water-availability research effort.

“The impacts of changing mountain snowmelt on water rights holders are profound,” Kim Rollins, University of Nevada, Reno professor and project director for the grant, said. “Increased risk affects private decisions to sell irrigation water rights, potentially causing permanent losses in the capacity for food production in the arid West. Decisionmaking can be improved with a better understanding of how changes in water flows influence agriculture producer decision-making and how laws and regulations can exacerbate or relieve constraints imposed by these changes.” Information gathered will aim to inform three sets of decision-makers. The first are the regional, state and federal water policymakers. The second are the local water district managers as they determine, according to the laws and regulations set forth by policy, where and when to divert water flows from the various sources through their systems to end users. The third set of decision-makers are the individual agricultural producers and other water rights holders in deciding how they will use water and how they will respond to changes in their water rights. “To be of value to decision-makers, empirical information must be provided in a manner that specifically addresses the decision problems at hand,” Loretta Singletary, interdisciplinary outreach liaison, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and professor, University of Nevada, Reno, said. “This means that timing, format, units of measurement, accessibility and other attributes of empirical information need to be designed to be of practical use to improve decision-making outcomes.” Research Team · Kimberly Rollins, professor, University of Nevada, Reno, College of Business, Department of Economics and Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources · Loretta Singletary, interdisciplinary outreach liaison, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and professor, University of Nevada, Reno, College of Business, Department of Economics · Adrian Harpold, assistant professor in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, and Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of Nevada, Reno, College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources; Global Water Center · Michael Taylor, assistant professor, University of Nevada, Reno, College of Business, Department of Economics and state specialist in agricultural and resource, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension · Gi-Eu Lee, postdoctoral fellow, University of Nevada, Reno, College of Business, Department of Economics · Seshadri Rajagopal, assistant research professor, Desert Research Institute, Division of Hydrologic Sciences · Greg Pohll, professor, Desert Research Institute, Division of Hydrologic Sciences; · Dale Manning, assistant professor, Colorado State University, College of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural and Resource Economics Department · Christopher Goemans, associate professor, Colorado State University, College of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural and Resource Economics Department · Abigail York, associate professor, Arizona State University, School of Human Evolution and Social Change · Benjamin Ruddell, associate professor, Northern Arizona University, School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems · Bryan Leonard, assistant professor, Arizona State University, School of Sustainability

The Progressive Rancher

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The Progressive Rancher

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WINNEMUCCA RANCH HAND RODEO A Gathering Place For Friends And Family Michelle Hammond • (775) 623-5071 ext 101 • Winnemucca, Nevada’s Ranch Hand Rodeo Weekend isn’t your run-of-the-mill competition. No, the folks who come to this one know it’s about real life, real ranching and real satisfaction for a job well done. It’s about weaving one more strand into the fabric that holds families, ranches and communities together—especially after a long, cold winter. “Really, it’s about celebrating who we are,” explains Michelle Hammond, event staff. Thirty years ago, three ranching brothers decided to kick off a little friendly competition between neighbors by hosting the first annual Ranch Hand Rodeo in Winnemucca. For Tim, Hank, and Dan Dufurrena, the idea was to draw together teams who would go head to head in saddle bronc riding, cow mugging, calf roping, team branding, team roping, and ranch doctoring. Today’s event also includes the ever popular trailer loading and women’s steer stopping. The Humboldt County Agricultural District No. 3 is committed to preserving the heritage and lifestyle of the working ranch cowboy. From February 27 – March 3, Winnemucca, Nevada will swell as the 30th annual Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo Weekend is held at the Winnemucca Event Center. The entire Ranch Hand Rodeo Weekend will kick off Wednesday, February 27, with the Winnemucca Cow Dog Trials. Add to that a top-notch Ranch, Rope and Performance Horse Sale, Stock Horse Competition, Western Trade Show, Barrel Bash, and Wild Horse Racing, and you’ve got one heck of a regional competition. For more information on the 2019 Ranch Hand Rodeo weekend, please visit  20 JANUARY 2019

The Progressive Rancher


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The Progressive Rancher

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JANUARY 2019 21

Nevada Farm BureauFarm Nevada


Policy Priorities For 2019 By: Doug Busselman, NVFB With passage of the new Farm Bill, a major potential priority for 2019 can be checked off the “To Do” list. There was some concern that if the measure wouldn’t have gotten wrapped up in the Lame Duck session of Congress, an extension would have been required and things would have been back to the drawing board with a whole new rewrite started from scratch. As December 2018 unfolded the eagerly anticipated new set of regulations were released for public comment, regarding the determination of what waters the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers get to be in charge of regulating. The 2015 Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) regulations still apply in 22 states of the country, but Nevada has been fortunate enough to avoid being one of those. Thanks to the lawsuit that Attorney General Adam Laxalt joined with, Nevada is one of the states which escaped from falling under the regulation, which went so far as to pretend an area might get damp and therefore would fall under EPA’s iron thumb. With the new proposal for regulations and a much more legitimate approach for determining the qualified waterways, water bodies and wetlands that should be regulated by federal authority, public comment and the follow-up steps of adopting the replacement regulations will be a major priority for early 2019. Closer to home in the Silver State, the 80th Session of the Nevada Legislature will be the center of attention from February 4th and the next 120 days after that. Early bill drafts and conversations from what is anticipated still to come, water policy will again be a critical topic for the 2019 Session. The pre-filed bills already in the legislative hopper give the opportunity for review and preparation. In these proposals we’re seeing more legislative clarifications on the concepts of “conjunctive water management” and “monitoring, management, mitigation - 3M plans.” As written, the legislation doesn’t seem to be a very good approach, but the process might result in better shaped and more appropriate outcomes.

Half Page Program(5.5”x4.25”)

Although Ballot Question 3 wasn’t passed to amend the Nevada Constitution, which would have become a major workload of rewriting all of the state’s electrical energy law, the agenda of converting existing electrical generation to solar, wind or geothermal appears to be something which will again be a significant emphasis in 2019. Last session’s effort to use the power of government mandate to require a major proportion of the electrical energy sold to be from these sources is anticipated to once again be on the docket for lawmakers to act on. The results of voter support for increasing the portfolio requirements through a Constitutional mandate (embodied in Question 6) is thought to be a message lawmakers will embrace with their own proposals to go beyond the levels sought in the ballot question. Another key public policy priority for the Silver State involves dealing with wildfire. Partially a federal issue, because of the predominance of federally-managed lands, but also a state issue, because of the need for Nevada to stand-up and not simply roll-over to whatever federal thinking dictates. In 2018 over 1 million acres of Sage Grouse habitat in Nevada became charcoal. The year before, nearly 1 million acres also burned. Yes, restoration is an important focus for on the ground work for the early months and beyond in the new year, but attention is also needed to moving forward with prevention of the massive wildfires that have become far too normal. Fuel load reduction needs to become a priority and that emphasis needs to become a priority for federal agencies to do something about – more than planning to plan or promising to plan (when it can be fit in). Nevada leadership, including Steve Sisolak our new Governor and our Congressional delegation members need to elevate pre-fire suppression on their list of priorities, becoming more insistent that federal land managers do the things that they need to do in order for on the ground results. There is a better than even chance that the Nevada Legislature might also take this issue up and give consideration to enhancing Nevada’s engagement. From the private sector, pressure is necessary to increase awareness for changes from what is now the problem. Letters, emails, phone calls and other forms of communication need to be directed at elected representatives, seeking their support for contact with federal land managers in regard to doing something to bring about fuel load reductions and other forms of resource protections (increased fire breaks, green stripping, etc.)

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The legislative details, whether the business which takes place in Carson City or in Washington, D.C., has a lot of unknowns at this point in time. Farm Bureau members have documented their policy objectives in our 2019 policy book and working from this basis, members will be represented and their views will be shared with policy makers and legislators.

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Member SIPC

Engaged people make the difference and ideally you will be someone who is interested in working to make a difference. Connect with your elected representatives -Nevada Assembly and Senate - as well as with our U.S. Senators and your Congressman. Let them know of the things that you wish to keep them aware of and seek responses from them on how you can be effective in sharing information about important issues as well as your views. Working relationships take time and effort to establish but can be extremely beneficial when there are public policy matters that need attention.

The Progressive Rancher

Nevada Farm BureauFarm Nevada


99th Annual Nevada Farm Bureau Meeting Recap by Brittney Pericoli | Director of Communications 99 years and going strong. We are happy to have celebrated our 99th Annual Nevada Farm Bureau Meeting November 29th through December 1st at the Santa Fe Station in Las Vegas, Nevada.

In addition to the information conferences and policy development it is also a time for Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) and the Women’s Leadership Committee to have their annual meeting as well.

Each year the annual meeting is a time for policy development, informational sessions and most importantly people from around the state coming together to strengthen the agriculture community.

YF&R was pleased to have Russel Kohler the Chair of the American Farm Bureau YF&R committee speak on getting the younger generation involved. The annual Discussion Meet also took place, which was great to see so many people engaged in hot topics facing agriculture. Blane Merkley the Collegiate YF&R President was the 1st place winner of the Discussion Meet.

Policy development is an important part of the annual meeting. The policy development process includes amending, deleting and adding new policies to not only be used in lobbying efforts in our own state, but on the national level as well. Informational sessions included: • Maggie Orr spoke on the Resources Needs Assessment Project. Orr is the President of the Nevada Association of Conservation Districts and informed people on updates about the project and ways for people to get involved. • Dr. Suzanna Stone talked about indoor agriculture. Stone is Vice President of Horticulture at Urban Seed Incorporated where they are providing a new and initiative way to grow food from seed to table. • Jennifer Ott spoke on Nevada’s Industrial Hemp Production. Ott is the Nevada Department of Agriculture Plant Industry Division Administrator and provided insight on the industrial hemp protocol for the state of Nevada. • Therese Ure spoke on Protecting Your Water Rights and Information You Need to Know. Ure is water rights lawyer for Schroeder Law Offices. Ure provided attendees with information to protect their water rights, and information they could use in the future for protecting their water rights.

Women’s Leadership also held their annual Silent Auction raising a total of $846. The annual quilt raffle was also a huge success bringing in a total of $1,359.25. Moving forward this year Women’s leadership hopes to participate in schools on Ag Day and other agriculture literacy programs. The Nevada Farm Bureau President and Vice President are annually elected positions and we are happy to announce President Bevan Lister and Vice President Darrell Pursel won reelection. Other board positions up for reelection included Women’s Leadership Committee Chair and Vice Chair as well as District 2 Director. Cindy Hardy Women’s Leadership Committee Chair and Vice Chair Marlene Shier and District 2 Director Craig Shier all won reelection. We look forward to the coming year and the countdown to the 100th year celebration has official begun.

• Randy Dwyer spoke on Farm Bureau grassroots Advocacy. Dwyer is the Director of Grassroots Program Development for the American Farm Bureau Federation. With next year a legislative year Dwyer provided information for members to become involved and have their voice heard on legislative issues.

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 23


THE CENTRAL NEVADA REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY The Central Nevada Regional Water Authority (CNRWA) is an eight-county unit of local government in the State of Nevada that collaboratively and proactively addresses water resource issues common to the eight counties. The Authority has a 24-member board of directors appointed by the county commissions of each of the eight counties and includes interested members of the public as well as county commissioners. The CNRWA members are Churchill, Elko, Esmeralda, Eureka, Lander, Nye, Pershing and White Pine Counties which collectively cover approximately 63 percent of Nevada’s land area. In order for a county to be a member of the Authority it must contain a portion of the Nevada Central Hydrographic Region. The Central Hydrographic Region as defined by the Nevada Division of Water Resources consists of 78 groundwater basins in 12 Nevada counties. The Region is the largest of the Nevada's 14 hydrographic regions, covering much of central, eastern and southern Nevada and is characterized by; the absence of regional surface water flows, groundwater basins that are often interconnected by subsurface flow, deep bedrock aquifers, and some productive alluvial aquifers. The Central Nevada Regional Water Authority's mission is to protect the water resources in member counties, so these counties will not only have an economic future, but their valued quality of life and natural environment is maintained. This is accomplished by: • Combining fiscal and staff resources to obtain technical support, legal counsel and policy advice necessary for sound water resource decisions by the member counties. • Formulating and presenting a united position on water and water-related issues to; Congress, the Nevada Legislature, federal and state agencies, and local government entities. • Monitoring, assessing and responding to water projects that may adversely impact a member county. • Developing and implementing a groundwater monitoring program in areas of interest in the member counties. CNRWA annually collects water level measurements from 51 wells in 12 groundwater basins to determine temporal trends, identify the occurrence and movement of groundwater and help quantify subsurface flow between basins. • Encouraging citizen participation in water and water-related issues of importance to member counties. The Authority is a place where governments (federal, state and local), the business community, the environmental community and the public can discuss water and water related issues with representatives of eight Nevada counties. Also, the Central Nevada Regional Water Authority has hosted the annual Great Basin Water Forum established by counties in three states (California, Nevada and Utah) to address water related issues in the Great Basin.

The author, Jeff Fontaine, is the Executive Director of the Central Nevada Regional Water Authority. He is also the Executive Director of the Humboldt River Basin Water Authority. Jeff can be reached at: or 775-443-7667. CNRWA is currently working on several water related issues including: • Balancing demands among domestic, municipal, agricultural & industrial users • Planning for drought

• Protecting existing water rights

• Maintaining and improving water quality

• Managing the over appropriation of groundwater resources

• Giving counties a stronger role in interbasin transfers of groundwater Overappropriation of groundwater resources is a serious problem in the Central Hydrographic Region with 34 of the 78 groundwater basins “designated groundwater basins.” “Designated groundwater basins” are basins where permitted ground water rights approach or exceed the estimated average annual recharge and the water resources are being depleted or require additional administration. CNRWA is concerned about interbasin transfers of groundwater from rural Nevada to urban Nevada and is opposed to Southern Nevada Water Authority’s water rights applications to pump groundwater from four Eastern Nevada basins to the Las Vegas area. CNRWA recently adopted the following Policy Statement on Interbasin Groundwater Transfers: All decisions regarding interbasin groundwater transfers should rely on policies or plans adopted by CNRWA member counties that have been formulated in advance to articulate clear public interest considerations for their communities and the environment. In determining whether an application for any interbasin transfer of water should be approved or rejected the State Engineer must consider “local public interest” including future sustainability of water and other natural resources in the basin of origin and potential economic losses to the community. The State Engineer should not approve an interbasin water transfer including, a change of use and a change of point of diversion, unless it is allowed by and complies with a water management plan approved by the county or counties within the basin of origin. The Central Nevada Regional Water Authority has been preparing Transpirationfor the upcoming 80th (2019) Legislative Session and made several recommendations to the Legislature’s by vegetation Interim Public Lands Committee including; continuing funding for cloud seeding activities in Nevada and funding to support competitive “Drought Initiative” grants Unsaturated zone administered by the Nevada Department of Agriculture. CNRWA also recommended Water table that local government land-use plans should be based on identified sustainable water Water table resources. When the Legislature convenes on February 4th CNRWA will be there to work on bills and other measures that impact its member counties. Stream

aquifer The next meeting of the CNRWA Board Unconfined of Directors will be held on Friday, January 11 at the Churchill County Administration Building in Fallon. This is a public meeting and everyone is welcome to attend. Confined aquifer Transpiration by vegetation Unsaturated zone Water table

Water table Stream

High hydraulic-conductivity aquifer Low hydraulic-conductivity confining unit

Unconfined aquifer

Confined aquifer

Very low hydraulic-conductivity bedrock Direction of ground-water flow

24 JANUARY 2019

The Progressive Rancher High hydraulic-conductivity aquifer


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The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 25

Western States Hemp The New Seeds of Success: Mention the word “hemp” and you’re bound to get some interesting reactions. Eyebrows may go up. Eyes squint. And you may notice an uneasy shuffling of feet. Others may simply offer a hearty guffaw, wish you a good day, and kindly close the door in your face. Such are the suspicions and preconceived notions that arrive when it comes to discussing the virtues of hemp. But those perceptions are shifting. “It’s hard to imagine that 200 years ago, talking about hemp would’ve been a normal conversation,” said Adrienne Snow, Business Development Manager and Founder of Western States Hemp. “Hemp was a part of the everyday world of agriculture. It was an acceptable and essential product.” In fact, in the early 1700s (and again during World War II), growing hemp was legally mandated in the American colonies, an endeavor that was counted on for making clothes, rope, sailcloth and oil. The Declaration of Independence was drafted on hemp paper. Hemp seed oil was how Abe Lincoln fueled his household lamps. Today, hemp remains the U.S. Navy’s textile of choice for their ropes. Somewhere along the way, hemp got a bum rap. Its Achilles heel: hemp bears a dead-on resemblance to the marijuana leaf that, in the ‘60s and ‘70s, started showing up on rebellious flags, tie dye t-shirts, and broken down VW buses. In Richard Nixon’s “War on Drugs,” Congress passed the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. In this act, marijuana was grouped with all types of cannabis and was made illegal to grow in the US. This act, unfortunately, classified hemp as a drug even though it doesn’t include any of the chemicals that make marijuana a drug. The two plants looked the same and hemp -- one of the world’s oldest domesticated crops -- was guilty by association. That, however, is where the similarities end. Hemp’s power lies not in getting people high, but in helping people live better lives. The main difference between hemp and marijuana is in its chemical makeup, specifically tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Premium marijuana that is used for recreational purposes contains anywhere from 5-20% THC content. For hemp, where thresholds are highly regulated, that same THC content cannot exceed 0.3%. Known as Cannabis Sativa, hemp oil has been proven to relieve symptoms of pain, stress, sleep and anxiety. It also reduces skin dryness and, as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory with a high ration of fatty acids, supports hearth health and cardiovascular health. It’s a boon to our immune systems and the health of our moods. Other applications of the crop include uses as fuel, inks, paint, milk, animal feed, flour, insulation, plastics for manufacturing, concrete, canvas and clothing. At one time, Henry Ford built a car made from hemp because it’s strength is ten times greater than steel. Tesla uses hemp in the door panels of its vehicles. While all those virtues make for significant talking points, Adrienne and Joe are here to discuss the other side effects of hemp: enhancing yields and increasing profitability. It’s something they and their company -- Western States Hemp -- have learned to excel at, a young enterprise that has grown from 20 acres to 100 acres in just one year. It’s an endeavor that started as one hemp seed from Bulgaria and that -- in the spring of 2017 -- fostered more plants, which in turn became fields of green that have prospered in the brutal soils and sun of Nevada. “This isn’t without its risks,” explained Joe Frey, Founder and Owner of Western States Hemp. “You learn pretty quickly which practices work well and which  26 JANUARY 2019

The Progressive Rancher

ones don’t,” he added. “While many see this as a get-rich-quick scheme, we’re helping fellow farmers understand the challenges and anticipate the demands. It’s really all about the long-term nurturing of an industry where we can all look out for each other.” Based in Fallon, Nevada, Western States Hemp has learned from the misfires of itself and others and is implementing successful practices that ensure success. That means knowing which variety of hemp is best suited to certain soil types. It means knowing when to plant, how much to fertilize, what to fertilize, and when to harvest. They take into account whether farmers are planning for an outcome of fiber, seed, oil, or cannabinoids. Those ranchers and farmers are turning to Western States Hemp’s experienced team to prepare for the expectations, opportunities and challenges of converting to hemp. “We’re on the cusp of something big in the world of agriculture and health care,” said Adrienne. “But we’re setting up ourselves and those we’re contracting with for the long road. Up front, it’s going to take a lot of hard work and patience, but the prospect of higher yields from those efforts will make lives a whole lot better.” Adrienne is a well-respected visionary in Nevada’s entrepreneurial scene. She’s the creative force behind Western States Hemp, digging deep on current issues and avenues and exploring opportunities that others have yet to imagine. Nevada Business Magazine and the Reno Gazette Journal are among the many publications that have paid tribute to her spirit and skills. She continues to work closely with investors and like-minded entrepreneurs. When she steps away from her role as Western Hemp’s “big thinker,” Adrienne finds time to ride horses with her cattle ranching husband and their three sons. Joe is the company’s co-founder and handles the farming operations with the same precision he applies to his other job -- as an executive pilot flying corporate jets. His attention to detail in the cockpit is as intricate as it is in the labs and fields of Western States. A fourth generation of Nevada farmers, Joe and his wife Jamie have four children that pitch in with feeding the animals and pulling the weeds. Western States Hemp is working alongside those with a serious interest in finding themselves at the leading edge of a wave of opportunity in hemp farming. Attitudes about hemp -- both in the everyday world and the political arena -- are shifting. Hemp production is very much under the microscope of federal law and growers such as Western States Hemp are legally dictated to conduct research on their farms while simultaneously growing the product. But a deeper understanding and appreciation of hemp’s value in society is evolving (or more accurately, it’s “returning”) as attested to by the 2018 Farm Bill which moved to fully legalize hemp by removing it as a schedule I substance. Add to that the fact that Western States Hemp is working with the University of Nevada to explore hemp’s potential as a food for animals and you can see how the company dots its i’s and crosses its t’s in all aspects of operation. For Joe Frey, the transition to hemp has been one that involves tapping into his own experiences as a fourth-generation Nevada farmer while also setting his focus on the horizon and the opportunities at hand. In tandem with Adrienne Snow’s bottomless supply of entrepreneurial spirit, the two have risen to the top in becoming the go-to resource for hemp farming in the arid west. The days of people being suspicious about hemp have been replaced by reactions of curiosity and intrigue. Today, one of the world’s oldest crop is new again and farmers with vision, drive and determination are converting their fields into a more impressive shade of green.

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 27

Flames travel down a hillside headed towards the BS Ranch near Mountain City. ( J. Whiteley)

The South Sugarloaf fire wreaks havoc on northern Nevada ranchers by Jennifer Whiteley

The Nevada Rancher Magazine •Mountain City, NV Since the 1870’s, my family has been ranching in north eastern Nevada. Today my boys are 7th generation ranchers in Elko County. They spend a lot of time with my parents, in the house that stands on the ranch my great grandparents purchased in the 1930’s. I hope that they and their cousins will be the 5th generation of cowboys, cowgirls, and ranchers to work on the Bieroth Ranch near Mountain City, Nevada. Riding over the range that I grew up helping my dad gather and push cows across. That is my wish for my boys. My boys aren’t unique. All of our neighbors in Mountain City have been working the same ranches that have been in their families for generations. Even though we aren’t all related by blood, we are still family. We help each other brand our calves, vaccinate our cattle, and when one family faces a hardship, we all face it together because that is what family does. They look after and support each other through good times and bad.

Ranchers frantically load horses into horse trailers as the flames near the hay meadows of the BS Ranch. ( J. Whiteley)

I think that is why this South Sugarloaf Fire has us all so devastated. It hasn’t happened to just one family in Tuscarora, or one family in Petan, or even a family in Mountain City. It has happened to several of our neighbors, our family, and it could have been prevented. I think that is what burns the most. All of this devastation, while it wasn’t completely avoidable, most of this devastation could have been prevented. We can’t control Mother Nature. If she chooses to send down lightening, we must live with it. What we can control is fuel load. As ranchers and stewards of the range, our hands have been tied for decades. We know better than someone in Washington DC, who has never even been to Bull Run, or Columbia Basin, or Silver Springs how to take care of our range. How much we should allow our livestock to graze, how much feed we need to save for next spring. We know if we over graze now, we won’t have any feed next year. We are very cognizant of the feed we have because it is our livelihood. I’ve heard that 2% of our nation provides food and fibers for the remaining 98% of our nation. That 2% is continually decreasing. Without cattle ranchers, we won’t be able to feed our country. This summer, we have a fuel load 200% to 400% above what it should be. Due to that gross mismanagement by the United States Government, my family has lost their cattle grazing land for the next few years. We have also lost prime sage grouse habitat, along with many hunting and recreational activities many of us in the west enjoy. What hurts the most is that it all could have been prevented.

Cowboys gather newborn pairs from Slaughterhouse near Mountain City in the smoke in preparation for a back burn to protect the town of Mountain City. ( J. Whiteley)

Our government agencies have a “let it burn” mentality and an agenda to get all cattle off the range. This summer has been one of the worst fire years to date in respect to homes, livestock, wildlife, and livelihoods lost. It is also one of the most expensive. In 2017 our government spent over $2 billion fighting fires. This year the cost will be much higher. In a time, when we should be cutting costs and decreasing government spending, they throw more money at the problem. Instead of spending billions, lets save billions and graze these public lands. With a little sunshine and grass, we will help feed the hungry, decrease fuel load, and prevent wildland fire. The ranch I grew up on is burned on all sides. I am so grateful to the firefighters who fought relentlessly to save the house I grew up in. It’s going to take us quite sometime to come back from this. It isn’t just my parent’s ranch, but it is every ranch up Trail Creek, as well as ranches in Tuscarora, and Petan. They raise us tough in northeastern Nevada. We will survive. Editor's Note: Jennifer's father was awarded the 2018 NCA Cattlemen of the Year Award  28 JANUARY 2019

The Progressive Rancher

Rancher John Vipham runs a sprinkler to keep the grass wet around his house as the flames get closer. (Marjorie Vipham)

Smoke clouds the sky and soot covers the face of a Charolais cow on the BS Ranch. (Cara Small): Fire surrounds a field of Charolais cattle on the BS Ranch. (Cara Small):

It’s a stomach-turning feeling being evacuated from your home and watching flames make their way closer to the ranch you grew up on. The Bieroth family was fortunate fire fighters were able to save all of the buildings seen here. (Cara Small):

Rancher Liaison Dennis Bieroth talks to a fire fighter in preparation of another back burn. (Cara Small):

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 29

Snowstorm" Forage Kochia A New Rangeland Rehabilitation Species

By: Charlie D. Clements and Dan N. Harmon

Forage kochia, (Bassia prostrata) formerly (Kochia prostrata), native to the semiarid regions of Eurasia has been referred to as “Russian alfalfa” as well as “alfalfa of the desert”. Forage kochia was first introduced to the United States in 1966 by researchers looking for plant materials that could biologically suppress the exotic and noxious weed, Halogeton (Halogeton glomeratus). Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) was widely planted on big sagebrush sites throughout the Great Basin and successfully suppressed Halogeton, but crested wheatgrass was not successful on droughty saline soils, therefore scientists proposed forage kochia as a candidate species on these soils. Forage kochia belongs to the Chenopod family, which contains other valuable arid rangeland species like winterfat (Krascheninnikovia lanata) and fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens). Forage kochia is a perennial semi-shrub that has the inherent potential to germinate and establish on a variety of soils including, clay, sandy and loamy as well as in climates that range from 5-27” of annual precipitation. Forage kochia sustains heavy grazing, as it evolved in heavily grazed arid environments, and also has the ability to resprout following wildfires. For centuries, forage kochia has been an important fall and winter forage for cattle, sheep, horses, camels and wildlife in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and the surrounding region. Early on researchers recognized the nutritional quality of forage kochia, 8-14% crude protein, therefore suggesting this species be used to improve winter forage for wildlife, especially mule deer. In 1984, the cultivar ‘Immigrant’ forage kochia (Bassia prostrata ssp. virescens) was released to aide in rangeland rehabilitation efforts. ‘Immigrant’ forage kochia averages 1-3’ in stature, competes with the exotic and invasive annual grass cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), stays green throughout the fire season and provides a nutritional forage on arid rangelands (Figure 1). Following its’ release, ‘Immigrant’ forage kochia was used for livestock and wildlife forage, soil stabilization, rangeland rehabilitation/reclamation and suppression of wildfires. ‘Immigrant’ forage kochia has been reported to increase rangeland forage production by up to six-fold and cattle grazing on ‘Immigrant’ during the fall and winter months maintained or improved their body condition without any additional protein or nutrient supplementation.

Figure 1. ‘Immigrant’ forage kochia has excellent nutritional qualities, but due to its’ short stature can be inaccessible during winter months.

Although ‘Immigrant’ forage kochia can be successfully established on harsh, arid and severely degraded habitats, its’ short stature often makes forage unavailable during winter snow depths. The development of ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia (Bassia prostrata ssp. grisea) was initiated to breed a productive, protein-rich forage kochia cultivar with a large stature that would enhance forage kochia as a winter forage in the temperate deserts of the western United States (Figure 2). Dr. Blair Waldron, Research Geneticist, USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Forage and Range Research Unit visited Uzbekistan in 2002 where he obtained 22 collections of forage kochia seed and brought those collections back to his research facility where he initiated a germplasm exchange in which ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia is derived from. Following nearly 10 years of testing, ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia was released in 2012 by USDA-Agricultural Research Service and the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station as a rehabilitation species to improve forage production for livestock and wildlife in semiarid environments. ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia is similar to ‘Immigrant’ in establishment and adaptation in semiarid environments of the Great Basin, but ‘Snowstorm’ is more pubescent than ‘Immigrant’ and is grayish in color, whereas ‘Immigrant’ is green and turns reddish during seed maturity. ‘Snowstorm’ is more than 60% taller in stature as well as providing nearly 70% more forage than ‘Immigrant’. ‘Snowstorm’ also is reported to have 22% higher crude protein, 10-18%, and 4% higher digestibility. ‘Snowstorm’ seed is about 40% larger than ‘Immigrant’ seed, even though it is reported to not result in higher seedling establishment and vigor.  30 JANUARY 2019

Figure 2. ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia is 60% taller and provides nearly 70% more forage than ‘Immigrant’ forage kochia, which improves nutritional quality and availability year-round.

The Progressive Rancher

It is readily apparent that many habitats within the Great Basin have been converted from formerly big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)/bunchgrass communities to habitats dominated by exotic annual weeds such as cheatgrass. As wildfire frequencies have increased, the ability to restore native perennial species back into these habitats has been extremely challenging and unsuccessful, in which many resource managers have given up on these degraded rangelands. For decades, the political climate of using introduced species in restoration/rehabilitation efforts has ignited controversy. As these native plant communities have been replaced by invasive exotic weeds, the increased wildfire frequency associated with increased cheatgrass and associated fuels have continued to shrink native plant communities even more. Resource managers continue to ask researchers for plant materials that can both protect sites against erosion and provide nutritional forage. In our testing of fall and spring grazing of rehabilitation plots in northern Nevada, ‘Snowstorm’ responded excellent to heavy grazing as it was grazed down to less than 10 inches in May and by late September had grown back to over 4 feet (Figure 3 and 4), despite the site receiving less than a half inch of summer precipitation. In the 1990s we worked on rehabilitating rangelands degraded by wildfires in northern Nevada. The area we focused on and conducted large rangeland seedings, using native and introduced species which included “Immigrant’ forage kochia, is critical winter habitat for mule deer and pronghorn. In the 1960s the mule deer herd was estimated at 35,000-38,000, but by 1995 the population was estimated at 6,000-8,000 animals, nearly 80% decline. After a decade of seeding cheatgrass dominated habitats, that we referred to as “food plots”, the mule deer herd had increased to an estimated 14,000-16,000 by 2015 while the pronghorn population increased from an estimated 700-1,000 in 1995 to more than 7,000 in 2015. Mule deer are the only declining big game species in North America, fall and winter browse is critically important.

Figure 3 and 4. ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia is highly preferred by domestic livestock and wildlife browsers, and its’ ability to sustain heavy use and exhibit vigorous regrowth with minimal precipitation is a very desirable trait.

Antelope bitterbrush, where present, has been reported to be more than 50% of the mule deer diet October through December, but as the nutritional value of antelope bitterbrush declined to less than 7% crude protein as leaves fall, their diet shifts to big sagebrush which has a crude protein just above 10%. Semi-evergreen shrubs such as big sagebrush or rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus sps.) retain higher levels of crude protein, but these shrubs contain tannins and essential oils that inhibit digestibility. If mule deer are forced to consume high amounts of big sagebrush with the limitation of other plant species in their diet, they can essentially die of full stomachs as their digestive system shuts down. Grasses and forbs are normally deficient in crude protein during winter months and often drop down to 3-4% as well as being inaccessible during deep snow events. During times of prolonged deep snow events, winter mortality can be quite significant. With the nutritional value that ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia provides and the added benefit of its’ taller staure, the availability of such a nutritious forage on rangelands can significantly decrease winter mortality of big game species and ultimately increase populations by increasing winter survivability. In Colorado, using microhistological techniques, small quantities of ‘Immigrant’ forage kochia were discovered in sage-grouse fecal pellets. Nutrient analysis confirmed that forage kochia samples collected from the sites exhibited a high protein content and low secondary metabolite content, similar to that of black sagebrush (Artemisia nova). These fecal pellets were collected in habitat with an adjacent greenstrip to protect the habitat from wildfire. Since greenstrips make up such a small percentage of the habitat, yet was present in sage grouse diets, it would not be surprising if future research reports that ‘Immigrant’ or ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia are a preferred species by sage grouse during certain times of the year. ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia’s attributes of taller stature, increased forage and crude protein are a game changer for wildlife on degraded big game winter ranges and provide critical nutrition during both deep snow level years as well as drought years when other species are lacking nutrition. ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia provides resource managers with an added tool to increase grazing resources and improve nutritional quality of degraded rangelands year-around.

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 31

Sheep in Nevada: A History 1841



The first domestic sheep in Nevada traveled with wagon trains on their way to California, as early as 1841. During the gold rush, thousands of sheep were driven from New Mexico to California, across Nevada, to feed the miners.

Warren Williams begins ranching, building a sheep empire that was said to have included over a 100,000 head of sheep. He was active in Nevada politics and founded the town of Fallon.

A new immigration law set an annual quota for Spanish nationals at 131.

Bighorn Sheep were native to the Western United States, including the mountain ranges of Nevada. By 1900, the wild population had been decimated by diseases brought to them by domestic sheep.

Richen L. “Uncle Dick” Wootton brought 9,000 head of Mexican sheep (churros) across northern Nevada on the way from Taos, NM to the Sacramento Valley in California, along with 6 goats, one dog, and 22 herdsmen, 14 of them Mexican. The trip lasted 107 days, and he sold the 8,900 survivors for $50,000 gross. Read Uncle Dick Wootton’s account of a situation in Nevada during the trip.

1852 The first resident sheepman of Nevada, C.D. Jones, squatted on meadow land in the Carson Valley below Genoa and raised a permanent flock of sheep for breeding purposes. His operation was small, as was his market. Kit Carson and Thomas Boggs gathered 13,000 churros to bring to the gold country in California, each taking half the flock. Carson grazed his sheep in an area near what is now Carson City before crossing the Sierra Nevada. On his way back, Carson reported seeing 10,000 to 25,000 sheep heading for California.


C.D. Parker settled on ranch lands in Douglas County, raising sheep that later fed miners in the Comstock. H.F. Dangberg from Prussia built a ranch on the East Carson River where he eventually raised sheep. It is believed he got his start by buying weary sheep on trail drives. The Dangberg operation grew to be very large, and still exists. Dangberg introduced alfalfa to Nevada, imported from Chile and called at the time Chilean clover.

1852-1860 More than a half million sheep crossed Nevada going west.

After the Comstock Lode was discovered, sheep drives changed direction, and thousands of sheep were driven into Nevada from California. In 1862, the first of many sheep drives from California crossed Nevada for destinations to the East. The greatest west-east movement of sheep occurred from 18751890.

A number of sheep ranches were established near mining camps and boom towns in Nevada.

1861-1862 A severe winter killed 2,700 sheep in the Truckee Meadows, Washoe Valley and Carson Valley.

1862 The Federal Homestead Act allowed families to claim 160 of public domain land after living on it for 5 years.

Nevada became a state. Byrd Wall Sawyer, the author of Nevada Nomads and the stepmother of a Nevada governor, Grant Sawyer, wrote "It is strange that the Great Seal of the State of Nevada shows no sheep. Somehow, down the years, ranching, the key to prosperity through most of Nevada history, has been taken for granted or overlooked completely. Certainly, if the Seal portrays the resources of the state it should include a sheep."


For the census, Washoe County reported 2,000 head of sheep, Humboldt, Lander, and Nye Counties each listed 1,000.

32 JANUARY 2019


"Uncle Dan" Wheeler, formerly a cattleman, built a lucrative business raising sheep for wool and for mutton for miners in Virginia City. He purchased land in the Truckee Meadows and established the Steamboat canal to irrigate thousands of acres of brushland. The Nevada State Livestock Association was formed; during its second year, its members reported having 49,000 sheep. About 50,000 sheep were driven across Nevada to the east. The Nevada Livestock Association was formed, and sponsored a state fair in 1878. A. Evans, a prominent sheep man, showed Spanish Merinos, a breed well-suited for the Nevada range.


A harsh winter combined with overgrazed range lands decreased the number of sheep in Nevada by 65%.


About 150,000 sheep were driven across Nevada to the east.


About 750,000 sheep were driven across Nevada to the east. John G. Taylor, arriving from Scotland through California, began earning wool and lambs through the shearing and herding occupations, initially leasing a flock. He became the largest sheep baron in Nevada history, owning over 250,000 acres and leasing a half a million acres. He recruited a large number of sheepherders from the Basque Country, including the Saval brothers, who later built their own sheep empires. The first sheep wagon was built in Wyoming; until 1900, all wagons were manufactured by the Schulte Hardware Company of Casper Wyoming.


Henry Anderson, a Dane who came to Nevada in 1873, began to build a sheep business. His flocks ranged beyond Nevada to California, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.


The worst winter in Nevada’s history, following a very dry summer, killed an estimated 134,000 cattle in Northern Nevada; sheep fared better and many cattle ranchers switched to sheep raising; some of the remaining cattlemen, fearing the increase in sheep on the range, turned to violence against sheep and herders.


After losing half his sheep during the hard winter, nomad sheepman Patrick Flanigan realized the value of hay-growing land, subsequently building a large diversified empire that included 30,000 sheep. He was the first Nevada sheepman to crossbreed sheep to improve their wool. H.F. Dangberg and his sons formed the Dangberg Land and Live Stock Company. The operation continued to prosper after H.F. dies in 1904, with more than 10,000 sheep and up to 50,000 acres of land.


Patrick Flanigan imported 100 Lincoln rams from England. Bred to Merino ewes, they sired a Rambouillet type of offspring. He was the first Nevada sheepman to crossbreed sheep to improve their wool.


The industry prospered. Nevada sheepmen began to specialize in feeder lambs, abandoning the practice of fattening sheep through grazing. The growth of California's population provided a stable market.

The Progressive Rancher


The "Bull Bloc" in the Nevada legislature succeeded in passing the 1931 Range Act, Senate Bill 127, to restrict sheep grazing on public lands. It was superseded by the Taylor Grazing Act in 1934.


One of the worst droughts in the Great Basin forced sheepmen to find new areas for grazing. The Taylor Grazing Act put an end to the nomadic aspect of the sheep industry in Nevada and the rest of the Western United States. During World War II, sheepherders were scarce, and some outfits combined two herds into one to cut down on the number of men needed; an estimated 140,000 sheep were sold due to lack of labor.


Sheepmen organized in western and eastern Nevada to implement herder importation programs. The Nevada Range Sheep Owners Association was established, with John Dangberg as president.


At least 66 Basques in exile in Mexico were brought to Nevada to herd sheep. A very hard winter brought out military boxcar planes to drop hay for stranded or hungry sheep and cattle. See stories and photos of Operation Haylift.


Nevada Senator Patrick McCarren successfully sponsored Public Law 587 to allow 250 Basque sheepherders to enter the U.S.


The California Range Association was organized "for the purpose of alleviating the critical shortage of labor in the industry." The name was later changed to the Western Range Association.


Public Law 307 permitted another 500 herders to be sponsored for immigration.


893 Basque sheepherders had entered the U.S. under the special immigration program Robert Laxalt published Sweet Promised Land, a book about his father, Dominique Laxalt, who came to Nevada as a sheepherder.


1,283 herders were under contract to the Western Range Association (WRA). Contract wages were $230/month in Nevada for a herder's first year, with $10 increases each year for the next two years of the contract.


At the peak of Basque sheepherding, 1,500 herders were under contract to the WRA; 90% were Basque.


742 herders were under contract to the WRA; only 106 were Basque. The industry was in decline, and wages had risen in the Basque Country. Sources: Golden Fleece in Nevada by Clel Georgetta, Amerikanuak: Basques in the American West by William A. Douglass and Jon Bilbao, Nevada Nomads: A Story of the Sheep Industry by Byrd Wall Sawyer, America's Sheep Trails: History, Personalities by Edward N. Wentworth, and Basque Sheepherders of the American West: A Photographic Essay by William A. Douglass and Richard H. Lane.

News Release

Rochelle C. Urquhart | Acting Public Affairs Specialist 775.861.6588 | |

BLM Names 3 New Members to National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board The Bureau of Land Management announced today selections for three open positions on its nine-member National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. Ms. Celeste Carlisle of Esparto, California, has been appointed to the category of wild horse and burro advocacy; Dr. Thomas Lenz of Louisburg, Kansas, has been appointed for the category of veterinary medicine; and Dr. Barry Perryman of Reno, Nevada, has been appointed for the category of public interest with a special knowledge about protection of wild horses and burros, management of wildlife, animal husbandry or natural resource management. Each individual will serve a threeyear term on the advisory board.

Ms. Carlisle is a passionate collaborator with 10 years of field biology and equine management experience, most notably serving as the Biologist and Science Program Manager for Return to Freedom, a private sanctuary for wild horses and burros in California. Working collaboratively with various stakeholders, Ms. Carlisle played a pivotal role in the creation of a detailed proposal for wild horse and burro management that was presented to the BLM and the U.S. Congress in 2017. She and other wild horse advocates also participated in a meeting with Interior Secretary Zinke to discuss the goals and objectives for sustainable management of wild horses and burros. Ms. Carlisle earned a B.S. in equine animal science from Oregon State University and a B.A. in biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz. Dr. Lenz, an equine practitioner for more than 40 years, is a leading mind in the field of equine science, specifically equine reproduction and equine welfare. Beyond his vast veterinary qualifications, Dr. Lenz is also the founding chair of the Unwanted Horse Coalition – a broad alliance of equine organizations under the American Horse Council that works to educate the horse industry about unwanted horses. In addition to a veterinary medical degree, Dr. Lenz earned a M.S. in equine reproduction and is board-certified in theriogenology (equine reproduction). His practical approach

Rick Machado Livestock The Main Event Horse Auction Sat., November 3, 2018, Paso Robles, CA Brought to you by Rick, Jill and Jack Machado of Rick Machado Livestock, Shandon, CA Auctioneer: Col. Rick Machado • Sale Secretary: Elena Clark Top 10 Geldings & Mares Under Saddle $20,775 20 Geldings Under Saddle $14,960 8 Mares Under Saddle $10,844 2 Two-Year-Olds Under Saddle $12,250 12 Yearling Geldings & Fillies $ 6,270 1 Proven Stallion $19,000 9 Running-Age Broodmares $ 3,467 52 TOTAL MAIN EVENT HORSES $10,306 VERSATILITY CHAMPIONS Sr. Versatility Class Champion: Hip #10 Roc Solid, a 2013 AQHA Sorrel Gelding from Karin Williamson, shown by Brian Huntsberger, sold for $32,000. Sr. Versatility Class Reserve Champion: Hip #36 One Big Time, a 2008 AQHA Red Roan Stallion from Rick Machado Livestock, shown by Pat Boyle, sold for $9,000. Jr. Ranch Versatility Champion: Hip #18 Just A Little Voodoo, a 2014 AQHA Sorrel Gelding consigned and shown by Scott Silveira, Templeton, CA, sold for $16,500. Jr. Ranch Versatility Reserve Champion: Hip #1 Crackersjacks San Lena, a 2016 AQHA Bay Gelding from Rick Machado Livestock, sold for $14,000.

to understanding abandoned or otherwise unwanted horses, equine reproduction and animal welfare will be an asset to the advisory board.

Dr. Perryman has been a passionate, thoughtful and well-received writer and advocate for the responsible stewardship of Western public lands for more than two decades. As an educator, Dr. Perryman works collaboratively with various stakeholders to teach best management practices and encourage conservation and the responsible use of our public lands. Dr. Perryman has served on several appointed councils, organized and facilitated meetings populated by a diverse spectrum of public interests, and continuously served as a wild horse and burro expert source for national print and broadcast media outlets. Dr. Perryman earned a Ph.D. and a M.S. in Rangeland Ecology and Management from the University of Wyoming and teaches Rangeland Ecology and Management at the University of Nevada-Reno. He earned a B.S. in Agronomy from Abilene Christian University. The National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board advises the BLM, an agency of the Department of the Interior, and the U.S. Forest Service, part of the Department of Agriculture, on the management and protection of wild free-roaming horses and burros on public lands and national forests administered by those agencies, as directed by the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. Members of the Board, who represent various categories of interests, must have a demonstrated ability to analyze information, evaluate programs, identify problems, work collaboratively and develop corrective actions. More information about the Advisory Board can be found at BLM. gov/WHB. The next meeting of the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board is scheduled for October 9-11, 2018 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The meeting will be live-streamed from 8am - 5pm Mountain Time on Wednesday and Thursday, at The agenda of the upcoming meeting can be found in the September 5, 2018, Federal Register at

OVERALL ROPING CHAMPIONS Sr. Header/Heeler Champion: Hip #23 Eye of the Badger from Dustin Noblitt: $19,000. Jr. Header/Heeler Champion: Hip #33 Big Time Penny from Davis Grupe, Grupe Ranch: $11,500. HALTER CONFIRMATION CLASS MARES Hip #29: Ms Memorable Merada from Red Ruby Farm, Diane Ferrara was the Champion Mare, selling for $9,000. Hip #19: WCR Kit Kats Merada from Wind Chime Ranch, Patricia Cuddy, was the Reserve Champion selling for $8,750. GELDINGS Hip #10: Roc Solid from Karin Williamson was the Champion Gelding and Top-Seller (below). Hip #11: Trip N Shine from Tyler and Jennifer Holzum was the Reserve Champion Gelding selling for $26,000.

Top-Selling Horse: Hip #10 Roc Solid from Karin Williamson, shown by Brian Huntsberger: $32,000 to John & Suzie Madonna, San Luis Obispo, CA

The Progressive Rancher


JANUARY 2019 33

40th Annual




EPDs —

EPDs —

BW 2.2 WW 59 YW 100

BW 1.1 WW 83 YW 143







140 BULLS AND 40 HEIFERS Hereford, Red Angus, Black Angus 2-year-olds and yearling bulls.

HEREFORD SIRES HH Advance 5044C Churchill Kickstart 501C


EPDs —

5 L Defender 560-30Z LSF Saga 1040Y

BW 4.1 WW 71 YW 134



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Sale Broadcast on:  34 JANUARY 2019


The Progressive Rancher

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John Hays

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The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 35

2018 Van Norman & Friends Branding Contest Results

The good times continue during horse sale weekend Once again, the Van Norman and Friends Production Sale Youth Branding Contest did not disappoint. Young ropers from throughout Nevada, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming came together to compete against their peers in an exciting exhibition of roping skills. With times as fast as 1:45:50, it was obvious these kids came to win some money. 42 kids, ages ranging from 7 to 18 years old, entered up with a family member to rope with them, and a 2-man ground crew to set their ropes. All entry fees went back into the pot and the stock was donated. Priority was given to families with horses consigned to the Van Norman and Friends Sale to give extra opportunity to showcase horses to be sold the next day, 9 of which performed quite well in the

youth branding contest. The youth branding contest is an idea way to exhibit how well a horse can perform in the arena under pressure, or how patient the horse can be while waiting for a young kid to heel a calf (while also showcasing a dad’s patience as well)! As an added bonus this year, JM Capriola’s donated a beautiful Garcia bit to be raffled off, and all proceeds went to added money for the branding contest. The raffle generated $3,000 added money to the contest. All of the ropers did a great job handling their horses, and the pressure of roping in front of a crowd, and each contestant roped their calves within the 10-minute time limit.

10 and under

Ages 11 - 14

Ages 15 - 18

1st: Chase Stouard

1st: Zane Wines

1st: Isaac Mori

3rd: Walker Jones

3rd: Mountain Spring Walker

3rd: Riley Roderick

2nd: Malikai Malotte 4th: Blake Arritola 5th: Pete Mori

6th: Marinna Mori

36 JANUARY 2019

2nd: Cadence Martin 4th: Quaid McKay 5th: Taylor Brown 6th: Ella Buzzetti

The Progressive Rancher

2nd: Anna Van Norman 4th: Matt Wines

5th: Frankie Baumeister 6th: Cody Rowley

Cray Tervort of Jiggs, riding the shortest horse in the branding contest gets some extra help straitening out his rope from his dad Mike.

Malikai Malotte looks for the heels on a yearling his dad Alan had necked. The Malottes live in Owyhee. Cadence Martin of Evanston, Wyoming coils up her rope after placing 2nd in the 11-14 age group. Cadence roped with her dad Kade.

Isaac Mori of Paradise Valley, Nevada keeps his rope tight while his ground crew marks the yearling. Isaac won the 15-18 age division, roping with his dad Matt.

Zane Wines of Ruby Valley, Nevada looks for 2 feet, while his dad Joe handles his yearling. Zane won the 11-14 age division.

Sarah Fuller


Anna Van Norman of Tuscarora, Nevada holds the heels as her ground crew sets the front foot rope and marks her yearling. Anna roped with her dad Ty.

Dennis Boehlke


The Progressive Rancher JANUARY 2019 37 

News Release

USDA Designates Three Nevada Counties as Primary Natural Disaster Areas Emergency Support to Producers in Surrounding Counties/Border States Also Available

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue designated three Nevada counties as primary natural disaster areas. Producers who suffered losses due to two separate drought designations may be eligible for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) emergency loans. This designation by Secretary Perdue allows FSA to extend much-needed emergency credit to producers recovering from natural disasters. Emergency loans can be used to meet various recovery needs including the replacement of essential items such as equipment or livestock, reorganization of a farming operation or the refinance of certain debts. Drought – Humboldt and Washoe Counties For the drought beginning Aug. 28, 2018, the Secretary has designated Humboldt and Washoe counties in Nevada as primary natural disaster areas. Producers in the contiguous Nevada areas of Churchill, Elko, Lander, Lyon, Pershing and Storey counties and Carson City, along with Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Placer and Sierra counties in California, Owyhee County in Idaho, and Harney, Lake and Malheur counties in Oregon, are also eligible to apply for emergency loans.

Drought Designation – Elko County The Secretary has also designated Elko County, Nevada, as a primary natural disaster area due to the drought beginning on Sept. 4, 2018.

Producers in the contiguous Nevada counties of Eureka, Humboldt, Lander and White Pine, along with Cassia, Owyhee and Twin Falls counties in Idaho, and Box Elder and Tooele counties in Utah, are also eligible to apply for emergency loans. The deadline to apply for these emergency loans is July 8, 2019.

FSA will review loans based on extent of losses, security available and repayment ability. FSA has a variety of additional programs to help farmers recover from the impacts of this disaster. FSA programs that do not require a disaster declaration include: Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program; Emergency Conservation Program; Livestock Forage Disaster Program; Livestock Indemnity Program; Operating and Farm Ownership Loans; and the Tree Assistance Program.

Farmers may contact their local USDA service center for further information on eligibility requirements and application procedures for these and other programs. Additional information is also available online at

Release No. 0188.18 | Dana Rogge | 573-876-0934 |

CDFA Establishes Increased Brand Inspection Fees, Effective January 1, 2019 A Public Meeting to discuss project progress and clean-up plans at the Anaconda Copper Mine Site was held November 29 The Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ (NDCNR) Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) invited the public to a meeting on Thursday, November 29 at the Yerington High School Main Gym, located at 114 Pearl Street. The meeting, scheduled from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., was conducted in an informal Q&A format, so the public could drop in anytime to learn more about project progress and clean-up plans at the Anaconda Mine Site.

The California Food and Agricultural Code sections 20760 and 21291 authorize the Secretary to increase fees up to 20 percent of the statutory fee. The action of the Secretary to increase fees is initiated by a recommendation of the Livestock Identification Advisory Board.

On November 20, 2018, the Livestock Identification Advisory Board met and unanimously passed a motion to recommend that Secretary Karen Ross increase the brand inspection fees associated with the Bureau of Livestock Identification. Secretary Ross has approved the following fee increases:

A great deal of preparation for cleanup activities has been accomplished since NDEP took on the lead regulatory role at the site in February 2018, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) deferred the Anaconda Mine Site within EPA’s Superfund Program to the State of Nevada. Under NDEP’s management and direction, the Anaconda mine site will be remediated through a landmark funding agreement with the Atlantic Richfield Company, who has taken responsibility for investigation and cleanup of the Site. Clean-up of the Anaconda mine is based on a 12-year closure schedule that includes a robust community involvement and stakeholder participation plan. In developing this plan, NDEP and stakeholders have reviewed and commented on a number of comprehensive documents prepared by the Atlantic Richfield Company associated with heap leach pad closure, new fluid management ponds, stormwater controls; groundwater plume stability; pit lake sampling; process area risk assessment; evaporation pond investigation; and continued monitoring and investigation of the Wabuska Drain.

The service charge issued at each site at which an inspection is performed, except destination inspection sites (for example, salesyards, feedlots, slaughter plants and fairs) also increases on January 1, 2019, to:

Detailed information about project areas and maps of the site are available at: https://

For more information, please contact the Bureau at (916) 900-5006.

38 JANUARY 2019

The fee per site: $25.00 – 29 head or less |$15.00 – 30 head or more

The Progressive Rancher

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 39

It’s official! Local residents nominate Lund Grade Schoolhouse to National Register of Historic Places Nevada is a historic and cultural wonder, abounding with stories, traditions, archaeology, cultural resources, and buildings that contribute to Nevada’s unique sense of place. Together, these revered treasures help bring Nevada’s multilayered heritage to life. As part of an ongoing movement to preserve America’s past, on December 17, 2018, the National Park Service (NPS) listed the Lund Grade School in Lund, White Pine County in the National Register of Historic Places. The National Register is the nation’s official list of places worthy of preservation, namely those with special historic and/or cultural significance, and potentially qualifying them for certain grant opportunities and tax incentives.

Built in 1915, the Lund Grade School is a quaint, rural schoolhouse in the White River Valley of White Pine County. The 1-½ story Craftsman-style schoolhouse is located at the southwest corner of Center Street and Nevada Highway 318 / Main Street in the middle of town. It is the community’s oldest surviving grade school and the historic anchor for public education in the White River Valley in the early twentieth century. The Grade School continuously operated as an educational facility for Lund and White Pine County from its construction in 1915 to its closure by the White Pine County School District in 2005. It has evolved over time to serve the community, including a large addition in the 1980s to accommodate larger class sizes and new facilities. The nomination was completed by the Lund Historical Society, a local group that maintains a museum and promotes the diverse history of the community. Marion Francis, the nomination author and a Society member, interviewed numerous area residents to help complete the nomination. Ms. Francis recalled “These families were graciously inviting me into their lives and telling me the stories of their parents, grandparents, and ancestors.” For Ms. Francis, “The Lund School was and still is an integral part of the town,” as “many students who graduated from the school came back as adults to teach in the very same classrooms where they had once been taught.” In recollecting her work to complete the nomination, Ms. Francis said that the process “made me think about why things happen rather than just making a list of events.”

In 2008, the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office (NSHPO) published a special report, called a multiple property documentation form, on the State’s historic schools to make it easier for Nevada residents like Ms. Francis to nominate historic school buildings to the National Register of Historic Places. Nevada citizens seeking to nominate historic school properties, or other important places, to the National Register are encouraged to contact NSHPO in Carson City, Nevada. To view a copy of the report, School Buildings in Nevada, please visit: http://shpo. NSHPO supports the preservation, documentation and beneficial use of cultural resources statewide. We are dedicated to guiding and assisting the public, non-profits, and local, state and federal agencies in the preservation of Nevada’s past. To learn more about NSHPO, plesae visit Samantha Thompson | Public Information Officer | DCNR Director’s Office 901 S. Stewart Street, Suite 1003 | Carson City, NV 89701 | 775-684-2709 | (F) 775-684-2715

Churchill County Cowbelles Update

By Pegi Witte

Wishing you a Happy New Year! With the holidays behind us, we look forward to a prosperous 2019.

However, before we said goodbye to 2018, Churchill County Cowbelle's sadlly layed to rest long time member Carmen Bell. Carmen and her husband Bill raised Santa Gertrudis cattle at their ranch on the Reno Hwy west of Fallon for many years. She was an active member of Cowbelle's for over 50 yrs. Always with a smile on her face and willing to help no matter the project or function of Cowbelle's. She will be greatly missed. January brings The Cattleman's Update to Fallon, Tuesday, Jan 8th , at the Fallon Convention Center. We encourage all livestock producers and those interested in Churchill County agriculture to attend this event. Churchill County Cowbelle's will be providing dessert for the dinner provided by UNR Extension Service. Doors open at 5:30 pm, with dinner at 6:00pm and program to follow.

Bonnie Bell heating up Bell brand Branding Mother's Pine Coffin

The 53rd Annual Fallon Bull Sale takes place on February 16th. Churchill County Cowbelle's will be holding their annual Bull Sale Dinner and Dance at the Fallon Convention Center the evening of February 15th. We are proud to present a local live band this year for your dancing and listening pleasure. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, $15.00 for 12yrs to 18yrs, and $10.00 for 7yrs of age to 12 yrs. Under 7 yrs are free. Tickets are limited so come early. Social begins at 5:30 pm. As this is our main fundraiser for the year, that allows us to support many youth scholarships we hope to see a full house!

President: Pegi Witte 775-423-1571 | Vice President: Karen Lawson 775-4127 | Treasurer: Vella Torvik 775-217-1395

Our Favorite Beef Recipe

Morrocan Beef & Sweet Potato Stew


1 pound sweet potatoes, peeled, cut into 1-inch pieces (about 3 cups)

2-1/2 pounds beef Stew Meat, cut into 1 to 1-1/2-inch pieces


2 teaspoons ground cumin

1 can (14-1/2 ounces) diced tomatoes with garlic and onion

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Hot cooked couscous

1 teaspoon salt

Chopped toasted almonds (optional)

Combine flour, cumin, cinnamon, salt and red pepper in 3-1/2 to 5-1/2-quart slow cooker. Add beef, sweet potatoes and raisins; toss to coat evenly. Pour tomatoes on top. Cover and cook on HIGH 4 to 6 hours or on LOW 8 to 9 hours or until beef and potatoes are fork-tender. (No stirring is necessary during cooking.) Season with salt, as desired. Cook's Tip: For smaller slow cookers, it may be easier to combine ingredients in a separate bowl before adding to slow cooker. Serve over couscous. Garnish with almonds and parsley, if desired.

1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper

Chopped fresh parsley (optional)

300 calories, 3g saturated fat, 26g protein 4.6mg iron, 5.4mg zinc, 3.8g fiber.

1/2 cup regular or golden raisins

3 tablespoons all-purpose flour

40 JANUARY 2019

This delicious, warming stew is easy to make in a slow cooker, and even easier to eat on a cold winter's day.

The Progressive Rancher

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 41


he ninth-annual Western States Ranch Rodeo Association National Finals presented by Protect the Harvest and Lucas Oil, was held November 1 - November 4 at the Winnemucca Events Complex in Winnemucca, Nevada. The Western States Ranch Rodeo Association (WSRRA) continues to experience solid support in sixteen states and Canada with teams coming from as far away as Nebraska and Wyoming plus, four teams from Canada. Established in 2010, the WSRRA has experienced incredible growth, each year growing in number of events and members. The association currently has more than 700 members. Throughout 2018, WSRRA sanctioned more than 44 open ranch rodeos, 20 women’s ranch rodeos, 25 women's steer stoppings and over 100 ranch bronc riding events. The top open and women’s teams from each of the ranch rodeos, and the top 15 women’s steer stoppers, and top 15 ranch bronc riders competed for cash and prizes at the National Finals. Prizes included Gist buckles, Yeti coolers, Twisted X boots, J Bar D Canvas & Leather, Cowboy’s Choice feed, custom made gear made by Ricardo’s Saddlery and John Mincer, halters, stirrups, and custom made hats donated by Chaz Mitchell Hatz. This year, the WSRRA added a Jr/Sr Division. This division required two seniors age 17 or over and two juniors ages 12-16 to compete in six events. Eight teams competed in ranch horse, branding, tie down steer, sort and rope, trailer loading and team roping. This added event was one of our highlights of this year national finals. The 2018 WSRRA Cowboy Crisis silent auction recipients were Pat Stanford and Josh McKenzie. The silent auction was very

successful, with a grand total raised $18,000. The Nationals Finals kicked off Thursday with the women's long go working ranch horse, followed by women’s team roping, trailer loading, tie-down steer roping, sort & rope doctoring, and team branding. A huge variety of vendors participated in the Christmas Buckaroo Trade Show and the WSRRA Cowboy Crisis silent auction began. Jackpot roping events finished the action for the day. The jackpot team roping winners were Jared McFarlane and Jaylen Eldridge in the Big Loop, Tim Maher and Quirt Boyles in the team roping and Lindy Lehman in the women’s steer stopping. Friday, November 2, one member of each open team started the day showing off their highly skilled ranch horses. Then the teams competed in long go events of load & tie and team roping. The evening’s performance featured a "Tough Enough to Wear Pink" theme. Grand Marshall, in memorial of Sherry Mogg and 2nd Annual Nelo Mori Heritage of Ranching Award, Tim DeLong, made an exciting grand entrance in a refurbished horse drawn stagecoach. If that wasn’t enough, the first two rounds of the Professional Wild Horse Racers Association (PWHRA) national finals got everyone’s blood pumping! Rodeo clown, Tuffy Gessling entertained the crowd with his rope tricks and laughs. In between specialty acts, WSRRA ranch bronc riders and open and women’s teams showed their talents in featured performances. Saturday morning started with two rounds of Women's Steer Stopping rounds 1 & 2, followed by open team long go’s of sort & rope doctoring, and team branding. Later in the day WSRRA National Sponsor, the Boot Barn, sponsored a dummy roping contest and a stick horse barrel race for the kids. Gist Buckles

World Champion Women’s Steer Stopper: Bailey Corkill Rookie Women’s Steer Stopper of the Finals: Haylee Lunt WSRRA Year End Champion: Michelle Rutan Rookie Women’s Steer Stopper of the Year: Kate Hollenbeck World Champion Open Ranch Rodeo Team: Jim Ranch Sammy MacKenze, Dusty Easterday, Dirk Jim, Daxton Jim (Returning) World Champion Women’s Ranch Rodeo Team: Miller Livestock from Idaho Carmen Buckingham, Katie Jo McFarlane, Kayla Tiegs & Bailey Bachman World Champion Ranch Bronc Rider: Chase Thrall WSRRA Bronc Rider Average Champion: Chase Thrall WSRRA ROOKIE Ranch Bronc Rider of the Finals: Wes Aragon WSRRA Year End Champion: Justin Quint WSRRA ROOKIE Ranch Bronc Rider of the YEAR: Wes Aragon 8 Seconds Whiskey Tour Stop Champion: Joel Baer 8 Seconds Whiskey Tour Stop Res. Champion: Justin Quint

were given as prizes. The third annual Great Basin Gathering; music, poetry and trading gear was a spotlighted event. Adding to our Saturday activities, Runnin’ 4 the Money, produced by Sheena Hansen, added a barrel racing in the neighboring arena. Afternoon rodeo action featured jackpot family branding won by Jaylen Eldridge, Dusty Easterday, Casey Brunson and Bailey Bachman.. As the sun was going down, the second evening performance started. This performance was full of Wild West action and western traditions. Featured performances of more of the open and women’s teams, along with two rounds each of PWHRA and WSRRA ranch bronc riding kept the arena dust stirred up and the crowd’s excitement high! Performances by Tuffy Gessling livened up the evening’s fun. Saturday ended with year-end and long go awards at The Winners at Winners WSRRA awards party, followed by dancing to music by the Jeff Palmer Band, both hosted by the Winners Inn & Casino. Sunday, November 4th, WSRRA held a wellattended Cowboy Church with Bo and Kathy Lowe. After Cowboy Church, WSRRA held the short go of the national finals for the open and women's divisions and the final rounds of PWHRA wild horse racing, women’s steer stopping and WSRRA ranch bronc riding. At the end of the afternoon, champions were crowned with Gist Silver buckles, Twisted X boots, Yeti coolers, homemade headstalls by Ricardo’s Saddlery with Mincer Silversmith WSRRA conchos, J Bard D Canvas & Leather deluxe bags, Cowboy’s Choice bag of feed and silver stirrups by Weber Stirrups. The United States Marine Corps Mounted Color Guard has represented the Marine Corps in events across the United States for the last 51 years. This year, the WSRRA was

ALL AROUND COWGIRL: Bailey Bachman ALL AROUND COWBOY: Gus King TOP HAND COWGIRL: Bailey Bachman TOP HAND COWBOY: Dirk Jim Jr/Sr Top Hands: Isaac Mori and Garrett Brown ALL AROUND RANCH HORSE – OPEN: Tj Thompson ALL AROUND RANCH HORSE – WOMENS: Carmen Buckingham Jr/Sr Ranch Horse: Cash Trexler STOCK CONTRACTOR OF THE YEAR: Kurtis Keoppen BRONC OF THE YEAR: Burro Taco – Jess Jones

WSRRA Scholarship Ranch Bronc Rider Champion: Cooper Trindle  42 JANUARY 2019

honored to have the United States Mounted Color Guard at all four of our performances. The Marines were riding wild palomino mustangs, adopted from the Bureau of Land Management’s “Adopt a Horse” program. Staff Sergeant Esteban Jauregui (How-Diggy) is the Staff Non-Com-missioned officer-incharge of the Mounted Color Guard, and this unit is stationed at Marine Corps Logistics Base, in Barstow, California. The WSRRA scholarship fundraiser featured a pair of custom crafted spurs graciously donated by Mincer Silversmith, a Chaz Mitchell Custom 100X hat, and a Henry rifle. The custom made spurs was won by Nick Merritt, the Chaz Mitchell hat was won by Koedy Florence and the rifle was won by Bubba Patty. Thank you to all that purchased raffle tickets, we sold over 800 raffle tickets. Congratulations to each contestant, not just the winners. First time visitors to the event were totally impressed with the quality of the competition and the stock. A huge thank you to all the office help, chute help, announcers, judges, vendors and stock contractors. The WSRRA wouldn’t be around without the help of our sponsors and major supporters which include: our premier sponsor Protect the Harvest and Lucas Oil. Thank you to the Winnemucca WVCA Board, Ram Trucks/ Ram Rodeo, Boot Barn, 8 Seconds Whisky, Twisted X Boots, Gouveia Ranches, Working Ranch Magazine, Yeti, Gist Silversmiths, Big Bend Trailers and Chaz Mitchell Hatz, J Bar D Canvas & Leather and host hotels, Winnemucca Inn and Winners Inn Casino. Make plans to attend a sanctioned WSRRA Ranch Rodeo in 2019! By Naomi Loomis, WSRRA Association Representative

The Progressive Rancher

PICK UP MEN OF THE YEAR: Brandon Clark HIGH AVERAGE CONTRACTOR OF THE YEAR (Based on top 5 Horses): King Rodeo Co. WSRRA PRODUCER OF THE YEAR: Rowell Ranch Rodeo Committee

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 World Champion Women’s Ranch Rodeo Team: Miller Livestock from Idaho: Carmen Buckingham, Katie Jo McFarlane, Kayla Tiegs and Bailey Bachman, Shane Riley-J Bar D Canvas and Leather

2018 WSRRA NFR World Champion Open Ranch Rodeo Team: Jim Ranch Sammy MacKenze, Dusty Easterday, Dirk Jim, Daxton Jim, Shane Riley-J Bar D Canvas and Leather

Marc Page-WSRRA President, Justin Quint-2018 Reserve Champion 8 Seconds Whiskey Tour, JP Patterson-8 Seconds Whiskey Representative, Joel Baer-2018 8 Seconds Whiskey Tour Stop Champion, Chaz Mitchell-Chaz Mitchell Custom Hatz

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 WSRRA World Champion Ranch Bronc Rider: Chase Thrall

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 WSRRA World Champion Women’s Steer Stopper: Bailey Corkill

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 WSRRA NFR STOCK CONTRACTOR OF THE YEAR: Kurtis Keoppen

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 WSRRA NFR ALL AROUND RANCH HORSE – OPEN: Tj Thompson

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 WSRRA NFR ALL AROUND RANCH HORSE – WOMENS: Carmen Buckingham

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 WSRRA NFR HIGH AVERAGE CONTRACTOR OF THE YEAR (Based on top 5 Horses): King Rodeo Co. - Gene and Manda King

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 WSRRA NFR TOP HAND COWBOY: Dirk Jim, Dago Rosales - Cowboy Choice Feeds Representative

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 WSRRA NFR TOP HAND COWGIRL: Bailey Bachman, Dago Rosales - Cowboy Choice Feeds Representative

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Assocaition Representative, 2018 WSRRA Scholarship Ranch Bronc Rider Champion: Cooper Trindle

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 WSRRA NFR PICK UP MEN OF THE YEAR: Brandon Clark

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 WSRRA NFR BRONC OF THE YEAR SELECTED BY JUDGES: Burro Taco – Jess Jones

Naomi Loomis-WSRRA Association Representative, 2018 WSRRA Year End Champion: Justin Quint

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 43

RANGE PLANTS FOR THE RANCHER Sego Lily & Western Wheatgrass By Paul T. Tueller, Ph.D., CRMC

Sego Lily As one travels around Nevada ,we often observe interesting and showy plants that while not providing an abundance of forage are nevertheless of interest to all of us. One of these plants is the Sego Lily (Calochortus nuttallii). Calochortus nuttallii is a species within he genus Calochortus, in a sub-group generally referred to as Mariposa Lilies. The specific name nuttallii is named for the English botanist and zoologist Thomas Nuttall, was ascribed to the species by the American botanists John Torrey and Asa Gray when it was officially described in 1857 Sego Lily is native to a number of western states, being found throughout Utah and Wyoming, large parts of eastern Nevada, and parts of Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico Sego Lily occurs on the open sagebrush foothills and valleys throughout much of Nevada at moderate elevations. This is a monocot with a single stem and having a single, large, terminal flower. This plant is one of the most conspicuous and beautiful early-blooming flowers found on our rangelands It dries up quickly after blossoming. Sego Lily plants are around 15–45 cm (6–18 inches) in height and have linear leaves. Plants have 1 to 4 flowers, each with 3 white petals (and 3 sepals) which are tinged with lilac (occasionally magenta) and have a purplish band radiating from the yellow base. The blooms are goblet shaped, satin-like flowers. The flower is white with cherry red and yellow markings at the base (glands). The flowers can be up to 3 inches across. The fruit is a capsule, which splits open along partitions, with numerous flattened seeds inside. Individual plants have a few basal grass-like leaves, and leafy stems. It can be distinguished from death camas (prior to flowering) by the rounded trough-like cross section of their U-shaped leaves, as opposed to the sharply V-shaped leaf of death camas (Zigadenus paniculatus (Nutt.) S. Watson foothill death camas This species blooms in early summer on many of our sagebrush rangelands mostly in the eastern part of Nevada and is a striking Great Basin flowering plant. Native American’s deemed the bulb-like roots of sego lily a great delicacy. . Native Americans had culinary uses for the bulbs, seeds, and flowers of the plant. Bulbs were roasted, boiled, or made into a porridge by the Hopi, Havasupai, Navajo, Southern Paiute, Gosiute, and Ute peoples. The Hopi used the yellow flower ceremonially. They taught the Mormon pioneer immigrants to use the bulb for badly needed food. This resulted in the sego lily being formally designated as the Utah State Flower in 1911 The forage value of Sego Lily is limited due to the sparse herbage and the scattered plants. When grazed the palatability of the herbage is good for sheep and fair for cattle. Horses do not graze it. The bulbs are eaten, and also gathered and stored by pocket gopher and other rodents. Those of you that have seen this beautiful plant in the spring have been pleasantly surprised. I hope you enjoy seeing and enjoying the flowers of the Sego Lily on your rangelands  44 JANUARY 2019

The Progressive Rancher

Western Wheatgrass Western wheatgrass is another perennial rangeland grass worthy of our consideration. I learned this plant as Agropyron smithii but the current approved scientific name is Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á. Löve. Another scientific name that has been used is Elymus smithii(Rybd.) Gould. As I have indicated before the perennial range grasses are certainly of great importance to the forage resource on western rangelands. This is an erect, rather coarse grass, 1 to 2 ½ feet tall, with numerous rhizomes. Its growth starts when daytime temperatures are 52 - 56 degrees F. It is dormant in the summer, and begins growth again in the fall if soil moisture is adequate. Western wheatgrass reproduces from both seeds and rhizomes. The seedhead is a dense, narrow spike, 2 to 6 inches long; spikelets are overlapping, 3/8 to ¾ inches long and contain 6 to 10 florets with 1 or sometimes 2 spikelets per rachis node. The glumes are glabrous, rigid, gradually tapering from base into short awns; lemmas mostly glabrous, awn-tipped. The leaves are glabrous and glaucous, with bluish-green color due to a grayish waxy bloom; leaf blades flat but rolled when dry, 1/8 to ¼ inch wide, 4 to 10 inches long, rather stiff, pointed at the tips, ridged and rough on upper surface; leaves rolled in the bud. The ligules are very short, membranous, and collar-like. The auricles are moderately large and clasp the stem. Western wheatgrass is a widespread and versatile perennial grass. Its range extends from the semi-desert sites up to the mountain sites and into a few high mountain sites. As indicated by the name, it is also widely distributed in the western states. Western wheatgrass is very drought tolerant. Plants occur on practically all types of soils from sands to clays, from deep to extremely shallow, and in various soil moisture conditions. It can be found on soils that are moderately alkaline or saline. It produces the greatest percentage of the total vegetation when growing on fine textured soils. Associated Species include big sagebrush, Sandberg’s bluegrass, Nevada bluegrass, and bluebunch wheatgrass. Western wheatgrass is highly palatable early in the growing season. It produce a high volume of forage under optimum growing conditions, which is of good forage value for all classes of domestic livestock. It has fair forage value for pronghorn and other wildlife. Western wheatgrass cures well, making good winter forage. It tolerates heavy grazing, but responds well to proper use - producing twice as much forage where it is grazed moderately. The seeds provide food for upland gamebirds as well as for songbirds and many small mammals. Grazing management where western wheatgrass is one of the key species should aim at moderate use. It will tolerate close grazing at times, provided 60 percent of the top growth remains to maintain the health of the plant. Grazing should be avoided while soils are extremely wet. This is one of the native range plants which responds remarkably well to rest and rotation deferred grazing programs keyed to the more sensitive growth period of the plant (seed stalk formation to seed ripe). Ranchers using rangeland forage should be aware of this plant and it’s characteristics as well as all perennial grasses found on their federal allotments or private ground.

The Progressive Rancher

JANUARY 2019 45

NOTICE of Public Workshops on Humboldt River Modeling Efforts


Contact: Adam Sullivan • 775-684-2800




The Nevada Division of Water Resources will hold public workshops to provide information on Humboldt River Basin water modeling studies by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Desert Research Institute. The public workshops will be held:

JASON KING, P.E. State Engineer

JASON KING, P.E. State Engineer BRIAN SANDOVAL Governor


DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 901 South Stewart Street, Suite 2002 Carson City, Nevada 89701-5250 (775) 684-2800 • Fax (775) 684-2811

Notice of Public Workshops to be held by the State Engineer to provide an update on water modeling studies IMMEDIATE RELEASE act: Adambeing Sullivan, 775-684-2800 by the U.S. Geological Survey and the conducted Desert Research Institute in the Humboldt River Basin.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. at the Lovelock City Hall, 400 14th Street, City Council Meeting Room, Lovelock, Nevada Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 2 p.m. at the Humboldt County Courthouse, 50 West 5th St., Room 201, Humboldt, Nevada Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. at the Elko County Library, 720 Court St., Elko, Nevada. The Division can make reasonable accommodations for members of the public who are disabled and wish to attend the meeting.

Public Workshops on Humboldt River Modeling EffortsIf special arrangements for the meeting are necessary, please write

the Nevada Division of Water Resources at 901 S. Stewart St., Ste. These workshops are scheduled for January 15 & 16 in –Lovelock, Winnemucca, and Elko. SON CITY, Nev. The Nevada Division of Water Resources will hold 2002, publicCarson City, Nevada, 89701 or call (775) 684-2800.

shops to provide information on Humboldt River Basin water modeling studies by the Geological Survey and the Desert Research Institute. The public workshops will be The root system of curlycup gumweed extends 6.5 feet into the soil with extensive shallow root development. It is tap rooted, and develops a short, vertical rhizome. Stems are th and straight, usually singleCity and branches out above. Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. at the Lovelocksmooth City Hall, 400 14 Street, The leaves are hairless, shiny, heavily toothed along the margins and they tend to clasp the stem. Flower heads are Council Meeting Room, Lovelock, Nevada several to numerous with yellow ray florets up to 0.5 inches in length. The floral disk is 0.5 to 1.25 inches wide. Bracts of heads are resinous and strongly curled. Resin covering the flowers and flower buds are thick Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 2 p.m. at the Humboldt County Courthouse, 50 West 5thand milky and smell balsamic. Flowering occurs from July through September. Flowers are followed by achenes (like a sunflower seed). St., Room Nevada Hello201, fromHumboldt, the Humboldt Watershed CWMA! The HWCWMA was developed to address the invasive Biocontrol weed problem and subsequent decline in water quality within the entire 16,843 square mile watershed, which covers most Although curlycup gumweed has been observed being sage-grouse, offers little Wednesday, January atfunction 9:30 a.m. at the Elko consumed County by Library, 720 itCourt St., forage value and is of Northern Nevada.16, The2019 primary of HWCWMA largely unpalatable to cattle, sheep, and horses, though sheep has been to provide land managers, owners and weed control Elko,groups Nevada. assistance in the areas of funding, agency and weed will occasionally crop flower heads in the absence of other forage. group coordination and cooperation. This month we would like to introduce you to a plant that

allows the HWCWMA the ability to provide educational and financial assistance to land owners and groups in their management efforts, ultimately improving all of the qualities of the land and water in our watershed. The HWCWMA has also developed a website to serve as a clearinghouse for information on invasive weeds in the Humboldt Watershed. Our website (www. contains fact sheets for state listed noxious weeds in Nevada, Board of Director’s information, funding partner’s links, and many more features including a detailed project proposal packet that you can print, fill out and mail back to us at your convenience. We are looking to expand our project area outside of the Humboldt River and always welcome new funding opportunities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Andi Porreca, HWCWMA Coordinator at (775) 762-2636 or send an email to

Chemical Control

Divisioniscan reasonable fornoxious members of theforpublic whocontrol are disabled not make currently listed as oneaccommodations of Nevada’s state listed Timing herbicide of gumweed

is best in early weeds, but has shown itself to be highly invasive. Curlycup June but can be delayed to mid- or late June, which allows wish to attend the(Grindelia meeting. If special arrangements for thethemeeting necessary, please gumweed squarrosa) is a warm-season biennial control ofare both new seedlings and second-year plants. or short-lived herbaceous, perennial plant that grows to the Two quarts per acre of 2,4-D ester 4L are effective for early the Nevada Division ofapproximately Water Resources 901is S. Stewart St.,until Ste. 2002, while Carson City, products (such as maximum height of 3 feet. Theatplant found control mid-June metsulfuron growing in dry prairies, waste places, roadsides, railroads, Escort at one ounce per acre) may be more effective for late da, 89701, or call (775) 684-2800. depleted rangelands, and abandoned croplands. Curlycup applications (after mid-June but prior to flowering). Be sure gumweed does best in poor to fair on gravel, clay, and dense to follow all label directions and precautions. clay, and good in sandy loam, loam, and clayey loam. It makes fair growth on saline soils, good growth on gentle and Please notify the HWCWMA if you see curlycup gumweed moderate slopes, and fair growth on steep slopes. Due to its growing within the Humboldt River Watershed. We have low moisture requirements and limited palatability, curlycup an opportunity to stop invasive species from spreading if gumweed increases under drought conditions ### in irrigated we act quickly and our staff can provide the property owner pasture as well as under poor grazing management practices, or appropriate public agency with site-specific treatment and is often associated with pastures and range that have options for these plants. The HWCWMA also maps and monitors heavily infested sites in the watershed which been over grazed.

46 JANUARY 2019

The Progressive Rancher

Jack Payne

Carey Hawkins

Cell: 775-217-9273 Alt: 775-225-8889


OFFICE: 775-423-7760

Full-Service Cattle Sales & Marketing - serving Fallon, Nevada and the Outlying Areas.

NEXT FEEDER SALES January 17, 2019 and February 21, 2019 • 11:30am California grass is looking good. Buyers are getting excited! There are still a lot of quality calves coming to market.

Regular Wednesday Sales in January January 2nd January 9th January 16th January 23rd January 30th

Steers # of HD 22 14 12 19 4 6 26 4 14 6 14 14 2 3 27 7 4 5 17 52 4 131 60 26 35 41 12 7 81 51


Weight 426 415 474 522 539 537 618 308 627 604 516 584 555 670 754 726 388 803 837 802 809 868 801 883 830 934 730 764 1000 911

Price CWT 190.00 182.00 167.00 166.50 159.00 154.00 153.00 150.00 149.00 147.00 146.00 143.00 145.00 140.00 140.00 139.00 138.00 135.50 134.25 134.00 135.50 134.60 130.75 128.25 128.00 126.00 126.00 126.00 124.25 125.00

Location Fallon, NV Ruby Valley, NV Ruby Valley, NV Ruby Valley, NV Elko, NV Winnemucca, NV Tonopah, NV Round Mountain, NV Winnemucca, NV Fallon, NV Tonopah, NV Spring Creek, NV Reno, NV Winnemucca, NV Fallon, NV Winnemucca, NV Round Mountain, NV Minden, NV Fallon, NV Fallon, NV Fallon, NV Fallon, NV Fallon, NV Fallon, NV Fallon, NV Fallon, NV Tonopah, NV Winnemucca, NV Fallon, NV Fallon, NV

“Where the Ranchers Shop” NEVADA LIVESTOCK VET SUPPLY, LLC Store Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 131 Industrial Way • Fallon, NV 89406 • 775-624-4996

The Progressive Rancher

Hiefers # of HD 24 10 23 3 4 24 17 4 23 4 9 5 4 10 9 10 19 3 9 27 9 10 6 5 6 4 6 2 3 2


Weight 361 260 445 357 313 361 405 409 445 285 523 304 393 452 469 485 519 533 542 599 642 603 673 671 679 719 721 713 705 855

Price CWT 164.00 161.00 153.00 151.00 151.00 164.00 163.50 156.00 153.00 151.00 148.00 146.00 146.00 146.00 145.00 145.00 143.00 143.00 137.50 137.00 135.50 135.00 132.50 130.50 130.00 130.00 130.00 127.00 125.50 116.00

Location Elko, NV Elko, NV Ruby Valley, NV Duckwater, NV Round Mountain, NV Elko, NV Elko, NV Eureka, NV Ruby Valley, NV Eureka, NV Fallon, NV Tonopah, NV Winnemucca, NV Winnemucca, NV Fallon, NV Markleeville, CA Ruby Valley, NV Winnemucca, NV Spring Creek, NV Minden, NV Fallon, NV Winnemucca, NV Fallon, NV Washoe Valley, NV Reno, NV Reno, NV Minden, NV Winnemucca, NV Winnemucca, NV Midas, NV

Any Size Bottle Of

DRAXXIN 5% OFF during January JANUARY 2019 47

The same cowherd, raised on the same ranch by the same family for 100 years. March Selling

Angus Bulls and

in Bliss, Idaho Angus Females.

Spring Cove bulls are raised outside on dry range conditions, are genetically designed to provide meat, marbling and muscle and to perform in our western environment while enhancing the durability, fertility and longevity in your cowherd and in ours.

Spring Cove Crossbow 4205 Reg 17924903

Spring Cove Reno 4021 Reg 17926446

Sired by: KM Broken Bow 002 MGS: CCA Emblazon 702

CED+10 BW-.3 WW+83 YW+137 SC+1.24 Milk+32 CW+54 Marb+.80 Rib+.63 $W+97.56 $F+105.75 $B+176.70 Reno sons and daughters sell March 11, 2019

Sired by : KM Broken Bow 002 MGS: CCA Emblazon 702

CED+17 BW -1.6 WW+56 YW+106 SC+.39 Milk+20 CW+53 Marb+1.00 Rib+.56 $W+48.03 $F+69.66 $B+161.59 Crossbow sons and daughters sell March 11, 2019

Spring Cove Paygrade 5064 Reg 18251392 Sired by: Basin Payweight 1682 MGS: CCA Emblazon 702

CED+11 BW-.6 WW+53 YW+91 SC+.99 Milk+26 CW+36 Marb+1.07 Rib+.23 $W+62.84 $F+48.44 $B+130.55 Paygrade sons and daughters sell March 11, 2019

S A V Resource 1411

Basin Bonus 4345 Reg 17904142

Sitz Longevity 556Z Reg 17179073

Sire: Connealy Final Product MGS: Woodhill Foresight

Sire: Basin Payweight 1682 MGS: Connealy Consensus 7229

Longevity sons and daughters sell March 11, 2019

Bonus sons and daughters sell March 11, 2019

CED+6 BEPD+.2 WEPD+60 YEPD+108 SC+1.00 Milk+30 CW+40 Marb+.80 Rib+.37 $W+67.63 $F+79.58 $B+142.71

For sale catalogs : Call: 208-352-4332 Email:

48 JANUARY 2019

CED+7 BEPD+1.2 WEPD+72 YEPD+125 SC+.83 MEPD+36 CW+53 Marb+1.15 Rib+.54 $W+87.94 $F+98.06 $B+160.10

Spring Cove Ranch 269 Spring Cove Rd Bliss, Idaho 83314

The Progressive Rancher

Spring Cove TL Cat D13 Reg 18582235

Sire: Basin Bonus 4345 MGS: B/R Complete 4U75-257

CED+9 BEPD+.4 WEPD+58 YEPD+103 SC+1.00 MEPD+27 CW+29 Marb+.70 Rib+.81 $W+58.45 $F+64.14 $B+119.21 D13 sons and daughters sell March 11, 2019

For more information call:

Spring Cove Ranch office: 208-352-4332 Stacy Butler’s cell & text: 208-320-8803 Find us on Facebook

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