Dove Ministries Resources

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BILL SUBRITZKY TEACHING PAMPHLETS Postage is included in the following prices These pamphlets are the notes distributed in Bill Subritzky's teaching seminars. They fit easily inside a Bible and are useful in counselling or for study groups. They are copyright to Dove Ministries but may be reproduced except for commercial purposes. They are also available to download for free from the Dove Ministries website  100 THINGS GOD SAYS ABOUT HEALING L1035  CAN A CHRISTIAN LOSE THEIR SALVATION? L1036  COUNSELLING PRAYERS L1001 (prayers for salvation, baptism with the Holy Spirit, healing, deliverance, curses and those involved in Freemasonry)  DEALING WITH FEAR L1002  DELIVERANCE FROM DEMONS L1003  ESSENTIALS FOR HEALING L1024  EVANGELISM PART 1 (mandate, conduct, house meetings) L1004  EVANGELISM PART 2 (preparing for public meetings) L1005  EVANGELISM PART 3 (the message / successful preaching) L1006  EXPOSING THE NEW AGE (seminar for women) L1007  FORGIVENESS L1030  GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT L1008  GOD OUR FATHER L1033  HOW TO BREAK CURSES L1009  HOW TO HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD L1034  HOW TO KNOW THE ANOINTING OF GOD L1010  HOW TO RECEIVE HEALING USING A PRAYER CLOTH L1032  HEALING MARRIAGES & FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS L1031  MINISTERING HEALING AND DELIVERANCE IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT L1033  KEYS TO HEALING & DELIVERANCE L1027  RECEIVING GOD'S HEALING 1 (promises of God) L1011  RECEIVING GOD’S HEALING 2 (hindrances to healing) L1012  RESULTS OF INVOLVEMENT IN THE OCCULT L1013  THE HOLY SPIRIT L1028  THE MESSAGE (critique of Bible called ‘The Message’) L1029  VICTORY AT THE CROSS L1037  WHO AM I IN CHRIST L1014 Purchase 100 pamphlets NZ$23.00 Purchase individual pamphlets NZ$0.50c each

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BOOKS Postage is included in the following prices CHOSEN DESTINY B2001 – The Pat Subritzky Story This is not merely a Cinderella story, but the true life testimony of how God can choose a woman and empower her with his Holy Spirit to reach the lost and needy. Before her passing into Glory in March 2011, Pat was the wife of Evangelist, Bill Subritzky, with whom she travelled throughout the world, teaching and preaching to women about the love of Jesus Christ. This autobiography will lift your faith in God. NZ$13.00 DELIVERANCE FROM DEPRESSION B2002 – Anne Plank “I believe the message in this book holds the key to deliverance for many people. So often in counselling others, we find many people who are deeply depressed and often prayer does not seem to be of avail. It is only as they deliberately decide to break free from the past and look to the future with the Lord that they are set free. That is the message of this book and it is a powerful message!” - from the foreword by Bill Subritzky. NZ$13.00 DEMONS DEFEATED B2003 – Bill Subritzky Evangelist Bill Subritzky describes demons, who they are, their manifestations and how we can be delivered. He exposes the strong men, including Antichrist, Death and Hell and Jezebel. He addresses whether a Christian can have a demon, methods of deliverance and how deliverance can be maintained. Included are prayers for deliverance, release from curses, soul-ties and Freemasonry. NZ$19.00

ESCAPE FROM NEW AGE DECEPTION B2019 – Paul Simpson A gripping story, full of hope for those searching for spiritual truth. After exploring Christian Science, Hinduism, Spiritism and the Occult Paul and Alison Simpson finally found the Christian peace that passes understanding. NZ$13.00 HOW TO BE BORN AGAIN B2005 – Bill Subritzky “Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.” (John 3:3). What does it mean to be born again? Why do you need to be born again? What are the barriers to being born again? Evangelist Bill Subritzky explains the words of Jesus Christ and shows how this radical experience of becoming born again leads to reconciliation with God, forgiveness of sin, plus the promise of eternal life. Here is a straight-forward, easy to read book for non-Christians and Christians alike. NZ$13.00

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Postage is included in the following prices HOW TO CAST OUT DEMONS AND BREAK CURSES B2006 - Bill Subritzky This book has been written by the author of the best selling book, Demons Defeated. It provides easily understood instructions on how to cast out demons and break curses and will be a useful handbook to those involved in this ministry. It also provides much understanding for those who feel oppressed or driven by the demonic. NZ$13.00 HOW TO OVERCOME FEAR B2010 – Bill Subritzky This book is written in a straight forward manner to encourage those who are deeply troubled by fear and anxiety. The explanations and methods of dealing with fear from a Scriptural basis are set out simply and clearly and have been proven by the author in his own experiences. NNZ$13.00 HOW TO READ YOUR BIBLE IN ONE YEAR B2011 – Bill Subritzky “I believe that for every believer, the daily reading of the Word of God is absolutely essential. Every day we need to allow our faith to grow and be built upon that Word. The Bible reading plan set out in this booklet is based on the method by which the Holy Spirit has directed me to read the Bible over many years. I know it will greatly bless you" - from the foreword by Bill Subritzky. NZ$5.50

HOW TO RECEIVE THE BAPTISM WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT B2012 - Bill Subritzky In this easy to read booklet, Evangelist Bill Subritzky explains the meaning of the baptism with the Holy Spirit and shows how you can receive this dynamic Scriptural experience of the power of God in your life. NZ$7.00 I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES! B2013 – Bill Subritzky This is the true life story of a mother's anguish and the miraculous healing of her dying son. "The disease crippling my son couldn't be classified. Now I was scared. At 11 years of age Grant was wheel-chair bound, facing a life of misery and premature death." Dianne Parker relates the incredible true life story of a son in excruciating pain and seemingly beyond medical help .... miraculously healed as God touched him and answered the family's prayers. NZ$13.00

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Postage is included in the following prices INSIGHTS FOR WOMEN (Vol 2 and 3) B2038/ B2039 - Pat Subritzky These devotional books will inspire you to seek God with greater fervour and encourage you to believe that God is working mightily in your life. NZ$9.00 each KEYS TO GOD’S HEALING & DELIVERANCE B20040 - Bill Subritzky This book is intended for those who wish to press into the love and power of God. Bill Subritzky explains what he has learned from praying for tens of thousands of people for healing and deliverance. The book deals with key issues including; receiving answers to our prayers; healing at the cross; knowing the anointing of the Holy Spirit; how demons enter; requirements for deliverance; breaking curses; overcoming rejection and praying successfully. NZ$19.00 MIRACLE AT DUBBO B2014 - Bill Subritzky When Evangelist Bill Subritzky conducted a healing crusade at Dubbo in New South Wales, there were many reports of miraculous healings, signs and wonders. This is one of them. The incredible account of Pat Shepherd, a wife and mother who had suffered for 30 years from a debilitating sickness, and then cortisone dependency - healed in an instant as God touched her and answered her prayers. NZ$13.00 ON THE CUTTING EDGE B2015 - Bill Subritzky In this exciting story, Bill reveals insights about his life in the early years before he became a Christian, including how he came from a life of poverty as a youth to one of the most successful businessmen in New Zealand. On the Cutting Edge also includes Bill's testimony of how accepting Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour rescued his marriage and changed his life. Bill then shares on how God has taken him and his wife Pat, around the world to preach the Gospel and witness many miraculous healings and deliverances. It includes forewords by the King of Tonga and Derek Prince. NZ$19.00 RECEIVING THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT B2016 - Bill Subritzky This book is a call to all Spirit-filled believers to get out of the bleachers and to assume their responsibilities and privileges as the kings and priests God intended them to be. NZ$15.00

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Postage is included in the following prices THE EASY BIBLE READING PLAN B2017 - Pat Subritzky "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path" (Psalm 119:105). This is an easy to follow one year Bible reading plan originally published in Charisma magazine re-presented by Pat to make it available for young or busy Christians looking for an easy to follow guide to reading the Bible on a daily basis. NZ$5.50 THE SECRET OF GOD'S ANOINTING B2018 - Bill Subritzky In this easy to read booklet, Evangelist Bill Subritzky explains the meaning of the Anointing of God and shows how you can know this dynamic, Scriptural experience of God's presence in your life. NZ$8.00 VICTORY IN JESUS B2034 - Bill Subritzky A comprehensive teaching on discipleship and practical Christian living. In this book Bill Subritzky teaches on six basic doctrines essential for effective and power-filled Christianity: repentance, faith towards God, baptism, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment. This practical teaching is valuable to all who want to strengthen their faith and deepen their walk with God. NZ$28.00 WHY I AM A CHRISTIAN B2036 - Bill Subritzky Bill Subritzky has often been asked why he is a Christian. In this book he testifies about his life before his Christian experience and then what has happened since. It is a compelling testimony to the love of God and His miraculous power to change, for the better, the life of anyone who is prepared to listen. Ideal testimony for evangelism outreach. Book size (148 x 210mm) NZ$13.00 WHY I AM A CHRISTIAN B2037 - Bill Subritzky Booklet size (160mm x 85mm) NZ$5.00 each or for bulk orders please contact us. WHY I AM A CHRISTIAN B2037A - Pat Subritzky The late Pat Subritzky describes her life experiences and tells of how, with the help of the Lord, she overcame challenges to become a successful mother and grandmother. It is a tremendous testimony of God’s love for us. Booklet size (160mm x 85mm) NZ$5.00 each or for bulk orders please contact us.

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MANUALS Postage is included in the following prices FOUNDATIONS FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH M3001 - Pat Subritzky A Teaching Manual for Women. Each section provides clear, easy to understand Scriptural teaching, plus instructions for practical group involvement. It is suitable for large seminars or small groups, as well as for personal study and individual application. Foundations for Spiritual Growth seminars have been recorded in broadcast quality video with Pat Subritzky as the presenter and teacher. The three seminars are also available on DVD’s and CDs. NZ$23.00

GOD’S POWER TODAY M3005 - Pat Subritzky A Teaching Manual for Women Part 1: Ministering in God’s power Part 2: Impartation of God’s power Part 3: Transfer by touch Part 4: Growing in God’s power Pat Subritzky encourages you to pursue God’s power in your life. She believes that He desires us to move in such a way that has never been seen or experienced. For this to happen, people need to be trained so that God can accomplish great things through us. NZ$18.00

GROWING IN THE SPIRIT M3002 - Pat Subritzky These courses are designed for women who have been born again, baptised with the Holy Spirit and moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and are an ideal follow-on from Pat's first teaching series Foundations for Spiritual Growth. The teaching is suitable for large seminars or small groups, as well as for personal study and individual application. Growing in the Spirit seminars have been recorded on broadcast quality video with Pat Subritzky as the presenter and teacher. The three seminars are also available on DVD’s and CD’s. NZ$23.00

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Postage is included in the following prices MINISTERING IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT M3003 - The Subritzky Family The purpose of this manual is to assist participants to competently minister in churches, prayer groups, counselling and Christian outreaches in the areas of: Salvation, Baptism with the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Spirit, Deliverance, Testimony, Preaching, Teaching, Prayer, Intercession and Fasting. Each session begins with a specific teaching and is then followed by practical group involvement. This course can easily be adapted for large seminars or small groups or individual study and application. The material in the manual was compiled by Bill and Pat Subritzky with their son, Paul. Ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit seminars have been recorded on broadcast quality video with members of the Subritzky family as the presenters and teachers. All the material in the manual is also available on DVD’s or CD’s. NZ$23.00

RECEIVING GOD'S BLESSING M3004 - Pat Subritzky A Teaching Manual for Women. Part 1: God's blessing explained Part 2: Receiving God's blessing Part 3: How to minister to others Part 4: Ministry Receiving God's Blessing explains the new move of God sometimes referred to as 'The Toronto Blessing' and shows how we can enter into a time of refreshing and an overall empowerment granted by the Holy Spirit. NZ$18.00 .

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CDs & DVDs Postage is included in the following prices ARE YOU READY TO DIE? (58 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky examines the end-time predictions of Jesus and then he challenges you about your own situation: are you ready to face a mighty and Holy God? Includes the testimony of Jean Edwards who was restored to health after being involved with the occult. CD CD4001 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


BEHOLD THE MAN! (51 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky explains how Jesus Christ became the sacrifice for the sins of men. Includes the testimony of Tom Wylie, miraculously brought back to life by God after a near fatal car crash. CD CD4002 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


BINDING THE STRONG MEN (53 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky identifies seven demonic strong men and shows how they can be defeated through the Cross of Jesus Christ. This programme includes the dramatic testimony of Dulcie Sharples who was instantly healed from a severe illness. CD CD4003 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


CRUSADE MIRACLES (25 MINS) Dramatic testimonies of ordinary people saved, healed and delivered by the power of God. Captured live on camera at evangelistic healing meetings conducted by Evangelist Bill Subritzky. DVD D5005 NZ$10.00

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CDs & DVDs


Postage is included in the following prices ESCAPING THE DESTROYER (54 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky shows how Satan seeks to destroy your life and then explains how God has provided the alternative: abundant life through Jesus. Includes the testimony of Auckland University Student President Doug Sadlier, who turned to God from a destructive wild lifestyle. CD CD4006 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


FEAR OR FAITH? (55 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky explains how you can replace fear with faith through the Cross of Jesus Christ and experience the peace that comes from God. This programme also features a miraculous healing that occurred during the meeting, plus the testimony of a lady who was delivered from the fear of death. CD CD4007 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


FINDING THE DOORWAY TO GOD (49 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky explains how to find the only way to knowing God through Jesus Christ! This programme includes the testimony of Albert Pau who was delivered from drugs, drinking and violence. CD CD4008 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


HEALED! (49 MINS) Five unique interviews with men and women who have experienced the miraculous healing power of God. CD CD4009 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


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CDs & DVDs


Postage is included in the following prices HOW THE BLOOD OF JESUS SETS YOU FREE (44 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky demonstrates and describes how the healing power and love of Jesus Christ can meet the needs of every person. Includes the testimony of David and Hilly Moot who describe the miracle healing of Hilly's deformed ankles. CD CD4010 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


HOW TO BE AN OVERCOMER (48 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky describes how knowing God can bring you out of the depths of despair into victory. In this dynamic message of hope you will see and hear how four men who were apparent failures, became overcomers. You will also witness a supernatural miracle caught by the cameras during this healing crusade at St Mary's Holy Trinity Cathedral in Auckland. CD CD4011 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


HOW TO ENTER GOD'S KINGDOM (55 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky explains how you can have the radical experience that leads to knowing God's love and entering into His kingdom. Includes the testimony of George Atkins, instantly healed from a childhood affliction of nose bleeds. CD CD4012 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


HOW TO GAIN IMMORTALITY (51 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky describes how Jesus was the first of a new generation of people who at death would be raised up with a totally new body, and gives the Scriptural guidelines for any individual wishing to receive this new body. Includes the testimony of Robin Hewett, healed from a hiatus hernia and ulcerated stomach. CD CD4013 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


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CDs & DVDs


Postage is included in the following prices HOW TO RECEIVE GOD'S INVITATION (52 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky describes the many excuses people make which prevent them from entering into the amazing plan God has for their lives. Includes the testimony of Shirley Simcocks, healed of cancer in the lymph glands and heart murmur. CD CD4014 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


HOW TO RECEIVE GOD'S LOVE (56 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky explains the tremendous Father heart of God to those who have strayed away and wasted their lives on wild living like the prodigal son. Includes the testimony of Bruce Grant who was healed from a damaged neck and lower back. CD CD4015 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


IS YOUR NAME IN THE BOOK OF LIFE? (55 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky warns of the consequences of not making Jesus Christ king of your life and explains how you can know both the love of the Father and assurance of eternal life. Includes the testimony of Noreen Cruckshank who was miraculously healed of blindness and epilepsy. CD CD4016 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


OUT OF THE DARKNESS (39 MINS) Paul and Alison Simpson share their true-life story of deliverance from New Age occultism. After exploring Christian Science, Hinduism, Spiritism and the occult, they finally found the Christian peace that passes all understanding. A gripping story, full of hope for those searching for spiritual truth. Includes an introduction from Evangelist Bill Subritzky. CD CD4017 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


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CDs & DVDs


Postage is included in the following prices OVERCOMING FEAR (54 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky describes how to be set free from the spirit of fear. Filmed shortly after a major earthquake had devastated the area, this programme also features some miraculous healings and includes the testimony of Rett and Heather Price. CD CD4018 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


OVERCOMING TORMENT (57 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky describes the tremendous barriers to receiving God's love that unforgiveness and bitterness can be. He points out that God Himself allows tormenting spirits such as arthritis to attack a person who holds resentment and unforgiveness in their heart. Includes another look at the testimony of Grant Parker (healed from a crippling spine disease) as told by his mother, Diane. CD CD4019 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


RECEIVING GOD'S PEACE (45 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky explores the different ways the world offers peace, then describes how to discover the peace "which surpasses all understanding". This programme also includes footage of miraculous healings that occurred as well as the testimony of Tony Grant. CD CD4020 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


RESCUE FROM THE STORMS OF LIFE (36 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky draws a comparison between the disciples rowing against the wind, and people who are being buffeted by the circumstances around them. Includes the testimony of Ellen Erskine, miraculously healed of an "incurable" blood and kidney disorder. CD CD4021 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


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CDs & DVDs Cont’d Postage is included in the following prices SONS OF THE KINGDOM (55 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky expounds on the parable of the wheat and the tares. Here is a timely warning to those who practice lawlessness and also the promise that, "the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father." CD CD4022 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


THE BILL SUBRITZKY STORY (55 MINS) The true life testimony of a successful lawyer and business man who had an encounter with Jesus Christ and is now in full-time ministry preaching the gospel, healing the sick and casting out demons in the name of Jesus. CD CD4023 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


THE FATAL CHOICE (55 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky compares the choice the multitudes were given (between Barabbas and Jesus) and the choice we have to make today between Satan and God. Also features the miraculous healing and testimony of Jean Tobias. CD CD4024 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


THE LIVING GOD (55 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky warns of the dangers of idolatry and leads us to the only LIVING God. This programme also includes the miraculous deliverance and healing of Janet Parsons. CD CD4025 NZ$7.00 DVD NZ$10.00


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CDs & DVDs


Postage is included in the following prices THE LIVING WATER (54 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky invites you to drink of the supernatural living water that replaces spiritual blindness and death. This programme includes the testimony of Richard Packer, miraculously healed of a severe back problem. CD CD4026 NZ$7.00 DVD D5026 NZ$10.00 THE SECRET OF BEING ACCEPTED (54 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky speaks about the incredible release that is to be found with the discovery that God's love is the source of our acceptance and identity. Includes the testimony of Brian Buchanan, healed from a duodenal ulcer. CD CD4027 NZ$7.00 DVD D5027 NZ$10.00 THIRSTY PEOPLE (45 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky explains how God's love and peace are available to anyone who sincerely seeks Him. This programme includes the testimony of Pat Shepherd - instantly healed from the horrific side-effects of cortisone dependency. CD CD4028 NZ$7.00 DVD D5028 NZ$10.00 WHAT IS TRUTH? (48 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky identifies major sins that can prevent you from knowing the truth about God. This programme also includes the testimony of Steve Evitt - set free from the drug scene by an experience with God. CD CD4029 NZ$7.00 DVD D5029 NZ$10.00 WHO IS THIS JESUS? (55 MINS) In the parable of the wicked vinedressers, Jesus described how several generations had violently rejected the servants of God and eventually even Himself. Evangelist Bill Subritzky compares this story to our own generation and reveals the difference between those who reject Jesus today and those who have discovered just who this Jesus is. This programme includes dramatic testimonies of people who received miraculous healings from God. CD CD4030 NZ$7.00 DVD D5030 NZ$10.00

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TEACHING CDs & DVDs Postage is included in the following prices CHRISTIAN WOMEN TODAY Exciting teaching for women by women. A unique seminar hosted by Pat Subritzky. Session One (108 MINS) Rona Gilchrist: God, creation, purpose Jayne Calkin: As God sees women Jan Yaxley: The character of women of God Session Two (111 MINS) Dale Garratt: The behaviour of Christian women Mary Grant: God's order for women CD Pack 4 CDs NZ$27.50


DVD Pack 2 DVDs NZ$16.50


DELIVERANCE FROM DEMONS – Bill Subritzky (5 HOURS) This series includes material on how to be set free from soul-ties, pronouncements, vows and curses. * Part 1 : Can a Christian have a demon? * Part 2 : Entry points for demons, ungodly soul-ties * Part 3 : Transference, bondages and curses * Part 4 : How to be delivered / How to deliver others * Part 5 : Occult check list / Hands on ministry CD Pack 5 CDs & notes NZ$31.00


DVD Pack 2 DVDs & notes NZ$16.50


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Postage is included in the following prices EXPOSING THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT A seminar for women, hosted by Pat Subritzky. All women need to be aware of this satanic deception and learn the Christian principles relating to these issues. Session One (90 MINS) Hon. Mrs Whetu Tirikatene-Sullivan MP: Youth, families and music Jayne Calkin: Feminism Session Two (82 MINS) Jean Mackey: Education and children June Coxhead-Dooney: Media, government and business Session Three (110 MINS) Dale Garratt: Mind, health and fitness Trish Jenkins: World issues overview Pat Subritzky: Church and Christianity CD Pack 7 CDs & notes NZ$39.00 DVD 1 NZ$10.00 DVD 2 NZ$10.00 DVD 3 NZ$10.00


DVD Pack 2 DVDs & notes NZ$23.50


DT7003A DT7003B DT7003C

FOUNDATIONS FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH - Pat Subritzky Three unique seminars for women, designed to encourage growth in knowing the power of God and how to minister to others. Session One (90 MINS) Steps and stages to effective ministry Session Two (82 MINS) Moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit Session Three (110 MINS) Deliverance from demons and curses A 72 page spiral bound manual is included with the purchases of the CD Pack or DVD set only. It can also be purchased separately (see Manuals). CD Pack CDT6004 5 CDs, notes & manual NZ$51.50 DVD 1 DT7004A NZ$10.00 DVD 2 DT7004B NZ$10.00 DVD 3 DT7004C NZ$10.00

DVD Pack 3 DVDs, notes & manual NZ$45.00

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TEACHING (Continued)

CDs & DVDs Postage is included in the following prices GROWING IN THE SPIRIT - Pat Subritzky Three advanced seminars for Christian women who have been born again, baptized with the Holy Spirit and moving in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Session One (41 MINS) Women Ministering to Women (learn how to counsel with confidence) Session Two (64 MINS) Ministries for Women (in the Church, in the community and in evangelism) Session Three (40 MINS) Training Women Evangelists (practical teaching for ministering in evangelism) A 128 page spiral bound manual is included with the purchases of the CDs pack or DVD set only. It can also be purchased separately (see Manuals). CD Pack CDT6005 3 CDs, notes & manual NZ$43.50 DVD 1 Session One & Two NZ$10.00


DVD 2 Session Three NZ$10.00


DVD Pack 2 DVDs, notes & manual NZ$45.00

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TEACHING (Continued)

CDs & DVDs Postage is included in the following prices HEALING MARRIAGES AND FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS (90 MINS) Bill and Pat Subritzky testify and teach on God's order for: * Husbands and wives * Parents and children * Unsaved marriage partners * Unsaved children * The separated and divorced * Widows, singles and barrenness CD 2 CDs NZ$11.00


DVD 1 DVD NZ$10.00


HINDRANCES TO HEALING (83 MINS) Evangelist Bill Subritzky explains why some are not healed because of blockages and teaches biblical insights on how we can receive the healing love and power of Jesus Christ. Includes the testimony of Magness Anderson from Dunedin - instantaneously healed by God from an "incurable" disease of the pancreas. CD 2 CDs NZ$11.00


DVD 1 DVD NZ$10.00


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TEACHING (Continued)

CDs & DVDs Postage is included in the following prices HARVEST POWER! Bill Subritzky This training course for Evangelists contains 10 sessions with easy-to-follow Scriptural guidelines and practical insights about how to reach people for Jesus Christ, heal the sick and cast out demons. Session One Session 1 (41 MINS) The conduct of an evangelist Session 2 (32 MINS) Evangelistic house meetings Session 3 (53 MINS) Preparing for an outreach Session Two Session 4 (61 MINS) Knowing the anointing Session 5 (65 MINS) Moving in the gifts Session Three Session 6 (61 MINS) Casting out demons / breaking curses Pt 1 Session 7 (50 MINS) Casting out demons / breaking curses Pt 2 Session Four Session 8 (57 MINS) The primary message Session 9 (42 MINS) The ministry of healing Session 10 (41 MINS) Hindrances to healing CD Pack 8 CDs & notes NZ$43.00


DVD 1 NZ$10.00


DVD 2 NZ$10.00


DVD 3 NZ$10.00


DVD 4 NZ$10.00


DVD Pack 4 DVDs & notes NZ$30.50

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TEACHING (Continued)

CDs & DVDs Postage is included in the following prices MINISTERING IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (5 HOURS) - The Subritzky Family A six session course of instruction and involvement for small groups or large seminars. Topics covered include: * How to prepare to minister * How to lead people to salvation * How to lead others into the baptism with the Holy Spirit * How to receive and operate in the gifts * How to minister in deliverance * How to give your testimony * How to preach and teach * How to effectively pray, intercede and fast. A 126 page workshop manual is included with the purchases of the CDs pack or DVD set only. It can also be purchased separately (see Manuals). CD Pack 5 CDs & manual NZ$51.50


DVD Pack 2 DVDs & manual NZ$37.50


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TEACHING (Continued)

CDs & DVDs Postage is included in the following prices RECEIVING THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (4 HOURS) - Bill Subritzky Join in with a live participating audience as you are taken through 4 hours of indepth scriptural teaching and step by step instructions on how to receive and operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Topics include: Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4 :

How to be baptised with the Holy Spirit How to prepare to move in the gifts How to enter into the gifts How to operate in the gifts

CD Pack 4 CDs & notes NZ$27.50


DVD Pack 2 DVDs & notes NZ$16.50


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TEACHING (Continued)

CDs and DVDs Postage is included in the following prices DELIVERANCE FROM DEMONS & HOW TO BREAK CURSES (1HR 40MINS) – Bill Subritzky Join with a live audience to learn how demons operate, how demons enter and how to be delivered. Also receive practical teaching on the reasons for curses, the source of curses and being released from curses. CD CDT7014 NZ$7.00 DVD DT7014 NZ$10.00 GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (1HR 6MINS) – Bill Subritzky Receive practical teaching on ministering in the gifts of the Holy Spirit including how to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, receiving the anointing of God, identifying and receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit, listening to the Holy Spirit, and moving in the gift of prophecy. CD CDT7013 NZ$7.00 DVD DT7013 NZ$10.00 KEYS TO HEALING & DELIVERANCE (INCLUDING HOW TO BREAK CURSES) (1HR 50MINS) – Bill Subritzky Discover important keys to receiving healing from God including the importance of forgiveness, honouring our father and mother, receiving our healing at the Cross, having faith in God and renouncing hindrances to healing. CD CDT7012 NZ$7.00 DVD DT7012 NZ$10.00 MOVING IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (1HR 40MINS) – Bill Subritzky Discover who is the Holy Spirit, the role of the Holy Spirit, how to receive the Holy Spirit, moving in the Power of the Holy Spirit and God’s power in objects. CD CDT7011 NZ$7.00 DVD DT7011 NZ$10.00

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MIRACLES IN NIGERIA Prophet T.B. Joshua DVDS A team of three senior pastors and four evangelists from Auckland, New Zealand has visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Nigeria. They were able to verify the ministry of T.B. Joshua as a man of God, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, repentance and the need for a holy walk before God. Having spent nine days and nights at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations and witnessing the power of God through the ministry of T.B. Joshua, they came home thoroughly satisfied that this indeed is a mighty work of God. Cripples are walking. The blind, HIV cases, cancers and the mentally ill are being healed and many other mighty miracles are occurring. The purpose of making these DVDs and videos available is to encourage Christians that God indeed is a miracle working God and through his Son Jesus Christ the gospel of salvation is available to all who are prepared to believe. You can view these miracles by buying the following DVDs. Classifications: PG M

Parental guidance recommended for younger viewers Suitable for mature audiences 16 years and over, content may disturb (excepting Divine Miracles Lagos Part 1) *Classification ratings apply only to New Zealand

Note: The sound quality on some of the DVDs and videos is somewhat imperfect.

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MIRACLES IN NIGERIA DVDS Prophet T.B. Joshua (Continued) Postage is included in the following prices Divine Miracles Lagos Part 1 - M - (2 HRS 10 MINS) 1. Testimony of healing from impotency and HIV. 2. Deliverance of witches. 3. Healing of lip cancer. 4. Healing of breasts. 5. Testimonies of HIV healings. 6. Women healed of barrenness. 7. Women healed of fibroids. 8. People delivered from demon power through water ceremony. 9. Witches legs bound by power of the Holy Spirit. DVD Part 1 D5038 NZ$10.00 Divine Miracles Lagos Part 2 - PG - (1 HR 45 MINS) 1. Healing of leg cancer. 2. Interview with medical doctor. 3. Interview with professor from Australia. 4. Woman testifies of healing of stomach cancer problems. 5. Woman healed of Parkinsons disease. DVD Part 2 D5039 NZ$10.00 Divine Miracles Lagos Part 3 - PG - (2 HRS 20 MINS) 1. Crippled man healed. 2. Deliverance of witches from witchcraft. 3. Testimony of woman who had been healed of barrenness. 4. Testimonies of HIV healings. 5. Doctor confirms healings of HIV. 6. Healing of major cancer of the leg. 7. Feet of witches locked by the power of the Holy Spirit. DVD Part 3 D5040 NZ$10.00 Divine Miracles Lagos Part 4 – PG - (1 HR 44 MINS)

1. Woman paralysed over whole body 2. Paralysed young man with broken 3. Confession of witch. DVD Part 4 D5041 NZ$10.00

and is healed. spinal cord is healed.

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MIRACLES IN NIGERIA DVDS Prophet T.B. Joshua (Continued) Postage is included in the following prices Divine Miracles Lagos Part 5 – PG - (1 HR 25 MINS) 1. Healing of body poison all over body. Healing confirmed by Dr Pretorius. 2. Healing of breast cancer. Healing confirmed by Dr Pretorius. 3. Healing of paralysis - spinal cord. 4. Testimonies of HIV healings. 5. Statement by Bishop Carlington. 6. Deaf boy healed. DVD Part 5 D5042 NZ$10.00 Divine Miracles Lagos Part 6 - PG - (1 HR 48 MINS) 1. Healing of blindness, diabetes and heart problem. 2. Healing of breast cancer. 3. Testimonies of healing from HIV. 4. Testimony from man who is involved in witchcraft. DVD Part 6 D5043 NZ$10.00 Divine Miracles Lagos Part 7 – PG - (2 HRS 20 MINS) 1. Crippled man healed. 2. Man healed of stroke. 3. Women testifies of healing from stomach cancer and bone cancer. 4. Healing of Parkinsons disease. 5. HIV victims testify healings. 6. Stillborn baby brought back to life when sermon notes laid on him. DVD Part 7 D5044 NZ$10.00 Divine Miracles Part 8 Paralysis – PG - (1 HR 25 MINS) 1. Footballer who could not walk for 15 months because of paralysis is healed. 2. Man unable to walk - troubled with chronic internal heat. Instantly healed. 3. Paralysed woman healed. DVD Part 8 NZ$10.00


Divine Miracles Part 9 Mental Cases - M - (45 MINS) 1. Insane woman thrashing around is completely healed. 2. Woman bound hand and feet because of insanity is healed. 3. Man locked in iron bars because of insanity is healed. DVD Part 9 NZ$10.00


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MIRACLES IN NIGERIA DVDS Prophet T.B. Joshua (Continued) Postage is included in the following prices Divine Miracles Part 10 Cancer Cases - M - (20 MINS) 1. Cancer of leg healed. 2. Cancer in breasts healed. 3. Body poison totally healed. 4. Major cancer on back healed. 5. Cancer on leg and foot healed. 6. Woman with lip cancer healed. DVD Part 10 D5047 NZ$10.00 Divine Miracles Part 11 Sports Stars - M - (2 HRS 40 MINS) 1. Champion wrestler who suffered very bad burns in petrol explosion healed. 2. Champion woman sprinter healed. 3. Heavy weight boxing champion of Nigeria testifies that he is delivered. 4. Professional footballer with major leg problems healed. 5. Another footballer with major leg problems healed. 6. Swiss footballer with major leg problems healed. DVD Part 11 D5048 NZ$10.00 Divine Miracles Part 12 - PG - (30 MINS) Dead Man Raised At Church Of Synagogue (June 2002) 1. Scene of South African who dropped dead at Church Of Synagogue. Pronounced dead by South African doctor and medical orderly. Three ribs broken before announced dead. 2. Dead for 90 minutes. 3. Joshua prays for him and he comes to life. 4. Testimony of South Africans who witnessed the whole proceedings. DVD Part 12 D5049 NZ$10.00 Divine Miracles Lagos Part 13 - PG - (35 MINS) 1. Healing of epilepsy. 2. Man returns from Belgium and confirms his previous healing from epilepsy excellent testimony. DVD Part 13 D5050 NZ$10.00

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MIRACLES IN NIGERIA DVDS Prophet T.B. Joshua (Continued) Postage is included in the following prices Divine Miracles Lagos Part 14 - PG - (35 MINS) Carte Blanche on M-Net TV Worldwide (South African Secular Broadcast) Note: A secular television station investigates T.B. Joshua 1. Testimony of South African woman healed of back problems. 2. Testimony from man with severe rheumatoid arthritis healed. 3. Testimony from woman with lung problems healed. 4. People with HIV showing medical certificates that they are healed. 5. Confirmation that certificates from hospitals of people’s healings are correct. DVD Part 14 NZ$10.00


Divine Miracles Lagos Part 15 - M - (1 HR 39 MINS) 1. English woman healed instantly from blindness. 2. American woman healed from bronchitis, breathing problems, heart problems, triple bypass, as well as emphysema. 3. South African woman with osteoporosis and fracture of the spine, chronic bladder infection and insomnia. She wears a jacket brace to hold back together. God touches her mightily. 4. European man with neck brace receives healing for spinal degeneration. 5. Healing of Dutch woman from lung cancer. 6. Woman healed of body poison and cancer. 7. Further body poison case healed. 8. Healing of cancer on man's back. 9. Healing of person unable to walk. DVD Part 15 NZ$10.00


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HOW TO ORDER FROM DOVE MINISTRIES Postage is included ORDER FORM Use this order form to purchase books, manuals, DVDs and CDs. WEBSITE You can also order directly from the Dove Ministries website on METHOD OF PAYMENT 1. Please supply your credit card details. 2. Please send a cheque, payable to Dove Ministries. Post orders to: Dove Ministries PO Box 163175 Lynfield Auckland 1443 NEW ZEALAND Phone order: (++ 64 9) 627 9015 ext 3 (New Zealand only) Fax order: (++ 64 9) 627 8140 POSTAGE CHARGES Postage is included in all quoted prices. New Zealand Your order will be posted to you by New Zealand Post. USA, Europe and all other countries Your order will be posted by airmail to you.

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HEALING TESTIMONIES JESUS CHRIST IS THE HEALER “The doctor said I would be on oxygen for the rest of my life, restricted to bed with emphysema. I was instantly healed in a Bill Subritzky meeting.” Joanne “The lumps on my breast completely disappeared”. Joy Our son had atopic eczema – doctors could do nothing. He has now been totally healed.” Robert and Sarah Twelve years ago my asthma was healed at a Bill Subritzky meeting. I have never had another asthma attack since then.” Lyn “My crippled hands were healed. Praise the Lord, I can play the piano again.” Anne I was healed from 20 years of back pain after attending a Bill Subritzky meeting. For the past two years I have done heavy work and never felt any pain.” Wilfred I suffered with epilepsy for 20 years. After attending a Bill Subritzky meeting six years ago I was healed”. Alison “The lump on my breast disappeared completely after Bill prayed for me”. Iris Eight years ago my asthma was completely healed at a Bill Subritzky meeting. I have never had another asthma attack since then.” Yvonne The cancer growth on my back was healed after attending a Bill Subritzky meeting.” Lavinia “I have not experienced any more heart problems since Bill prayed for me.” Don “The severe pain in my shoulder was healed at a Bill Subritzky meeting.” Pam “I have been free from asthma for over eight years since receiving prayer from Bill”. Benjamin


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Bill Subritzky Bill Subritzky has an interdenominational world-wide ministry of evangelism and teaching. He has conducted meetings and seminars in conjunction with local churches in every continent and has seen literally thousands upon thousands have an encounter with the risen Jesus Christ. DEREK PRINCE said, “...Bill Subritzky has developed one of the most powerful evangelistic ministries that it has been my privilege to witness at first hand. His ministry is regularly attested by many signs following. More important still, he presents the gospel in a clear, simple and uncompromising way that demands whole hearted repentance from sin in all its forms and unreserved commitment to the lordship of Jesus Christ....�

Dove Ministries P.O. Box 163175, Lynfield Auckland 1443, New Zealand PH: (++64 9) 627 9015 or 0800 36 36 83 (New Zealand Only) Fax: (++64 9) 627 8140 Email: Website:

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