Changes in my community

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Changes in My Community

Satelite History Satellite town From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A satellite town or satellite city is a concept in urban planning that refers essentially to smaller metropolitan areas which are located somewhat near to, but are mostly independent of, larger metropolitan areas.



Satélite is a Greater Mexico City high-class suburban area located in Naucalpan, State of

Satélite originally was conceived as a commuter

Mexico. Officially the name corresponds only to the

bedroom community; developers hoped to maintain a

homonym neighborhood, Ciudad Satélite, founded

green belt between it and Mexico City, but its rapid

circa 1957. Over the last few decades it has

development (and rising property prices) made this

expanded and it is now rather segmented socially

untenable. However, popular culture, market

and economically, distributed in a number of

segmentation, availability of services, and of as well as

different neighborhoods, although it has remained a

comings and goings of life in this area has helped to

predominantly middle class area.

define Satélite as the cultural center of Mexico City.

What has happened? The next neighborhoods were developed in the next years, so the urban extension of SatĂŠlite area has been growing ever since. Contemporary issues in SatĂŠlite include the big traffic problems (as this is a sleepover zone, many people drive to Mexico City everyday), The decrepit state of many roads, new concerns of car robberies, violations on environmental regulations, saturation and oversupply of real estate due to new developments, and unauthorized commerce in residentialdesigned zones.

Insecurity Topics of the month

NAUCALPAN Check some insecurity statistics in this City located in Estado de MĂŠxico

Read this amazing interviews with the most important social leaders in Naucalpan

Enjoy this great poem of one of our best collaborators who lives in Naucalpan

Interviews 1.What do you think about insecurity? It’s a big problem that we are facing today and the goverment must stop it. We can’t go out without thinking someone is going shoot us or steel something from us. 2.Do you think it has icreased or decreased? I think that was icreased. 3.Why? It’s very dangerous to spend to much time in the streets 4. What would do to solve this problem? I would give the police a better training,a better salary and more equipment Daniel Gonzalez Reporter

1.How was the insecurity when you

play, ride our bikes, or skates around the

were a child?


There was not much

3.What were the risks?

insecurity as today, we didin’t t even think that something would

happen to us.

We only had to worry not to get hit by a car while playing outside and

2.Cold you go out on

get inside by 9:00

streets alone?


Yes,we all went out to

4.Can you do the same now a days? Absolutley not!I Rodrigo Sarabia Reporter

43% of mexicans think that the operatives of goverment have

The combat against insecurity

failed and 28% have been a success. Presence of police: The percentage who say they

see the police are watching your neighborhood “very often” goes from 44% to 49% the3 most feared crime:

68% of the population says is afraid of is armed robbery, 62% to kidnapping and 50% to a terrorist attack.

Paula Inés Paredes Editor

• Grandpa Ricardo and Grandpa Adrian told us that the insecurity has increased thanks to the need of jobs, the government and authorities have not worked properly. Before, he could get away without any risk to the streets in our community and there weren’t so many robberies in banks, and schools were not guarded by patrols and police.



With what we discussed with our grandparents, police and family conclude that security is very important in our city and all that has been lost and that each one of us is going back to retrieve what our grandparents lived. The lack of respect for older people is the beginning of the lack of values.


The insecurity in my community goes up and up. The neighbors are afraid, and my family, and me too…. Before I went to this community the insecurity was controlled, but the years pass and insecurity is going up. Before steal me I didn´t have electric fence or ADT my neighbors didn´t have electric fence or ADT too.

The police didn´t do anything to control this, I am concerned of this situation in the future what is waiting for us. Iker Hernandez Collaborator

Changes in the landscape In Atizapan de Zaragoza, around 15 or 20 years ago, there was a large vacant lot (with lots of grass) and, unfortunately, the trade chain partners of “Comercial Mexicana� came to talk with the owners of the land and they wanted to buy their land to build a Comercial Mexicana. After a long negotiation with the owners, at the end the commercial partners convinced them to sell it and, as expected, the big Comercial Mexicana occupied the entire field without space for landscaping. At this time, the above large vacant lot, is now a very busy Comercial Mexicana.



Traffic We now have more traffic than 15 years ago, they have cut down most of the trees and made a new highway, which hasn´t solved the problem.

How Garbage is Changing THE TRASH DEGRADATION



What is garbage? These objects cease to be useful for us There are 2 types of trash such as:

It is the consumption of energy and materials used to make products and then discarded.

Most of these are non-renewable resources

Naucalpan In Naucalpan community has changed the way we collect garbage, because the government implemented a system where every Monday, Wednesday and Friday they pick up organic waste, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays the inorganic waste, so our community will contribute to the recycling.

The Life cycle of garbage Here's a list of some common garbage items and how long it takes for them to degrade in the environment. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Disposable diapers: 450 years Rubber boot sole: 50 to 80 years Tin can: 50 years Leather: 50 years Nylon fabric: 30 to 40 years Plastic bag: 10 to 20 years Cigarette butt: one to five years Wool sock: one to five years Plywood: one to three years Waxed milk carton: three months Apple core: two months Newspaper: six weeks Orange or banana peel: two to five weeks Paper towel: two to four weeks

Garbage before , was less because there were fewer people (more people = more garbage because we need more things like water, food, light etc.).

There is more trash now because there are more people each year and also because now we use more disposables.


Interviews: How pollution has change our world? Talking with parents over 60 years old, most of them told us how pollution, garbage, landfills changed. Fortunately, today people are more conscious about garbage, and most of us are sensitive about pollution and every day we are more responsible to take care our environment and awareness to reduce the pollution. Now we have waste disposal programs : • Reduce • Reuse • Recycle A very good example is that many years ago, cars were not checked their polluting levels. Today is mandatory. Tires ´cars today can be recycled, and not burned like in the past.

Following you will see a summary of the answers that people responded to our questions:



• Was common that people threw garbage out of cars.

• People have more sensibility to take care environment.

• Companies had no programs to discard polluting waste.

• Most of the Companies have programs to avoid pollution.

• The batteries were thrown directly into garbage cans.

• Exists special cans in some places to throw it.

Past: • Schools did not teach about pollution to our children. • People did not have enough information about the pollution, and garbage consequences. • Did not exist worldwide organism that help to avoid pollution. • Families did not separate garbage. • Garbage was burnt all mixed.

Today: • Schools teach and make awareness to our children in this important topic.

• People have more information about pollution implications. • We have important worldwide organism that help us to have a better environment. • Most of people know the benefits to separate garbage, So they are doing it. • Garbage is separated and then processed, obtaining products.

Let´s make the change!

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