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fashion shouldn't cost the earth or should it? good design is sustainable design
I am sure shopping for new clothes is probably one of the best things on this planet, well at least it is for me.
What if I told you that there is a way of doing this exact same thing but cheaper and also more sustainable…you probably have already guessed it by now, that is Thrifting! Well, if you don’t know what that is, thrifting is basically a retail establishment which is sometimes known as a charity shop, thrift shop/store, the purpose of thrift store is to raise money; there goes your first reason to thrift: you will feel better about yourself for having done some good deeds. Even though thrift stores usually consists of second hand clothing meaning that it may be difficult for you to find a quality piece of clothing or the right size for you or simply just looks good on you but I can guarantee you that this is the fun of it, you spend time searching for the right clothes for you and when you find it, it is almost this victory feeling and honestly, the quality of the clothes in a thrift store is mostly up to the standard unlike what you think!
If that still doesn’t convince you, let me try again. You probably click on this because you care about fashion or the environment or both to a certain extent so let me present you some ‘Green benefits’ of thrifting. First is cheap! This means that you can buy more & spend less, 2 birds with 1 stone? Who doesn’t want that, do you know that in most thrift stores, they usually have discounts or on sales and with the already very low price, these are all gains! You get to save your money while saving your planet. Second, do you also know that to make 1 t shirt, we need over 400 gallons of water for its cottons? How ridiculous is that? And imagine how many clothes are produced each day, and it is not just in one of the stages of making a t-shirt but it is used in every stage of production! So why not thrift? Or else they would just be a waste of so much water.
Another thing is that it’s my fault, I think it was quite misleading for the first timers, thrifting is not just buying clothes, they are all about second hand shopping so that includes literally everything that is second hand, for example painting, decorations, 80s CD, books, jewelry, shoes and if you are lucky, you might even find musical instruments & designer clothes! You name it, they have it. Honestly, I think you will be blown away by how much vintage or unexpected things there are in a thrift store so go explore! Last one, one of the main problems with fast fashion is the landfills that come afterwards. Clothing goes away in the same way as plastics do; the clothes you throw away casually in a trash bag, almost all of them go into the lands since most of them are made out of non biodegradable materials (same with plastics) hence it is only reasonable for them to go into landfills; so if you have clothes that you don’t want, why not try contacting a local thrift store and donate them to it?
We are not the victims of fast fashion, we are its consumers. Rather we mean to or not, we support fast fashion simply by shopping online or at the local mall to buy new clothes. Fast fashion is what’s currently available to us. So, while we fork over money to wear the current trends and to be fashionable, we might also be sacrificing our morals and contributing to global warming.
What if I told you that our fashionable new clothes contribute to the destruction of our planet? The production of clothes uses exorbitant amounts of water (over 1,500 gallons of water is used to produce a single pair of jeans). It is also the case that most current fabrics, such as polyester, nylon, and rayon, are synthetic, which means that they are not biodegradable.
As we replace our clothes season after season, due to changes in trends, our old clothes are being tossed into landfills or possibly winding up in the ocean. Furthermore, fast fashion is often made in developing countries that do not have strict labor laws, therefore, workers are receiving low wages and working in dangerous conditions. In 2014, Bangladeshi garment workers were paid a measly $74 a month for working full time in a fast fashion factory. Since most fast fashion is manufactured in developing countries to cut costs, it has to be flown or shipped to the countries in which it is sold. This contributes to its negative impact in various ways, including depleting the ozone layer and increasing the emission of greenhouse gasses, which is primarily responsible for global warming.
At this point, you might be asking yourself, what you can do to minimize the negative impact of fast fashion. First, you need to consume less. Second, you can examine your overall shopping habits to better understand how to not support fast fashion. Some brands that are notorious for fast fashion, such as Shein and Zara, should be boycotted. Buying from sustainable brands or thrifting your clothes is another option. Thrifting, which is buying second hand clothes from garage sales, flea markets or thrift stores, has increasingly become more popular in response to fast fashion. Other alternatives include learning how to alter your clothes yourself to make them more “trendy” and to fit you better, so you don’t feel forced to buy and then buy some more.
Written by: Zeynep Timurtaş Designed by: Aarushi AgarwalFashion industry comprises a huge part of people’s lives. Intentionally or not to satisfy primary needs, the fashion industry is hugely used. Even though the damage would still be done, certain actions can be taken for the damage to be reduced by making conscious choices for your wardrobe. To contribute to this aim, sustainable brands can be preferred. Sustainable brands use organic, recycled and raw materials as components for their products. However there is a single drawback to it: for those components to be evolved into highly qualified and durable materials, manufacture of high cost is required.
The world is changing. Our actions now have a greater impact than ever.
Despite being more expensive, the extra price is little compared to the damage the world is facing due to the fashion industry. Did you know that the fashion industry is responsible for 2.1 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions each year, which points every extra penny offers the world a wider space to breathe.
Also, despite not being as sustainable, local shops can be preferred when shopping instead of fast fashion. As local shops use local resources instead of getting them shipped thousands and thousands miles away, it stands as the lesser evil choice. A less expensive option to help the world is preferring second hand clothes. By supporting the second hand market, the waste of fabric can be prevented. Second hand markets put unwanted clothes into use, presenting a more sustainable option than fast fashion. Instead of contributing to a mass resource massacre by preferring fast fashion, a safer path would be chosen by using already manufactured products. As the more people prefer to do second hand shopping, the less would be the fashion industry’s need to overproduce. Did you know that by stopping overproduction, the industry could reduce its CO2 emissions by 158 million tonnes over the next decade. You can help the fashion industry to diet by switching to the second hand market. Surprisingly enough, in 2018, Landfills received 11.3 million tons of MSW textiles. As opposed to landfills, the second hand market stands as a sustainable discard source. Thereupon, the more people decide to discard their clothes through it, the less space will landfills cover.
To summarize, not only does it prevent overconsumption of resources but also pollution caused by waste. Not only would the amount in landfill diminish, but also people would be freed from the slavery of fashion industry by preferring second hand clothes. As a result, less clothes would be produced. There is still a conscious path to take even if the garment in question is damaged. Did you know that it takes 2700 liters of water to make a shirt? Second-hand market do not accept damaged clothes yet, instead of dumping 2700 liters of water’s worth of cotton, you can try fixing the damage or recycle it.
Fixing the damage is both economical for your pocket and the world compared to replacing the damaged garment with a new one. The recycling path is not directly a win win situation yet, as you save the world from another huge expense of water by donating the components, you will prepare a better future for both yourself and those you love. Do not underestimate the role you play in saving the world from the slavery and dictatorship of fashion industry. 21% of projected emission savings can be achieved by reforming consumer behaviour. Everything is not up to the fashion industry, you play a core role in this play. The world can really use some help in lessening the burden of staying alive it has been carrying for years by protecting its resources. Thus, which side will you choose?
we forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one...Written by: Chaishna Puppala and Asheer Zaidi Designed by: William Zhang
The possibility of danger is endless. We often take water for granted. We leave faucets running, take long showers, buy bottles of water; generally wasting water in our daily lives.AlthoughthesurfaceofPlanetEarthconsistsofaround70%water,only3%ofthatis freshwater. According to National Geographic, only 1.2% of that can be used as drinking water; the rest is trapped in glaciers, ice caps, and permafrost, or buried deep in the ground We rather fail to see the big picture Water scarcity will affect not only us in the futurebutalsootherlivingorganismsonEarthwithotherfactorssuchasclimatechange exacerbating.
Water shortages are caused by numerous factors, such as climate change, growing demand, as well as pollution. Climate change is potentially the largest offender in causing water shortages; global warming causes water to evaporate faster in soil and raises temperatures in glacial regions. Another cause is the ever growing population, with an exponentially increasing demand for freshwater, especially in areas with an already scarce water supply. In addition to the already damaging factors, more and more of the Earth’s freshwater is being polluted by sewage, wastewater, and industrial/agriculturalrunoff.
Now, we don’t have to look far back in time to observe the consequences of this slow onset disaster. The European drought is currently a prominent and ongoing event that depicts the extremity of this disaster. With a prolonged dry spell and extremely hot weather in the region, natural and man made water reserves have reached historic lows. Historic ruins such as the Spanish Stonehenge and sunken WWII warships have resurfacedthatwerepreviouslyflooded.
A drought of this magnitude hasn’t been observed since the mid 20th century and has led to the debate on water conservation in Spain which faces the driest drought and climate in 1000 years. Despite Spain possessing the largest amount of reservoirs in Europe, approx. 1200, the dry climate has led to the overall water capacityofreservoirsstandingata3 decadelowof36.9%,
an alarming decrease from last year’s 47% and the 10 year average of 58.6%. This is detrimental to Spain‘s economy and survival, as being Europe’s agricultural and tourism capital it’s dependent on fulfilling the water requirement of its staggering annual75millioninternationaltourists,47.35 million inhabitants, and 3.4 million hectares cropyieldcapacity.
Subsequently, Spain isn’t the only country that faces the onus of this drought, rather it’s most likely to affect Europe’s supply of crops. Resulting in astronomical prices in the world’s agriculture market due to excessive demand. However, it’s worth noting that although droughts have regularly occurred throughout history, thisdryclimateisn’tonlyuniquetoSpainandhasbeenobservedinIndia,Pakistan, andSouthAfricaaswell.PakistanandIndiabeingmajorcontributorstotheglobal agriculturalmarket,facesimilarrisksasSpainbecauseofbeingunabletofulfillthe irrigationrequirementsofKharifcrops(Rice,maize,pulses,etc.).
SouthAfricaontheotherhandfacesanextremeurbanwatercrisis.Aggravatedby harsh and dry weather, South Africa’s capital city Cape Town is nearing Day Zero (all taps to businesses and homes to be forced shut) after the city’s main water reserve,TheewaterskloofDam,hasnearlyrundry.Inspiteofwaterrationingefforts, risingpopulationandclimatechangehaverenderedthemineffective.
However, these droughts also seem ironic considering the ongoing and recently observedstorms,floods,andrainsinIndia,Pakistan,andSpain Thatcoupledwith the extensive network of reservoirs in India and Spain suggests that droughts shouldberare,however,risingpopulationandprimitiveirrigationtechniqueslead tooverexploitationandscarcegroundwaterandotherfreshwaterreserves.
Whilehumanconsumptionisamajorfactorofwaterscarcity,humanintervention intheformofdisruptingthenaturalwaternetworkwithdamsisalsocomplicitin this issue as it has led to poor water quality, piling of eroded materials, and inequitable supply of water to regions. Resultantly, water supply, crops and humanconsumptionareseverelyaffectedinthesenations.
In the case of Pakistan, poor administration has led to the lack of a proper water management system. In spite of possessing approximately 150 dams and a rich varietyofwatersources,themismanagementwithinPakistan’sdistributionsector andalackofwatercrisismanagementinfrastructurehaveimpacteditsabilityto conserveandprovidewaterwithinthecountry.
Pakistan’s province of Balochistan serves as an example of this dire water crisis instilled due to misgovernance. The governance hierarchy being contingent upon the feudal lords (Sardars and Nawabs) as intermediaries between the Government and people has resulted in unfair treatment of citizens among classes. As the majority of citizens in Balochistan lie amongstthelowerclass,thepeoplearehighlydependentuponfeudallords for the provision of multiple fundamental facilities including water. Due to the sheer power of these feudal lords, the government refrains from intruding in this area and further aggravates the prominent liberation movements. Corruption scandals such as the Gwadar’s desalination plant scandalandtherecentlyexposeddamscandal,therefore,gounnoticedas aresult.
Numerous civilian and institutional reports have been published recognizing this water quality issue. Pakistan’s water research council itself has categorized Balochistan’spotablewaterqualityasturbid,brackish,andextremelyunsafe.
Alongsidecleanwaterbeingaluxury,thisregionfurthermorefacesanotherissue of acute water shortage because of its arid and dry climate. Multiple steps to mitigate this issue such as dam creation had been initiated by the federal government, however, the recent floods exposed these dams’ structural quality. Recent floods caused by melting glaciers and increased torrential rains wreaked havoc that has submerged a third of Pakistan. However, it also highlighted the issue of dam quality in Balochistan as numerous modern small dams were breached while a few of ancient colonial era dams still remained intact. As a result of these issues, the people of Balochistan also face the issue of potential droughts in the future alongside their water quality as a multitude of their water reserveshavebeenwashedawayinthefloods
The region of Balochistan is not the only one subjected to misgovernance. Pakistan’s largest metropolis, Karachi, has been the subject of a water crisis in each household for multiple years. It rather comes as a surprise that a coastal city with nearly 10% of Pakistan’s population which also contributes to approximately 20% of Pakistan’s GDP faces a water shortage. This city has been the historic center of trade and also home to multiple industries because of its geographicallocation.BeingonthecoastoftheArabianSeawhilealsoentailing amultitudeoflargelakesandriversincludingtheLyariandMalirRiverswhichflow through the city, this city doesn’t seem to be deprived of water resources. However,thisisn’tthecaseasthemajorityofhouseholdsinurban,sub-urban,or impoverished areas face water shortages. Even in DHA, an urban housing development consisting of retired military personnel, and rich and elite households, a system of tankers is used to provide water to each household instead of pipelines. Ironically, despite paying tax for water distribution, the citizensofthisareahavetopaytheauthorityRs.750/pertankerfortwo1000liter water tankers and then pay an additional Rs.5000 6000/ per tanker (subject to demand)forcommercialwatertankers.
It is rather alarming to seesuchasituationina metropolitan city where simple tap water has been commercialized and provided to residents upon premiums except for the tax paid. This alarming situation begs thequestionofwhyand howisthisbeingdone?
Considering the institutionalized corruption in Pakistan and profit seeking behavior of businesses, why could be easily answered. The nature of capitalism and businesses in economies dictates that if an opportunity arises to commercialize resources with a high degree of necessity in the absence of stern regulations, their most likely outcome would be of cartels and corporations exploitingandmonopolizingtheseresourcesforabnormalprofits.EvenPakistan’s ex Prime Minister Imran Khan, senior politicians such as Jam Kamal Khan, social activistssuchasPerweenRahman(Late)andbusinesstycoonssuchasJehangir Tareen have acknowledged and campaigned against this unregulated cartelisationandexploitationoffundamentalresourcesinPakistan.
Perween Rahman, a prominent activist against the water mafia in Karachi, launched the Orangi Pilot Project to facilitate the water needs and combat the mafia in Karachi. However, her voice was silenced by the mafias because of publicly fighting against their crimes. Her insightful documentary exposed the strategiesadoptedbythemafiatocontroltheabundantwatersupplytoKarachi, evenrevealingkeygovernmentofficialscomplicitinthesecrimes.
According to her research before 2013, Karachi receives 650 million gallons of water annually and 41% of this abundant natural water supply is siphoned from bulk pipelines by influential people and cartels endorsed by a majority of the government agencies and city council This theft leads to pocketing of nearly Rs 50 billion annually while losing water supply to homes in Karachi. Moreover, the presence of land grabbing by government agencies and private real estate developershasledtotheoccupationofwaterresourcesandtheillegaldiversion of water lines. Parveen Rehman’s fight against these crimes in Karachi has exposedhowthesecrimestakeplace.
AsthepopulationofKarachicontinuestorise,properwatermanagementsupply infrastructures need to be built. A city containing more than 20% of Pakistan’s population and is continuously growing denser, proper management and mega projects are required to facilitate the needs of the people. Wasted opportunities such as desalination plants, rainwater harvesting, and efficient water supply systemsarewreakinghavoconthepopulationfordecades.
Hence,immediateactionis required from the government to facilitate their trade capital’s water needs and control water wastage.
Another historical issue that goes unnoticed is the inequitable contribution and effects of climate change and water control in the world With each country’s unique geographic position and carbon footprint, there are unequal consequencesofactionspropagatedbyanationinotherpartsoftheworld
With situations such as controversial dam sites in India and disparity in carbon footprint amongst nations, a necessity for an international regulatory body displays itself. Even though bilateral relations breakthroughs have been made suchaspermissionstovisitthesedamsitesinIndiaforPakistan,therehavebeen incidentssuchastheuntimelyopeningofspillwayswhichfurtheraggravatedthe floods in Pakistan. India has opened its spillways twice this year, once in the Chenab river and later in the Ravi River. Despite being required to pre-inform PakistaniauthoritiesbeforeopeningspillwaysinaccordancewiththeIndusWater Treaty, the untimely opening of spillways, while above-average rainfall warnings werepromptedbyPakistan’sauthorities,aggravatedthefloods.
Alongside, Pakistan’s neighboring countries such as China, India, and Iran contribute one of the highest shares of CO2 emissions in the world and while Pakistan’s carbon footprint is lower, it faces the issues of rapid glacier melting in the Himalayan Range. Such has been the case globally, even countries such as Switzerland and Afghanistan face the issue of rapid glacier melting due to the global effect of certain nations’ pollution industries. Resultantly, the world faces dire consequences of extreme climate change, especially in the South Asian countriesbecauseofthesharedHimalayanmountainrangesmeltingandbeing distributedthroughthesameIndusRiver.
The consequences of climate change and shared water resources that carry through borders display the urgency of an international water & environment regulatory body. Especially one that retains authority over structures and industries that have global environmental and humanitarian effects. Unlike forums such as the United Nations, this body should have equal involvement by concernedcountriesandbeabletoexerciseitscontroleffectively.
Written by: Chaishna Puppala and Asheer ZaidiThe Northeast region of Brazil owns a few of the most exquisite beaches and regions of water tourism of the country, yet it is the region with the least amount of water resources for its great demographic population. The struggle is largely caused by natural reasons, since the geography of the region consists of a landmark with little rainfall, since there is a long term hot dry air mass in the northeast interior, and no rain is produced. Still, another factor for the lack of accessibilitytowateristheso-called“droughtindustry”,leadingtheregiontonot be able to resist periods with little to no rain as it’s done in places where dry air masses and lack of rainfall is also common such as in the United States and Israel. Northeast Brazil counts with a large demographic population and thus the impactsofthesefactorsareevenmorerelevant,sincelackofaccessibilitytovital resources also indicate a high index of financial and social inequality for the country as a whole. A research made in 2020 by Eco Nordeste appointed that 27,6%ofthepopulationstillhavenowatercomingoutofthetapand72%stilldo not have sewage collection, meaning these people are more vulnerable to diseases related to unsanitary environments which are leptospirosis, bacterial dysentery,schistosomiasis,typhoidfever,choleraandparasitoids.
It’s a political term to define strategies used by politicians to divert money that would be destined to improve sanitation and the distribution of drinking water andtobenefitlucrativeindustries.Itbeginswiththepoliticiansappealingtothese issues claiming that they will make these relevant when deciding major infrastructural changes in exchange for more votes. Once these people are elected, they only serve the large landowners who finance their election campaigns and the money that was established to carry out the work is either unused or used to jumpstart the works and these are stopped for unknown reasons.Thus,theissue islookedoverandstillasbadasitwasbefore,leadingto a vicious cycle that could only change with well structured and designed social measuresthatstilltakeyearstobefinished.
In order to survive with little to no water in these regions, the federal government and the state governors teamed up with an organization called Water Trucks Operation (in portuguese: Operação Carro-Pipa), which is a program of mutual technical and financial cooperation between the Ministries of Regional Development and Defense, with the objective of carrying out complementary actions to support the activities of distributing drinking water to populations affected by drought and drought in the northeastern semi arid region and north of the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. The Brazilian Army acts as the Executing Body for planning and operationalizing actions to support the distributionofdrinkingwater.(PORTALOPERAÇÃOCARROPIPA)Inaninterviewwith the program “Because the world needs water”, General Pedro Fioravante Neto, General of the Brazilian Army and former coordinator coordinator of Operation Carro Pipa in the Brazilian semiarid region, spoke about this action that brings water and opportunities to almost 4 million people in the interior of the Brazilian Northeast.AccordingtoGen.Fioravante“thatwaterthatisdeliveredbythewater truck keeps the country people in their own region and brings dignity to the population”.
Dams have been promoted as the solution for water conservation and energy provisionandhavebeencontinuouslyadoptedbycountriestosolvetheseissues specifically. Surprisingly, the implications and investment required by these colossal structures are greater than the benefits it provides. At the moment, approximately 38000 dams exist across the world, continuously being utilized for waterstorage,hydropowerproduction,andevendisasterprevention.Thelargest of these dams by hydropower production capacity is China’s Three Gorges Dam andbywaterstoragevolumeisPakistan’sTarbelaDam.Chinainvestedinexcess of US$31.765 billion while Pakistan spent US$2.85 billion to construct their dams and are further allocating additional funds for their maintenance. With recent hydropower extensions to the Tarbela dam, Pakistan’s total investment further increasedby$1.752billionwithinthepastdecade.
Although these might seem as valuable sustainable energy alternatives and water management systems, evaluating its financial and environmental costs indicates that dams aren’t economical and could be substituted for other efficient alternatives.
The energy capacity of the Three Gorges Dam is 22 Gigawatts while the largest solar power plant Bhadla Solar Park in India has a 2.25 Gigawatts production capacity. However, with an investment of $1.3 billion, this solar park seems as a relatively economical energy alternative to Three Gorges Dam’s hydropower energy. Furthermore, the abundance of uninhabitable land globally, solar cell materials,andrecentinnovationsinphotovoltaiccellsallowforsolarenergytobe viablesubstitutestohydropowerenergy.Despiterecenttechnologicalinnovations allowing for improved efficiency within solar energy production, 10 solar parks at the same scale as Bhadla Solar Park could provide additional energy than the ThreeGorgesDamwhileonlyutilizingathirdofitsconstructioncosts.
Alongsidethefinancialandtechnicalimpactsofhydro-powerplantswithindams as sustainable energy resources, the dams’ effects on the environment is also a salient factor to comprehend Considerably vital to understand due to the misleadinginformationbeingcirculatedbythemediaaboutthistopic.Mediaand nations have expressed dams as efficient solutions to water storage, water disastersandenergyproduction However,evaluatingtheconsequencesofthese dams,itcanbeunderstoodthatmediaportrayalaboutdamsisinaccurate.
Prior to understanding the environmental impacts of dams it is necessary to understandthecreationprocessfirst.Damsareconstructedacrossdownstream rivers with abundant water supply to store water, flooding surrounding areas in theprocess.Obstructingthesenaturalwaterpathways,altercationsareboundto occur. As water moves downstream and is stored by these dams, minerals and sediments are accumulated alongside the dam walls and water is only released fromthetopofthisreservoir.Thisaccumulationofsedimentsovertheyearsleads to loss of water storage volume while also preventing the flow of necessary minerals to river banks and agricultural lands further downstream. Hence, land qualitycontinuouslydeterioratesandnationsfacelossinagriculturalcapacity.
Furthermore, streams and rivers branched from these dam bound rivers also face a hazard of drying up because of lower water supply. As a result, a domino effect occurs, causing natural water supply networks to be altered and further leading to issues such as dried up agricultural lands, disrupted water supply to homes,andlossofaquaticlife.Damshavealsobeenprominentlydiscussedasa solution to water disasters such as droughts and floods. However, even though theyreducewaterflowbystoringit,theycouldfurtheraggravatefloodsbyhaving toopenspillwaysatpeakcapacityduringfloodsorbeingdestroyedasaresultof structural damages. Although storing water and diverting it through man made channels could prevent droughts, the obstruction of natural water networks is likelytoresultindroughtsitself.Asaresult,damsaremostlikelytobealong term problemfortheveryissuesthattheyproposetosolve.
This extensive list of absolute and relative disadvantages raises a few questions: should dams be the prioritized solution for water shortage and electricity production?Ifnot,whatwouldbeitsalternatives?
Dams and hydro-power plants most effectively allow humans to utilize the resource of water for multiple purposes. However, using them in excess wouldleadtotheinevitableobstructionofnatureandcreationofinefficient energy resources. Therefore, dams should be limitedly constructed with thorough planning and with the priority of water storage instead of energy generation.
Countries such as Finland and Estoniahavedemolishedamultitude of dams upon realizing the consequences of excessive dam building; replenishing their natural water distributaries and reviving the habitat for migratory and endangeredaquaticspecies.
Over27damshavebeenremovedinFinlandduring2020andeventheU.S.A has introduced discussions upon proposals of dam removal from the Mississippi and Klamath Rivers as well. Alternatively, desalination plants couldbeconstructedtosolvewatersupplyissuesthroughouttheworld.As the oceans continue to expand due to glacier melting, solutions are requiredtoutilizetheseaswatersuppliesandaverttheimminentdisasters ofclimatechange.Usingdesalinationplantswecouldpossiblymitigatethe effects of climate change and provide lifetime supplies of water through coastal areas. Other water conservation methods such as rainwater harvesting,waterbudgeting,andwatersupplymanagementcouldalsobe adapted to further bolster water conservation and usage within cities and villages. Also reduced dependency on dams for water storage could dispel the predicament of wildlife extinction. Other than alternatives for water provision, sustainable energy alternatives such as wind power and solar energycanbeeffectivelyutilizedtoprovideenergyatlow costglobally.
Thisindepthstudyofdams’consequencesleadstotheconclusionthatexcessive and unplanned dam creation should be avoided. Instead, other sustainable methods of energy production and water provision should be utilized in order to avertanticipatedenvironmentalcrisesanddisasters.
tackling air pollution needs fewer cars not just newer cars
Pollution has been held in much higher regard in the last few years with the apparent effects of climate change. This led to certain points of focus for reducing the amount of pollution The one towards which people could contribute most directly to was the usage of cars Transportation as a whole is a big contributor to global pollution, accounting for up to 20% of global carbon emissions (Ritchie). Out of these, vehicles for personal use are the most polluting. Therefore, there has been a lot of pressure to reduce the number of environmentally unfriendly cars
Electric cars are viewed by many as the most effective method of reducing emissions. However, their high price tag doesn’t allow many people to afford such vehicles. Despite this, there are other alternatives as well The ones which are the most widely used are public transport, electric scooters and bicycles.
First off, public transportation is a very effective way of reducing one’s carbon footprint. Since it’s a joint method of transport, the emissions are reduced, emitting up to 30% less than by using cars (City Area Transportation). The usual crowdedness of public transport, alongside traffic, are important factors when choosing how to commute, which is one of the reasons that people may find this means less appealing Despite this, the issue of traffic can be reduced by offering buses separate lanes to commute, and by building and using a subway.
Secondly, electric scooters and bikes are very effective ways of reducing pollution, but they come with their own selection of downsides Both methods are cheaper, don’t take up a lot of space and most importantly, do not pollute (Evoke) However, there are a lot of issues which may occur depending on the location they are used. Many cities do not have separate bike lanes, making riding them much riskier. Moreover, some places do not require driving licenses for scooters which is a big issue From my own experience, scooters are one of the most dangerous means of transportation. Since it does not have a way to protect the rider, the injuries in the case of an accident are a lot worse. These range from what I’ve seen from passing bruises to broken legs, jaws and even pierced legs All these risks make using bikes and scooters very situational, depending on the safety measures put in place in every city.
Lastly, emissions can be reduced by directly offering disadvantages to carbon emitting cars, alongside offering electric vehicles certain privileges This can be in the form of a carbon tax, reduced prices and taxation on electric vehicles, free charging for them and one other unique method implemented in the city I currently live. Here, every car number ends in a number from 0 to 9 Certain numbers cannot drive on the streets depending on the day of the week. This shifts every couple months, but makes it relatively inconvenient for drivers, as there are some days when they can’t drive.
However, electric cars are not given this requirement, having a different type of number plate. Even though there are still some disadvantages related to driving electric cars, such as not every city having charging ports and being generally more expensive to maintain in the long run, at least for now, these changes make owning one more alluring.
Overall, even though there still is a long way to go until we reach a sustainable way of living from the point of view of pollution, the travel sector is definitely heading in the right direction
Written by: Anonymous Designed by: Tyra DapoHow teenagers’ contribution to vehicle-based pollution differs based on differing legislation surrounding legal driving age.
Across countries, legislation differs, none more so than on the legal driving age and drinking age, of course, but today we’re looking at the former While most countries have set theirs at a respectable eighteen, America is infamous for setting their bar relatively low, with legal driving age varying from state to state but typically settling at sixteen as a good rule of thumb.
According to a report from America’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (basically the people who manage their roads), driver's licenses belonging to individuals between the ages of 15 and 20 accounted for 5 3% of all driver's licenses That realizes about 12 million teenage drivers on the road in America alone Teenagers who would in other countries only have received that privilege two years later, and since this entire edition is about pollution, it’s essential to look at what effect this has on our planet
Cars are an extremely important commodity in our lives that we all as teenagers desire over public transport, but there are a large set of conditions determining this very choice like our urban terrain, sociodemographic status, and our personal desires to procure goods at convenience across the world.
Teens face a majority of changes socially; the overall investment of a car is a major incentive to boost their self esteem and is associated with their freedom and independence to travel freely without restrictions, but now, with a gradual rise in car prices, fuels and maintenance costs it has become consistently unaffordable by most teens to own a personal vehicle opting to either use family vehicles or public transport.
Why do teenagers prefer cars as opposed to public transport?
The first thing you learn when coursing Economics is ‘unlimited wants, limited resources. The world that we live in, the planet that we call home is running out of its resources. The resources we’re running off: oil, land... We are using more than we can produce. The second lesson you learn in economics is what and why to produce something as well as who will produce it. The major takeaway: companies will try to maximize profits by being as efficient as possible, no matter the cost.
When companies maximize their profits, it leads to the production of goods and services as fast and as efficiently as possible. Anything harmful to our environment, you name it, companies do it. The burning of fossil fuels, plastic, chemical dumps, and oil spills… and its main source is: our global economy.
60% of gas emissions come from the production of goods. 37% of greenhouse gas emissions come from food production. Fossil Fuels, the use of coal, oil, or gas accounts for almost 90% of all CO2 emissions and 75% of greenhouse emissions. They all come from our global economy. Companies do not care about the environment, they care about profit. The aim of companies is to make as much money as possible. Companies will try to take the easy way out if it means that its cheaper for them.
Look it up, all the big companies: Amazon, Apple, Shein... all take part in this. No company is innocent. Factories attempt to be as efficient as possible, using the cheapest and fastest products they can find to produce their own goods, and we, the consumers, buy these products. The cycle repeats. We can say that we are against this, but we are a part of the never-ending cycle. We all buy and consume goods every day whether it's food, electricity, transport... When we buy these goods, we give companies money Money for them to invest in their factories to produce more goods, being as efficient as possible. The higher the demand for a good, the more they produce and the more harm it does to our environment.
There are laws in place to protect the environment and to help climate change. Governments have laws and regulations to protect the environment. There is a whole section of law: Environmental Law dedicated to protecting our environment. But it is not enough. While punishment such as pollution fines work to a certain extent, large firms may not care as much if the reward outweighs the risk, moreover, it is not a secret that there are many corrupt governments in the world. Companies, an example would be coca-cola setting up factories in third-world countries like India where it is easier to get away with environmental crimes.
"Every day we give in to the cycle and every day the cycle continues. . "
An example of this is wildfires. In Indonesia the ‘slash and burn’, a technique used to clear forest for land is illegal. However, fires spread out of control due to farmers taking advantage of the dry season so that they can easily clear land for vegetarian etc.
01. Due to a corrupt government turning a blind eye, farmers wreak havoc on the environment. This affects the wildlife there, specifically the OrangUtans due to the loss of habitat. It affects Indonesia’s population as well as surrounding countries such as Malaysia and Singapore due to the haze caused by the smoke affecting our lungs.
Additionally, the environment suffers as carbon dioxide stored from the flora is dispersed into the ozone layer because of the smoke. This is only one example of not only large companies, but farmers, the everyday man is not above burning forests for more land, a scarce resource so that they can produce more goods so that they can earn more money.
The environment suffers because of our economy. The economy - we willingly empower it every day. It would be false of me to pretend that changing this is easy. Society enforces capitalism. Society enforces making money. Society enforces our economy. Going against society is hard, especially because without it, how will we survive? However, it is important that we are aware of this. It is imperative that we understand that the society we live in while preaching about protecting our environment, turns a blind eye if it means profit.
“Pakistan Burns at 50C” Pakistan recorded one of the highest temperatures in the world 53C in the year 2017, the hottest temperature ever recorded in the country, and also the second hottest measured temperature recorded in Asia But why has Pakistan been unlucky with the weather in 2022?
written by: Rithanya Mahesh designed by: Claire LiSince June 14, 2022, the two months the flooding started in Pakistan, tens of millions of people have been affected, with around 1,500 dying because of the rising waters. The intensity of the downpours saw the river Indus burst its banks The majority of Pakistan's population lives along the Indus river, which swells and can flood during monsoon rains, while landslides and urban flash floods swamped many areas. From the beginning of this phenomenon, climate change has been pointed out as having contributed significantly to the desperate scenes Indeed, the crippling heatwaves that gripped India and Pakistan earlier this year were easier to attribute, with researchers finding that climate change had made them up to 30 times more likely to happen
But extreme rainfall events are hard to assess. Pakistan is located on the edge of the monsoon region where the rainfall pattern is extremely variable from year to year. “Evidence suggests that climate change played an important role in the event, although the analysis doesn't allow us to quantify how significant the role was, what we are currently seeing in Pakistan is exactly what climate projections have been predicting for years It's also in line with historical records showing that heavy rainfall has dramatically increased in the region since humans started emitting large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And our own analysis also shows clearly that further warming will make these heavy rainfall episodes even more intense ”
realize the difference between truth and opinion...written by Claire Li | designed by Claire Li THE
Abortion has long been a debatable topic regardless of race or gender. Just like miscarriages, or “spontaneous abortions”, induced abortions are often associated with foundational human rights which is the main reason why this issue has became such a serious one internationally Alongside the human rights’ aspect of abortion, the mental health impacts of women who has been through abortion unintentionally have also been a major concern of the population.
According to Psychiatry Advisor, the expected burden is especially visible amongst those of color and those who live in poverty when they are the targeted groups who face reduction in mental healthcare. This concern has also been extended with that many mental disorders, such as major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder will develop and that “the risk for psychiatric admissions is higher during the first year postpartum compared with any other life period”(Psychiatry Advisor)
Following the Roe vs Wade overturn, the research team of Psychiatry Advisor have been on hand with certified adult and forensic psychiatrist Susan B. Trachman, MD to discuss the major effects of unwanted pregnancies It has been backed up by studies suggesting that many of the adults who ended up having unwanted children are often heavy smokers, alcoholics or people who take drugs on a daily basis. In addition, people as such were less likely to receive prenatal care, which often leads to failure in the child’s cognitive abilities, behavior and are more prone to substance abuse (Psychiatry Advisor) The article also discussed on how this specific aspect of abortion has not been well established since Roe has been a constitutional right for women for the past 50 years, there is no reason to raise any concerns of the mental health matters related to abortion until recently
Though this is the case, a study in 2016 did suggest how there are indeed negative effects regarding mental health for women with unwanted pregnancies In specific, mentioning the effects on people of color or people within the LGBTQ community, Dr Trachman along with Dr Bagshaw mentioned: “Women and pregnant people who are lower income or live in poverty are more vulnerable to the effects of financial hardship and socioeconomic distress ”simply suggesting being denied for an abortion will have profound impacts of those named minority groups and with the compounded stress, this issue could easily increase the minorities’risk in terms of maternal mortality
Based upon all discussed above, there are a variety of aspects which may have well contributed to maternal mental health in terms of females unwanted pregnancies Therefore, there are some ways that clinicians could help improve the current status to best support their patient at hand For example, clinicians should all have a resource pack which indicates clearly, where to lead patients to get emergency contraceptions and abortion services According to the World Health Organization, Emergency contraceptives especially, “prevent someone from getting pregnant in the first place. It can prevent more than 95% of pregnancies when taken within 3 to 5 days of unprotected sex ” (Emergency contraception World Health Organization) From this, we could see how important clinicians are to patients in need of care in regards to abortions and how the common people should continue to raise sensitive awareness of this particular issue
Religion oftentimes is a sensitive topic to debate, since it involves mainly an aspect of society that is abstract and varies from person to person: faith. One’s faith should not be doubted or imposed, given it is mainly a subject of individuality and spirituality. Although witnessing the prohibition of practices and religious beliefs nowadays leads to rage and incredulity, we must be reminded of the persecutions to different forms of religious practice in the past centuries: the Christians in ancient Rome persecuted by the emperors, the blaming on the Jews for the Black Death and the period of the Third Reich in modern Germany which ensued the Second World War. Nowadays, the present issue may be seen in an oppression imposed by the state towards women in Iran. Studying religious history is key to understanding that this practice is as old as history is recorded, funded by philosophies of oppression and ambition.
According to a study held in the decade of 2007-2017 by the Pew Research Center, government restrictions and social hostilities on religion have only increased in the contemporary society, with a rise from 40 to 52 countries imposing more rigorous laws,policies and actions from state officials that restrict religious beliefs and a rise of 39 to 56 countries where the population is experiencing more social hostility and prejudice over the decade. (Pew Research Center) This data not only demonstrates that religious intolerance is common among the world even in the 21st century, but it is also a practice of oppression conducted by the governments. The research article also states that the most prevalent types of government restrictions is the blatant favoritism of religious groups, striking each of the five regions tracked by the study (the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East-North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa), with the global average for the index increasing more than 20% between 2007 and 2017. (Pew Research Center)
"“In Iran, women and girls have no rights, and this protest is about that. Here, two female witnesses in court count as much as one male. If a woman wants to visit her parents without her husband’s permission, he can sue her. I cannot take my son to another city without my ex husband’s approval.”
“At school, I was punished often for not hiding my hair completely or for laughing too loudly. These protests are the sound of all these years. I think the younger generations cannot tolerate these humiliations any more.”
Says Farah, 37, a mother from Shiraz, southern Iran.."
A recent example of this phenomena is the assassination of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who died in a hospital a few days after being assaulted by the morality police in Tehran for not abiding to the country’s hijab rules. Her death is followed by dozens of other women who protest for justice and the end of the Islamic Republic regimen. The earlier waves of protests against the regime occurred in 2019, 2021 and earlier this year, but Amini’s death was certainly a catalyst for heavier action from the people. In an interview by The Guardian, Iranian people have shared their concerns and experiences about the present conflicts and protests: The strength of the enforcement of hijab rules is directly related to the fact that Iran is a religious state, meaning its supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, is also a religious leader. Thus, islam rules for hijab are not only imposed by the Iranian society, but are also law. It’s fundamental to acknowledge that the protests also carry a heavy defense for women’s liberation in the country, which is kept hostage by the government and its morality and strict policies which are imposed along with the religious regimen.
Finally, based on all exposed above, it is clear that change must be in the horizon of the new generations, with the teachings of respect and compassion. Young Iraninans already take an impressively big role in the protests against the oppressive measures of their government, but this should happen in all places and at all times when the nuances of religious persecution are apparent. Insistence for governments and regimens that respect each person’s individual spirituality should also be a part of the society starting now (which is evidently already too late). For this, we must vote consciously and vindicate for our rights be it in protests or even online. We must fight for a future of respect.
I’mgoingtofocusonthe‘romance’ofallofit.Asindividuals,weareentitledtoourownopinionsandhavethe right to put it on the internet. The same way that celebrities chose to put themselves out there. But as a collective,wealwaystakeittoofar.
IwillneverforgivetheinternetfortheirmistreatmentofJoshuaBassettandSabrinaCarpenter. Forthosewhoneedarecaporareunaware,JoshuaandOliviaRodrigoweredating,howeverwhentheybroke up,JoshuastarteddatingSabrinaandOliviareleased‘Sour’herbreakoutalbumandfanswerequicktohateon SabrinaandJoshua.ManyontheinternetwerequicktosendJoshuaandSabrinadeaththreatsforbreaking Olivia’sheart.Iwasabig‘Jolivia’shipperbutitsteenageromance,thechancesofthemlastingwereslim.I’m suretherewereotherslikemewhowerebig‘Jolivia’shippersbutthatdidnotgivethemtherighttosenddeath threatstoJoshuaorSabrina FromtheplayfultiktoksrelatingtothelyricsonOlivia’salbumtothedeath threats…thelinewascrossed.
‘TheonesIlove’isaleakedOliviaRodrigosongwhereshecollaborateswhatJoshuasaidinhissongs,thatshewas theonetoendthingsandthatthetoxicnessintherelationshipwentbothways.Oliviaadmitsthatshewasatfault aswell,notjustJoshua.‘‘CauseyoureallytrustedmeandwhatdidIdo?...Ibuiltyouup,abandonedyouandI’m tooproudtosaysorry’‘Andruingoodthingslikeyou,Iwatchedthelifedrainoutofyoureyes’-TheonesIlove.
However,thiswasn’tenough.Aroundayearlater,Sabrinareleasedherownalbum‘emailsIcan’tsend’wherelike Oliva,shetalksaboutherexperiences.‘Nowi’mahomewrecker,i’maslut.Igotdeaththreatsfillingupsemi trucks’‘i’mareboundgettin’roundstealingfromtheyoung’‘wheneverythingwentdown,we’dalreadybroken up’-BecauseIlikedaboy.
ThedifferencebetweenthethreeisthatwhileOliviawasquicktowriteaboutJoshua,andJoshuawasquickto writeaboutOlivia,Sabrinadidneither.Insteadofdraggingdownthetwoothervictims,herlyricstalkedabout therealculprits:Theinternet.Asartists,theywriteabouttheirownexperiencesintheworldandputitoutfor everyone.Asfans,itisourjobtolistenrespectfullyandenjoythemusic.Wetookittoofar,notthem.Whydidit takeayearfortheinternet,asacollectivetorealizewhathappenedwasmessedup?Thisisn’tevenoveryet.There arestillpeopletweeting,postingTikTokstothedrama,stillfeedingthesmallbutbrewingfire.
Forthosewhospentalargesumoftimelivingunderarock,InNovember2021,Taylorreleased‘Red(TV)’ whereshereleased‘alltoowell,tenminuteversion’whereshehighlightsapreviousrelationship.Itdidn’ttake muchdetectiveworkforswiftiestoquicklyrealizethatthesongwasaboutJakeGyllenhaal.
ThenextpersontobementionedisJakeGyllenhaal.BeforetheSwiftiescomeforme,Taylorismyqueen. WhatJakedidwaswrong,andinsomanywaysIstandbyalltoowell,tenminuteversion.Butwe,asswifties, tookittoofar.UnlikethelovetriangleofOlivia,Joshua,andSabrinawhereIdrewthelinefromthe beginninganddefendedallthreeofthem.IdidnotdefendJakeGyllenhaal.Ididnotcrossthelineofplayful jokesbutIdidfeedthefire.
‘Youkeptmelikeasecret,butIkeptyoulikeanoath’.‘Youkeepmyoldscarffromthatveryfirstweek‘cause itremindsyouofinnocence…youcan’tgetridofit’‘butthepunchlinegoes,I’llgetolder,butyourloversstay myage’.-Alltoowell,tenminuteversion.
Theinternettookittoofar.ThenewtrendwastojumpontheJakeGyllenhaal‘hatetrain’.Thejokes,memes, videos…wereendless.Jakehadtodisablecommentsonhisinstagrambecausefansfromallovertheglobewere comingtowritenotjusthatefulmessagesbutdeaththreats.Eventually,thetrenddieddown.Therewasno sympathytowardJakefrommost,howevertherewereafewJakesupporters.OneofthemwasJohnMayer.
LikeJake,JohndatedTaylorSwift.‘DearJohn’fromTaylor’s‘speaknow’albumisabouttheirrelationship. QuicktodefendJake,Johnsharedaprivateconversationwithhimandsomeonewhohadsenthimadeaththreat. Theconversationbeginswiththepersonwishingthathewould‘chokeonsomething’andJohnrepliesasking themifthey‘reallyhopedthatI[John]die’.However,theconversationisresolvedbytheendandtheperson apologizestoJohnandtheconflictwasresolved.
Thisisonlythetipoftheiceberg.Afewinstanceswhentheinternettookittoofar. JoshuaBassett,OliviaRodrigo,SabrinaCarpenter,JakeGyllenhaal,andJohn Mayerareonlyafewpeoplewhodidnotdeservethehatethattheyreceivednorto theextentthatitledto.Theinternetmusthavea‘badguy’.Thereisalwayssomeone orsomethingtohate.Whyareweobsessedwithhate?Whyishatingsomeonea trend?Aspeoplewhogoontheinternetonadailybasis,wehavetheobligationtodo better.Nooneisinnocent.Celebritiesarepeople,notjustentertainment.Noone deservesdeaththreats,nomatterwhattheydid.Wemakeuptheinternet,andwe takeittoofar.
Taylor Alison Swift could be considered the best singer songwriter nowadays. She was born on 13 December 1989, and has released nine albums (Evermore, Folklore, Lover…) and two re recorded albums: Red (Taylor’s Version) and Fearless (Taylor’s Version). She has a great legion of loyal fans, the so-called ‘Swifties’, with a fandom name deriving from the singer’s surname.
Folklore was released on July 24 2020, being the eighth studio album, created in isolation due to the covid pandemic When recording, Taylor had her producers, Jack Antonoff and Aaron Dessner, join the production remotely
To Swifties, this period of time would be known as the Folklore era
Folklore is unique as it does not follow Taylor’s usual style of mainly upbeat pop productions, singing songs about love Instead, Folklore consists of mellow ballads partnered with neo classical instruments The album falls under the genres of indie folk, alternative rock, and electroacoustic styles Instead of being influenced by her love for her partner at the time or a breakup she was currently experiencing, the album was influenced by loneliness during her time quarantining
This not only shows Taylor’s evolution throughout the years but instead shows her growth of being able to reflect not only on her love life but on other aspects of her life Amongst the songs, the album explores mature themes such as the fear of abandonment and self doubt, which may be seen in exile (ft Bon Iver) “you’re not my homeland anymore, so what am I defending now?” and Mirrorball “i’ve never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try”
After the release of Folklore, ‘Evermore’, Taylor’s ninth album was released on December 11 2020 Evermore follows the same standard as Folklore: mellow ballads and neo classical instruments Similar themes on Evermore are explored The album is referenced as a ‘sister album to Folklore’, as it follows the previous release showing that the way Folklore was presented through the genre and lyrics used is here to stay Folklore welcomes a new era of Taylor’s music
Overall, Folklore is an exceptional album It is one of, if not the best album of her discography simply because she is able to explore themes of not just romance but mature themes that fifteen year old Taylor Swift was unable to Folklore shows not only Taylor’s maturity level but is able to connect with her audience on a deeper level instead of just heartbreak Folklore cuts deep, relating to the surface deep level but instead a deeper, more meaningful one The album is not remembered for its upbeat, catchy songs but instead for its ability to connect with the audience through her experiences Unlike the lover era, the 1989 era, the fearless era Folklore’s era is different Folklore brings a new sound to Taylor's music An era that demonstrates Taylor’s growth A sound that would stick as we enter the evermore era
While it may seem like homophobia is quieting down given the current rise of LGBTQ acceptance activists, in reality, the curve of homophobia is more akin to a Pringle It might have reduced in the past, but is steadily and stealthily increasing. According to the FBI, the number of LGBTQ hate crimes in the United States, which is one of the more accepting countries in the world with a ranking of 17 on LGBTQ friendliness, has been increasing. From 2013 to 2017, the number of hate crimes against queer people increased each year with 1130 total incidents reported in 2017
This data is not only explicitly contradictory to the consensus of reducing homophobia, but it’s even further supported by the self reported harassment/discrimination statistics According to the European Union’s survey for LGBTQ people, 45% of LGBTQ people felt discriminated against. Similarly, the gap between the national crime victimization survey and the FBI’s statistics is astounding. 204,600 people report hate crime victimisations vs 7500 victims according to the FBI in the same time period
Recognition and realization are important initial steps
This is prejudice based on personal beliefs that the LGBTQ community are wrong and inferior to heterosexual/ cisgender people, and it is often caused by misinformation This form is particularly harmful as it not only spreads malicious sentiments, it also ingrains those ideas into people who may themselves be LGBTQ This internalization of homophobia makes them unable to accept themselves
This form of homophobia is based on the previous form, and is a symptom of it It is violence or discrimination against LGBTQ people Name calling, offensive jokes, and physical altercations can result due to homophobia
This form includes the many ways government, businesses and other organisations discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation This can manifest itself in shops refusing to provide services to the LGBTQ community, medical discrimination, and the refusal of a government to adequately include the LGBTQ community It can also include policies that don’t account for the needs of the LGBTQ community This is a form of large scale interpersonal homophobia and is similarly caused by the popularization of hateful ideals as well as competition for power
This is the social position that everyone should be heterosexual, and that hetrosexual people are superior to homosexuals. This form, for example, can manifest in the media due to the lack of representation or misprepresention of the LGBTQ community, such as queer coded villains. Cultural homophobia is caused by and is a symptom of personal homophobia.
It has been known that climate change is now an alarming issue but especially on the rising temperatures year after year. World breaking heat waves have changed and distorted human behavior in various unexpected ways and could possibly pose a threatening problem to today’s society. Research has shown how warm temperatures can potentially cause aggression. Social psychologist Craig Anderson and colleagues conducted a research to find out the relationships between those two variables. Three groups of participants were being put into their rooms respectively, where the rooms’ temperatures ranged from a cool 14 degrees celsius to a warm 36 degrees celsius. It has been found that when the participants who were in the room with a warmer temperature, their rating after they watched a video on a couple for their hostility levels were significantly higher than the participants who were in cooler rooms. Since this has been shown in a laboratory setting, it wouldn’t be surprising if this “heat aggression hypothesis” was applied outside of a laboratory.
Economists Mukherjee and Sanders also provided results on how heat itself has generated “an additional 4000 violent acts each year in US correctional facilities” and how simply talking about this 120 plus degrees temperature is talking about a moral issue. Not only on aggression, the impacts that climate change has on humans are even more significant on a psychological level. In a published article, it has been found that “Natural disasters and severe weather have even fueled several mental conditions, such as post traumatic stress, schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts”(Will climate change impact human behavior?), leading to how there is a causation established between climate changing and the way people react.
Moreover, this heat wave does not only provide us with the positive relationship between high temperature and aggression but also higher temperature and performance. An analysis, which appeared in Journal of Human Resources suggested that, students who sat an exam under a 32 degrees celsius condition were 10 percent less likely to pass than if they were to sit it under a 24 degrees celsius condition. However, researchers did take into account how students may have performed better if they were given a second chance. Despite this consideration, these results did not change either: “students in schools without air conditioning scored lower than would have been expected” (American Economic Journal: Economic Policy).
Because of the consequences mentioned, it has been made clear that climate change is no doubt a simple matter. It has been destroying not only the Earth itself but human beings as well. People in the past have thought of climate change as a natural occurrence, however, it has been proven wrong saying how it is us, who has led our planet to suffer. This can be seen as a vicious cycle: “Human influence has been the dominant reason behind the observed warming of climate since the mid-20th century” (Naz et al.), it then has profound impact on behaviors such as aggression which pays contribution to future conflicts and wars that may have made its way back to the warming of climate.