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Advanced Supply Chain Management 1. SCM plays a pivotal role in an organisation’s success by enhancing its operational efficiency and maximising customer satisfaction. In the earlier days of supply chain management there were four enablers, namely, Infrastructure, Technology, Alliances and Human Resources which influenced the supply chain performance. Today in your opinion, apart from these enablers, what other effective methods can an organization adopt for competitive supply chain management? Give examples wherever possible. (10 Marks) 2. As Supply Chain Head, it is your job to develop and implement an effective

transportation strategy. The business unit head, asks you to use the intermodal strategy to lower overall transportation cost. Explain the steps you will follow. (Give industry best practices examples wherever possible). (10 Marks) 3. Warehouse manager of Integrated Parts, an electronic manufacturing company, has an objective of preventing a stock-out situation at any time for one of its vital components. The annual demand for the component is 60,000 units and the usage is uniform. The quantity ordered from supplier each time is 600 units and it is delivered after 7 days from ordering date. The company policy is to maintain a safety stock of 20% of its average inventory. The company works for 300 days in a year. a. What should be the re-ordering point? (5 Marks) b. Briefly discuss the steps the warehouse manager should take in determining optimal inventory level (5 Marks)

Business Ethics, Governance & Risk

Analyse the Satyam Scam (Satyam Computers Services Ltd). Present your views on, “Scams influence and change the corporate governance landscape” and substantiate them using insights from the Satyam case 2. In your organization, ‘Smart Solutions & Services’, a midsize IT services company, all the mandatory requirements for compliance to “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Protection, Prohibition, Redressal) Act 2013 have been put in place. You are Head of Marketing, with 11 people reporting to you directly and indirectly. What according to you are the five critical practices / initiatives / processes you need to genuinely implement to ensure that you are providing a safe working environment to all your women employees. (DO NOT copy paste the law) (10 Marks) 3.a. “India is one market where sales of so called ‘Fairness Cream’ does booming business”. Identify all the inherent ethical issues. Argue and present the pros and cons of advertising fairness cream in India. (5 Marks) 3.b. You have studied Business Ethics as a structured subject for the first time. One of its objective is, ethical literacy- making the students aware of ethical dilemmas and

provide tools and frameworks for future and current managers to deal with some of these ethical dilemmas they face. How has it helped you? Give 3 clear points to showcase that it has helped you become a better manager. (5 Marks) Employee Development & Talent Management

1. Subhash joined Moorty Software in HR Department and his primary responsibility is to improve Employee Development initiative. The organization had tried running the employee development initiative previously too but it has not seemed to be successful. Subhash started with an analysis to check on the reasons for the failures. In light of this case, please enumerate the issues in successful employee development. (10 Marks) 2. Mr. Parikh is the head of Geman Consultancy. His organization is into a business of HR outsourcing. Mr. Parikh steps in at the time of planning of a project and hands the project over to the assigned team. However, he steps in once again after the project is completed for evaluation of the success. At one such large organization, Mr. Parikh steps in to evaluate an employee development project. He is currently contemplating on the method for evaluation. In light of this case, please elaborate on the Kirkpatrick’s model of evaluation. (10 Marks)

3. Janvi wants to implement Employee development activities in the organization. She is the HR Manager at Hive Five Media. While the organization is a medium sized, they have a lot of mobility among the employees between departments and projects. Janvi wants to work out two initiatives in the organization. Answer the following questions about her project. a. As a part of On-The-Job development, she wants to implement Mentoring and coaching activity. Please elaborate on the activity of mentoring and coaching. (5 Marks) b. As a part of Off-The-Job development, Janvi would like to take up case study method. Please elaborate how does case study method work in the organizations. (5 Marks) Performance Management System 1. Aarti is the Team Leader at Neel Industries which specializes in plastic products. Aarti has 8 team members. Recently 3 of her team members resigned at the same time and during the exit interview process each of her team members complained to Ashish (General Manager) about Aarti’s style of management. Aarti has been described by them as autocratic who dictates instructions and does not listen to her team members. They also described her as rude in her behavior. Ashish has called Aarti for a counselling session.

Assume you are Ashish, explain how you would conduct the counselling session and ensure a successful interaction. (10 Marks) 2. Correct the following goals by converting them to SMART goals: (10 Marks)     Take care of sales inventory in the plastic bottles section 3. Disha enterprises is a 5-year-old company that sells toys and stationary products. The company has a turnover of Rs 200 crores and profitability of Rs 25 crores. The company is ranked 5th in India as per the All India Retail Magazine. There are 500 employees located across 4 regions in India (Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata). The company has a vision to be a leader in toys and stationery and also has aspirations to expand outside India, primarily in South East Asia. The customer satisfaction index of the company is 63%. The company has just introduced the Balanced Scorecard. As per the Balanced Score Card prepare one goal each on: a. Financials and Customer perspective (5 Marks) b. Business Process and Learning & Growth Perspective (5 Marks)

Manpower Planning, Recruitment and Selection

1. With corporate houses facing major problems of low productivity, low sense of belongingness towards the organization, higher employee turnover; do you think performance counselling can be useful in addressing any of these issues? How? (10 Marks) 2. The recruitment landscape has been changing rapidly. From newspapers, campus recruitments, trade unions and referrals to recruitment through social and professional networking platforms. What according to you are the advantages and limitations of using these modern methods for recruitment? (10 Marks) 3. ABC is a reputed retail brand. It is into the business of apparel for men, women and kids. The brand has exclusive stores as well as counters in malls and departmental stores like Shoppers Stop, Central, etc. The front-line staff is regularly being trained on product knowledge, but no behavioral skills as such. Considering the steep targets set from April 2019, the training manager wants to start the behavioral trainings calendar. a. How should he go about planning and executing this initiative? (5 Marks) b. What should be the topics on which the staff should be trained and what methods for each do you recommend? (5 Marks)

Custom Shipping and Insurance

1. Your company has imported one consignment of laptops consisting of 200 boxes. However, while checking in the customs you have observed that 5 boxes are missing. They may be either pilfered or lost in transit. Your company does not want to pay customs duty for the missing boxes and asked you to check the Customs Act 1962 for the rules and get abatement. You need to check the customs act 1962 and advise the company accordingly. Please explain how will you handle this case with respect to customs act 1962. You need to provide the section of the customs act for this while explaining to your management. (10 Marks) 2. You have imported one LCL consignment of Musical instruments of 25 boxes on FOB basis. You have observed a shortage of 2 boxes. Your exporter informs that he has exported the entire quantity and shows the proof in bill of lading. Now You cannot claim the loss from the exporter. However, you have insured the consignment. Your company asks you file an insurance claim for the shortage. How will you proceed on this to get the insurance claim? Please explain in details so that your management is happy to know your experience. (10 Marks)

3. After finishing your Post graduate diploma, you have been selected for a job as Import & Export Executive on campus selection. The interviewers asked the following questions: a. How many sections and how many chapters are in the Customs tariff? Whether all chapters are active or is there any chapter left un used (5 Marks) b. Which tax system has been replaced by GST in imports? (5 Marks)

International HR Practices

1. ABC Ltd is an FMCG Company operating in India and you are planning to start the operations in South Africa. First problem you have, as an HR Manager, is to ensure that availability of skilled and able workforce in South Africa. What are your sources for the same and which one will you choose?

2. NITT is a leading IT Company in India and it is planning to expand its operations in Africa. The company has decided to send the expatriates from India to man important positions in the subsidiary in Africa. What selection criteria will you use for expatriate selection? (10 Marks) 3. ADB is a Bank in India and it is planning an international expansion in China. One of the functions that ADB needs to deal

with is ‘International Staffing.’ With respect to this write a note on each of the following: a. E Recruitment (5 Marks) b. Use of social networks (5 Marks) India’s Foreign Trade

1. The current BoP scenario in India, with China is showing huge negative BoP, what is your strategy to narrow down the BoP with China, give step-by-step action plan to achieve this objective of narrowing down the negative BoP Gap. (10 Marks) 2. Why India’s Foreign Trade Policy focus on SME’s how it helps increasing the exports and improve India’s economic condition. (10 Marks) 3. China is called the “Global Manufacturing Hub” a. Explain how this will help China economically and increase its growth rate. (5 Marks) b. How India is different from China in this respect. (5 Marks)

Industrial Relations & Labour Laws

1. Accord Designing completed 4 years in the field of commercial interior projects. With a staff of 28 on various levels of experience, loyalty, job profiles, the company has handled and successfully completed some really large projects. In fact, the staff is like family and works together well. While, the company is known to be a good paymaster and is up to date with compliance as far as employees are concerned. There is still a very casual approach towards formality into appraisals, which leaves an undercurrent of jealousy among all. Jyoti joins as an HR consultant with a mission to get this ‘family culture’ into a more formal culture in the organization. As the first project, she wants to conduct a wage and salary administration. Please help Jyoti by discussing each step in the Salary and Wage administration process in detail. (10 Marks) 2. Prakash joined Bindal Manufacturing Company as Head of HR and IR. The company had very good human resources policies and great level of compliance was maintained for years. However, the production units were not very peaceful. The company had two production units based in two different states. Three different unions were leading 1200 workers. Constantly, some small or large labor unrest would erupt time and again which needed handling. Prakash decided to run a survey and decided to start the task of listing general factors that cause Industrial Disputes and understand the ones that are applicable at Bindal. In light of this case, please list all the possible factors that cause Industrial Disputes. (10 Marks)

3. Shivam is a fresh graduate of Industrial Relations Course and feeling upbeat about his upcoming assignment. He has a project to complete, where he has to make a presentation to a growing company about Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923. He has to conduct two meetings on different level, details of those meetings are given below. Please guide Shivam for developing the content for his presentations. a. Shivam has to prepare his pointers for a presentation to the management of the company about the scope of the Act and amount of compensation covered under the Act. List down points in brief for these two topics (5 Marks) b. Shivam needs to communicate with the workers of the organization about the circumstances that are covered for compensation under this act. Please explain in brief. (5 Marks) Decision Analysis & Modeling

1. Suppose you want to design a salad having two main items, lettuce and tomato. Suppose that each gram of lettuce provides 2 units of vitamins and 2 units of minerals and each gram of tomato provides 1 unit of vitamins and 2 units of minerals. The cost of lettuce is 100 Rs/gram and the cost of tomato is 20 Rs/gram.

The salad must provide at least 8 units of vitamins and 10 units of minerals. How many grams of each item should be provided in order to meet the requirements of vitamins and minerals for the least cost? What will this salad cost? Use the graphical method. Present both primal and dual forms, including their graphs. (10 Marks) 2. You are required to develop a multiple linear regression model based on the data given below, reporting about multicollinearity to refine your model, if required. Consider Profit (Rs.) as the dependent variable. Interpret your results. Suppose your dependent variable (Profit) takes values of “High profit” (Profit > Rs 1,35,000) or “Low profit”: in such case what type of regression model would you like to use and why? (For this part of the question, you need not develop the model or interpret the results.) (10 Marks) Raw Numb Numb Capac Sale Offic Electr Profit mater er of er of ity price e icity (Rs.) ials factor sales utiliza expen consu y perso tion ses med worke nnel rs 20000 5.0 4.0 0.4 60.0 4000. 5000. 120,0 .0 0 0 00.0 25000 5.0 4.0 0.5 62.0 4100. 5100. 125,0 .0 0 0 00.0 25000 5.0 4.0 0.5 63.0 4000. 5100. 127,0 .0 0 0 00.0 30000 5.0 5.0 0.6 65.0 4900. 5900. 130,0 .0 0 0 00.0 32000 5.0 5.0 0.6 66.0 5000. 6000. 135,0 .0 0 0 00.0

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3. Suppose that you are required to plan the least-cost transportation from the manufacturing centers to the outlets. The transportation cost matrix is given below. Destinati Destinati Destinati Supply on 1 on 2 on 3 Origin 20 17 4 120 1 Origin 35 10 5 60 2 Deman 40 30 110 180 d

Export Import Procedures and Documentation

1. Your company is doing good amount of export and would like to apply for status holder certificate. AS Head of Export Dept., you are asked to check the Foreign Trade Policy 2015 -20 and give complete details for applying status holder certificate. You need to go through the FTP 2015-20 and give a proper write to the management so that they can understand the category under which they can apply for the status holder. Please check all details and give a write up (10 Marks)

2. You are working in chemical manufacturing company as an export officer. Your company manufactures corrosive items and would like to export them. The company asks you to get the list of classes under Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR). This will help your quality control dept whether the product can be exported or not. Kindly check the website to get the classes of DGR and submit to the management. Also explain under which class corrosive items are classified. (10 Marks) 3. You are working in a pharmaceuticals manufacturing company and have got an export order. You need to register with a proper export promotion council to get export benefit. You need to submit the following details to your management to process the application to become a member of EPC a. How many export promotion councils are in the country? (5 Marks) b. Which is the correct EPC for chemical mfg. company and what is the name of the certificate? (5 Marks) International Logistics & Supply Chain Management

1. An old Indian company is in the field of animal nutrition for the past 25 years and is wanting to grow its business in line with the global sector growth and business opportunities. It is exploring the international opportunities and had want to enter

in Kazakhstan and Russia the Eurasian countries due to high potential for the nutrition business. Derive a strategic plan for logistics, supply chain and a business plan to succeed and establishing a strong foreign brand. (10 Marks) 2. SG electronics is a German manufacturing and marketing company is into white goods mainly washing machines, refrigerators and sophisticated kitchen ware. What is the approach strategy that the company would employ for the successful launch of its products in the INDIAN market? Formulate a strategic logistics and SCM plan which makes the company a top brand in the Indian market which is crowded with international branks like LG, KENSTAR, BOSCH and SAMSUNG. (10 Marks) 3. A beverage company named Gold spot drinks is in the Indian market for the past 15 years with is soft drink brand GOLD SPOT. It is a family owned strong brand with unstructured professional set up in place. Due to new government policy a foreign company ABC want to enter India by investing in the company and capitalise on the Gold spot brand and bring in its own brands into India. a. What elements of importance ABC company should consider while doing so in the business approach, and the SCM strategies? (5 Marks) b. What kind of professional approach it need to locational planning, production planning and distribution set up to gain market entry PAN India and introduce its products along with the Gold spot? (5 Marks)

International Business

1. Hojibo and Go-on-tour are the two biggest Online Travel Aggregators in the Indian landscape. Stiff competition and excessive cash burn made them come together by merging both the companies and forming a new entity called Ho-GOT. You are the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) of the Group Company. Founders of Hojibo and Go-on-Tour decided to build a new culture in Ho-GOT which would be different from both the earlier companies and thus entrusted you with this task. Being the CHRO you are aware that this would require huge cultural change in the organization. Discuss the various phases involved in the cultural change of an organization. Also elaborate some of the factors that facilitate cultural change in an organization. (10 Marks) 2. RV Shoes is a dominant player in domestic footwear market. Mr. Singh is the owner of the company and a first generation entrepreneur. He now wants to go global with his brand but is not sure of the ways to enter International Market. Discuss the various ways to enter

International Market and explain the pros and cons of each way which would help Mr. Singh to devise his strategy. (10 Marks) 3. Hodrej is in the business of manufacturing and selling home safes. Business Head of Hodrej wants to promote his products in international market. a. Being the Marketing Manager for Hodrej briefly explain the steps involved in international marketing process. (5 Marks) b. As the Product Head for Hodrej you have been entrusted with the task to devise pricing strategy for your products to maximize sales and profits. Describe some of the commonly used international pricing strategies which could be used to achieve your marketing goal and objectives. (5 Marks) World Class Operations

1. What are the building blocks of World Class Operations? Explain with suitable example. (10 Marks) 2. Briefly explain the different types of quality with examples. (10 Marks)

3. AL is an Indian automobile company headquartered in Chennai, India. Founded in 1948, it is the second largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in India, fourth largest manufacturer of buses in the world and 10th largest manufacturer of trucks globally. It has manufacturing plants in India and abroad. The company believes in producing world class products wants to be competitive in the world market. a. Think your-self as a consultant for the company. Briefly state how the company should go for implementing TQM in its operations. (5 Marks) b. With reference to AL, explain how KANBAN can be implemented in the company. (5 Marks) Operations Management

1. What motivations typically cause firms to initiate a facilities location or relocation project? Select an Indian company and discuss its facility location strategies. (10 Marks) 2. Discuss the benefits and limitations of the product layout and process layout. Select any automotive company and explain its plant layout. (10 Marks)

3. JSW steel implemented Total Quality Management (TQM) at its Vijaynagar unit as part of its journey towards quality excellence. The company sources said TQM implementation enabled JSW steel, over the past five years, to drive operational efficiency and strengthen its customer service operations. In October 2018, JSW Steel’s Vijayanagar works unit was awarded the highest global quality honour, "The Deming Prize", for its TQM practices. The company now intends to implement TQM across all its steel manufacturing units, the officials said adding that TQM implementation at its Salem works in Tamil Nadu is on track and its implementation at Dolvi works in Maharashtra is expected to be completed by 2020. (Source: https://www.firstpost.com/business/jsw-steel-plans-to-ramp-upproduction-capacity-firm-mulls-to-implement-total-qualitymanagement-in-all-units-5599111.html ) a. What is TQM? Explain the benefits of implementing TQM at JSW steel. (5 Marks) b. Discuss the various requirements for implementing TQM at JSW steel. (5 Marks)

International Marketing 1. You are an Indian Company manufacturing shoe and exporting to EU through your office in London. Now you have decided to manufacture some of your products in EU and use this as an opportunity to expand your business in that part of the globe. You want to set up the factory either in UK or in Poland

for his purpose. Evaluate the two location options of setting up the Plant and Business on basis of International Business & Marketing Environment parameters to come to a decision. (10 Marks) 2. You are the CEO of a world renowned Toy Brand and wish to enter India. Evaluate any 3 entry options to enter into India. Which of the market entry options would you finally choose & why? (10 Marks) 3. The South African Toothpaste market has strong growth and reasonable volume. The market is dominated by Colgate and GSK which have more than 85% market share amongst themselves. The rest 15% percent are scattered within 3-4 local players. Colgate & GSK are at similar price point while all the other local players are about 20-25% cheaper in prices. The top three parameters of buy of the consumers there are Health, Sensitive Teeth & Freshness in that order. While Colgate positions itself on health platform, GSK on sensitive teeth, other local players are mixed (confused?) positioning. One of the biggest reason for lower market share of local players is poor print quality on the toothpaste tubes whereas Colgate/GSK gets its products from Europe where better quality printing facility on tubes is available. You are an Indian Toothpaste brand and have reasonable share in the Indian market on herbal platform. You are now eyeing that market where there is no clear number 3. You have set up a Contract manufacturing and Distribution partnership with one of the leading business housed in SA who apart from other businesses are also .

b. Suggest the possible brand positioning for your Toothpaste in the Tanzania Market. (5 Marks)




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