Business Ethics, Governance & Risk Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2019 Examination

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Contact No - 9773820734 (WhatsApp) Mail at – NMIMS Global Access School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE) Course: Business Ethics, Governance & Risk Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2019 Examination

Business Ethics, Governance & Risk 1. India's water crisis is often attributed to lack of government planning, increased corporate privatization, industrial and human waste and government corruption. In addition, water scarcity in India is expected to worsen as the overall population is expected to increase to 1.6 billion by year 2050. Can you recommend two policy changes with details of how this will address the water crisis issue for increasing population of India in an ethical manner. (Your answer must have logical points that make sense. Do online research to find solution to the water problem) (10 Marks) 2. Protecting data privacy is urgent and complex. This protection is necessary because of the allpervasive, technology-driven and information-intensive environment, typical of today’s corporations. Multiple risks involved in data management is propelling information/data protection to the top of the corporate management agenda. What according to you are the two ethical risks faced by the business in relation to data protection and can you choose and explain any two Data Protection Principles applicable to businesses in India? (10 Marks) 3. In Chandrapur, renamed the coal city, Western Coalfield Ltd’s (WCL), a public sector coal mining company’s, overburden dumps are located very close to the river beds. The Mana and Lalpeth mines, especially, have dumped so much over-burden in the Irai river that the river-bed has risen by several meters. Coal mining so close to rivers may also cause damage to the mines themselves. During heavy rains river water enters the mines even now, making coal extraction very difficult. The move to allow coal mining activities up to 250 meter from river banks has angered environment groups, especially in Vidarbha, an area currently reeling under floods, and where major rivers like Wardha and Irai are already heavily polluted because of coal mining. If the mines are moved closer, such incidents will rise, posing danger to mine workers. WCL will also incur losses. Mining has also adversely impacted river fauna. The forest land is turning into a desert and the wild life, specially tigers are disappearing. Somehow we have failed to intelligently sustain and manage the resources of nature, the primary source of all supply chain. a. Do you think environmental sustainability is an ethical principle? Elaborate on any two issues/principles involved in environmental ethics. (5 Marks)

b. How can business embed environment protection/sustainability within overall business strategy? Elaborate on any two critical ideas/processes/steps. (5 Marks)

Contact No - 9773820734 (WhatsApp) Mail at –

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