Action 2011 - September
The CIES Project
• Health Wagon • Health Box, Health Van and Hospice
The Cies Project The Cies Project was developed to take specialized, humanized and high-technology preventive medical care to communities in need, through advanced mobiles medical centers. It is a leveraged nonprofit organization that focuses on low-income people – the population deprived of access to quality medical care. The Cies Project focuses on the triad “treat-
educate-prevent”. Its main objective is to reinforce the culture of preventive health in low income communities, using the education as an essential tool to prevention. In order to achieve that, it primarily invests on high quality and humanized treatment to sick people, knowing that it is impossible to be educated when one is suffering or in pain.
The Cies Project also: • takes specialized, preventive, humane and high-tech medical care to people on the outskirts of large cities and remote areas in the country;
• develops a local master plan for the implementation of a self-sustaining management in health, based on data collected and local needs;
• complements the outpatient units of the existing primary health care;
• leverages Local Productive Arrangements (clusters of companies,
government departments and civil society organizations) in health; • establishes the concept of integrated health to education with active community participation.
Direct beneficiaries: in 2009, there were 4,100 patients; in 2010, this number grew up to 20,000, an increase of 388%. In 2011, there will be an estimated number of 40,000 patients.
Health Box, Health Van and Hospice
After visiting several cities, it was possible to verify different needs and local conditions (economic, structural and socio-educational). This evidence has conditioned the design and development of two new innovative mobile structures: 1. Health Box: it is a container- Itanisinnovative and costlike structure of 7.5m x effective solution to be 2.5m easily transported by a used together with the tow truck, a catamaran or a Family Health Program raft, in order to service the (FHP), a government population living in the Upper program that takes Amazon Basin, for example. preventive health to It consists of a stand-alone patients’ homes. In mobile health system equipped the FHP, there is a with automated side opening high demand for tests comprising 16m² of living to justify the investment in mobile centers are used only as space, projected for a maximum infrastructure and equipment. a means of transportation and of four specialties.It has an Therefore the Health Van can be not as a basis for medical care. X-Ray room, an chocardiogram/ taken to the FHP units, solving The local partner gives the space ultrasound room with bathroom this problem in an economic where the service will happen. and one room with reception. way, especially by taking this Nowadays, the fixed services It features air conditioning type of exams near the patient. take place in the following system and power generator Targeting cities with less than cities: to emergencies. In an area of 50,000 people or necessity of - Lorena (Sao Paulo State): about 45 m² with spots for less than 3 medicalspecialties X-Ray, mammography light, tap water and culverts, at same time, the VDS is also and ultrasound services, this structure is autonomous an ideal model for mountainous in partnership with the to suit any space, including regions such as slums in Rio de municipality. public squares. The Health Janeiro, Santos and other steep - Itu (Sao Paulo State): Box targets cities with more areas. This portfolio of three ophthalmology service, in than 50,000 and less than types of mobile health units partnership with the São 150,000 inhabitants or that allows Cies Project to meet any Camilo hospital. need between 4 and 7 medical population’s needs, fulfilling - Itapema (Santa Catarina State): specialties at same time. our mission: “Cies Project: ophthalmology service, in Health without borders”. Cies partnership with the 2. Health Van (VDS): a mobile Project also has fixed service City Hall. unit to transport equipment in some cities in partnership Another project run by Cies for digital radiology exams and with the municipality or local Project is the Hospice, which ultrasound/echocardiography, organizations. These services provides assistance to terminally with complete connectivity to occur on a daily or a weekly ill patients and their families. A a central unity of larger size basis and also seek to meet medical practitioner meets and if needed. The equipment is the necessities presented by follows the patient and family carried in “special cases” and these places. The difference is as a whole: body, soul and spirit. discharged into the fixed unit. that in these spaces the Cies
Health Wagon Doctor Roberto Kikawa designed and built an advanced mobile medical center, also known as the “health wagon”, an adapted truck measuring 15m x 2.5m x 4.3m (55 m² when closed), endowed with a flexible system in which the two side walls open at an angle of 90°. It targets cities with more than 150,000 inhabitants
P r o d u c e d
and with good roadways or necessity of more than seven medical specialties at same time. The vehicle turns into a broad framework of three interconnected modules comprising more than 100 m² of floor space when open. It consists of the following spaces: - Echocardiography/
ultrasound room - digital mammography room - minicenter for surgical and endoscopic procedure - dressing, cleaning, disinfection and sterilization rooms - rest room - reception - doctor’s office - purge, kitchen and three toilets - stairs - ramp with an electric lift for disabled patients on wheelchairs - reservoirs of drinking water served up to 400 liters - chemically treated sewer The truck serves up to ten specialties such as gastroenterology, otolaryngology, urology, phthalmology, imaging, mastology, cardiology, dermatology, minor surgery and collection of laboratory tests. This flexibility allows each event to configure several types of scheduling, adapted to the demands of different communities, which varies from place to place.
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par ag r af ocomu ni cac a o. com . br JOURNALIST: Ricardo Lauricella - MTB 40.488 LAYOUT:
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