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SPIRITUALLY Imagine if every single day you got a new tool from Promise Keepers to help you overcome issues and keep growing as a Christian man…

Wouldn’t that be a powerful

pathway for spiritual growth?

WiseChoices is the tool

that keeps you connected

and growing!

WiseChoices can help you maintain a daily connection with God and also be on the same page each day as the rest of the PK community. The team at Promise Keepers knows that the demands of a busy life can distance us from that close relationship with our Father that we deeply long for. Good intentions don’t make good relationships. What we focus on is what we become passionate about. This is why we have created WiseChoices

just for you!

I use the Men of Integrity booklet for my daily devotions and have found it profoundly challenging and insightful in my walk with God... I also find the [newsletter] very encouraging. Jon

Why WiseChoices? Better Choices – Better Outcomes

When you subscribe to WiseChoices, Promise Keepers will connect with you and encourage you as a man of God via our newsletter. Each day you will get biblical input about living as a representative of Jesus, in the topic-based devotional Men of Integrity. Promise Keepers will supply you with a multimedia toolbox so you can tackle the important issues. The WiseChoices DVD is packed full of videos, audios, studies and articles relevant for men.

Newsletter (11 issues per year)

Leadership is Influence

by Kevin Forlong

February 2015

John Maxwell said, “Leadership what leadership is influence”. That stateme is and how it nt implies two works. Firstly, or any group aspects of you can exercise of people with whom you have leadership with itself is exercisi some influence. anyone ng influence in the lives Second thinking, behavio ur, decision making of those you lead. It is influen ly, leadership in cing them in their , etc. I also like another statement Maxwel “A leader is one l made, neighbo who knows the way, goes membe urs, with extended the way, and family shows the rs, people we play way.” encapsulates what effective leadersh This connect with at church. sports with or it is leadership ip is - relation Each of by example. those ships gives exercise leadersh us an opportunity to ip The Apostle live our own lives. through the way we Paul in writing Corinthians says, to “Follow my example the follow the example , as I Remem of Christ.” 1 Cor is what Christia 11:1. This leadershber this, the most effectiv n leadership ip is based e is all about: Living our lives position. A person on relationship not as Christ would live His life in this 21st Century position to exercise who relies on their . Living our lives that gives an their leadersh in a way find example that ip will their influence others can hard to maintai follow. Showin people g the n. Most right way ourselv right way by going the legitima will obey someone who has a es. te role of authori ty for a period time but if they of continually act Leadership begins bossy and controll with leading before we try ourselves responding we are increasingly less to lead others. likely to to them as our Getting our thinking and respect for them wanes. mindsets aligned with God’s person On the other hand, if that Word and from same that right thinking builds a meanin making the right gful relationship , with us and choices. their style of leadership is empowering and releasing As men, we have rather than restrictive and influence with controlling, we range of other a will most likely follow them people. With our wives and children all the way. workmates and , with our

We all impact and influence the lives others. of

Men of Integrity Daily Inspiration (6 issues 365 days)

At work I see my role as being to the mission of serve Promise Keepers . In the process of doing that there are many opportunities to others in a creative collaborate with environment. get the opportu I also nity to contribu te ideas as part of the vision of PK. Sometim this is leadersh es ip. Always it is influence! At home, dealing with challeng I sometimes es wonder if I’m being effective in leading my family. Recentl my wife Kerrie y pointed out that I have enormous influenc direction to the e and really bring family. I was a little surprised. Often I think we carry smaller picture of ourselves than a way others and the God see us. The influence of a father lasts a lifetime. If it is positive then it is a lifelong blessing to the children . They may have to cope aspects for a long with any negative time as well. None us are perfect. of We all need to ask for His help to be a better reflectioGod Him to others. n of Let’s step up to be way God has called influencers in the us! With gratitude

John Subritzky

John Subritzky

the most effective leadership is based on relationship not position

WiseChoices DVD (6 issues per year)

The suggested donation of only $10 per month enables Promise Keepers to produce these powerful resources and continue to serve more men.

Don’t let another day slip by! To subscribe call 0800 PROMISE (77 66 47) or email pk@promisekeepers.org.nz or complete and return the form.

WiseChoices targets the real issues that you face as a Christian man in today’s world.

Every day as men we are confronted with the pressure to make choices. It may be about work, family, finances or the future. The decisions we make will impact us and those around us long after they have been made. They may even impact our destiny. The change in [Craig] over the past two years since he has been reading [WiseChoices] each day is real and demonstrable. His patience with me and our children has increased, his ability to manage day to day challenges and stress at work and at home is improved, and we are more at peace as a couple and as a family. Elizabeth

It is crucial to make right decisions so we live a life of no regrets.

WiseChoices can help you grow spiritually

to fulfil your potential, starting from wherever you are at right now.

Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe.

Proverbs 2:11

great content for your Men’s Group with weekly WiseChoices provides

PK studies plus videos and other articles. I use WiseChoices in our Men’s Group and find it awesome, especially getting the DVDs as I use them as a starting point to some good sharing and discussions… The weekly studies from the DVD are good to use. Our church is using them in all our Men’s Groups. George

Ph: 0800 PROMISE (776647) pk@promisekeepers.org.nz | www.promisekeepers.org.nz PO Box 163083, Lynfield, Auckland 1443

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