3rd Street Beat
The 3rd Street Beat Mission Statement
The Third Street Beat is a newsletter written by and created for people with substance use disorder. Our mission is to validate that experience so people know that they are not alone, and to emphasize the many unique roads that we take to recovery. This is an opportunity to share our experiences to creatively support each other. We are non-political, non-denominational, multi-racial, and gender neutral. Our mission is one of recovery and harm reduction, and all experiences are welcome. All the viewpoints herein are personal in nature and related specifically to our contributors’ recovery.
The 3rd Street Beat Editorial Team
The 3rd
Beat is produced byThe Recovery Center community with assistance from the occupational therapy team.
Thirty Lines About the Fro
The afro hair styles remind me from the 70’s. Watching soul train on TV. Every Saturday morning at 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM noon. With the host Don Cornelius with his old saying “love, peace, and soul”. That means a lot to Black people. We had more unity as a race. Now, in the 2000’s, Black people don’t have unity as a people that stick together. Now the younger generation mess that up. Now with the gangs, guns, drugs, and murders. So people change with time. Even in music it change in time. When I was born in the 60’s the Motown era. The 70’s was the Disco Era. Then the 80’s was the Hip Hop Rap Era. The 90’s was the New Jack Swing Era. Then the dirty south took over music in the 2000’s. With Tip-Drill rap music.
Darryl ArmorMom’s cooking a hot breakfast for all four of her kids, before getting them off for school. Those were the days some grits and eggs, bacon or sometimes sage sausage. The love she had for us was very special. Fridays card games between family and friends, the loudness of trying to win a few dollars. And I can’t forget about those special Sunday dinners which everyone looked forward to indulge into some good southern fry cooking from the most special lady in the world.
-Anthony Thomashttps://i.pinimg.com/736x/09/a0/e4/09a0e4c975a9f2dbb398d9a13a89be12--black-and-white-yummy-food.jpg
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