The Progressive Rancher - NOV/DEC 2022

Page 30

Poor Nutrition

The term scours is commonly used in the cattle industry to describe diarrhea in young animals. Scours lead to dehydration and various other problems, and often result in the death of very young calves.

Inadequate nutrition is one of the most common causes of calf scours. It is very important that calves receive proper nutrition as they are in a phase in their lives where they require plenty of nutrients in order to grow as well as manage to fight off any pathogens. Without adequate nutrition the calf will not be able to gain weight as well as have enough energy to provide adequately for its immune system. Feeding at Inconsistent Times

It is very important to feed calves on a regular schedule. Otherwise inconsistent timing can lead to stress, and calves can develop acidosis. Fed Milk at Incorrect Temperature

What are Calf Scours? Scours, or enteritis as they are sometimes referred to, describes diarrhea and an inflammation of the intestinal tract. Unfortunately cattle of any age can develop this condition. But most calf scours cases tend to occur in calves that are less than one month old.

Causes of Calf Scours

Calf scours can be caused as a result of various reasons, including viruses, parasites and bacteria. There are in fact both infectious as well as non-infectious causes, as we shall be discussing in more detail hereunder.

Infectious Causes

Research has shown that most adult cattle shed various infectious agents that can cause calf scours. These are mostly shed in fecal matter.

While the feces of healthy cattle appear to be normal, there will still be pathogens that are responsible for scours present, especially in the feces of pregnant cows that have approached their calving date, and in that of heifers, particularly following cold weather. Healthy older calves can become infected quite easily. Even if they remain otherwise healthy, they will be contributing to the shedding of a higher amount of these agents in their environment, leading to even higher numbers of calf scours outbreaks.

Rotavirus, cryptosporidium and coronavirus cause around 95% of infectious calf scours cases for calves who are less than 3 weeks old. These 30 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022

three agents may also be present together.

While all calves are exposed to these three pathogens, the determining factor whether a calf ends up getting sick or not lies on the dose. Hence the more pathogen a calf receives, the bigger the probability that it will develop scours.

Rotavirus infects those cells that are considered to be essential for the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. Since there will be a lower nutrient absorption, the calf will suffer from nutritional deficiencies and this will lead to problems in its digestive tract’s functioning. For instance, there will be problems associated with water absorption, and this will lead to diarrhea.

Coronavirus also infects cells in a similar way as rotavirus does. However, in the case of coronavirus, there will not be only a problem with absorption, as the coronavirus actively kills cells found in the lining of the intestine. As a result there will be a considerable destruction of this lining, leading to the calf being unable to absorb nutrients, while also ending up suffering from a massive inflammation. Severe diarrhea will result thereafter.

The cryptosporidium, or crypto, is a protozoan. This is not bacteria, but rather microscopic animals. Crypto implants itself in the wall of the intestine. It then leads to severe inflammatory damage to the lining, which results in diarrhea. These crypto infections are very painful.

Non-Infectious Causes

There are also non-infectious causes of calf scours, including:

It is very important to feed calves milk that is at body temperature. A cow’s body temperature lies between 101º and 102.5º Fahrenheit. Milk Replacer Issues

If milk replacer powder is used, it is very important to make sure that it is being accurately measured and properly mixed with water. In cases where milk replacer is too concentrated, it can lead to osmotic diarrhea.

Symptoms of Calf Scours

Diagnosing calf scours is carried out by evaluating the following symptoms. Manure Consistency

A calf ’s feces cannot be solid since they ingest a liquid diet. The manure consistency should be slightly loose, and semi formed. It should be able to sit on top of straw bedding. Should the manure be similar to water in terms of its consistency, then it will most probably be scours manure. One way to check is to see if it runs immediately through straw bedding. The watery stools may be yellow, green, brown or grey, and occasionally there could be blood and even mucus in them. Weakness

Calves are often weak and look depressed. In many cases they will lose any desire to nurse. Sick calves will also be noticeably weak in their walking as they often stagger, and they are generally not able to stand. Examination

A visual and physical examination of the calf will need to be carried out in combination with checking the manure consistency.

The Progressive Rancher

A sick calf will look lethargic and depressed. It will typically have dull eyes and drooping ears. If you notice that the calf is remaining lying down while other calves its age have stood up, then it could also be a warning sign. A sick calf may also show reluctance to eat. Many calves with scours will also be breathing much faster and with more effort.

Preventing Calf Scours

Prevention is of utmost importance, and it is always preferable to treatment. The following preventative measures can help to avoid calf scours from developing in your cattle. Mother Cow

As a general rule, a healthy mother cow has a higher probability of giving birth to a healthy calf. Thus during pregnancy, the mother cow should be well taken care of. You should ensure it has a good body condition score, and is properly fed, including the amount of minerals it receives. Adequate protein, energy and micronutrient nutrition is important for the dam throughout its gestation. The cow should also be kept in a clean and dry environment. There is also the option of making use of vaccines in order to influence the antibodies that the cow will have in its colostrum, as this will then be passed on to the calf. Vaccinating at the right time during pregnancy can greatly improve the quality of the colostrum and target pathogens which could cause scours. Colostrum

As soon as the calf is born, within its first two hours of life, four quarts of colostrum need to be fed to it. This colostrum needs to be clean and of good quality. In the next hours the calf ’s ability of absorbing protective antibodies in the colostrum will start to decrease. Hence, managing the quality of the colostrum is one of the most important preventative measures in improving the calf ’s health.

In case the delivery was a difficult one, and the dam is either in pain or too tired, it is best to milk the colostrum from the dam and feed it to the calf by means of an esophageal feeder. Another option is to obtain fresh colostrums from a local dairy and freeze them. Colostrum replacer may also be used, although not the best option. Calving Pens

As soon as the calf is born, it will be exposed to pathogens. Hence the

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