The Progressive Rancher July/August 2018

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Riding for the NCA Brand BLM News Release: Sage-Grouse NCA - Scholarship Recipient Nevada Cattlewomen Obituary: Senator Dean Rhoads NBC Checkoff News In the Mind of a Millennial Beef in the Mediterranean Diet Eye on the Outside The Makings of a True Cowboy Ranchers, Tell Your Stories BLM News Releases Society for Range Management Herbicide Intermountain West Joint Venture Building Capacity for Landscapes NDA News Releases Weeds | Head Tax | Mormon Crickets

20 21 21 22 22 23 24 26 28 31 32 32 34 36

NFB - Applied Ag Research Matters NFB - Opposition to Question 3 Nevada Division Forestry - Grant NFB - Building an Understanding NDCNR - Pollinator Habitats USDA FSA Farm Loan Guide Churchill County Cowbelles Humboldt Watershed CWMA Diffuse Knapweed TMWA - Smart About Water Wells FFA Banquet Master Stockman Consulting An Effective Combination Cow Country Church: Great Horses NDCNR - Wondrous Wetlands; Steptoe Valley Expansion Operation Unite Know What You Want

The Progressive Rancher Owner/Editor/Publisher – Leana Litten Carey

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Sunday @ 11am services

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Bible Study Wed @ 6 pm

Are you having a Rodeo or Livestock event? GIVE US A CALL. We would love to come to your event or ranch and host Cowboy Church for you.

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Montana vs Sage Grouse Plan Graphic Design/Layout – Allegra Print & Imaging

Cover Credit: "Spring Cove Ranch, 2015" by Stacy Butler Published 8 times each year, The Progressive Rancher is mailed to more than 5,500 approved addresses, and has digital and print readership reaching more than 30,000. The views and opinions expressed by writers of articles appearing in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters of opinion are welcomed by The Progressive Rancher. Rates for advertising are available upon request. Advertising in The Progressive Rancher does not necessarily imply editorial endorsement. Liability for any errors or omissions in advertisements shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error or omission. The Progressive Rancher is free to people working and active in the livestock industry. The Progressive Rancher is donated to the agricultural industry. If you are not currently receiving this magazine on a regular basis and would like to be a part of The Progressive Rancher family, contact us by e-mail at today, so we can include you on our mailing list. If you have moved or changed addresses, please notify us by e-mail so we can keep you informed. All requests for the magazine must be made by e-mail.

© The Progressive Rancher Magazine. All rights reserved.

Leana Litten Carey, Owner/Editor

Nevada State Water Plan – Part 1 WGA’s Top 10 Policy Accomplishments in 2017

1188 Court St., #81, Elko, NV 89801 (208) 358-2487 •

WWW.PROGRESSIVERANCHER.COM Ads sent to or built by The Progressive Rancher become property of this magazine.

2 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher

From the desk of your NCA president By Sam Mori, NCA President


t certainly turned summer in a hurry, as it can only do in Nevada! With the mild winter we had, it has been a blessing to have the timely spring moisture we received. I wish you all the best of luck getting through the fire season this summer with the fuel load that is now available.

The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association is diligently working with the appropriate government agencies to find ways to make our permits more flexible, so that we can be more responsive to the fuel loading issue. They (the agencies) realize the problem and know that we can be a constructive partner in the challenge of reducing some of the contributing factors that allow for the catastrophic fires that have occurred in recent years. As we dig deeper into permit flexibility, we are finding there are already some options available under the current regulations that may be helpful,

but more work is being done to improve the situation. Your relationship with your agency people and your input are vital to the progress of this very important issue.

enjoy are what make this country the greatest in the world! By the time you read this we will have been through the primaries, but mark the general election on your calendars this fall.

Another important item on the horizon is the deadline for public comment on the Greater Sage Grouse Draft Resource Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Impact Statement. The calendar date is August 2nd for comment. Interior Secretary Zinke has given us the opportunity to voice what we see can be a workable plan and it is critical that we do so. This has been an eight year challenge to this point; let’s not drop the ball now!

The fast pace of summer ranch and farm life is upon us and we are thankful for it, but it can get a little hectic. We at the NCA are truly engaged in the things that are of importance to membership and our great industry in general. There are many resources available to you as we have committees assigned to every facet of our business.

As your Association works on a multitude of issues on a daily basis, it is obvious how Best of luck to you in your endeavors and we’ll important it is to get out and vote on Election talk to you soon. Day. We truly can make a difference one vote at a time. The right to vote and the democracy we


NEWS RELEASE BLM PUBLIC MEETINGS IN NEVADA AND CALIFORNIA SUPPORT REVIEW OF SAGE-GROUSE DRAFT EIS As the next step in aligning federal habitat conservation efforts with state wildlife management plans, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will hold three meetings in Nevada and one in California beginning June 26, 2018, to provide information and answer possible questions regarding the recently released draft amendments to sage-grouse plans finalized in 2015.

amendments. Comments on the draft amendments will guide the BLM in finalizing changes that build on and strengthen these plans to conserve public land habitat in cooperation with state plans for managing wildlife species.

Plan amendments could affect up to 61 land-use plans for about 53 million acres in seven western states. Draft Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) and Eleven plans guiding management on 20.5 million amendments to the 2015 plans were published on May acres of public land in Nevada and northeastern 4, 2018, beginning a 90-day public comment period. California could be revised. The public meetings will help attendees learn about The public meetings will be held in an open-house the draft plan amendments and formulate written format, with BLM specialists attending information submissions before the comment period ends on stations to interact with meeting attendees to provide August 2, 2018. answers or additional information. Oral comments Western governors have sought changes to the will not be accepted at the meetings, but computer 2015 plans for BLM-managed lands in their states, terminals will be available for submitting written which spurred the BLM in proceeding with the plan comments on-site.

There are so many things happening on our ranches and farms. Nowadays there are lots of demands, and we are here to assist you.

The Progressive Rancher

Regional Contact: Chris Rose, National Contact:

NEVADA MEETINGS Reno/Sparks June 26 5:00-7:00 pm Nugget Hotel • Cascade Room #3 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, Nevada 89431 Ely June 27 5:00-7:00 pm Bristlecone Convention Center 150 W. 6th St., Ely, Nevada 89301 Elko June 28 5:00-7:00 pm Elko Convention Center 700 Moren Way, Elko, Nevada 89801

CALIFORNIA MEETING Alturas, California June 29 5:00-7:00 pm Niles Hotel • 304 S. Main St., Alturas, CA 96101 JULY / AUGUST 2018


2018 Nevada Cattlemen’s Association Scholarship Recipient By Kaley Sproul Chapin, NCA Executive Director

Tell Your Story: It's Not Too Late


ummer is flying by, and it is already time that Nevada Cattlewomen, Inc. get prepared for the summer American National Cattlewomen (ANCW) meeting in Denver and our state meeting, which will be held in Winnemucca the second week of November 2018. We have been working on getting our website up and running to revamp our registration process, to build our membership, and assist with support for agriculture in the classroom activities. The biggest question we are getting from many is: Why should I be a part of Nevada Cattlewomen, Inc.? This is sometimes a hard question to answer. I am sitting here writing this article in the Phoenix airport at about 8 p.m. waiting for a 10 p.m. flight. This is my second week on the road, first in Oregon, and second now in Arizona. Earlier today I met an ANCW member for lunch in Pine Top, Arizona to discuss the training plan for the ANCW leadership training that will be held in Denver the end of July. We discussed the benefits to members because we will be teaching Marketing and Media Relations in Denver as part of a beef promotion and advocacy course. The biggest part of our discussion today was centered around how to tell your story. Everyone has a story,

4 JULY / AUGUST 2018

We would like to congratulate Vicente Padilla of Austin, NV for being chosen the 2018 NCA Scholarship recipient. Vicente is very involved in different organizations including Eureka County High School’s FFA Chapter, Basketball and Football. His hobbies include roping and going to ranch rodeos. He has grown up on the Silver Creek Ranch where it has been in his family for many years. His future goals include attending college at TVCC to earn a degree in Agriculture Business and returning back to the family ranch. Congratulations again to Vicente! We are very proud of you and have great confidence that you will continue to serve our industry well. Good luck on your future endeavors! Please see next month’s issue for Vicente’s winning essay, “Mustangs in the West”.

By Staci Emm

just like everyone is responsible to someone, no matter who you are. The American Indian ranchers I met in the last two weeks had their own stories: of wolves killing their calves in Oregon, tribal politics influencing grazing units, and feral horse issues as the four corners area of Arizona is in a 50-year drought. It is these stories, including your story, that are the foundation of the very industry that you support. It is easier to find your story if you have support of others with similar stories creating a common voice. Nevada Cattlewomen, Inc. was founded to educate the public about the beef industry. Our state organization has chosen to support the affiliates through agriculture in the classroom activities, and to start social media messaging. At the same time, we want to support all cattlewomen in telling their unique stories. Have you ever, while in an elevator, told someone that you hope they have a great day and use that conversation opportunity for your 10 to 20 second elevator speech? Do you have an elevator speech telling your story? The ANCW member that will be teaching with me recommends you should always wear the same color when telling your story. She said “they may not remember your name, but they will remember the lady in red (or a color that works for you) from Nevada telling her unique impactful story”.

The Progressive Rancher

The affiliates associated with Nevada Cattlewomen, Inc. also have their own unique stories. They support families during grief, they are in the schools teaching, they hold fund raisers for the sick, give youth scholarships for higher education, and hold social events. These are only a few of their stories. I hope that others will see the uniqueness and importance of everyone’s story. However, the public does not know your story unless you tell it. Here is your chance to join an organization to discover your passions and create your story.

by Joe Guild This is an excerpt of the eulogy given by Joe Guild at Dean Rhoads’ funeral in Elko Nevada on May 3, 2018. Dean Rhoads and I were friends for over 30 years. The family has asked me to say some things about Dean’s political career. My problem is how you say a few words about a man of few words who did so much. You cannot talk about Senator Dean Rhoads without talking about Dean Rhoads the rancher and family man. Because as a rancher I once worked for was fond of saying: “You can’t know where you are going unless you remember where you came from. “ Dean never forgot where he came from and he definitely knew where he was going and what he wanted to accomplish. He was grounded in Independence Valley with his ranch and his family always in mind. For me the story of Dean’s political life is embodied in two instances. It starts on a warm summer morning just at dawn. Dean and I were at a high trot weaving through dense brush south of the house headed toward Indian Creek where we were going to gather some cattle and bring them back to the ranch to work. He posted easily and comfortably in his saddle. He was born to ride and it looked as if he and his horse were one. He was clearly in his element, in this spot in this perfect moment. It was one of those times many of us in this room have experienced many times. Not very much later after this morning, Senator Dean Rhoads and I were in our boots and suits walking early of a morning in Washington D.C. headed to a meeting on Capitol Hill. He was comfortable in both places but his heart was back in Elko County. He had vast experience in Washington D. C. as illustrated by two of many events. You all know he met with President Reagan several times. In recent years he also testified in favor of the repeal of the Inheritance Tax so harmful to so many ranching families before the United States Senate Finance Committee. His opponent who wanted to keep the Inheritance Tax? Warren Buffet. In preparing these remarks I tried to remember exactly, but I think he and I travelled to Washington D.C. about 25 times in the last 30 years. So I was witness to the remarkable man from Tuscarora who took on the biggest players in some of the biggest issues of the day for rural Nevada. We were there for Public Lands Council/ National Cattlemen’s Beef Association business or in his capacity as Chairman of the Nevada Legislature’s Public Lands Committee. This committee was created through his leadership and it is yet another example of his insightful great ideas. Because so much of our business whether in ranching or mining is controlled by leaders of Federal agencies in Washington, who are separated from what actually is related to decisions on the ground out in the states, it was Dean’s idea to take a committee on the road into rural Nevada primarily during the interim between legislative sessions to hear from local people about their dealings with the Federal Agencies and from the local managers of those agencies. Also, at least once a year and a few times twice a year, the Committee would go to Washington and talk directly to the people working in the agencies and also their directors and leaders. The Committee would talk with members of Nevada’s Congressional delegation and members of their staffs who had resource use responsibilities. These trips revealed several traits about Dean’s personality and makeup. He was always prepared. If the committee met with the Chief of the Forest Service or the senior leadership of the National Mining Association, Dean always asked probing, insightful questions which often prompted lively discussion. This was also true of the visits with the members of Congress. Dean was instrumental in keeping the grazing fee formula we still use, which was Dean’s idea, unchanged or increased because of his interaction with the Nevada Congressional Delegation. Members of the delegation respected Dean’s positions and expertise on these public land issues, and in my opinion, did not want to upset their personal relationship with Senator Dean Rhoads. This personal respect certainly carried over into the Nevada Legislature. Many of you, for sure members of the Elko Fair Board, know that Nevada law requires 1% of the money handled by pari-mutual betting on horse races at casino sports and race books be given to counties and cities where horse races are held in conjunction with County Fairs in those counties. This law which passed in 1991 helped to revitalize the horse race meets in Elko, Winnemucca and Ely.

Senator Rhoads had a hand in this as many of you know because it was his idea to try and obtain some of this funding. He was in the minority party however, so it took his personal persuasiveness and friendships with members of the other party to make this effort a success. I do not believe it would have been successful but for Dean. The man we are remembering today had the character and integrity to be successful in both of the worlds he occupied in his life. He inspired respect and affection from even potential political rivals who were willing to help him by putting aside politics and do things for him personally. In my 35 years of being active in politics and because of my family being connected to politics my whole life, I have learned one abiding principle; it is all about relationships. It is relationships that are not necessarily forged by common political philosophy, although that is certainly important, but relationships built upon mutual trust and even friendship with your colleagues from the other party. Senator Dean Rhoads could create these relationships because of who he was and what he was made of. He never wavered from his core beliefs and the way he lived every day on the ranch with his beloved family. But, he was able to work things out to create practical solutions based on sound reasoning. As one of my long time lobby colleagues said, “He was always the calm one in the room.” And not only in the room. Many of you remember years ago when Dean’s horse tripped and he took a fall near China Camp about 14 miles from the ranch. His horse took off and ended up at the Squaw Valley Ranch fence where they had unloaded earlier that morning. His dogs stayed with him, but he knew he had a broken leg and he had to stay put. He had his hat but no water. To keep his mind active and to stay awake all day he counted 100 pebbles form one side of his body to the other all day long. Late in the afternoon his dogs barked at a lone rider on the ridge above him. He was found but then a long ride over dirt roads in the back of a Suburban to Elko and months of recovery were ahead of him, but he kept his head when others would have panicked. One tough character. I believe a trait of most effective leaders is a good sense of humor. During one of our last conversations before I had a long week of travel ahead, I was in the room at the facility he was staying at in Reno. Sharon and Chandra were in the room too. I was sitting closest to the bed and he needed some water. I handed him the cup and as he was sipping I said,” Dang Dean I forgot to bring you the fixings to make you a Picon.” He said, “you know it’s been at least two weeks since I‘ve had a Picon. “ And I replied,” see that’s why you feel [like ****] so bad.” He got a real kick out of that and had a good belly laugh. Self-deprecation and humor pointed his way was one of his endearing traits. He was a Past-President and early founding member of the Public Lands Council which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. A fellow rancher, Past-President and founding member of the PLC from Wyoming had this to say: “Dean was always respected for his knowledge and commitment to Public Lands issues and as the so-called Father of the Sage brush Rebellion in the 1970s, he was honored for his willingness to take a high-profile public stance to bring more awareness elsewhere in the country of our plight here in the West in dealing with the agencies and an often times ignorant public.” Another lobbyist who worked with him and travelled with Dean a few times said: “He was the consummate gentleman, always courteous but also formidable because there was that point where you knew he could not be pushed past based upon his core conservative principles. I saw many members through a long career lose their cool and display a temper. I never saw Dean Rhoads lose his.” Well I have proven that you cannot say a few words about a man of few words who has done so much. Many of you knew Dean as well or better than I. And I believe all of you knew how important being a rancher, having his family on the ranch with him, and his partnership and devotion to Sharon was. This was the true Dean and why he was able to accomplish so much in the rough and tumble, not always nice, arena of politics. Speaking for you who knew him well or not so much and for the family and of course for myself, we were all privileged to have this great, good man with us for however long we knew him. He did so much for rural Nevada and its basic industries-- ranching and mining. But he did so much more. The list includes, but is not limited to: The California Trail Interpretive Center; making Great Basin College a more comprehensive educational institution with reach all across rural Nevada; the fairs in Elko, Humboldt and White Pine Counties; all of the other educational institutions in his district, and all of the future generations of residents who will benefit from the hard work he did serving a total of 35 years of service to our state. He will not easily, if ever be completely replaced, and by that I do not mean to diminish the great contributions being made by the current public servants representing rural Nevada. Thank you all for your attendance today and for your friendship and admiration of Dean Rhoads. Vaya con Dios mi compadre.

The Progressive Rancher



CHECKOFF NEWS: Dietetic Intern Programs By Nevada Beef Council Staff Sharing beef ’s powerful nutrition profile with consumers and health influencers alike is an important part of what the Nevada Beef Council and Beef Checkoff program do on your behalf.

One way we accomplish this is through partnering with dietetic intern (DI) programs to conduct immersive and educational workshops for those preparing to enter the dietetic field. Here in Nevada, that has meant collaborating with UNLV for two DI media workshops this past year – one in the fall of 2017, and one this spring.

But who are dietetic interns, and why is it important that the NBC engage them? A DI program is often six to 18 months in length and incorporates the 1,200 hours of supervised practical experience that is required for the student to be eligible to take a national board exam to become a Registered Dietitian. These internship programs follow the successful completion of an accredited bachelor’s degree and build on the years of coursework already obtained by a dietetic student.

DI students might obtain real-world experience at a variety of health care and/or community facilities, including hospitals or clinics, food service facilities, community nutrition programs, and others. Upon completion of a DI program, students may eventually go on to work in a variety of health care and/or community facilities such as hospitals, clinics, or foodservice facilities.

By participating in the NBC’s workshops, DI students are able to learn about ranching, beef nutrition, and how to effectively answer questions about beef in a healthy diet in a media or spokesperson setting. To ensure the content hits the mark, they are provided with pre- and post-surveys to help measure and compare their perceptions about beef production and nutrition before and after each workshop.

The two dozen participants in the UNLV workshops held over the last several months had markedly different perceptions about beef prior to the trainings. Participants in the fall workshop, for example, all had positive attitudes toward beef prior to the workshop. The most recent workshop held this spring, however, presented a challenge in terms of participant attitudes toward beef: 60 percent viewed beef and beef production in a negative light prior to the workshop. But that’s where the importance of the workshop content comes in. After hearing about the solid research and data that supports beef in a healthy diet and understanding more about how cattle are raised, there was a shift in the other direction: nearly half of those participants who initially had a negative view of beef left the workshop with a positive perception. “This feedback underscores the importance of these types of workshops,” notes Damon McCune, Director of Food & Nutrition Outreach for the Nevada and California Beef Councils. “Sharing the available science that shows beef ’s importance in a healthy and balanced diet, as well as telling the story of how cattle are raised in Nevada and across the country, has a clear impact on how these audiences view beef nutrition and production. Being able to work with these groups will help ensure future dietetic and health professionals fully understand the growing body of evidence that supports beef in a healthy lifestyle.” If you’d like to learn more about beef nutrition, including some of the latest studies showing how beef fits in to a variety of lifestyles and diets, visit www.BeefItsWhatsForDinner. com/nutrition.

Examples of key take-aways shared with DI participants: • Failure to consume nutrient-dense foods, in particular nutrient-dense protein sources, makes it difficult to meet recommended dietary goals for various nutrients. • Animal proteins provide more and higher quality protein than plant foods, often for fewer calories. • Dietitians and health professionals should be encouraged to promote protein as the first choice in meeting energy requirements and to emphasize spreading protein intake throughout the day.

WE HAVE MOVED! Please Note Our New Address:

Nevada Beef Council 4231 Pacific Street, Suite 35 Rocklin, California, 95677 877.554.2333 Why a California address? For a number of years, the NBC has contracted with the California Beef Council staff to carry out its programs and campaigns, providing significant savings on overhead and administrative costs. The office was recently relocated from Sacramento to Placer County, California, bringing it even closer to the California/Nevada border.

For more about the Nevada Beef Council or the Beef Checkoff, visit or 6 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher

By Nevada Beef Council Staff Grilling season is here and nothing beats a freshly grilled, juicy beef burger. If you are looking for something different different than the usual cheeseburger, kick it up with this exotic twist. Each bite will make you feel like you are on a tropical island, sun on your face, wind in your hair, fruity beverage in-hand, and sand between your toes. Don’t forget the sunblock. This calorie-friendly recipe offers up a high-protein meal that is loaded with flavor and essential nutrients. A serving of beef will provide ten essential nutrients such as zinc, niacin, and iron. The mango salsa compliments these nutrients by providing a healthy dose of antioxidants and digestive enzymes to help enhance the body’s absorption of these nutrients. These nutrient-dense burgers will have you feeling refreshed and energized to take on any activity on your beach journey.

Caribbean Beef Burgers with Mango Salsa

“Courtesy of Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner.”

For a lower-carbohydrate option, serve without the bun. Please consult your physician before beginning a low-carbohydrate diet. Makes 4 servings

Mango Salsa:


• 1 large mango, peeled, coarsely chopped (about 1 cup)

• 1-1/2 pounds Ground Beef

• 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro

• Salt

• 1 tablespoon finely chopped seeded jalapeño pepper

• 2 tablespoons Caribbean jerk seasoning INSTRUCTIONS

• 1 tablespoon chopped green onion • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice

1. Combine Ground Beef and jerk seasoning in large bowl, mixing lightly but thoroughly. Shape into four 3/4-inch thick patties. 2. Place patties on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, 11 to 15 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, covered, 13 to 14 minutes), until instant-read thermometer inserted horizontally into center registers 160°F, turning occasionally. Season with salt, as desired. Cook's Tip: Cooking times are for fresh or thoroughly thawed Ground Beef. Color is not a reliable indicator of Ground Beef doneness. 3. Meanwhile, combine salsa ingredients in medium bowl, mixing lightly. Serve burgers with salsa. Nutrition information per 3-oz serving: 263 Calories; 12g Total Fat; 5g Saturated Fat; 5g Monounsaturated Fat; 112mg Cholesterol; 505mg Sodium; 7g Total carbohydrate; 34g Protein; 3.7mg Iron; 7.7mg Niacin; 0.6mg Vitamin B6; 111.7mg Choline; 3.2mcg Vitamin B12; 8.2mg Zinc; 27.7mcg Selenium; 0.8g Fiber. Find more ideas for main dishes and leftovers at or

The Progressive Rancher



In the Mind of a Millennial By Jill Scofield, Director of Producer Relations, California & Nevada Beef Council

Study Supports Beef in a Mediterranean Diet


or this update, I’m going to deviate a bit from talking about preferences or perceptions relative to just the Millennial generation, and talk about some exciting new research that should be of interest to any generation.

For years, you’ve likely heard touted the many benefits of a Mediterranean-style diet, particularly when it comes to heart health. This type of eating pattern has consistently been associated with reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease. According to, “research has shown that the traditional Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart disease. The diet has been associated with a lower level of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol — the "bad" cholesterol that's more likely to build up deposits in your arteries…The Mediterranean diet is also associated with a reduced incidence of cancer, and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Women who eat a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil and mixed nuts may have a reduced risk of breast cancer.” A diet that reduces the risk of heart disease, bad cholesterol and reduces cancer risk? Sign me up! But for those of you not terribly familiar with the Mediterranean diet, you might be surprised that in its traditional form, it limits red meat consumption. Specifically, it emphasizes eating primarily plant-based foods, eating fish and poultry at least twice a week, replacing butter with healthy fats such as olive oil, and limiting red meat to no more than a few times a month. So for beef lovers like me, not sure that’s the diet I’d choose. And why the limit on red meat specifically, when there have been studies proving the heart-healthy benefits of red meat (particularly lean beef )? Well, research released in June by Purdue University shows why red meant doesn’t need to be eliminated from a Mediterranean-style diet. According to a release summarizing the study’s findings, the research “found that following a Mediterranean-style eating pattern that includes lean red meats like lean beef is just as effective in supporting a healthy heart as a Mediterranean-style diet that limits red meats. This new research study adds to the growing body of scientific evidence demonstrating lean beef can be part of healthy eating patterns to support heart health and increase flexibility for healthy eating.” Additional specific findings from the new research, which was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, include: • Following a Mediterranean-style eating pattern including 7 to 18 ounces of lean, fresh red meat per week was shown to improve cardiometabolic disease risk factor profiles. Fresh meats were defined in the study as requiring no further preservation or processing beyond refrigeration or freezing; they are not cured, salted or smoked or include chemical preservatives. • Including 18 ounces of lean, fresh red meat per week as part of a Mediterraneanstyle dietary pattern was found to be more effective in lowering LDL cholesterol than a similar eating pattern that only included 7 ounces of lean, fresh red meat. The average American consumes 18 ounces of red meat per week. • Study participants following a Mediterranean-style dietary pattern including up to 18 ounces of lean, fresh red meat per week saw reductions in total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and blood pressure. 8 JULY / AUGUST 2018

How was this study conducted? According to, it took place over a 16-week period, following 41 overweight or obese adults who consumed differing amounts of lean red meat in Mediterranean-style diet interventions. The study was funded in part by the National Institute of Health’s Ingestive Behavior Research Center at Purdue University, the National Institute of Health’s Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, the Beef Checkoff and the National Pork Board. This research provides just another example of the many benefits of biting into a juicy steak! Heart Healthy Beef Recipes

To capitalize on this good news, the beef checkoff-funded culinary team has created a number of Mediterranean-inspired recipes (like the one below) that are now available at

Jill Scofield is the Director of Producer Relations for the California and Nevada Beef Councils. She grew up on a cow-calf ranch in Northwestern Nevada.

Mediterranean Eye of Round Steaks Ingredients: • • • • • •

2 beef Eye of Round Steaks, cut 1 inch thick (about 8 oz each) 1 jar (6 ounces) marinated quartered artichoke hearts 1/4 cup chopped roasted red pepper 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil 3 tablespoons Dijon-style mustard Salt and pepper

Cooking: 1. Drain artichokes, reserving liquid. Chop artichokes, combine with red pepper and basil in small bowl; cover and refrigerate. 2. Combine reserved artichoke liquid and Dijon mustard in small bowl. Place beef steaks and mustard mixture in food-safe plastic bag; turn steaks to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator 6 hours or as long as overnight. 3. Remove steaks from marinade; discard marinade. Place steaks on grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, 13 to 15 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, 17 to 19 minutes) for medium rare (145°F) doneness, turning occasionally. (Do not overcook.) 4. Carve steaks into thin slices. Season with salt and pepper, as desired. Serve with artichoke mixture.

The Progressive Rancher


July 9-11

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Market your cattle with the professionals!

The Progressive Rancher



By Joseph Guild


The Makings of a True Cowboy

hat makes one a rancher -a cowboy? Is it the clothes: hat, boots and jeans? Is it the ownership of land and livestock? That is somewhat obvious because if she can be called a rancher she has to own both and before one can be called a cowboy there must be a horse to ride and stock to tend. So, being responsible for land and livestock is one of the prerequisites. Those are the tangibles and people have been responsible for both for at least ten thousand years. But there is an intangible that has been around for that long too. I believe there is an attitude, a demeanor, a quiet strength; there is a will to survive and prevail despite great adversity which is shared by those who husband land and animals that is inside a person and not affected by clothes or geography or religion or national status.

Those who raised food and fiber now sold and traded over long distances. We needed mediums of exchange and newer methods and modes of transportation and so human ingenuity created new technologic solutions to more complicated problems. With the new-found freedom for some from the tasks of finding food from long distances or the hard labor required to raise it, political and legal systems were created to impose order and solve the inevitable disputes which arise among humans. Not all these systems were the best but over time we have evolved as a species so things are generally better than without these systems in place.

Through it all and over the many centuries, at least one constant has been maintained. Human agriculture has kept pace with the many other changes. The long tradition of raising crops and animals for the vast majority by a smaller minority continues. Ranchers are still raising animals for human use. This will always I believe there is a river of survival that runs be the case because those few who stayed on the land through generations of ranchers, stock growers and in ancient times to herd and protect and husband the husbandmen transcending the centuries and eons. animals while others created a civilization from the Individual ranchers may not survive in raising livestock wilderness of the earth passed on a legacy. They stayed for various reasons. However, stock raising will survive. for the same reasons ranchers today stay. They were People do this work for more than money. They tough indispensable then just as farmers are indispensable it out through the hard times and save for survival in now. There was value and importance in what they did the good times because there is a strong draw to the then just as there is now. animals and the land and the care for them. Every person who sits at a computer in today’s world As I stated above, mankind has done this work needs the stock raiser to keep doing what they do just from the beginning of civilization. In fact, a credible as the first person who sat down eons ago to create an argument has been made that domestication of wild alphabet needed the pastoral herder to feed and clothe plants and animals was the catalyst for the creation of him so there would be time to create a language from a human civilization as we know it. Societies of hunters written alphabet and ways to advance man beyond the and gatherers of families and clans have existed chase and the hunt. throughout human history but it wasn’t until some So, what is inside the people specialized in the growing agriculturalist - the farmer, the and raising of food for the rest that cowboy? A hundred, a thousand we had towns and cities and priests generations of caring for the land, and clerks and teachers and healers the animals and their fellow man and actors, musicians and artists. is a part of the makeup of every person in agriculture? Will they There was this light bulb moment survive? For as long as humans long before there were any light bulbs inhabit the earth, for as long as that it was easier to herd and harvest the river of survival runs through than it was to hunt and gather. Some us, for as long as animals and land need care and people preferred the toil and work necessary to raise protection, for as long as a young person picks up a food and others preferred trade or mathematics and rope and swings it overhead, for as long as a bleat or thus was born a compartmentalized societal structure a bawl or a spindly legged foal causes the human to made possible by agriculture. The smaller number of be concerned and inspect a rancher will be there. For farmers could raise food for those who chose to write as long as there is hunger and a desire to be a better and record thoughts and count goods and who lived in provider to their fellow man, the farmer will be here. large and more sophisticated cities. 10 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher

For as long as there is a sunrise and a sunset, there will be a cowboy. I have a deep and abiding faith that stock growers around the world will be a part of the solution to help the world be a better place and humans to survive. And for those skeptics out there, just look at the evidence of ten thousand plus years of human agriculture for proof you need not worry. You are able to be a critic because you have a full belly you did not have to work very hard to satisfy. You can sit at your computer after your nutritious breakfast and point your finger at agriculture with all its supposed faults and even you will not recognize the incredible irony. Too bad! On a sad personal note, I would like to mention the passing of a best friend many of you never knew you had. Other publications have printed eloquent and well-deserved obituaries and remembrances which is correct and proper given the contributions of this remarkable man. And, of course, some of you did know what a good friend you had in Dean Rhoads. Dean Rhoads was one of you, a rancher operating with his beloved wife Sharon and the rest of his family on public lands, like many of the readers of this publication. He was a Past President and founding member of the Public Lands Council and one of the longest serving State Legislators in Nevada history. He was respected by all who encountered him throughout a long and eventful life and public career. Dean was humble about his accomplishments which are too numerous to mention here. Other publications have printed those in their tributes to him. The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association official newsletter “Sage Signals” has a good summary of his many honorable deeds for the livestock industry and rural Nevada. Dean exemplified the resilience and persistence of many people in agriculture as described in greater detail above. His faith in the ability of people to solve problems, create better rangelands, animals and crops to help feed the world without a lot of government interference and involvement was unshakable. Dean never wavered from his core beliefs and he was grounded in his ranch and his family in a way that should make all of you proud that he lived even if you did not personally know him. He was my best friend and compadre of over 30 years and I miss him dearly every day. I’ll see you soon.

Ranchers, Tell Your Stories Hello! My name is Kathryn Dyer and I am the BLM Nevada Range Program Lead. I am very excited to have a column in the Progressive Rancher magazine, and appreciate the efforts of the owner to ensure that you all have access to this information. My intent is to maximize the usefulness for you all, so please feel free to give me feedback and ideas at or (775) 861-6647. I have been the Nevada State Range Program Lead since April 2014, and can honestly say that there is a lot of positive momentum and opportunity in the BLM range program currently. Multiple opportunities are presenting themselves, and I hope to make you all aware of them so you can maximize them in your own operations. Please keep in mind that I am speaking from a Nevada BLM perspective and knowledge base, and I recognize that not all of you are Nevada permittees. However, I believe that most of the content here will be applicable to those of you outside Nevada since many of the things I will discuss are national efforts.

The purpose of the Cooperative Monitoring Memorandum is to establish an updated framework for cooperative monitoring and the exchange of information on rangelands administered by the BLM. The MOU strives to create opportunities for consultation and coordination of rangeland stewardship, through joint, cooperative monitoring at the pasture, allotment, watershed or landscape levels. The BLM and grazing permittees, lessees, and cooperators benefit from the exchange of information when monitoring data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted in a transparent and candid setting. The BLM benefits when using the current, historic, operational, and practical experience of grazing operators. The PLC members (grazing permittees and lessees) benefit when they are collaboratively included in shared data analysis results, biological concepts, and professional judgments made by BLM rangeland resource professionals.

These authorizations are intended to: • support enhanced partnership in managing livestock grazing, • emphasize conservation performance and ecological outcomes rather than process and prescription, • cooperatively improve, manage and/or protect public lands within an allotment and/or specified geographic area (multiple allotments), and • continue to achieve or attain positive economic, and social outcomes.

The BLM will initially develop and issue a limited number of OBGAs as demonstrations. A defined process will be used to develop and implement grazing authorizations that provide livestock operators the opportunity to manage livestock grazing on designated allotments in order to achieve specific resource and BLM field units are encouraged to develop monitoring habitat condition objectives. In addition, ranch plans with permittees/lessees and other stakeholders objectives will be included in the overall management plan. These initial OBGAs will serve to demonstrate the When Leana and I first started discussing this column, to increase collaborative rangeland stewardship. use of authorizations as a framework for permit holders she made it clear that the primary purpose is to provide Cooperative monitoring planning should consider: to use their knowledge, experience and stewardship to information to the public land rancher so that you can • Monitoring that is appropriate and feasible by achieve or make significant progress toward achieving have a better understanding of how you can successfully both parties. habitat and vegetation objectives, while allowing tell your story. How can you keep the most complete maximum flexibility in their operations. monitoring records to show your successes? How can • Appropriate monitoring scales involving timeframes and geographic scope. you build your understanding, documentation and The steps for developing and implementing OBGA’s proof of your ranch’s progress through time? We also are nearly identical to the standard permit processing • Review of background and geospatial information. discussed how none of this is possible without the procedures with a few additional considerations, strong emphasis on the importance of collaboration. • Establishment of protocols (For example: all and enlarge upon the principles for developing and parties should agree on whether the data will implementing allotment management plans. The Through the next 12 months or so, I will attempt be used for long or short-term monitoring; for development of objectives is vital for an OBGA, to give the information needed to help each of you adjustments within a season of use, or both, if as is the development of a monitoring plan that tell your story. I will bring in some stories from appropriate.). includes both long and short term monitoring to Nevada and other states to showcase how other track the impacts of management changes and ranchers have successfully approached this question. • Providing feedback and sharing information (All ecological responses. I will also provide ongoing information related to parties should receive copies of field data, results cooperative monitoring opportunities and other BLM and summaries.). In my next column, , I will highlight some of the collaborative initiatives. There will be guest writers exciting ways that Nevada is approaching cooperative to fill in information as needed. Right now is such a So, in the most basic terms, a cooperative monitoring monitoring – such as the Nevada Rangeland dynamic time that even those of you that have been agreement will ensure that you and BLM are on the Monitoring Handbook, the UNR Cooperative building your ranch story through time will hopefully same page about what will be monitored where, by Extension Cooperative Monitoring Training, and be introduced to some new information, tools and whom, and using what monitoring method. By using the Nevada Department of Agriculture Monitoring BLM approved monitoring methods, BLM is able to App. In addition, I will share OBGA news as it approaches that will prove useful. easily integrate your data in with the BLM data to progresses, and showcase ranchers that have helped The first thing I can honestly say is ‘get involved!’ I more thoroughly tell the story. Through a cooperative shape their use of public rangelands through their know each of you has a busy life with a multitude monitoring agreement, offices and permittees can monitoring data. of duties pulling you in different directions, but I ensure that the data being collected is done in the guarantee that your involvement will pay massive most efficient and effective manner. In addition, it So my parting message for the first article is this – get dividends. Now is a great time to get involved in ensures that regardless of staff or manager turnover, involved in monitoring now so you have that data when cooperative monitoring efforts, as there was a recently the monitoring component has longevity. you need it later, as it will likely be too late to start signed National Memorandum of Understanding monitoring then. Thank you all for joining me through (MOU) between the Public Lands Council and BLM. Monitoring is a very important and central component this first article, and I look forward to the next one! Below is language from a BLM Information Bulletin of the National Outcome Based Grazing Authorization (you can access additional information at https://www. (OBGA) initiative. The purpose of the OBGA is to improve the permittee and BLM’s management of Kathryn Dyer has been the BLM Nevada public lands grazing by providing greater flexibility to State Range Program Lead since 2014. has been a Nevada resident since 1989. The National Cooperative Monitoring Memorandum operators. Participants will be authorized to manage She Her goal is to contribute to the positive of Understanding (MOU) WO 220-2017-07 between livestock in response to changing on-the-ground changes occurring throughout Nevada by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the conditions, rather than under traditional prescriptive improving communication about Nevada's Public Lands Council (PLC) was signed on September terms. BLM’s objective is to ensure healthy rangelands Rangelands and encourage cooperation that will allow managing land use to meet the 22, 2017. This MOU updates the 2004 version, and is and to provide high-quality wildlife habitat as well as needs of the present, while maintaining the effective until September 22, 2022. health of the land for the future. ranching that is economically viable.

The Progressive Rancher





BLM LISTENS TO NEVADA AND CALIFORNIA STATE PARTNERS Comments Sought on Draft Proposal to Coordinate State and Federal Conservation Efforts The Bureau of Land Management marked a milestone today in the Administration’s effort to better align plans for managing Greater Sage-Grouse habitat on federal lands by publishing a draft environmental impact analysis of proposed changes to resource management plans in Nevada and part of California. The BLM developed the proposed changes in collaboration with the Governors of the two states, state wildlife managers and other stakeholders to align federal and state plans in order to pursue the shared goals of healthy sagebrush-steppe habitat that benefits wildlife and recreation while supporting local economies. “We are committed to being a good neighbor and respect the states’ ability to manage wildlife, while recognizing the tremendous investments of effort into improving Greater Sage-Grouse populations over the last decade,” said Department of the Interior Deputy Secretary David Bernhardt. “We look forward to receiving comments on the draft.” “I look forward to reviewing the draft Environmental Impact Statement and I trust that the Department of the Interior will continue to engage with and value the opinions of the impacted western governors,” Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval said. "I am confident we can find success by working together.” “The Department of the Interior’s proposed changes represent an important step toward returning power back to our local communities, and lifting the Obama Administration’s heavy-handed regulations that have put major restrictions on million acres of land in Nevada and stifled economic opportunities,” said U.S. Senator Dean Heller (R-NV). “As a long-time proponent of encouraging the federal government to engage with state and local governments on conservation and land use plans, I’m pleased that the administration is listening to these key stakeholders.” “I would like to thank the Secretary for doing a much-needed revisit of the previous Administration’s policies regarding sage hen habitat,” said Congressman Mark Amodei (R-NV). “I look forward to hearing back from our stakeholders in Nevada regarding the proposed changes and plan to familiarize myself with this draft and provide further input.” The BLM seeks to improve management alignment in ways that will increase flexibility, maintain access to public resources, and promote conservation outcomes. The proposed preferred Management Alignment alternative for the draft plans in Nevada and northeastern California would remove the sagebrush focal areas (SFAs) designated in sage-grouse conservation plans adopted in 2015; incorporate Nevada’s 2016 habitat maps and the State’s Habitat Quantification Tool for determining residual impacts; modify the use of lek buffers; clarify the 3 percent disturbance cap; consider exceptions to seasonal timing restrictions for beneficial habitat projects, allow flexibility in using updated science-based habitat boundaries; and references program-level environmental analysis of fuel breaks and rangeland restoration projects. This draft EIS also addresses the March 2017 U.S. District Court ruling that held the BLM violated the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, (NEPA) by failing to prepare a supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 12 JULY / AUGUST 2018

(EIS) for the designation of Sagebrush Focal Areas (SFA) in the Nevada and Northeastern California Greater Sage-Grouse Resource Management Plan (RMP) Amendment in Nevada. The proposed changes build on the 2015 plans, using feedback from States and other partners that found during implementation that the plans did not respond to local needs. “Two important developments have occurred since the 2015 plans were adopted,” said BLM Nevada Associate State Director Marci Todd. “First, we’ve had 2 to 3 years to invest time and effort into improving sage-grouse habitat. Second, we have received a great deal of feedback from our State partners about how the plans are working on the ground and needed changes.” Because of that feedback, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke issued Secretarial Order 3353, Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation and Coordination with Western States, which prompted the Departmental review of the 2015 plans. He also tasked the BLM with implementing a strategy for Greater Sage-Grouse conservation that is done in partnership with local governments, and in a manner that allows both wildlife and local economies to thrive. As a result nearly every Governor who actively participated in the SageGrouse Task Force asked for changes to their plans. Now the BLM is publishing six draft plans covering seven States. The Notices of Availability will appear in Friday’s Federal Register. The BLM is accepting comments on the entire Draft EIS, as well as the specific planning issues, the cumulative effects analysis, and Priority Habitat Management Area decisions through August 2, 2018. The most useful comments are specific and contain new information related to the proposed actions. Comments may be submitted by mail: BLM – Greater Sage-Grouse EIS • Nevada State Office 1340 Financial Blvd. • Reno, Nevada 89502 or online at: Before including an address, phone number, email, or other personal identifying information in any comments, please bear in mind that an entire comment - including personal identifying information - may be made publicly available at any time. Requests to withhold personal identifying information from public review can be submitted, but the BLM cannot guarantee that it will be able to do so. The BLM will not consider anonymous comments. The BLM will hold public meetings during the public comment period. Announcements about these meetings will be made by news releases to the media and posting on the project website listed above. The BLM expects to publish a final EIS and plan amendments by October 2018, once year after publishing the Notice of Intent to begin this planning effort.

The Progressive Rancher

CONTACT: Chris Hanefeld, 775-289-1842


Ely District, Nevada No. EYDO 2018-013

EAGLE COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ON FERAL HORSES The BLM Nevada Caliente and Utah Cedar City Field Offices are seeking comments on the Environmental Assessment (EA) that analyzes the need to gather and remove excess wild horses from within and outside the Eagle Complex. The 743,042-acre Complex is located in Lincoln County, Nevada and Iron County, Utah, and consists of the Eagle, Chokecherry and Mt. Elinore Herd Management Areas (HMAs). The appropriate management level for the Eagle Complex is 145-265 horses; a population inventory was completed in February 2017 with the estimated population of 2,220 animals, which excludes the 2018 foal crop. By implementing the actions outlined in the proposed wild horse gather EA, the BLM would be able to improve vegetation, habitat, and watershed health. Removing excess animals on Caliente Field Office-administered lands would enable BLM to make significant progress toward achieving the Standards for Rangeland Health identified by the Mojave-Southern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council. The BLM would also collect information on herd characteristics and determine herd health during the gather. In addition to the proposed gather and removal of wild horses, some wild horses would be released back into the HMA through implementing population suppression techniques. The BLM’s Caliente and Cedar City Field Offices are requesting feedback on the EA and have made the document available for review and public comment. The 30-day public comment period begins on May 9 and submissions will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on June 7, 2018. The document is available online at, and hardcopies are available upon request from the Caliente Field Office. Interested individuals should address all written comments to Chris Carlton, Caliente Field Manager, using any of the below methods. Be advised that only the comments received by postal mail or to the specific email address will be considered in the completion of the Final EA.

Preliminary Environmental Assessment DOI-BLM-NV-L030-2018-004-EA MAY 2018 Eagle Complex Wild Horse Gather Preliminary Environmental Assessment EAGLE, CHOKECHERRY, and MT. ELINORE HERD MANAGEMENT AREAS WILD HORSE GATHER Location: Lincoln County, NV Beaver and Iron Counties, UT


Email: • Mail: Bureau of Land Management • Attn: Chris Carlton, Field Manager Caliente Field Office • PO Box 237 • 1400 South Front Street • Caliente, Nevada 89008 Before including your address, phone number, e-mail, or other personal identifying information in your comment, be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. CONTACT: Wendy Seley, 7754824000


Tonopah Field Office Tonopah, Nevada May 1, 2018

BLM TO WITHDRAW ADDITIONAL LANDS AT CENTRAL NEVADA TEST AREA The Department of Energy, Office of Legacy Management Office (DOE), has applied to the Bureau of Land Management to withdraw approximately 361 acres of land surrounding part of its Central Nevada Test Area (CNTA). The CNTA consists of three parcels of withdrawn federal land in Hot Creek Valley, approximately 70 miles northeast of Tonopah. One 640-acre parcel was the site of an underground nuclear test in 1968, which resulted in a determination that the CNTA was unsuitable for further nuclear testing. These lands are currently withdrawn from fluid mineral leasing, nonenergy (solid) mineral leasing, and mineral material (saleable) entry. Closure to locatable minerals can only be accomplished via a withdrawal by the Secretary of the Interior. The DOE, which monitors the CNTA, has determined that the additional 361 acres need to be withdrawn to prevent disturbance to residual subsurface contamination. As a result of DOE’s application, the BLM has segregated the proposed withdrawal area from appropriation under the public land laws. The two-year segregation is obligatory while the DOE and BLM prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA). The segregation removes the proposed withdrawal lands from all forms of appropriation under the public land laws, including the mining laws and the mineral leasing laws. Valid existing rights at the time of the segregation will be honored. The BLM published a Notice of Proposed Withdrawal in the Federal Register on May 1, 2018, stating that DOE and BLM would conduct an EA on the withdrawal. Based on the EA, the BLM will make a recommendation to the Secretary of the Interior on the withdrawal and the potential impacts it would have on public land resources.

Comments regarding the environmental consequences of the proposed withdrawal for consideration in preparation of an EA must be received by July 30, 2018. Printed copies of the Notice of Withdrawal are available at the BLM Tonopah Field Office, Tonopah. The entire Notice is also available online here xQ8WK. The BLM will accept comments on the requested withdrawal through the following methods: • E-mail: • Fax: (775) 482-7810

• Mail: BLM Tonopah Field Office, Attn: DOE Withdrawal 1553 South Main St., P.O. Box 911, Tonopah, NV 89049 Before including your address, phone number, email or other personal identifying information in your comment, be advised that your entire comment including your personal identifying information may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask in your comment to withhold from public review your personal identifying information, the BLM cannot guarantee it will be able to do so. All submissions from organizations and businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as representatives or officials of organizations or businesses will be available for public inspection in their entirety.


DID The Testing Affect The Drinking Water????

The Progressive Rancher



Herbicides The Benefits of Using Pre-Emergent Herbicides To Rehabilitate Cheatgrass-Infested Rangelands One of the greatest environmental challenges of the 21st century is cheatgrass invasion on western rangelands, resulting in the recurrence of catastrophic wildfires. With each wildfire season, more and more critical habitats are being converted from productive landscapes to cheatgrass dominance. In 2017, Nevada had over 600 individual wildfires, burning a total of 1.2 million acres. In an effort to minimize the negative effects of wildfires, the USDA-Agricultural Research Service-Great Basin Rangelands Research Unit has been conducting research on the use of pre-emergent herbicides to control cheatgrass and associated fine fuels. In our efforts, we use integrated rehabilitation practices rather than attempting to restore landscapes back to a pre-determined and often unobtainable reference state. We practice “rehabilitation” rather than “restoration” because “restoration is the intentional alteration of a site to establish a defined indigenous, historic ecosystem” which implies an ecosystem with no introduced species. Rehabilitation recognizes that an environment free of cheatgrass (and numerous other introduced species) is not realistic. Rehabilitation is a multi-step approach to “repair damaged ecosystem functions”. In 1999, a wildfire consumed more than 400,000 acres near Pumpernickel Valley, just north of Battle Mountain, Nevada. After the burn, a restoration team of numerous scientists and graduate students, funded by the Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS), set up numerous small test plots (10’ x 10’ to 20’ 30’) in a portion of the burned area at the base of Rooster’s Comb along Izzenhood Ranch Road. The test plots included various weed control practices including herbicides, nitrogen immobilization practices and seeding mixtures. The IFAFS project’s mission over the 3-year study (2003-2006) was to conduct a series of experiments to determine the best methods to control cheatgrass and restore ecosystem function. The Izzenhood research site, however, was unsuccessful and by 2014 the site was still dominated by cheatgrass (Photograph 1). Photograph 1. IFAFS Izzenhood exclosure prior to the application of the pre-emergent herbicide, Landmark XP, and seeding treatments by the USDA-ARS-Great Basin Rangelands Research Unit.

By: Tye A. Morgan, Dan N. Harmon, Robert R. Blank & Charlie D. Clements USDA-Agricultural Research Service Great Basin Rangelands Research Unit 920 Valley Road, Reno, NV 89512 We strongly suggest to apply the herbicide in early fall (September) prior to any fall cheatgrass emergence, fallow the treated area for one-year, and seed the following fall (Figure 1). This ensures that during the herbicide activity time, emergence of new cheatgrass (and other weedy species) will occur, but seedlings will not survive. When applied correctly (too high of rates or when perennials are green such as spring-time), any existing perennial grasses will survive this treatment. Figure 1. Time line of proper pre-emergent herbicide application and seeding dates for successful rehabilitation of cheatgrass dominated rangelands.

We then planted three types of seed mixes: A) Introduced; ‘Hycrest’ crested wheatgrass and Siberian wheatgrass @ 4 lbs/acre each, ‘Immigrant’ and ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia @ 1 lb/acre each, B) Native; ‘Anatone’ bluebunch wheatgrass @ 6 lbs/acre, Sherman big bluegrass and Sandberg’s bluegrass @ 2 lbs/acre each, Wyoming big sagebrush and the native forb Bee plant @ 1 lb/acre each, and C) Combination of Native/Introduced; ‘Anatone’ bluebunch @ 4 lbs/acre, ‘Hycrest’ and Siberian wheatgrasses @ 2 lbs/acre each, Sandberg’s bluegrass, Wyoming big sagebrush, Bee plant @ 1 lb/acre each and ‘Immigrant’ and ‘Snowstorm’ forage kochia @ 0.5 lb/acre each. We recorded seeded species emergence, mortality, and establishment into the second-year as well as cheatgrass densities. HERBICIDE RESULTS

Landmark XP was extremely effective with over 98% cheatgrass control (Photograph 2). Pre-emergent herbicides can cost $5-$40/acre for the chemical and another $15-$65/ acre to apply. During the fallow year, with no cheatgrass present, resources such as soil nitrogen and moisture can accumulate without plant uptake (Figure 2 and 3), therefore increasing available resources for seeded species the following year. Photograph 2. Landmark XP applied to cheatgrass (and other weedy species) exceeds 98% control.

In 2015, the Great Basin Rangeland Research Unit started a new project in the IFAFS exclosure with the fall application of a pre-emergent herbicide, Landmark XP to control cheatgrass emergence and improve the opportunity for establishment of perennial grasses. The goal was to apply a pre-emergent herbicide, monitor soil nitrogen and moisture effects throughout the rehabilitation process, as well as record perennial grass emergence and establishment. We chose to use the pre-emergent soil active herbicide, Landmark XP (50% sulfometuron methyl + 25% chlorsulfuron + 25% inert material) @ 1.75 oz/acre rate, with a 1-year activity period. 14 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher


Grass establishment into the second-year averaged 3.3 plants/ft² in the Introduced and the Native mixes (Photograph 3) while the Combination mix averaged 2.4 plants/ft². The Introduced mix yielded 1 cheatgrass/ft² showing promising suppression of cheatgrass, while the Native and Combination mixes recorded 3x as much cheatgrass, 3.6 and 3.4 cheatgrass/ft², respectfully. The Control plot averaged 22.2 cheatgrass/ft², which results in more than 96% reduction in above-ground cheatgrass densities and associated fuels. Prior to our herbicide and seeding treatments the site averaged 47 perennial grasses/ acre. Following the use of pre-emergent herbicide and seeding of perennial grasses, the site now averages over 130,000 perennial grasses/acre (Photograph 3). The cost of weed control practices and seeding treatments depends on the application rate of the herbicide as well as the seed species and respective rates. Applying Landmark XP @ 1.75 oz/acre with a seed mix of ‘Anatone’ bluebunch and Siberian wheatgrass @ 4 lbs/ acre each, and ‘Immigrant’ forage kochia @ 2 lbs/acre and Wyoming big sagebrush @ 0.25 lbs/acre would cost $80-110/acre. Photograph 3. Following proper weed control practices and seeding methodology, significant increases of perennial grasses at the Izzenhood exclosure has occurred.

In our 10 years at the Izzenhood exclosure, on-site rain gauges measured annual precipitation from 5.2” - 11.6”, averaging 7.8”. However, the Ecological Site Description (ESD) for Izzenhood is recorded as droughty loam 8-10”. Our seeding efforts following proper weed control practices relies on the ability of seeded species to germinate, emerge, establish and persist in climates far less than the reported average precipitation. It is not uncommon for arid sites in Nevada to experience many more dry years than wet years as we have recorded at numerous sites that 2/3 of the time these arid sites do not receive the precipitation reported on Ecological Site Descriptions. This study demonstrates that if we use the best tools in the toolbox including preemergent herbicides and adaptable plant species and apply them correctly using proper timing, rates and seeding depths we can be successful and make progress towards a more productive and sustainable rangelands. It is not prudent to limit your chance of success by seeding without an active weed control program (reducing cheatgrass competition) or applying pre-emergent herbicide at the wrong time (post-emergent) as well as using plant materials that will limit your success and increase the failure rates. Our results support that soil moisture retention during the fallow year and the seeding establishment year are higher in the herbicide-treated areas relative to the controls (Figure 3). However, as the soil moisture in the herbicide treatment is consumed (as the seeded perennial grasses become established), it remains higher than the controls documenting the retention of overall soil moisture and significantly reducing available soil moisture for cheatgrass germination and growth (Figure 3). Figure 3. Izzenhood Site Soil Moisture


The rapid growth of an annual grass such as cheatgrass benefits from higher soil nitrogen availability. We measured soil mineral nitrogen, the combination of nitrite (NO2-), nitrate (NO3), and ammonium (NH4+), which is readily available for plant growth during the one-year fallow. We observed a 16-fold increase of soil nitrogen in our 2016 herbicide treated/fallow plots compared to the control plots (Figure 2). The differences in the herbicide treatments in 2016 fallow and the 2017 seeding establishment show a large pool of nitrogen decline during establishment of perennial grasses (Figure 2), due to the seeded perennial grasses utilizing available mineral nitrogen which significantly decreases mineral nitrogen needed for cheatgrass germination and growth. Soil moisture was measured by collecting fresh field soil and weighed before and after oven drying. Soil moisture is often a result of seasonal precipitation and can remain in the soil profile due to an area void of plants. Figure 2. Izzenhood Site: Soil mineral nitrogen is the combination of nitrite (NO2-), nitrate (NO3-), and ammonium (NH4+), which is readily available for plant growth.

We believe soil moisture is retained in the herbicide plots as early perennial grass establishment (deeper roots) can outcompete and suppress cheatgrass for resources if the timing of seeding is done correctly. The best-known method at suppressing cheatgrass is through the establishment of long-lived perennial grasses. A major goal in our rehabilitation efforts is to significantly reduce cheatgrass and associated fuels, which will reduce the chance, rate, spread and season of wildfires. Mature competitive perennial grasses can utilize soil resources such as moisture and nitrogen to a level that significantly reduces the presence of cheatgrass. As an annual, cheatgrass has more rapid growth and nutrient uptake than perennial grasses and can win at the seedling stage. This is why it is critical to perform seedbank and weed control by applying a preemergent herbicide in the early fall. Over-time the continued suppression of cheatgrass by perennial grasses can allow succession to take place, increasing shrub and forb diversity on the site and improve grazing and wildlife resources by reducing the chance, rate, spread and season of wildfire. Ultimately, land managers have choices between restoration and rehabilitation. It is nearly impossible to restore arid rangelands, and still difficult to achieve rehabilitation, especially in the dominance of aggressive competitors, such as cheatgrass. Although, our initial success on this project is impressive in terms of perennial grass establishment and significant cheatgrass reductions, these seeded species still need to persist overtime. We must do everything possible to conserve our rangelands, and this research documents that rehabilitation efforts favor recovery in arid lands. We can be successful and make progress towards a more productive and sustainable rangeland future. As we have stated before, if you do nothing you will get nothing, if you do it wrong you will fail, but if you do everything right you have a chance.

The Progressive Rancher



Building Capacity for Healthier Landscapes and Economies By Sarah Keller for the Intermountain West Joint Venture Like many places in the rural West, the majority of residents in West Box Elder County, Utah work in ranching and agriculture. For years the potential endangered species listing of Greater Sage-grouse and rangeland management issues faced many community members. Decades ago residents decided instead of debating amongst each other about natural resource challenges they would focus on their common ground. They began rallying around the need to take care of the lands that are central to their local economy. Resident ranchers teamed with local, state, and federal agencies to do voluntary conservation efforts, such as removing conifers encroaching on sagebrush. These partnerships started on private lands and are expanding to public lands, ensuring that the conservation they’ve enacted so far extends across the entire landscape regardless of ownership patterns. To do that work on public land, the locals realized they needed more capacity than they’ve ever had before. Specifically, they needed someone dedicated to maintaining a big picture view of what all the partners are doing, supporting ongoing efforts, including coordinating funding, and keeping communication channels open between ranchers and agency specialists. This is an example of a capacity need that isn’t unique to just Utah’s West Box Elder County. A new range-wide conservation effort emerged to help address this challenge and support communities. Called Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands, this project led by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Intermountain West Join Venture (IWJV) is helping public land managers, private landowners, and NGOs get the organizational capacity they need to scale-up proven conservation techniques for sagebrush habitats. The focus is on wet meadow and riparian restoration, invasive conifer removal, controlling weeds, as well as reducing fire risk and post-fire restoration.

Montana: Perfect placement IWJV Meadow Project 14 (by Sarah Keller) Utah: Project in W Box Elder Sagebrush discussion (by Mandi Casolo)

In West Box Elder County this capacity need was filled by the local conservation collaborative in hiring a landscape coordinator with current and ongoing support from Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands. “Small communities are the keystone to restoring some of this habitat,” says Duane Coombs, the IWJV’s Sagebrush Collaborative Conservation Specialist. “The cord that holds those communities together is agriculture. If we as conservationists can start figuring out how to bring the agriculture and conservation community back together, there’s so much we can do.” Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands builds on the Natural Resource Conservation Service Sage Grouse Initiative’s success at making strategic investments in sagebrush habitat throughout the rural West. Now the IWJV and BLM are applying a similar model of communitydriven conservation partnerships, with a focus on public lands. 16 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher

“For us to be successful in maintaining a way of life and our wildlife, certainly sage grouse and other sagebrush obligate species, as well as local economies and communities, we need to work together and build relationships,” says Ali Duvall, IWJV’s Assistant Coordinator. “It’s about working across fence lines, figuring out what’s best for the landscape, and thinking ridge-to-ridge around holistic restoration and management.” The specific ways Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands landscape coordinators achieve those goals depends on local needs where they are based. Broadly, their roles include finding and helping to remove conservation barriers, facilitating communication, and providing science and technical support. IWJV research has shown that having an individual in that kind of coordinator role is crucial to collaborative conservation success. That has been the case in the Bi-State region along the CaliforniaNevada state line, where a key cooperative extension facilitator has been an important part of a long-standing collaboration to improve sagebrush habitat. As that facilitator is retiring, Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands is supporting a coordinator who will ensure that the BiState action plan continues to thrive, and that communication about conservation accomplishments in that landscape is ongoing. In southwest Montana, decades of collaboration around Arctic grayling conservation forged relationships between landowners, public agencies and NGOs. Those partners are coming together around water once again. This time they are working on public and private lands to restore the wet meadows, which have been shown to be important for sage grouse brood rearing. Bringing function back to those wet meadows will make the landscape more resilient for people and wildlife. The land ownership pattern in that part of Montana is complex. So watershed scale work is only possible if someone can organize the strategic plans of private landowners, state and federal agencies and non-profits. Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands recently supported hiring a landscape coordinator who is employed by The Nature Conservancy while being based in a BLM field office. Utah: Project in W Box Elder Sagebrush (by Mandi Casolo)

Idaho: Sage with seed heads golden hour (by Hannah Nikonow)

“The Nature Conservancy and partners is fortunate to be in a position where our conservation goals for southwest Montana’s sagebrush country align seamlessly with those of Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands,” said Jim Berkey with The Nature Conservancy in Montana. “This partnership-based position will serve the landscape, not one specific agency. The BLM/IWJV support adds the final ingredient in what I see as a ‘perfect storm’ for sagebrush conservation.” It is these people and their partnerships that Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands is working with to secure the durability of sagebrush conservation. “We in the sage grouse and the sagebrush community have discovered that it is truly through the power of lasting relationships that we build success,” says Duvall. “It’s how we get to the magic of addressing conflict and addressing the challenges. You have to continue have capacity and support for those relationships to make conservation last.” As Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands unfolds, the IWJV and BLM invite ranchers, natural resource professionals, agency decision-makers, and those that care about the future of the sagebrush ecosystem to get involved in these conversations. Individuals can start by visiting the Partnering to Conserve Sagebrush Rangelands web portal to learn more, get updates, and share their expertise. Go to: www. Idaho: Lupine & Soda Fire restoration (by Hannah Nikonow)

The Progressive Rancher



Plant Industry Division Always remember to clean your vehicle, clothes and pets if you have been in a weed-infested area. Use certified weed free forage and gravel materials to ensure you are not bringing noxious weeds onto your land. You can find a full list of certified weed free Noxious weeds are plant species that are, or are producers here: likely to be, detrimental and destructive to Nevada’s NV_Certified_Weed_Free_Producer_Links/ landscape, property values and wildlife habitats. Nevada has more than 40 species of noxious weeds. Be aware of upcoming changes Some species, like Russian knapweed, are even toxic to Nevada’s noxious weed list to livestock, and many can create a deadly fuel source for wildfires. Our program coordinates resources Look for changes to the Nevada noxious weeds and efforts focused on proactive prevention and list later this year. Find it here: control of invasive weed species to benefit all land Noxious_Weeds/Noxious_Weed_List/ users in Nevada. Some species, like Black henbane, Giant reed, and Northern Nevada has seen heavy rainfall this spring. The extra precipitation is beneficial for our crops, rangelands and restoration efforts, but rain also increases noxious weed growth.

Perennial Sow thistle are being moved to a different category. Some new species, like Ventenata and Flowering rush will be added to the list. These Per Nevada Revised Statue 555.130, all landowners changes are pending approval by the Nevada Board are responsible for noxious weeds control on their of Agriculture and Legislative Council Bureau. property. Young weeds emerge in the spring, making it a great time to control noxious weeds. A strategy of Resources integrated weed management, combining multiple • Find a Cooperative Weed Management Area control methods, is the most effective approach. (CWMA) that serves your area: As you prepare, consider these integrated weed management recommendations. • UNR Cooperative Extension (UNCE), for help with identification – • Early detection, rapid response and consistent monitoring are key. • Download the EDDMapS app (available for iPhone and android) to monitor treatments and • Control methods may require multiple help the NDA manage throughout the state applications or methods in one growing season or over several growing seasons. Contact us for additional resources Spring is a great time to control noxious weeds

• Plant competitive species to reduce recurrence of weeds. • Carefully follow label instructions if using pesticides. • Be patient, some weeds take multiple seasons to control. 18 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher

and help with identification

Sean Gephart (775) 353-3717 Andrea Moe (775) 353-3672


NDA Increases Efficiency Thanks to Online Livestock Assessment Letters were mailed to all livestock owners in June By Doug Farris, Animal Industry administrator For the second year in a row, the Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) is only accepting online livestock assessment renewal. Going digital with programs like livestock assessments (also known as head tax) and brand inspections increases our department’s efficiency, making the process easier and quicker for you, while also keeping costs down.

Online renewal is easy 1. Open your web browser and visit 2. Log in using your livestock assessment number (LA#) and livestock pass code to retrieve your record (provided in the renewal letter mailed to you in June). 3. Update your contact information (most fields are required, and the form will not work if required fields are left blank) and click “save and continue.” 4. Enter your number of livestock (if no animals were present in Nevada for an animal type, please enter zero in the field) and the number of months spent in Nevada. 5. Pay online with an e-check (an electronic version of a paper check, which can be used by anyone with a checking account) or credit card number.

Animal Industry Division

Head tax protects livestock owners Although administered by the NDA, this program was put in place by livestock owners during the 1961 Nevada Legislature for the protection of their livestock and is funded by inspection fees and assessments. To keep the fees as low as possible, each owner must declare and pay his/her fair share.

Avoid suspension of brand inspections and movement permits Please note that when records indicate an unpaid 2017 or 2018 livestock assessment fee, there will be an immediate suspension of all brand inspections, livestock movement permits and any registered Nevada Brands associated with that livestock assessment number. Under Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) Chapters 575, 561 and 567 the NDA has authority to collect certain special taxes on livestock. These special taxes include: • Livestock Inspection Tax, which helps support brand inspection, livestock and horse theft investigations and animal health issues

6. Print your receipt for your records.

• Wool Growers Predatory Animal Control Tax, which helps support the predatory animal damage control program

All livestock owners are required to pay head tax

• Sheep Inspection Tax, which supports sheep disease control and other activities related to Nevada’s sheep industry

If you have not received a letter from the NDA with your livestock assessment number, please contact our Elko office at 775-738-8076. Anyone who owns livestock in any amount (even if it’s only one horse or goat) is required by law to pay head tax. If total head tax is between $0 and $10, NRS Chapters 575.185 and 562.170 require a minimum payment of $10, unless you only raise sheep (in that case your minimum payment is $5).

If you have any questions, please contact our Elko office at 775-738-8076. The Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) promotes a business climate that is fair, economically viable and encourages a sustainable environment that serves to protect food, fiber and human health and safety through effective service and education. NDA includes the divisions of Administration, Animal Industry, Consumer Equitability, Food and Nutrition and Plant Industry.

State Entomologist: Report Mormon Cricket Infestations

Contact: Rebecca Allured

NDA monitors populations for protection of public safety and agriculture The Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) is reminding northern Nevadans to report Mormon cricket infestations.

“Mormon cricket populations have been steadily increasing over the last few years, and our partnership with the USDA Plant Protection and Quarantine program allows us to monitor for infestations that pose a threat to public safety or agriculture,” Jeff Knight, state entomologist for the NDA, said. Although they are not known to carry disease, in large numbers, Mormon crickets pose a safety threat because they can create unsafe road conditions. When populations reach outbreak levels, Mormon crickets can also devastate crops.

To report Mormon crickets anywhere in the state, please provide as much detail about the infestation as possible using the Mormon cricket and grasshopper reporting form available at, or call the NDA Entomology Laboratory at (775) 353-3767. The laboratory will dispatch staff to evaluate the site, map the infestation and determine if the area is treatable. NDA staff can only treat infestations on public lands that are adjacent to roads, towns, cities or crops, and it is against federal law for private individuals to treat public land. Learn more about the NDA Entomology Laboratory and its survey programs at

The Progressive Rancher

Small crickets east of Austin JULY / AUGUST 2018




Applied Agricultural Research Still Matters (And We Still Need It To Happen) Rural Nevada (in general) and agriculture (specifically) are at critical junctures. Agriculture and natural resource management requires verified scientific research. This is extremely important and as we turn to our state’s Land Grant University to fill this need…they are in the process of selling off more of the property that makes up the Main Station Agriculture Experiment Station. This concern was at the core of pleas made to the Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents when they recently met in Reno to consider the request brought to them by the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) for preapproval of the sale of two tracts of agricultural research property. One of the tracts is 104 acres and the other is a 40 acre parcel. Details are less than clear on the specifics related to the sale and there wasn’t a lot of disclosure or improved transparency achieved through the public meetings of the Regent’s Business, Finance and Facilities Committee or the full Board’s consideration of the sought-after approval on the following day. The general information overview indicates that more than one bid was made for the 104 acre tract that is located directly east (and adjacent) of the Reno-Sparks main loop artery (McCarran Blvd). The successful bid, by an unnamed interest, is above the $20 million that was reported to be the minimum requirement in order to be successfully entered into the consideration process by UNR. March 26, 2018 UNR issued a request for proposals and bids were required to be submitted by April 5, 2018. Possible completion for the sale is expected to be sometime later this summer or fall (perhaps in September). In 2013, Nevada Farm Bureau and other supporters for keeping the Main Station Agricultural property in use for agricultural research, fought very hard to prevent a proposed zoning change that UNR Administration sought. Beyond a short delay and requiring a little more political muscle flexing by UNR, the Reno City Council granted the change in zoning and the clock to the end sale began ticking. Along with the message of stressing how important applied agricultural research is, Nevada Farm Bureau and others who offered their input also advocated for the Regents to follow their own guiding Resolution (81-8). This policy was adopted by the Nevada Board of Regents in 1981 and directs that when agricultural research property and related assets are sold the proceeds of the sale should go into a trust fund to be used for: 20 JULY / AUGUST 2018

By: Doug Busselman, NVFB

• Purchase of land for an agricultural research station; • Improvements to an agricultural experiment station; or, • Improvements to the State 4-H Camp.

Since the Resolution was adopted by the Regents, UNR has sold off parts of agricultural research property and water rights, the Regents have been asked (and they have given their approval) to set aside and not follow Resolution 81-8, allowing the University to use the funds for other purposes. The June 2018 requests to the Board of Regents followed this formula, seeking Resolution 81-8 be ignored again. In conversations about the Resolution, various Regents took exception to following a direction that a past Board had adopted. Their argument maintains that each Board should have the flexibility to make independent decisions as they decide without the constraints of what past Regents thought should be the proper approach. (Given the fact that they have never followed the Resolution – always setting it aside – it’s not clear whether it matters one way or another whether they require flexibility or are troubled by the constraints of the past…)

• $3 million for an endowed professorship in Urban/ Indoor agriculture • $1.5 million to construct an ADA compliant classroom facility at the Main Station Farm • In addition to these planned expenditures, the plan that was worked out includes a commitment for the remaining portion of the Main Station Farm (about 700 acres) to be entered into a Conservation Easement with half of the proceeds from this agreement also going to CABNR projects to benefit agriculture. • Beyond financial resources the agreement also includes support for a research facility in Clark County that would be more than likely connected to urban agriculture and natural resources. With their vote, the Board of Regents gave UNR the presale authority that they wanted and also once again set aside Resolution 81-8. The action did however provide for CABNR and Agricultural Research to receive $10 million of the sale proceeds to be used for the strategic plan that had been explained to them by Dean Payne. Roughly half the revenue from the sale will go back to making needed improvements in the capacity for agricultural research to move forward.

Leading into the Board of Regent meetings, discussions between the President of UNR and the Dean of the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources (CABNR) resulted in an agreement that if the Board of Regents approved the sale of the property that approximately $10 million from the proceeds of the sale would be made available for CABNR/Agricultural Research proposed projects. During the deliberation process, CABNR Dean, Dr. Bill Payne was provided with the opportunity to get on record the Strategic Vision that would be pursued with the $10 million of funds.

Nevada Farm Bureau members have identified that they view relevant, applied agricultural research to be important and something that they expect from their Land Grant University. The several policy positions that have been adopted by the organization’s voting delegates call for the Nevada Agricultural Experiment Stations to be used as research and teaching laboratories.

These ideas include:

The traction that agricultural advocates have wished mattered in Resolution 81-8 needs to be revisited and other options explored to try and protect agricultural research assets. Along the way of maintaining a viable and meaningful agricultural research system, Nevada farm and ranch families need to become engaged in helping to identify priorities for the areas of research and development.

• $3 million would be used to endow an International Center for Dryland Agriculture. This would generate about $120 thousand per year to be used for funding visiting scientists, scholarship and international travel from and to dryland countries of the world.

• $1.5 million would be used to make improvements to the J Dow wetland research property (near Herlong, CA), just across the Nevada border from Washoe County, bringing this property into production for research, education in livestock and hay farming. It is also planned to help cover the loss of revenue ($150,000 annually) that the 104 acres is currently providing for the Main Station Research Farm. The Progressive Rancher

Along with opposing the sale of agricultural research property, Farm Bureau members have also said that they are against converting any of the Experiment Station properties to urban use.

Further direction also is required in helping those in charge of Nevada’s Land Grant University to recognize what being a Land Grant University really means. That might become a more pertinent question in future Board of Regent meetings as other institutions within the Nevada System of Higher Education continue to seek to gain “Land Grant” designation for themselves.



Nevada Farmers Bureau Announces Opposition to Question 3 Group representing more than 14,000 Nevada families is latest to join the Coalition to Defeat Question 3 Today, the Nevada Farmers Bureau - representing more than 14,000 Nevada families including 1,300 farmers and ranchers across the state - announced its opposition to Question 3, a risky and costly Constitutional Amendment on this November’s statewide ballot that would dismantle and deregulate Nevada’s existing electricity system and leave consumers and small businesses with higher electric rates and a less reliable electricity system. “Nevada farmers and ranchers depend on affordable, reliable electricity, and we are deeply concerned that Question 3 could possibly put our families, businesses and communities at risk,” stated Bevan Lister, President of the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation. “Question 3 has the potential of hurting rural electric cooperatives that many of our farmers and ranchers rely on for daily operations, whether it’s to run irrigation systems that keep crops growing or to help farmers maintain healthy livestock. Question 3 would also likely raise electricity rates on all farmers, ranchers, and families in rural Nevada, something our communities cannot afford. In order to build and preserve our local agricultural communities, we urge our fellow Nevadans to vote NO on Question 3.” VADA NE TRY







“We’re proud to have the Nevada Farm Bureau join our broad coalition of small businesses, public safety and consumer groups, and community leaders from all corners of Nevada who oppose Question 3,” said Tracy Skenandore of the Coalition to Defeat Question 3. “Question 3 would undermine the existing, reliable electricity system that our local agricultural industry and rural communities rely on while at the same time raising those Nevadans’ electricity rates. That’s why we are deeply committed to making sure all Nevadans get the facts on Question 3.” A recent independent investigation conducted by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) found that Question 3 would increase average monthly residential electric bills for Nevadans for at least the first decade, while exposing Nevada consumers to market volatility and profit-driven ratemaking practices. The PUCN report further outlines that rural electric coops that many rural communities and small businesses rely on to provide electricity would not be protected under Question 3. The state’s major provider, NV Energy,

Nevada Division of Forestry now Accepting Proposals for Community Forest and Open Space Grant Program $1.8 million available for NV projects

would be forced to sell its power plants and cancel longterm energy agreements. Those costs would be in the billions of dollars and would be passed on to consumers in the form of higher bills. Other groups and organizations recently joining the bipartisan Coalition to Defeat Question 3 include the Professional Fire Fighters of Nevada, AARP Nevada, Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers, Latin Chamber of Commerce - Nevada, Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce, and the Nevada Alliance for Retired Americans, among others. BACKGROUND ON QUESTION 3: If passed on Nevada’s November 2018 statewide ballot, Question 3 would dismantle and deregulate Nevada’s existing electricity system and replace it with a new, unknown system established by the legislature and courts. For more information, please visit



Contact: Heather Giger, Stewardship/Legacy Program Coordinator 775-684-2552 •

The NDF is pleased to announce applications are now being accepted for the Community Forest and Open Space Program (CFP) competitive grant funding. CFP provides funding for the acquisition of private forest lands for public use. Funds are provided by the U.S. Forest Service.

Community forests and open spaces are vital to area residents and the places they call home. In addition to providing bountiful outdoor recreational opportunities, Community Forests aid in protecting Nevada’s habitats, water quality, and other precious natural resources. Community Forests also provide opportunities for environmental and cultural education, and contribute to overall quality of life in Nevada. The State of Nevada may request up to $1.8 million in CFP funding for a total of three proposed projects. Each individual project may not exceed $600,000. Tribal and local governments, land trust organizations, and other qualified nonprofit conservation organizations may apply for CFP funds on behalf of interested private landowners. Those interested in submitting a CFP application can view eligibility requirements and instructions online at:

Parma, ID • Grand View, ID • Mountain Home, ID • Nampa, ID

Please contact NDF Stewardship/Legacy Program Coordinator, Heather Giger, with any questions about the CFP program or proposal process. Consultation with NDF staff – with the exception of Tribal governments – prior to submitting an application is required to ensure that your proposal meets State and Federal CFP eligibility requirements.

The Progressive Rancher





Building An Understanding for the Importance of Agriculture by Brittney Pericoli | Director of Communications

Ag in the Classroom is an opportunity for students to interact with livestock and other agriculture aspects they might not get to experience if it wasn’t for this event. The Douglas/ Carson City Farwm Bureau held two Ag in the Classroom events.

The first event took place at Scarselli Elementary School in Gardnerville on May 18th. 430 students rotated through 12 stations. Stations included: beef by-product, goats, worms, Eagles and Ag, Moolisa the Nevada Department of Agriculture dairy cow, horses, Les Schwab popcorn, NRCS and Douglas High School Ag students to name a few. “A big shout out to the Western Nevada Cattlewomen’s for their continued support,” said Woody Worthington. “They generously continue to provide lunch for the volunteers at our Ag in the Classroom events, while also helping educate the youth on important agriculture issues.” The second event took place at Carson Montessori School in Carson City on June 1st. For this event 335 students rotated through nine stations. Stations included: popcorn, Moolisa the Nevada Department of Agriculture dairy cow, nutrition, fish, rabbits/ poultry, goats, beef by-products, bees, River Wranglers and a tractor station. “We really stress the need to get the community involved in Ag in the Class room, after all this wouldn’t be possible without the wonderful help of the volunteers who come out and help spread the importance of agriculture in our area,” said Worthington. The Douglas/Carson City Farm Bureau has two more Ag in the classroom events planned for later this fall. Seeing the students faces and knowing the students are learning something about agriculture they might not have learned if it wasn’t for Ag in the Classroom is what drives the Douglas/ Carson City Farm Bureau to continue these events.

CONTACT: Samantha Thompson, 775-684-2704,

“Buzzing” pollinator habitats are vital to Nevada’s ecosystems & public health Did you know that approximately one out of every three bites of food you eat depends on the work of a "pollinator”? Pollinators – such as bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies, and hummingbirds – are a keystone species in Nevada, supporting healthy wildlands, ecosystem diversity, and a nutritious food supply. In recognition of National Pollinator Week, June 1824, 2018, the Nevada Natural Heritage Program is helping to educate communities about the importance of Nevada’s pollinators, and the vital role these small pollen movers play in supporting our natural environment.

In Nevada, there are thousands of native pollinator species. Native bees are the most critical pollinators in every corner of the State, as their fuzzy bodies make these pollinating powerhouses tremendously efficient at gathering and transferring pollen. Additionally, there are more than 600 butterfly and moth species in Nevada, from generalists that visit many types of flowers, to specialists such as yucca moths, which are the only insects that can pollinate joshua trees and other yucca species that are prevalent in the Mojave Desert ecosystem.

22 JULY / AUGUST 2018

Nevada’s pollinators are essential to the health of the State’s agriculture, natural resources, and quality of life. Unfortunately, several pollinator species in Nevada have undergone severe declines in recent years, with threats posed by dwindling wetland habitats, invasive species (e.g., cheat grass), and wildland fires. The Nevada Natural Heritage Program continues to actively monitor, track, and provide vital data on pollinator species of concern throughout the State.

“The Nevada Natural Heritage Program is dedicated to Nevada’s critical ecosystems, such as wetlands, to help foster flourishing pollinator populations statewide,” said Kristin Szabo, Administrator of the Nevada Natural Heritage Program. “Together, we can all take steps – both big and small – to nurture, grow, and enhance our precious pollinators and the habitats where they thrive.” Interested in helping to protect Nevada’s tiny-but-mighty pollinators? The Nevada Natural Heritage Program shares the following tips to help keep our pollinator habitats buzzing:

• To help identify the locations and species of pollinators in your area, take photos of pollinator species and upload the

The Progressive Rancher

images to the iNaturalist App, available on Android and Apple devices. By recording and sharing your observations, you'll create research quality data for area scientists working to better understand and protect our natural world.

• Reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals in gardens and lawns.

• Create a pollinator-friendly garden. Wildflowers and flowering shrubs are the primary food sources for pollinators. Plant native wildflowers in your garden, and/or replace your lawn with native flora. The Nevada Division of Forestry operates two nurseries, located in Washoe County and Las Vegas, which offer native and adapted plants for purchase year round. To learn more, visit Please share your pollinator photos on social media using #PollinatorWeek, and tag the NDCNR (@NevDCNR) on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram.

Allie Bear Real Estate

Contat: Robin Sadlier EEO Outreach Coordinator (801) 524-4536

News Release Farm Service Agency’s Farm Loan Compass and Guide to FSA Programs In 2012, we developed a booklet titled “Your Guide to FSA Farm Loans”. The booklet was well received by FSA’s staff, customers, and outreach partners as an effective informational resource, and is available electronically on the Farm Loan Programs Internet webpage. It was recently revised to address the program changes that have occurred since 2012. The booklet focuses primarily on the types of loans available, and the application process.

Timing counts when it comes to your social security benefit

Therefore, we are pleased to announce the release of “ Your FSA Farm Loan Compass”, a new booklet providing detailed guidance outlining borrower responsibilities and the servicing options that FSA offers.

Social Security can be one of your most valuable retirement assets. The decision of when you start taking your benefit impacts how much you’ll receive.

These booklets will serve as informational tools and resources for FSA applicants and borrowers, as well as outreach partners, community based organizations and agricultural groups who provide outreach and technical assistance to farmers and ranchers.

Call or visit today, and learn how your decision impacts your overall retirement income strategy. Final decisions about Social Security filing strategies always rest with you and should always be based on your specific needs and health considerations. For more information, visit the Social Security Administration website at

The booklets are available online at dafl and farm-loan-programs/farm-loan-servicing/index.

Jason B Land, AAMS® Financial Advisor .


We encourage you to download and share them with the farmers and ranchers in your community who may require assistance in understanding FSA’s loan and servicing processes. We also invite you to contact us to discuss partnering opportunities. Through effective tools and partnerships, together we can improve outreach efforts to successfully deliver program and services information to FSA’s customers. We hope you find the booklet useful.

2213 North 5th Street Suite A Elko, NV 89801 775-738-8811 The Progressive Rancher

Member SIPC



Churchill County Cowbelles

Supporting the Beef Industry & Agricultural Community “It's where the heart is.”

By Pegi White

Churchill County Cowbelles is a group that actively supports the ranching and farming community in Churchill County, Nevada. Centered in Fallon, we meet the first Monday of each month, except for September, when we meet the 2nd Monday. Our calendar year runs from September through May. All women who have an interest in agriculture in any form are welcome.

Our major event of the year is the annual dinner/dance held in conjunction with the Fallon Bull Sale. During the year we work to provide scholarship funds for local high school students who have an interest in pursuing a career in agriculture, or an agriculture related field. If you have a desire to join us, or for more information, you may contact either by phone or e-mail:

President: Pegi Witte 775-423-1571 | Vice President: Karen Lawson 775-4127 Treasurer: Vella Torvik 775-217-1395

My Favorite B eef Recipe ~ Roast B eef Rub

Recipe Ingredients

• 3 to 5 pound Rib Roast

• 1 cup butter

• 1/4 cup fresh chopped garlic • 2 tbl fresh chopped rosemary • 2 tbl fresh or dried thyme Instructions

• 2 tbl salt

• 1 tbl pepper

Pre-heat oven to 500 degrees. Soften butter, stir in remaining ingredients,

then spread evenly on all sides of roast. Cook 5 minutes per pound for medium rare. Turn off oven and allow to finish cooking for an additional 2 hrs. DO NOT OPEN oven door!

Cowbelles Junior Cattleman Award Recipient: Haley Hancock

Pegi Witte and Haley Hancock

by Sandi Weishaupt & Maureen Weishaupt For over 20 years the Churchill County Cowbelles have recognized community youth for their achievements in Agriculture by providing scholarships and awards. Cowbelle members organize the Fallon Bull Sale dinner and dance annually and support many local activities that promote the beef industry. This year the members voted to award 3 post secondary educational scholarships and to continue sponsoring the Churchill County Cowbelles Junior Cattleman Award. The Junior Cattleman Award is open to any Churchill County Livestock Program member that shows at the Churchill County Junior Livestock Show. Applicants are scored on their application, record book, panel interview, sportsmanship, and their performance at the livestock show. The recipient in 2018 is Haley Hancock. Haley is the 14 year old daughter of John and Rene Hancock. Alongside her beef project, she also shows sheep and goats and has been a 4-H member for 5 years. Haley practices with her animals daily to ensure that she has bonded with them and that she is at the top of her showmanship class. At CCJLS her steer Baloo was reserve champion market steer and Haley was the champion Intermediate Beef Showman. Haley is going to use her $250 award to pay back her Dad for beef project feed costs. She will be showing beef for the next 4 years as a Churchill County FFA member. 24 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher

Heritage Shorthorn Cattle

By Pegi White

Witte Shorthorns was established by Gary and Pegi Witte in 1995 in Fallon, Nevada, with five Shorthorn cows purchased from Jack and Joyce Barnes, also in Fallon. At the time we were looking for good Shorthorn cattle as the basis for our future herd. The fact that these five cows were considered “Native” simply meant to us that they were purebred Shorthorns, exhibiting all the desirable traits of the breed. In truth, “native” or more properly referred to as Heritage Shorthorns, are only those individuals whose ancestry can be traced directly back to the Coates Herd Book, published in England in 1722, that brings together all known breeding information of the Shorthorn breed at that time. Fast forward to 2014. After many years of endeavoring to stay true to the traits of the Shorthorn breed, selecting bulls that represented the purest pedigrees, and retaining only the best heifers as replacements, it became evident that the breed in general was losing much of what at one time made it a world wide choice for calving ease, maternal instincts, docility, and easy fleshing. With the opening of the herd registration in 1973 by ASA to first, cattle that carried Maine Anjou blood, then subsequently, other progeny with a higher and higher percentage of non-Shorthorn blood, the numbers of Heritage cattle had been reduced to an alarming number. It was at that time that Witte Shorthorns acquired half interest in a full blood “Native” bull, AR 157P Apache, raised and owned by Albaugh Ranch, in Fallon, Nevada. Aquired at that same time were six Heritage heifers, again bred by Albaugh Ranch. Other Heritage heifers have been added to our herd, sourced from J Bar J Shorthorns, Jack and Joyce Barnes in the past few years. Currently we raise our own bulls, and have developed many excellent replacement females that remain in the herd. Though we retain about 35% of our original herd, our goal is to have a straight Heritage herd.

Nevada Heritage Shorthorn Breeders ALBAUGH RANCH Norris Albaugh 5177 Indian Lakes Rd. • Fallon,Nevada (775) 423-3361 cell (775)434-3316 J Bar J Ranch Jack and Joyce Barnes 5711 Solias Rd. • Fallon, Nevada (775) 867-3655 cell (775)464-5761 Holley Family Farm Robert Holley • Dayton, Nevada (775) 246-103 Witte Shorthorns Herman (Gary) and Pegi Witte (775) 423-1571 (775) 217-0301

All of our cattle are raised on irrigated pasture, grass finished if being retained for beef, with the remainder of each season's calf crop not retained being sold as commercial calves. Bull calves and heifer calves are occasionally available to those who would like to add true Shorthorn genetics to their herd For more information, including an excellent history of the Shorthorn breed and the newly established Heritage Shorthorn Society, go to

The Progressive Rancher



DIFFUSE KNAPWEED Hello from the Humboldt Watershed CWMA! The HWCWMA was developed to address the invasive weed problem and subsequent decline in water quality within the entire 16,843 square mile watershed, which covers most of Northern Nevada. The primary function of HWCWMA has been to provide land managers, owners and weed control groups assistance in the areas of funding, agency and weed group coordination and cooperation. This month we would like to introduce you to one of Nevada’s state listed noxious weeds, diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa). Diffuse knapweed is native to grasslands and shrub steppes of the eastern Mediterranean and western Asia. It was probably introduced to North America as a contaminant of alfalfa seed from Turkmenistan or Germany in Washington State in 1907 and is now a serious problem in the range and croplands of the western States. Diffuse knapweed is an annual or short-lived perennial forb growing 1 to 2 feet tall. White to purplish flowers appear from July to September. The many-branched stems are rough to the touch, and its round shape tumbles with the wind when broken off at maturity. This, along with mud adhering to vehicles or shoes, transports seeds to new areas. Disturbance allows diffuse knapweed to invade a wide range of habitats, where it rapidly establishes a dense stand. This species is adept at depleting soil moisture, and possesses allelopathic compounds. It is most competitive in areas receiving between 12 and 17 inches of annual precipitation. Diffuse knapweed reproduces primarily by seed but may also regenerate from the crown. A single flower stalk can produce 1,200 seeds. When the plant is broken off at the base, it can be blown around like a tumbleweed and disperse its seed. Rosettes are edible, but they are difficult for cattle to eat because they grow close to the ground. Mature plants are coarse and fibrous, and sharp spines can irritate or injure the mouths and digestive tracts of animals. Diffuse knapweed is browsed mainly by deer and sheep, and by elk and cattle in the rosette stage. Why is diffuse knapweed a problem in the Great Basin? Diffuse knapweed infests roadsides, burned or plowed areas, and other disturbed sites. It is also capable of invading well-managed rangeland. Once it is established, it can form dense stands. Diffuse knapweed has a large, perennial taproot that can survive fire if the root crown is not killed. It also produces large quantities of seed that may survive fire. This species depletes soil moisture and replaces more desirable forage for livestock and wildlife. How can we fight this weed? To prevent infestation after disturbance, re-establish vegetation as soon as possible. Regulate human, pack animal, and livestock entry into burned areas where weed invasion is likely until desirable vegetation is established. Lasting control of diffuse knapweed requires proper land management to maintain desirable vegetation. It is important to document where diffuse knapweed plants have been removed in order to monitor for emerging seedlings in following years. Early detection and public awareness are keys to successful containment of an infestation. Driving, walking, biking and riding animals through infested areas should be avoided. Use only certified weed-free hay for livestock before entering the backcountry, and avoid grazing livestock on knapweed-infested sites during the seeding stage. When this is unavoidable, livestock should be held for 7 days before moving to uninfested areas. Biological control agents including flies, beetles, and weevils, may weaken plants

26 JULY / AUGUST 2018

and make them more susceptible to herbicides, prescribed fires, and mechanical techniques. Crested wheatgrass has also had some success in competing with diffuse knapweed in revegetation projects. Herbicides Approved for Controlling Diffuse Knapweed The following herbicides may be used by landowners. Other products labeled and registered for use on this noxious weed in Nevada may be used in accordance with label directions. Be sure to follow all label directions and precautions. • Dicamba (Banvel, Clarity, Vanquish): Application shall be at the early bud stage in the spring and fall on pastures, rangeland and non-cropland. • Picloram (Tordon 22k): Spring at rosette to mid-bolt growth stages; or fall. Restricted use pesticide. • Transline: Spring after all shoots have emerged, rosette to early bud growth stages; or fall. Use higher rate for older or dense stands. • Milestone: Spring at rosette to bolting growth stages; or fall. Use higher rate for older or dense stands; Milestone may be used to edge ponds or streams. Mechanical Control Cultivation will eliminate infestations. Mowing may delay flower production, therefore potentially decreasing seed production. Biological Control for Diffuse Knapweed Many insects are being evaluated for biological control of diffuse knapweed. Several insects are available in Nevada from the Nevada Department of Agriculture. These insects consume knapweed seeds and up to 100 percent of seeds may be destroyed in an infested seedhead. When larval development is complete, larvae pupate then emerge from the seedhead as adults and consume foliage of diffuse knapweed until they enter the litter and soil to overwinter. As always, please notify the HWCWMA if you see diffuse knapweed growing within the Humboldt River Watershed. We have an opportunity to stop invasive species from spreading if we act quickly and our staff can provide the property owner or appropriate public agency with site-specific treatment options for these plants. The HWCWMA also maps and monitors heavily infested sites in the watershed which allows the HWCWMA the ability to provide educational and financial assistance to land owners and groups in their management efforts, ultimately improving all of the qualities of the land and water in our watershed. The HWCWMA has also developed a website to serve as a clearinghouse for information on invasive weeds in the Humboldt Watershed. Our website (www. contains fact sheets for state listed noxious weeds in Nevada, Board of Director’s information, funding partner’s links, and many more features including a detailed project proposal packet that you can print, fill out and mail back to us at your convenience. We are looking to expand our project area outside of the Humboldt River and always welcome new funding opportunities. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Andi Porreca, HWCWMA Coordinator at (775) 762-2636 or send an email to:

The Progressive Rancher

Ranch properties now available Ruby Valley Ranch 1,023 acres at foot of the Rubies with surface water rights for approx. 300 acres and permits for 375 acres of underground water for irrigation. On paved road. Some improvements. Price: $750/acre. Antelope Peak Ranch 5,200 deeded plus BLM permit attached to ranch. 5 center pivots irrigating approx. 583 acres plus another 28 acres with surface water rights out of large spring. Three homes plus shop and other outbuildings. This Elko Co. ranch offered at $3,900,000. White Flats Approximately 2560 deeded acres, all contiguous, approximately 15 miles South of Elko with fence for 4 miles already. Would make a good seeding! Price: $499,500

Mason Mountain Ranch 3782 deeded acres plus small BLM permit. Summers up to 300 pair in the past. Recent improvements to stock watering sources and new set of corrals. Landowner Elk Tag(s). This is good summer range! $1,750,000. Jiggs, Nevada Smith Creek Property: 220 deeded acres with approximately 126 with surface water rights out of Smith Creek. Great homesite already carved out of the hill above the meadows with well and trees planted. On county maintained road approximately 35 miles out of Elko. Price: $700,000.

For additional information on these properties, go to: BOTTARIREALTY.COM

Paul D. Bottari, Broker 1222 6th St. PO Box 368 Wells, NV 89835

Work: 775.752.3040 Home: 775.752.3809 Fax: 775.752.3021

Special Sales Dates

July 10 August 14 September 11

All Breeds Goat Sale September 29

The Progressive Rancher



Smart About Water in the Truckee Meadows In 2001, Washoe County joined forces with the cities of Reno and Sparks to take long-term control of their own water destiny. Through a joint powers agreement, the three entities purchased Sierra Pacific Power Company’s water business. The result was Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA), a not-for-profit, community-owned water utility that delivers high-quality drinking water to more than 400,000 residents in the Truckee Meadows. TMWA obtains its water supply from surface water and groundwater sources. Surface water from the Truckee River system, including water released from Lake Tahoe, Boca and Stampede Reservoirs, Independence Lake and Donner Lake, provides most of TMWA’s water supply. Groundwater from production wells is used to supplement the surface water supply during TMWA’s high-demand summer months. The formation of TMWA represented a major milestone for a community with a long history of foresight in managing its water resources. From the 1944 Orr Ditch Decree to the 2015 Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA), Northern Nevadans showed a consistent resolve to be smart about water when planning for the community’s future. As a result of this smart, long-term planning, TMWA now has the water resources and infrastructure in place to serve the needs of a vibrant, growing community through wet and dry periods into the foreseeable future. To better understand how all of this is possible, it is helpful to examine how TMWA fits into the larger scheme of Northern Nevada’s water picture. What follows is a brief description of our local water resources, how they are being used and what’s being done to plan for the future.

28 JULY / AUGUST 2018

By Marlene Olsen

Users of the Truckee River The Truckee River system is the lifeblood of the Truckee Meadows, supplying 85 percent of the water used in homes and businesses. But, the Truckee River’s water is also used by other communities and for many other purposes. In addition to the Truckee Meadows population, TMWA shares this precious resource with the towns of Truckee in California and Fernley. The Truckee-Carson Irrigation District (TCID) has a right to water from the river through its priority and diversion at Derby Dam. Another large user of the Truckee River is the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which releases water accumulated in Stampede and Prosser Reservoirs to foster spawning of the endangered cui-ui and Lahontan cut-throat trout. Another notto-be-forgotten river user is Pyramid Lake, an ancient, terminal remnant of the great Lake Lahontan located 32 miles northeast of Reno, where the Truckee River ends. A set amount of river water is required to flow into the lake. Also, three hydroelectric plants divert and return water along the way for electric generation in the Truckee Meadows. The run-of-the-river hydroelectric generating facilities on the river can generate up to approximately 50,000,000 kilowatt-hours of energy and $3.5 million in revenue annually to the benefit of customer rates. At capacity, the plants effectively eliminate 15,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions from the atmosphere each year. How much water does TMWA use? In a normal year, Reno and Sparks diverts only about six percent of the Truckee River’s total volume and, of that, about half is returned to the Truckee River through the reclamation plant. In a drought year, TMWA and its customers use nine percent. See the following chart for river usage for all users.

The Progressive Rancher

Federal Regulation of the Truckee River

resources. TMWA’s conservation plan is consistent with the water conservation Like other rivers in the western United States, the Truckee’s flow is highly recommendations detailed in the 2015 Nevada Drought Forum: regulated by a system of court decrees, agreements and California and Nevada 1. TMWA will continue to be fully engaged in the regional dialogue on responsible water use and will implement programs for its customers state laws. The allocation of water via water rights establishes a priority for the that benefit the region and support regional water-use goals use of the Truckee’s waters. The Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA) provides a new approach to managing the Truckee River. TROA took effect in 2015 after 26 years of federally facilitated negotiations, environmental studies and legal challenges. TROA provides for more efficient use of available reservoir storage and allows users to time the releases of water to meet modern-day demands, including the municipal water needs of Reno and Sparks. TROA also allows TMWA to accumulate and carry over stored water through multiple drought years that will, over time, double or even triple the amount of drought reserves TMWA had prior to implementation of the agreement.

2. TMWA’s water-demand management programs pursue measures to efficiently use its available water resources by addressing water waste, system deficiencies (e.g., leaks, pressure changes, etc.), public education and outreach, watering schedules, drought situations, and emergency conditions.

TMWA is deeply committed to public education about conservation and efficient water use. Since water use during the irrigation season is, on average, four times higher than during the winter months, much of TMWA’s public education focuses on the efficient use of water for landscaping. This includes the cornerstone of conservation: assigned-day watering (three days per week for every customer).

Growth in the Truckee Meadows and Water

Planning for the Future

With Northern Nevada’s growth cycle, many ask where the water comes from to serve new customers. The conversion of water rights on the Truckee River from agricultural to municipal use is how the Reno-Sparks community grows. There have been no new water rights on the Truckee River since 1944 with the Orr Ditch Decree. See the chart below for an explanation. TMWA Committed to Smart Water Use

TMWA will continue to consider, when available, new findings from climate change research for the greater Truckee Meadows region; continue working with UNR, DRI, and other researchers to test climate change effects on TMWA’s sources of supply; and engage UNR, DRI and/or other researchers to develop tree ring chronologies of the Truckee and Carson River watersheds for use in water resource planning and management during droughts and periods of drought recovery beyond historic, instrumental record.

As the water purveyor for approximately 90 percent of Washoe County residents, TMWA has a substantial responsibility as a steward of the region’s water

Online resources: • •

Water Rights on the Truckee River below. How we grow. No new water rights. No new water. (Truckee River water rights set in 1944 with the Orr Ditch Decree). Growth happens from the conversion of agricultural use to municipal use—willing seller/willing buyer.

The Progressive Rancher



Overall, residential water use in the TMWA service area has become more efficient over time. By 2014, the average RMWS household used 11.6 percent less water than the average household in 2003. TMWA’s total water production has decreased by 7 percent while its number of residential services has nearly doubled during this same time period. The figure shows this change in per-service efficiency since TMWA’s inception.

30 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher

WELLS FFA BANQUET CELEBRATES QUALIFYING 28 MEMBERS by Laila Jackson FOR NATIONALS The newly installed 2018-2019 Chapter Officers, from left to right: President Jade Kelly, Vice President Aubrey Durant, Secretary Hyrum Johnson, Treasurer Ian Spratling, Reporter Laila Jackson, and Sentinel Julianne Wright.


he Wells FFA came together in celebration on April 24, 2018 at 6:30 P.M. for their annual chapter banquet.

A thank you goes out to all members who participated and every buyer who so generously donated to the Wells FFA program.

The evening went off with barely a hitch, unless you count the tearful goodbyes as Seniors recognized their parents. Along with the traditional, structured ceremonies, the evening was filled with laughter, applause, and tears.

The Honorary Chapter FFA Degree ceremony followed as the labor auction was wrapped up.

After opening ceremonies were performed by the 2017-2018 Chapter Officers and Matthew James gave the invocation, the banquet commenced. FFA members lined up to serve food and drinks to the patiently waiting guests before hungrily grabbing food for themselves.

Advisor Chance Crain (left) and Morgan Johnson (right) dish up lemonade for the guests.

As the line for seconds slowly dwindled, FFA members returned to the kitchen to begin serving cake and ice cream as Jay Dalton and Camberlin Uhlig took the podium to begin the labor auction. Funds raised from the labor auction help finance travel to this years national convention.

Jay Dalton (center) auctions off Zion McKay (right) as Camberlin Uhlig (left) searches intently for bidding hands.

Glynn Kelly, Jennifer Gardner, Terry Jackson, Tamrah Jackson, Sarah Spratling, Blake Spratling, Debrah Campbell, and Todd Campbell all received honorary membership. A cloud of melancholy descended as the seniors brought their parents to the stage, recognizing parents for everything they’ve done in the past four years. Once the tears were dried, President Ruth Gale called individuals up to the podium to receive their Certificates of Appreciation for all of the time and effort they put into helping the Wells FFA chapter. The following individuals provided their services to help the Wells FFA in their endeavors during the 2017-2018 season: Mitch Smith, Thad Ballard, Dr. Boyd Spratling, Dorolie Peters, Jim Barbee, Heather Dye, Sally Hylton, the Nevada Farm Bureau, Garrett Hylton, Jolene Noorda, Leslie Lotspeich, Dan Lotspeich, Mark Dahl, Olivia Cobian, Mr. Brent Judy, Ouida Madison, Patty Zander, Marianne Johnson, Ms. Amber Smyer, Audrey Spratling, Humboldt Strutters NWTF, Jay Dalton, Mr. Shaun Taylor, Candace Wines, Tammy Myers, Spencer Egbert, Dale Lotspeich, Shonna Jarman, Dani Dalton, Coralee Dahl, Robert Johnson, Selena Sorenson, and Ryan Vallejo. Next, 13 members, ranging from Freshman to Seniors, received the Chapter Scholarship Award for maintaining a 4.0 GPA. The moment came to brag as McKinley Myers and Hyrum Johnson provided a dynamic report of the results of the 2018 Nevada FFA State Convention. The chapter came home with twelve first place awards in Farm Business Management, Junior Farm Business Management, Best Informed Greenhand, Novice parliamentary procedure, Agricultural Issues, Environmental Natural Resources, Meat Science and Technology, Range Science, Veterinary Science, Marketing Team, Poultry Science, and Job Interview. Four individuals, competing in individual contests, took first place. Aubrey Durant was 1st place Star Zone Farmer, Brent Battenfeld was 1st in Agribusiness, Jade Kelly’s Program of Activities took first, and Liberty Johnson’s Chapter Scrapbook was first. The Progressive Rancher

Eleven individuals received first high awards, including Liberty Johnson, Benjamin Ballard, Hyrum Johnson, Mackenzie Wachtel, Camberlin Uhlig, Jade Kelly, Matthew James, Laila Jackson, and Shaylee Lattin. The chapter also brought in a variety of second and third place awards. Second place team awards include Senior Parliamentary Procedure, Novice Floriculture, and Conduct of Chapter Meetings. Second high individuals include Liliana Cobian, Benjamin Ballard, Logan Ballard, Ruth Gale, Ian Spratling, and Liberty Johnson. Third high teams include, Senior Floriculture, Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Livestock Evaluation, and Prepared Public Speaking. Third place individuals include Kaysen Sorenson, Liberty Johnson, Ian Spratling, Matthew James, McKenli Myers, Amanda Murphy, and Marshall Botts. Six individuals from the Wells FFA Chapter earned higher degrees. Camberlin Uhlig, Liberty Johnson, and Jade Kelly received their State FFA Degree. McCrae Myers, Patrick Wines, and Tessa Hubert were recognized for achieving their American FFA Degree. State results were followed by advisor recognition. Advisors Don Noorda, Chance Crain, and Garrett Hylton were called before the crowd as the officer team reminisced stories from the last year and explained their choice in gifts for each advisor. For six members, the evening suddenly ground to a halt as the Nominating Committee Report came up to bat. Liberty Johnson was elected to announce the new officers. Julianne Wright is the 2018-2019 Wells FFA Sentinel. Laila Jackson is the 2018-2019 Wells FFA Reporter. Ian Spratling is the 2018-2019 Wells FFA Treasurer. Hyrum Johnson is the 2018-2019 Wells FFA Secretary. Aubrey Durant is the 2018-2019 Wells FFA Vice President. Jade Kelly is the 20182019 Wells FFA President. The evening was rounded off with closing ceremonies by the new 2018-2019 chapter officers. The Wells FFA Chapter wishes their retiring officers and seniors good luck in their future endeavors and has high hopes for the upcoming year. The Wells FFA Chapter will host their annual Tri-Tip dinner as a fundraiser for the upcoming National Convention on June 6, 2018. Pick-up starts at 5 P.M. and arrangements can be made for special circumstances. Tickets go on sale May 8, 2018 so make sure to hit up any members of the Wells FFA chapter for yours. JULY / AUGUST 2018


Great Horses by Pastor Diana Gonzalez

An Effective Combination

Partial Budgeting & Sensitivity Analysis by Bridger Feuz and Dillon Feuz

It’s truly amazing to think about how important horses and mules were for the development of our great country- if not for horses we would all be living on the east coast or west coast, places where ships could take us. It was because of horses Mountain Men could ride and explore new country and draw maps. Some on paper, some on the brain, opening up country for horses, wagons, and families. It was the horse that helps explorers find food, and stay safe from wolves, bears, etc. It was the horse that opened up cattle trails for new ranches to be stocked and started.

Many decisions and strategies present themselves to ranchers each year. A few examples might be: Should I sell calves or yearlings? Should I retain ownership on my heifers? What should I do with my cull cows? Should I buy hay or put up my own? Each of these decisions can affect the overall ranch budget and profitability picture, which can sometimes be difficult to quantify. However, the essential question is “Will I be better or worse off for implementing a decision?” A relatively simple an effective approach for answering this question is utilizing the combination of a partial budget and sensitivity analysis. Whether it is on the back of a napkin or on the barn wall, business men and ranchers alike have for ages put a “pencil” to many management scenarios. Partial budgeting is a simple tool that helps to put a framework around those calculations and improve the accuracy of one’s findings. A partial budget only looks at the costs and returns that will change with the proposed scenario and results in an estimate of the positive or negative dollar value impact. Partial budgeting accomplishes this by asking four essential questions in a systematic way. The four questions are: 1. What new or additional costs will be incurred? 2. What current income will be lost or reduced? 3. What new or additional income will be received? 4. What current costs will be reduced or eliminated? In order to better understand the process we will look at each of the four essential questions. Keep in mind that some items may fit under more than one question. The key is to account for all of the essential elements of the decision in at least one of the four categories, making sure not to double count any one element. 1. What new or additional costs will be incurred? Include all direct costs associated with the proposed change. Examples would include; feed, fuel, transportation, maintenance and repairs, veterinary fees, interest, death loss, etc. Labor may or may not be an additional cost that would be incurred. If the proposed change would require additional labor to be hired than it would be an additional cost. However, if like many ranches the work force would just shift, or increase, their efforts than it would not be appropriate to add in labor as a cost. 2. What current income will be lost or reduced? This section accounts for the current income that we are receiving before the proposed change. This is often the receipts from the sale of livestock or crops. Since we are often delaying our income opportunities in many proposed changes we also need to consider the interest from the sale of the livestock or crop. 3. What new or additional income will be received? This section accounts for the receipts from the sale of livestock or crops directly associated with the proposed change. This is often a very straight forward section to fill out. 4. What current costs will be reduced or eliminated? This section usually takes some extra thought to identify these costs, but often there are costs that will be eliminated because of the change. Some examples of the costs are; If we change from selling calves at the auction barn to selling yearlings off the ranch, we will no longer have a transportation cost for the calves to the auction. If we purchase hay instead of raise our own costs such as fuel, equipment maintenance and possibly labor would be reduced or eliminated. To finish the partial budget sections one and two are added together and subtracted from the total of sections three and four. This calculation results in a positive or negative return. The decision to implement the change still depends on the individual and is influenced by cash flow, risk tolerance and the confidence in the analysis.

It was the horse that helped cowboys gather, brand, ship and move cattle about for ranchers. It seems that God always blesses us with one or two (or more) exceptional horses. What a great pleasure to brand or sort on a good horse. We don’t appreciate them near enough till we no longer have them. They are hard to replace, aren’t they? But, have you ever noticed that a lot of the wild west stories about horses often turns to- the one that bucked- the one that ran off- the one so spoiled you had to wrap baling wire on the bit to get his attention. Stop and think about it cowboys, ranchers, cattlemen, most of the work done on big ranches (and some small ones too) was done with, how shall I say it?, less than exceptional horses. But all horses are good for something (some an Alpo can) you really don’t want to ride that great horse on a 50 mile gather. The horse who has marbles rolling in his head instead of a brain is much better suited for that job. If you need a pack horse, you don’t pack your good horse, you pack the one you can’t stand to ride, etc. What’s all that got to do with cowboy church? Well, I think a good cowboy who ever had to do a good job on a bad horse can appreciate what God has to put up with sometimes. The Bible, like the bunk house, has more to say about the less than perfect. Like a cowboy sometimes uses a less than perfect horse, God often used a less than perfect people. Like Moses. The Lord had a big job to do. His covenant people had grown from a family of 70, or so, to a nation of millions while in Egypt for 430 years. Most of those years were spent in bondage, (slaves to the Egyptians). In their oppression, they complained to their captors and to their God. Exodus 2: 23- 25 God heard the cries and the groaning of His covenant people and He looked upon them and remembered them. So God needs a man to deliver His people. God chose Moses. So Moses was perfect, right? No, he didn’t start out that way. He was a murderer (Ex. 2: 11- 14) who fled Pharaoh and his upbringing to become a sheepherder for his father- in- law (Ex. 4: 1). He was slow of speech (Ex. 4: 10). He was full of doubt and wanted God to send someone else (Ex. 4: 13). However, the murderer, the shepherd, took a stick, his brother, his speech impediment, and went to Egypt to talk to the Pharaoh (who thought of himself as a god), to talk him into letting his people go free. Did God get the job done with this less than perfect man? Yes! With the power of God, with obedience to God, Moses got the job done. He delivered the Hebrew children, and completely plundered the Egyptians (Ex. 3:22, Ex. 12: 35, 36) Moses goes onto lead the Hebrew children for over 40 years. He records the law as God gives it to him and writes much of the Old Testament. Moses became a great man of the Bible and of history - with the power of God - with obedience to God. And we can be sure (have faith and believe) that when God asks us to do something, He is able to provide the strength and character we need to do it.

Now that a positive or negative return has been calculated sensitivity analysis provides a framework to visualize the risk of less accurate numbers. This is done by calculating a worst, most likely, and best case scenario on both the cost side and the return side of the partial budget. Once the calculations are made they are then put in a grid format.

If you’re like me, less than perfect sometimes, know that if we pray and obey God- and His Word, we truly can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil. 4: 13). If we allow Christ’s power to work in us.

The end result of the sensitivity analysis is a grid of possible returns from the proposed change. This can be very helpful in not only convincing yourself, but convincing others involved in the decision making process. It is a very good tool to take to your loan officer if funding is needed for the proposed change.

Scripture Reading: Exodus chapters 1- 12, Judges 6: 1-16, Judges chapters 13- 16

The combination of partial budgeting and sensitivity analysis is robust enough to handle many of the questions that ranchers deal with each year. Additionally the method is simple and reliable enough for any rancher to utilize. If you are interested in looking at changes on your ranch go to the Wyoming Ranch Tools website and utilize the partial budget tool.

32 JULY / AUGUST 2018

Remember, in life, it’s not how we start out, it’s how we end up that counts.

May God richly bless you. We love you and would love to hear from you. If you would like someone to pray with, or just have a question, please give us a call at (775) 867-3100. Happy Trails!

The Progressive Rancher

Jack Payne

Carey Hawkins

Cell: 775-217-9273 Alt: 775-225-8889

208-724-6712 OFFICE: 775-423-7760

Full-Service Cattle Sales & Marketing - serving Fallon, Nevada and the Outlying Areas.

“Over supply of butcher cows out of dry regions nationwide combined with fewer cow kill plants has given the packers the upper hand all year. We are basically seeing the same prices in June for butcher cows and bulls that we had in November. The spring run in California is near the end and much needed rain in the South will hopefully help shorten supply. If there is a window that spikes butcher cow prices, it will be July and August. Try to have your summer culling done by August 15th. Last year we had a $0.10 drop off from August 12th to August 26th.

SPECIAL Butcher Cow & Feeder Sale July 18, 2018 • 11:30 am BULLS # of HD 1 1 COWS # of HD 10 1 10 3 5 1 5 3 3 10

Desc. BLK WF

Weight 1805 1910

Price CWT 80.00 85.00

Location Paradise Valley, NV Fallon, NV


Weight 1113 1205 1336 1337 1395 1425 1426 1478 1535 1627

Price CWT 62.00 70.00 69.75 69.75 69.50 68.00 70.00 71.00 72.00 69.75

Location Austin, NV Caliente, NV McDermiD, NV Orovada, NV Orovada, NV Winnemucca, NV Reno, NV Steers Fallon, NV Paradise Valley, NV Fallon, NV

“Where the Ranchers Shop” NEVADA LIVESTOCK VET SUPPLY, LLC Store Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 131 Industrial Way • Fallon, NV 89406 • 775-624-4996

STEERS # of HD Desc. Weight Price CWT 11 BLK 529 162.00 4 BLK 648 141.00 2 BLK 680 134.50 4 BLK 855 128.50 3 MIX 1055 100.00 HEIFERS # of HD Desc. Weight Price CWT 9 MIX 538 $144.50 BROKEN MOUTH, THIN PAIRS # of HD Desc. Weight Price CWT 13/13 Mix 1140 1170.00 3 & 4 YEAR OLD, SEPT.EMBER CALVERS # of HD Desc. Weight Price CWT 11 Mix 1163 1160.00

Nevada Livestock Vet Supply, LLC has a new manager! Come in and meet Janell Edgemon. She has a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science & Pre-Vet Medicine from University of Nevada, Reno. She is available to help you with all of your animal health needs. Call or drop by today!

The Progressive Rancher



CONTACT: Ellery Stahler 775-684-2711

Celebrating the Wonders of Wetlands in Nevada


etlands are the link between land and water – where the flow of water, the cycling of nutrients, and the energy of the sun meet to produce highly productive ecosystems with unique plant and animal life. In recognition of American Wetlands Month in May, the Nevada Natural Heritage Program is providing education on the vital importance of wetlands to Nevada’s ecological, economic and social health. Wetlands refer to all wet areas that provide ecosystem services and habitat for plants, wildlife, and aquatic species, including: wet meadows, seeps and springs, playas, riparian areas, perennial streams, and intermittent/ephemeral washes. Often referred to as the “kidneys” of a watershed, wetlands are renowned for their ability to remove toxic substances, excess nutrients, and harmful pollutants from the water. Interestingly, wetlands may not be wet year-round, and some of the most important wetlands are seasonally dry transition zones. Although wetlands cover a relatively small amount of land in Nevada, the benefits of these biological powerhouses – including improved water quality, increased water storage/supply, reduced flood and storm surge risk, and essential habitat for plants and wildlife – are indispensable to the State. Nevada’s wetlands are home to more than 300 native animal species, such as the American White Pelican and Pond Turtles, as well as nearly 50 native plant species. Additionally, approximately onethird of threatened and endangered species live exclusively in wetlands, while another 20 percent depend on wetlands during migration and/ or reproduction. Unfortunately, in addition to being the driest state in the nation, it is estimated that Nevada has lost approximately 52% of its historic wetland acreage over the years. The remaining wetlands continue to be threatened by numerous factors, such as prolonged drought. The Nevada Natural Heritage Program continues to work closely with its partnering agencies to develop and promote innovative solutions to monitor, preserve, and enhance our natural wetland environments. “Wetlands serve as a lifeline to many of Nevada’s diverse species, and the Nevada Natural Heritage Program, in collaboration with our partners, is excited to further coordinate efforts in support of these environmental treasures,” said Kristin Szabo, Administrator of the Nevada Natural Heritage Program. “Together, we strive to foster the health and wellbeing of our precious wetland resources, today and for generations to come.” To learn more about Nevada’s wetlands, please visit: 34 JULY / AUGUST 2018

CONTACT: Samantha Thompson, 775-684-2704,

Expansion of Steptoe Valley Wildlife Management Area boosts recreation and marks a new milestone in State Land ownership In early spring 2018, the Nevada Division of State Lands completed the conveyance of 6,281 acres of federal land to nearly double the size of the Steptoe Valley Wildlife Management Area near Ely, Nevada. The land transfer from the Bureau of Land Management to State Lands was made possible by the White Pine County Conservation, Recreation and Development Act of 2006, legislation that State Lands partnered with federal lawmakers on to ensure this important conservation area was included in the bill. The newly-acquired property expands the Wildlife Management Area’s borders on its west and east sides, and increases a shared boundary with the adjacent Cave Lake State Park. Not only does the acquisition represent a boon to Nevada’s outdoor enthusiasts, who can now enjoy over 16,800 acres of contiguous State Land for public recreation use, it is also marks an important milestone for Nevada: The State’s ownership of land and land interests in Nevada now exceeds more than 300,000 acres. “The Nevada Division of State Lands is excited to offer expanded access to Nevada’s natural wonders in the beautiful Steptoe Valley,” said Charlie Donohue, Administrator of the Nevada Division of State Lands. “Situated in a picturesque setting, the Steptoe Valley will provide a unique and memorable outdoor experience for residents, families, and visitors to enjoy for generations to come.” The process to secure the federal land patent gained momentum in 2014. At that time, the BLM sent its survey team to map and legally define the area’s new boundaries. State Lands developed environmental documents required under the National Environmental Policy Act and worked with the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office on an agreement for the protection of the area’s cultural resources. Ranchers with grazing leases and other entities with interest in the property were engaged in this transfer process. In March 2018, State Lands received and recorded the land patent, completing the conveyance.

The Progressive Rancher

August 3 - 4 - 5 - 2018 Churchill County Fairgrounds Sanctioned by WSRA





$600 - Ranch Team (4 person) Men and/or Women $35 - Women’s Steer Stopping Jackpot Deadline for entries is July 25, 2018 and/or the first 20 paid teams. For more information please contact:

Mutton Busting Goat Branding Boot Scramble Working Ranch Dog Trials Jackpot Big Loop Roping Jackpot Barrel Race

Saturday Rodeo Performances

Sunday Cowboy Church Final Rodeo Performance

Richard Allegre (775) 423-5358 or 848-2108

The Progressive Rancher



By: Stephen Baker, Founder of Operation Unite® Farms, ranches, vineyards, orchards, even rural domestic properties realize that limited groundwater hurts businesses and can develop into a dysfunctional lifestyle. You don’t have to look far to see this. Pahrump, Nevada is a perfect example. Groundwater in this area receives around 20,000 acre-feet annually and uses approximately 13,000 acre-feet per year today. But the water needs of an increasing population and the need to grow more food quickly is overtaking the ability for the groundwater aquifer to refill. Pahrump has set itself up for failing to meet the water needs of tomorrow unless something changes today. California is the same. Look at the farming communities of the Central Valley of California.

Bringing People Together to Solve Water Problems There is a way to accomplish this. Set your mind on making decisions that work today and protect your water needs ten years from now. This can only be done, without hardship, by understanding the limits and capacity of your aquifer system and vulnerabilities that you face. Successful farmers and management agencies need a working understanding of their groundwater supply so they know when to back off or move ahead. So ask yourself, do you know your water? If you had all the data in the world but don’t understand what it is telling you or how to apply it at the right time then you are no better off than not having any information. Operation Unite® believes and has demonstrated that empowering groundwater users and customers is the most important part of a groundwater monitoring program. We believe that giving you the information you need and teaching you how to use it will result in you making good solutions. Solutions that are good for business and good for the community. Why don’t we get specific? Go ahead and test your groundwater supply future. Can you say “Yes” to the questions below? 1. Does your well’s water level indicate a stable, long-term trend? 2. Has your water quality rating remained healthy during the last five years?

California is experiencing severe subsidence of the land surface, significant loss of aquifer storage, brutal declines in the water table and an increase in pollutants in some aquifer systems. Nearly 1,000 people lost their well water in Porterville, California. Paso Robles, California is no different. Water levels have dropped in some of the groundwater aquifers over 100 feet in recent years. It became such a big issue that an emergency action was put into effect in San Luis Obispo County. The new ordinance required any new groundwater pumping to be offset with an equal amount of reduced groundwater demand in the basin. California has responded by passing the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014. They recognize that water demand and annual water availability need to hold each other up. But the “zero sum management alternative” or the notion that increasing crop yield by improving water efficiency doesn't help if you use the same amount of water. Ultimately, you will have no future because you’re still running out of water. Simply put, when there is no longer good quality groundwater to pump, there will be less food, less work and a damaged economy. Dysfunction is not what we want. We want certainty that water will be available to each of us into the future; for us, our kids and grand kids.

3. Is your groundwater level recovering between pumping cycles? 4. Does your well water remain stable when the rivers and creeks stop flowing? 5. Does your information add certainty to future water projections? Do you need more data to accurately answer the above questions? If so, Operation Unite® can help through our scaled groundwater management programs. We have programs that provide the information that you need; individually, within a neighborhood or subregion or community. If you can say yes to the above questions, you will find success in knowing your water. If you said “No” to any of the above questions, Operation Unite® can help you generate and analyze the right data and engage the water users in making good groundwater management decisions. Our public relationship building and monitoring programs support you, start to finish. Knowing your water and making decisions based on real data gives you the best opportunity for success. The consequences of your water decisions is an easy analytic for recognizing that success. It will once again be nice to know that at the end of the day, all will be good.

Stephen Baker

Founder of Operation Unite®

Producer of Living Water® programming Developer of the “Know Your Water®” program 530-263-1007 36 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher

Horse Races August 17, 18, 19 Thoroughbreds & Quarter Horses


E A R LY !

Dinosaur Races / Chamber Mixer August 16 • 5-9pm Ely Elks Lodge

White Pine Ranch Rodeo August 17 • 10am - 4pm • Team Branding/ Penning • • Ranch Broncs • White Pine Co Fairgrounds

EVFD Barbecue August 17 • 5 pm Live Entertainment & Great Bar! White Pine Co Fairgrounds

White Pine County Fair August 18 & 19 White Pine Co Fairgrounds

4-H Livestock Show & Auction August 18 & 19 White Pine Co Fairgrounds

Team Roping Event August 18 After Races @ Track White Pine Co Fairgrounds

The Progressive Rancher



38 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher


AUGUST 31, 2018

*Offer ends August 31, 2018. Prices and models availability may vary by dealer. Some restrictions apply; other special rates and terms may be available, so see your dealer for details and other financing options. Available at participating dealers.


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The Progressive Rancher



40 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher

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The Progressive Rancher




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42 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher

8 1 0 2 h t 2 1 9 t s u g u A

Eureka County Fairgroun Eureka, Nevada

Gymkhana ck Youth Rough Sto 4-H Livestock Show and Sale Team Branding Team Roping Bronc Old West Saddle and Bull Riding Mud Volleyball st Pie Eating Conte ance Live Band and D Exhibit Hall 775-237-6026 Visit our website:



The Progressive Rancher



44 JULY / AUGUST 2018

The Progressive Rancher

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