Catalog body extensions

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Satrang Gallery is an initiative of Serena Hotels Pakistan to encourage and promote talented artists in their pursuit of excellence

In Gratitude Asma Khan, Zahra Khan, Noah Imran, Bushra Nabi, Izhar Hunzai, Wajahat Ali, Maggie, Shahid Waheed, Satrang Gallery Team, My Colleagues, Friends, Family, Parents and Parents-In-Law.

Photography Imran Shah

Design Imran Ullah

Printed by: TOPICAL (

Copyright Š 2014

Body Extensions I m r an H unzai 2 0 1 4

Satrang Gallery is proud to present our very first solo show featuring the work of multi-talented artist, Imran Hunzai. Body Extensions is a very special exhibition, as Hunzai comments upon society’s addiction and reliance on technology. His work pays homage to the devices that help us function; particularly to older models and inventions that are now defunct. Hunzai recycles mechanical and electrical parts to create intricate sculptures and assemblages like jewellery and footwear. Asma Rashid Khan Curator

As Satrang Gallery nears the end of a fulfilling second year, I would like to thank our dedicated art enthusiasts for their support. We look forward to more exciting and cutting edge shows. We also want to extend our gratitude to Mr. Aziz Boolani, CEO of Serena hotel, for his unwavering commitment to supporting Pakistani art.

Asma Rashid Khan Director

Imran Hunzai, Visual Artist from Hunza, Pakistan, trained as sculptor from National College of Arts, Lahore in 2006. Art practitioner and educationist. Has been able to work various disciplines of art, believing that the versatility in different art techniques and mediums help in executing the bombardment of ideas in present time. Imran Hunzai is recognized by his versatile approach towards the mediums he works in. BODY EXTENSIONS, by Imran hunzai. Since their invention, electronic gadgets have vitally transformed the way we communicate with other people, the way we normally view entertainment, and even the way we motivate ourselves to be productive at work. In other words, electronic gadgets have significantly impacted our society both physically and virtually. To cope with every day challenges we have adopted these gadgets as if they are our body parts and they have appeared like our body extensions. See the example of printer which seems to be an annex of our hand, camera as extension of our eye and computer as extension of our brain. They have increased productivity and efficiency and this is the need of the time. Similar to these electronic body extensions, humans have used other decorative and functional elements like jewellery, hat or a slipper which are quintessential body extensions to fulfil functional purposes and to enhance human beauty. On the other hand, almost every day technology becomes more and more compact and users are constantly discarding their old, chunky gadgets for tiny new ones. With outdated devices becoming obsolete, it becomes a serious challenge to dispose these gadgets. Being an artist, and most importantly a responsible citizen of this planet I want to play my role. Through this effort, I have tried to find new and interesting opportunity to recycle these tech toys of the past and tried to give “trash a second chance�. From the defunct computer microchips I have tried to make jewellery and other clothing out of it. My careful selection of a variety of defunct pieces and making assemblages with them has resulted in artworks that imitate jewellery and clothing. In a nutshell, my current effort involves breaking down the pre-existing materials, reinterpreting them and providing them with a new form with new purpose (human body extensions), creating something beautiful.


Electronic Components

9.5” x 3.5” x 2”


Electronic Components

9.5” x 3.5” x 2”


Electronic Components

22” x 16”


Electronic Components

22” x 16”


Electronic Components

22” x 16”


Electronic Components

22” x 16”


Electronic Components

22” x 16”


Electronic Components

22” x 16”


Electronic Components

22” x 16”


Electronic Components

22” x 16”


Electronic Components

22” x 16”


Electronic Components

6” x 6” x 6”


Electronic Components

Size Variable


Electronic Components

Size Variable


Electronic Components

Size Variable


Electronic Components

Size Variable


Tissue Paper Cast/Electronic Components

36” x 18” x 24

SOLO AND GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2004: Group show at Zahoor ul Akhlaq Gallery, Lahore. 2006: National Group show at Alhamra Art Council, Lahore. 2007: Final Thesis Show (Mechanical Thoughts) at NCA, Lahore) Group show Alhamra Art Council, Lahore. Group exhibition at NCA gallery, Rawalpindi Campus. 2008: NCA Faculty show at Jharoka Gallery, Islamabad.. Faculty show of drawing at NCA Rawalpindi Gallery (performance: drawing through dance on sand) 2009: Group show “BEYOND THE FRAME “at National Art Gallery, Islamabad. Two person show at Gallery6 Islamabad. 2010: Four person show at Indus Valley Gallery, Karachi “1000 WORDS FROM BREAKFAST TO DREAMING” at Vogue Art Gallery, Lahore. 2011: “WOODEN WOES” Solo show at Rohtas Gallery, Islamabad, Pakistan. “THE ANNUAL EXHIBITION FROM THE FIVE PROVINCES OF PAKISTAN” at Vogue Art Gallery, Lahore. “Travelling egg” at Rohtas Gallery, Islamabad. 2012: Ritual casts at Indus valley school of art and architecture gallery. 2013: Group show at AQS, Islamabad.

Satrang Gallery Asma Rashid Khan - Director Schezre Syed - Gallery Assistant Dhoufishan Raza - Gallery Assistant | | UAN: 111-133-133 EXT: 5234

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