Spring Mailer

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What We’ve Seen at Promise Keepers

How Promise Keepers can help you get match fit

After 17 years of involvement with Promise Keepers, Paul and I want to tell you what has really impacted us about this year’s Events. Men have told us they have been personally changed and transformed beyond anything they have experienced at Promise Keepers before. After four incredible Events we want to share with you the experience so far. Following months of prayer and preparation, Game On kicked off in Dunedin. Every Event has a different flavour but there are common threads that run through them all. This year the team has faced many challenges and stresses. These include the ongoing difficult economic situation, people being too busy to be able to volunteer, the effect of the Christchurch earthquakes and being one of the few organisations to run events during the Rugby World Cup. All this has taken a toll but we have been really blessed by seeing such deep impact in men’s lives at the Game On Events. We are committed to helping men succeed and build a legacy of lasting value. Our goal hasn’t changed. This is what we have seen so far: • Salvation and recommitments - Promise Keepers continues to be very effective in the evangelism of men. Often this is because it is in the context of relationship; friends bringing friends, family bringing family. Just gets better and better. My son-in-law responded on Friday for rededication on his own account. Last year he went forward with me under strong encouragement. This year he came back and said “I wanted to do it for myself!” Praise the Lord! John It was great to bring an unsaved man along from home and watch him make a first time commitment. Pastor Ken • Freedom - Geoff Wiklund has been given a really anointed message and action point that has been a highlight for many men. With over a 95% response rate, there has been a corporate repentance and cleansing from the things that hold us back. The fact that almost everyone is experiencing this together is incredibly significant

September 2011

and just breaks through the spiritual atmosphere in the venue. Paul and I are thrilled that so much weight is lifting off so many shoulders. I really loved the Event this year. I felt challenged in a number of areas that have been holding me back. I feel that I have had some “burdens” lifted to allow me to be more effective in serving Him. Gary • Call to Integrity - Of course Promise Keepers is built on integrity but as we focus on this in a message, many men have stepped up and altered a course in their life to head closer to God’s plan for them. David Peters’ message on marriage was humbling as I have had a rocky marriage in the last two years involving an affair. This has been an amazing Event with God changing my heart, getting ministered to by my brothers in Christ. It’s all about faith, love, integrity - Promise Keepers has helped me get back on track. Greg Boyd Ratnaraja’s talk on integrity was good as a reminder that there are constant tests of our character and we need to overcome these. Karl • Breakouts have been effective. The team at the Church for Men pastors’ breakout are incredibly focussed. The participation and feedback have been excellent. This goes to the heart of our mission – helping churches create an environment that feels to men like they are coming home. The young men at Transition and Stance have been responding well to the breakouts and there is depth in many of their comments. Continued inside

1. There is a freshness this year with the Holy Spirit moving on men. Even if you have been to Promise Keepers many times before, there is a new edge to this year’s Event. 2. Men are building friendships. It’s easy to lose our direction spiritually when we become isolated. Promise Keepers is an excellent place to turn that around. 3. Other men may only go if you invite them. Even if you don’t expect to get anything yourself, this could be a ministry opportunity! 4. Many men treat PK as their annual spiritual check up. 5. One of the best father-son events available. Build your legacy. 6. Men get saved at PK. The fruit of many years of prayer over “fish” is being harvested. 7. Experience practical and effective ministry to others. Anyone can be used by God to minister healing and transformation. 8. Take some time out and re-evaluate priorities. Too busy to attend? Then this is probably the right time to attend! Even some Rugby World Cup games that are on will be shown after PK. 9. Some men just really don’t want to go. It is amazing what happens, though, when they do go! 10. Every man can afford to go to PK due to subsidising of tickets for those in genuine need. Think you can’t afford to go? You can’t afford not to!

“I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14

What We’ve Seen at Promise Keepers Continued from page 1

It was awesome. I got tons of stuff out of it to apply to my life. On Friday night I had my first full on “God encounter” and it has completely strengthened my faith. It has given me great pointers and inspiration to be the best version of myself God made me to be. God really showed Himself to me and reassured my faith over the weekend. Josh (15) • The commissioning on Saturday night has been a highlight with teaching on how to minister to one another and then prayer in small groups for healing. The number of men who have testified to being healed is astounding. That ordinary men are praying for each other and seeing dramatic results is thrilling and encouraging. Once more, the fact that hundreds of men are experiencing this at the same time is a special dynamic. Amazing conference. Promise Keepers conferences are the best I have ever attended. The structure of the process: salvation, filled with the Spirit, marriage, growth, parenting, commissioning is absolutely great. The targeting of men’s issues in a frank, open and honest way is meaningful, relevant and significant. Whenever I leave these conferences, I want to go and do something meaningful for the Lord. Philip As we prepare for Game On Auckland, our hearts’ desire is to see God move in even more extraordinary ways. We love the atmosphere in the big arena at Telstra Pacific Stadium. It feels right for a men’s event. We hope that you will be there with us because we anticipate that: You will be inspired. Often men look to Promise Keepers as their annual check up to get recharged and refreshed spiritually. That can happen for you too.

s Men go forward at Wellington Event to break free from things holding them back in God. I really got a lot out of this year. Damian You can step up in ministry to others. This is a safe place to reach out and pray for others in an environment where God is moving. It’s AWESOME! I’ve had an amazing time at Promise Keepers - one of the best spiritual experiences I’ve had so far. I haven’t been a Christian for long as I only started this year. The first night of Promise Keepers gave me one of the biggest hungers for God I’ve ever felt before and tonight I don’t know what was happening but my knees were itchy HOT! I was pretty scared but just went with it. This has opened me to God heaps more than I was. I am a patient of God’s healing and was given the opportunity to perform a healing. Also given me a broader vision of life and what God has in store for me, and whatever God has waiting for me I’m EXCITED! Jarrod

Where would New Zealand be without Promise Keepers? The challenges presented to me by the speakers and the encouragement and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to be a better man of God... it’s part of my annual spiritual check up and gives me a boost every year. Brent

You can receive healing and restoration yourself. What could be better than that?

This was a year of refreshment and resting

You can grow in God together with your team – your relatives, friends and crew from church.

Specialised Breakouts

My first time at Promise Keepers, I thought it was amazing on many different levels. I received healing for a disease that I have been struggling with and am very thankful that I could attend this Event. Mitchell

Young men 11-17 years Saturday 1.30pm - 5.15pm

Winkie Pratney, Jim Hurn Caleb Murdoch

Young men 18-30 years Saturday 1.30pm – 5.15pm

Geoff Wiklund David Goodman Matt Carroll, Myan Subrayan

Single men 30+ years Saturday 1.30pm – 5.15pm

David Goodman Matt Carroll Geoff Wiklund Jim Hurn

Pastors & Men’s Ministry Leaders Brian France Saturday 10.45am – 12.15pm Geoff Wiklund

God has rocked in every session. Thanks on behalf of my church, this has blessed myself and my people here. It has strengthened my walk and brought more unity within the group who have attended. Keith by John Subritzky

How I can get the most out of attending the Event...


Don’t go alone. Go with other men who you can continue the journey with after the Event and for the remaining 363 days in the year.


By going together you have the experience of travelling together, attending together, and praying together. Develop real friendships that build into your life, then on your return spiritual growth can be maintained together.

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Come prepared to receive.

Invite others and know the thrill of seeing them experience God in a new way.

Prepare for Game On with this DVD. Includes 9 videos, testimonies, photos, Bible reading plans and more.

Call today for your free copy Limited time!

The Faith of the Next Generation by John Subritzky

As fathers, one of our biggest goals is to see our children follow Jesus, to personally “own” their Christian faith. We see this happening often at Promise Keepers, where sons can experience a truly masculine Christian event. This year, my 11 year old son wanted to video his testimony, so he wrote it out. It blew me away and I want to share excerpts with you: Hi, my name is Jonathan Subritzky; I am 11 years old. My first Promise Keepers Event was four years ago when my dad took me and my brother Isaac, my twin, to an Auckland Event to see what “daddy did at work”. Each time I go to an Event, I have a different experience. When I was younger I subconsciously had a rather religious attitude to the Lord. I was religious in the sense that I did not know any personal relationship with God. Sure, I prayed with my mother or father, but I did not know a “MY God”. Promise Keepers had been greatly significant in helping me realise that I need a personal God. That without a personal God, there was nothing, it was just me thinking that I had the real deal. It was just me thinking that I had the satisfaction of being in a whole relationship with God. From being in the presence of the Holy Spirit and listening to testimonies… I prayed for God… to show me the real Him. God suddenly felt so real to me. I was experiencing a brand new God. God had quite literally opened my eyes to His holy kingdom. I continue to pray for Promise Keepers that it will be able to keep doing what it does. This has been a milestone for me. Others make similar comments. It is wonderful to see the depth of faith that many young men are carrying.

Father I have attended many Promise Keepers Events over the years, and have been blessed to bring along some of my sons in recent years – five of them this year and three more to look forward to. We have all been richly blessed. Last year my sons were baptised in the Holy Spirit at the Christchurch Event. Been a great opportunity for us as fathers and sons to grow, mature and be encouraged as men of God. Andrew

Son I have been a Christian for [14] years since age five. I was baptised with water at 6 years and with the Holy Spirit at 14 years. At 17 years I was thinking about what to do. I had a plan... but it wasn’t God’s plan. Thankfully my mum and dad were there to guide me. They suggested I did a year of ministry. I thank the Lord that I did this. During this time I have been equipped with more gifts of the Holy Spirit. I have seen God move in healing, words of knowledge and prophecy. I also spent an awesome two months over in Indonesia ministering over there. I am only 19 and am looking forward to what God still has in store for me. The best is yet to come! Josh

Lock in the Momentum End the year on a high! It takes a lot of energy to get a group together and motivate men to get the most out of Promise Keepers Game On. That makes it really important to plan a follow up event after Promise Keepers. Doing this well will encourage the men and the church and increase the level of support for Ministry with Men. So what are some great strategies? • Testimony Sunday: Organise a time in the service where men can talk about their experience at Promise Keepers. • Men’s Small Groups: Be prepared to initiate groups that could be closed 4-wheel drive, open or task-orientated (ie team ministry to widows & solos) • Support your Pastor: Ongoing prayer, prayer before the service and remember October is Pastor Appreciation Month! • Breakfasts or other events where elements of the Event can be used and men can pray for each other. • DVD Courses like Robert Lewis’ Authentic Manhood, or Valiant Man. A whole range of tools can be accessed from the PK website under Coaching Resources. Promise Keepers Coaching and Field Representatives can work through with you the best strategy to suit your men. Done well, this will create a powerful platform on which to build your Ministry with Men in 2012.

AUCKLAND EVENT 7-8 October, TelstraClear Pacific Stadium 770 Great South Road, Manukau


nIliafi Esera n David Peters David has journeyed through a long valley of trials with his first wife Jane who suffered from multiple sclerosis, from which she passed away.

David has more than thirty years’ experience in ministry. He and his wife Greta are founders and directors of SpiritLife Ministries, a contemporary prophetic/teaching ministry whose aim is to inspire churches, businesses, and individuals to have unwavering hope despite hardships, disappointments, and the troubled times we live in. David published his first book Hope – Finding the Doorway to Fulfilled Desires in 2007. He and Greta travel nationally and internationally, ministering the message of hope, and releasing people into a knowledge of the goodness and love of Father God.

n Bill Subritzky Respected as a “Father in the Faith”, Bill clearly communicates biblical truth in a black and white way that most blokes appreciate. You can benefit from his vast experience and nononsense approach. He has a powerful healing ministry and has many books published. Bill’s vision and initiative brought Promise Keepers to New Zealand. www.doveministries.com

n Geoff Wiklund

Geoff pastors the church he planted in Auckland in 1994, Eden AOG. In his church he runs a strong Ministry to Men. Geoff has been involved in several Men’s Small Groups, both with his own men and also other pastors. Geoff first got involved with Promise Keepers in 1995. He was formerly Chairman of the Board of Promise Keepers NZ, and still serves on the Board. He also worked as the first Men’s Ministry Coach. He is married to Joanne, and they have two adult children and one teenager.

n Ian Grant Ian Grant has been an outstanding advocate for youth and parenting in New Zealand for many years. Ian and Mary established Parents Inc, an organisation that offers a wide range of resources to parents, young people and organisations both nationally and overseas. Ian is a highly sought after speaker and has written several books. He presents Hot Tips for Parents on seven major radio networks throughout New Zealand each week. Ian is an excellent communicator and always makes an impact at Promise Keepers Men’s Events. Ian and Mary have three married children and are enjoying grandparenting their six grandsons and three granddaughters.

Iliafi’s passion for building men up in the Kingdom of God fires him up when he speaks at Promise Keepers. That enthusiasm translates into action as men realise how much potential they have. Iliafi was born in Western Samoa and came to New Zealand as a young man. He ministers extensively across the world, including Australia, the Pacific Islands and the USA, as well as Asia and Siberia. Iliafi is the Senior Pastor at Faith City Church, an Assemblies of God church in Wanganui. He is also currently the Assistant Superintendent of the Assemblies of God denomination in New Zealand.

nIvan Bezzant Ivan is passionate about seeing men reaching their potential in God and making a difference in their communities. Ivan works with leadership development. His experience is a valuable resource in helping men work together in teams in the local church. He and his wife Glenda have been Salvation Army Officers for 28 years, serving in various places throughout New Zealand. They have two adult children, Rebekah and Nathan.

nWinkie Pratney It’s great to have an evangelist of Winkie’s calibre open the Game On Event with a call to “Join the Team”. Logging some 150,000+ miles a year and often speaking with over half a million young people annually, Winkie has wide experience in youth work. His technical background in both science and the popular music culture has given him a unique insight to the particular needs of a media-dominated technological society. Winkie contracted a serious illness in March 2007 which rendered him comatose for 18 days and subsequently hospitalised for months in Seoul, South Korea. He then returned to Auckland, where he continued rehabilitation and recovery and has now returned to speaking. He is married to Faeona and they have an adult son, William.

nMike Connell

Mike brings both experience and revelation so there is always lots to learn from his teaching. He is a warrior for Christ in the heart of the spiritual battle. Mike travels the world training and equipping leaders to move in the Holy Spirit. His teaching style is a great balance of humour, compassion and truth and the anointing affects the hearts of people worldwide. Mike pastors Bay Outreach Church in Hastings.

What men are saying about the Event... I’ve had a terrible 9 months. Lost my son at Pike River disaster. I’ve got through with the love of God. I was driving along when I saw a Promise Keepers sign. I thought to myself, what is that all about? I wouldn’t mind going to find out. The next thing I had a phone call from my pastor – he had a spare ticket. So here I am. Thanks to the Lord. Peter Builds year on year. Refocused me. Helped heal and repair the bruised reed that I had become. Brought me back into a closer relationship with my God. John Awesome time of fellowship, teaching, praise and worship. Always relevant to the needs of men touching on a few points that are personally relevant. This fuels me up in my walk with Christ in the body, church, home life and work, keeping me honest in all these areas before the Lord and with my wife. Daryll After Promise Keepers last year I went back home and showed real love and intimacy to my wife. She responded really well and I now have another son – he’s almost 3 months old. You do the maths! Anon Very appropriate ministry for where the guys are at. I love the dependence on the Holy Spirit and the use of video, drama and humour. Stephen The worship was off the hook awesome!!! Tama A real sense that the decisions I make now will affect my children and generations to come. [The Event] has revealed to me what could be a blockage in my walk. Paul The charged up energy that every man here displayed, incredible. Now I’m ready to take on the enemy with everything learned in the seven sessions and Single Focus. Tony An awesome Event to refuel and rekindle my fire for the Lord. Inspiring speakers sharing their knowledge, an absolutely uplifting experience. To be with around 1000 guys praising and worshipping an unbelievable and wonderful God. This is what every man needs. If you don’t think you need to go, then you most definitely need to go. Worship is unbelievable. Just a great time. Vincent

Men Being REAL! Men want to be men of action who are actively engaging in life and resisting passivity. That was Jesus’ way. He was never stationary, but on the move - looking to influence and touch people’s lives. Men, you don’t have to travel the world to be effective for God - just reach out to your world and be there for them: your family and friends.


PROMISE KEEPERS REGISTRATION FORM MEN’S EVENTS 2011 One form per registration please. Photocopy for additional forms.

PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY PK ID No (from your mailing label if available): ___|___|___|___|___|___ First Name:_____________________ Surname:_______________________

REJECT PASSIVITY: Be part of a “chosen generation, a royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9). Don’t just live to exist but exist to live for Jesus! This could involve active devotions, Bible studies with your family, work or school colleagues. Be a doer and not just a hearer. Invest in the lives of people around you to show them the love of God, not just speak about it.


EXPECT A GREATER REWARD: We need to live with hope, which is the expectation of good things. Despite our past God is in the business of rewarding those who serve Him. Sometimes His rewards may not be earthly, but we can all be assured that when we get to heaven we will receive the greatest reward of all, eternal life.




ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY: Be a man who takes responsibility for his actions and doesn’t just make excuses. Don’t be offended by criticism or blame others – Jesus didn’t. Learn and grow from it. Don’t try to cover up your shortcomings. Choose to be like David in Psalm 51. When you do God will take you to higher heights.


LEAD COURAGEOUSLY: Christ was the model leader. As a man you need to lead by example in every aspect of life. Be a godly role model in your home, workplace and to the people around you. Be courageous, don’t compromise and conform but rather transform.

One of our goals en’s lives. We want to provide men with the means to be empowered and that’s what the motivation has been for the last session at our Events this year. Not just having guys stick their hands up for prayer, but equipping them with the knowledge and support to be able to pray for the man next to them and practise what the early Church was all about – action!

Suburb:_________________________________________________________ City/Town:__________________________________ Postcode:___________ Phone Wk: (

)________________ Phone Hm: (


Mobile:__________________________________________________________ Full name of Church attended (if any): _________________________________________________________________ If you are on our mailing list please provide your previous address if this has changed within the last 12 months: Address:_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ PLEASE REGISTER ME FOR: Auckland 7-8 October


I WISH TO ATTEND: rFull Event rFull Event + Transition

rTransition Only

Note: If attending as part of a Group please provide Group/Leader names. Group Name:____________________________________________________ Group Leader’s Name:___________________________________________ Event Fee: (See Schedule)

rIndividual rAdult

Reg. Type:

rGroup rStudent



My gift to help other men go to Game On:


Reg. Rate:

This is what Pastor Scott from Masterton had to say:

On the Sunday morning after Promise Keepers I preached on pride and humility and was not sure how to finish the sermon. Then I remembered Geoff Wiklund’s session on the Friday evening. I used his format for repentance and the whole church (around 80 people) responded. This has never happened before in the history of our church. I ended by praying for the congregation.







Name on Card:__________________________________________________ Card No:


I also had one of my members come back from the Promise Keepers Event who had never prayed for anyone to be healed before and he prayed for another person on the Tuesday. He had the confidence to do this after Bill Subritzky’s session on healing.

Expiry Date:


Let’s all make a determined effort to get off the sidelines of the game of life. Promise Keepers Game On will equip and inspire you to achieve meaningful goals. It’s time to be REAL! by Myan Subrayan

Rate Transition


0800 PROMISE (77 66 47) pk@promisekeepers.org.nz PO Box 163083, Lynfield, Auckland 1443. Freepost No. 4124


Vocational Pastors’ Rate Partial Attendance Rate [Fri pm] [Sat am] [Sat pm]











Full Event

$49.00 $35.00 Per Break

REGISTRATION OPTIONS: 1. Register online at www.promisekeepers.org.nz 2. Post your registration with a cheque or credit card details. 3. Group registration by email - see www.promisekeepers. org.nz to download spreadsheet. 4. Fax your registration with credit card details to 09 627 3526. Note: Registration wristband may not be swapped/shared with another person during Event.

For help with Group registrations ph 0800 PROMISE (77 66 47)

See website for terms and conditions: www.promisekeepers.org.nz

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