has been specializing in the design and production of flexible heating elements for all kinds of temperature maintenance for more than 30 years. Flexible heating elements are used for a wide range of applications in different sectors as refrigeration, building, transport, petrochemical and aeronautical industries. These heating elements are always essential for the equipment to function properly, whether they are fitted in cold rooms, refrigerated vehicles or in supermarkets.
FLEXDRAIN® : DRAIN-LINE CABLES are used in refrigeration for freeze protection of drain pipe as well for the condensate water of the drain pan. Extremely flexible these drain heating cables are quick, safe and easy to use. Standard sizes or design at request these heaters cables solve main of the problems of installation you may be face in.
Silicon insulated drain-line heater cables with integrated thermostat - CSC2K made to be placed at the bottom of collector trays inside refrigeration equipment in cold rooms, to prevent freezing and to allow condensate water to flow freely. The integrated thermostat makes them fully autonomous.
can provide our customers with innovative solutions for a wide range of applications: 1. Refrigeration, air conditioning systems: windows, cabinets, cold room floors, refrigerating compressors, heat pumps; 2. Building industry, construction: cold & hot water supply, tunnels and pits, roads and circuits, inside/ outside flooring, fire networks, stadiums;
Silicon insulated drain-line heater cables single insulation - CSC - CSC/T CSC/I Silicon insulated drain-line heater cables - CSC2 are designed to be laid inside pipes for draining water from thawing refrigeration equipment installed in cold rooms. They operate only during thawing cycles. Note CSC2: The most commonly used power rating is 50 W/m. However, for plastic pipes, we strongly recommend using the 40W/m range.
Note: The most commonly used power rating is 50 W/m. However, for plastic trays, we strongly recommend using the 40W/m range.
3. Industry, petrochemical, medical: chemical, aeronautics, pharmaceutical and cosmetics; 4. Transport, underground, train switches: railway switches, metros, trains. 5. Miscellaneous applications: aquariums and terrariums aerials, laboratories, vacuum pumps, weather forecasting, batteries, sport equipment.
OUR PRODUCTS BY RANGE All the brand names given below are registered trademarks of FLEXELEC Omerin Group. To ensure that these heating elements enjoy a long service life, we recommend to use a control device.
FLEXTAPE® : HEATING PVC TAPES and SILICON INSULATION can be an integral component for many projects, including anything from preventative measures against freezing pipes to laboratory heating sources that require exceptional power ratings.
FLEXCORD® : HEATING CORDS are available with different insulations and options for refrigeration industry, household electrical and systems requiring freeze protection or maintenance temperature. FLEXELEC offers a large range of C1P - C1P/T - C1P/I PVC insulated cords, silicon heating cords - C1S - C1S/T - C1S/ I or fluoropolymer insulated heating cords C1F - C1F/T - C1F/I. PVC insulated heating tapes - RP - RP/T - RP/I made to protect piping from freezing, but they can also be used to maintain temperatures up to 60°C. Insulation is provided by an extremely flexible, high temperature PVC which makes the tapes easy to use. Silicon insulated heating tapes - RS - RS/T - RS/I are designed for maintaining temperatures of up to 140°C. They are insulated with a completely sealed silicon elastomer. FLEXUNIT® : HEATING CABLES are used in refrigeration industry, household appliances, any equipment or machine requiring a freeze protection. FLEXELEC as a manufacturer could offer a complete range of heating cable and heating tapes such as : • PVC insulated heating cables - CP - CP/T - CP/TW - CP/I - CP/IW • Silicon insulated heating cables - CS - CS/T - CS/TW - CS/I - CS/IW • Silicon insulated heating cables - CS2 - CS2/T - CS2/TW • Terminated PVC insulated heating cables - CP1 • Terminated silicon insulated heating cables - CS1 • Fiber glass insulated heating cables - CV - CV/I
Anti-condensation heating tapes for electric motors – RSV made for electric motors to prevent condensation. These elements are ready to be incorporated into the motor coil with their fiber glass braid. RSV tapes are practical to use and very efficient. They transfer a maximum amount of heat as they are in direct contact with the stator. RSV tapes are generally energized when the motor stops. Fiberglass insulation heating tapes - RV - RV/I are mainly used in laboratories and industry when it is required to heat quickly to a high temperature. The tapes are very flexible, but as they are not damp proof they can only be used in a dry atmosphere, and in compliance with the electrical protection instructions in force. Silica fiber insulated heating tapes – RVR for using in laboratories and in industry if a high concentration of power is necessary or if it is required to work at high temperature, as the silica fiber enables the heating element to withstand temperatures of up to 900°C. These heating tapes are for use only in dry buildings, provided extra electrical protection precautions are taken.
STOPGEL- ANTIFREEZE® : READY-TO-USE CABLES specially designed for protecting metal piping against freezing.
FLEXTRACE® : ELECTRIC HEAT TRACING CABLES intended to meet your temperature maintenance needs, made to protect pipes, gutters, railway lines against freezing. FLEXELEC offers a plenty of power heating cables: • Constant power heating cables for gutters – FTC • PVC insulated constant power heating cables - FTP - FTP/T - FTP/I FTP/TP • ATEX fluoropolymer insulated constant power heating cables - ZFE/ CGE/ATEX - ZFA/CGA/ATEX
FLEXBELT® : HEATING BELTS are designed for a quick, easy and safety use, to fit on a round or elliptical refrigerated compressor unit. Crankcase heater is used in the refrigeration industry and cold refrigerated systems.
Crankcase heater for refrigeration compressors – FCH Crankcase heater including an integrated thermostat for refrigeration compressors - FCHK are fitted to refrigerating compressors to prevent the coolant from being absorbed by the oil. The lower the temperature, the quicker and the more complete the absorption, which can seriously damage the compressor, especially when starting up, through lack of lubrication.
• XLPE cross linked polyethylene insulated constant power heating cables – FTX
FLEXMAT® : HEATING MATS are highly flexible, able to accommodate any voltage.
• Fluoropolymer insulated constant power heating cables - FTTH FTTH/T - FTTH/I - FTTH/TF
Silicon heater mats - T - TA – TV intended for military, office equipment, Rolling stock, Food service industry, Photography, medical equipment, miscellaneous.
• High power constant power heating cables - FTS3/IS • Silicon insulated constant power heating cables for refrigeration FTS0 - FTS0/T • Silicon insulated constant power heating cables - FTSH - FTSH/T FTSH/I - FTSH/TF
Aluminum heater Mat – A are used in many cases where large surfaces are to be heated and the power required is relatively low, for protecting against freezing or maintaining at temperatures up to + 80°C.
• PVC insulated constant power heating cables for refrigeration - FTP0 - FTP0/T • Silicon insulated constant power heating cables micro size for refrigeration - FTSM - FTSM/T
FLEXFLOOR® : UNDERFLOOR HEATING has become an incredibly popular solution for various applications that require the toughest, most durable components. FLEXELEC is proud to provide with some of the most advanced cables for road heating as well as electric underfloor heating. FLEXELEC products are continuously re-evaluated and refined, ensuring that our clients receive cutting edge tools and technologies. Whether you need to maintain temperatures in concrete slabs or require high quality cables to deliver heating underneath floors, roads or access ramps, you can trust FLEXELEC have the products to ensure your project’s success.
Underfloor heating cables - KY – KYCY Series cables for underfloor heating - KYCYR Series heating cables for roads or access ramps - KYX are particularly hard-wearing and are used for applications set in concrete slabs to protect against freezing or to maintain a temperature. The cables must be set in accordance with the local regulations in force: in France these include DTU 65-7 published by AFNOR. KY heating cables are for applications in which mechanical resistance is not so critical. KYX heating cables are used for heating floors, roads or access ramps. They are specially designed to be laid in asphalt. Heating cables must be set in roads in accordance with local regulations.
FLEXPLATE® : HEATING PLATES – PLA are specially designed for protecting railway switches from freezing. They are fixed by means of stainless steel clips. Several plates can be connected in series (15 maximum). Connections between plates are made by means of tubular connectors and heat-shrink sheaths.
SILICON INSULATED DRUM HEATERS - TCF - TCF/TV for heating the contents of drums of 30, 60, 120 and 200 liter capacity from around the outside. They are recommended for obtaining relatively low temperatures with a fairly long heating time, or for maintaining medium temperatures. A typical example is heating fluids to reduce their viscosity ready for pumping or transfer operations: glucose, honey, fat, wax and oil. To reach the required temperature more quickly, drums can be heated or maintained at temperature with 1, 2 or 3 drum-heaters. FLEXKIT® : ACCESSORIES as CONNECTION KITS, INSTALLATION FITTING ACCESSORIES, THERMOSTATS, ELECTRONIC THERMOSTATS, HYGROTHERMOSTATS, POWER MODULATORS.
Headquarters and main factory in France
FLEXELEC S.A.S Tel : +33 (0)4 72 48 30 90 Fax : +33 (0)4 78 40 82 81 E-mail: flexelec@omerin.com FLEXELEC team for Russia and CIS countries: Permanent - AXEWA office Svetlana Poleschuk Sales Coordinator Moscow, Russia Tel.: +7(495) 780 34 29 Mob. : +7(916) 555-3884 e-mail: svetlana.poleshchuk@axewa.com Skype: svetlana_poleshchuk
Designed and produced by: Imag’In Création - 69420 Ampuis - France
FLEXELEC designs and manufactures a complete range of flexible heating cables and elements. FLEXELEC operates on an international scale via a huge network of agents, distributors and fitters. Its know-how is recognized in over 80 countries. Contact us!