FINA/NVC Diving World Series - Dubai Post Event PR, Media And Communications Report

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FINA/NVC Diving World Series Dubai 19-21 March 2015


FINA/NVC Diving World Series Dubai 19-21 March 2015

The PR, Media and Communications Plan for the FINA/NVC Diving World Series Dubai 2015 covered the following areas: =

Editorial Program


Editorial Calendar = Media Coverage and Value


Pre- Event Promotions



Promotions = Radio and TV Interviews = Team Arrivals Photographs = Schools Attendance = Press Conference = Event Editorial Services

Advertising = = =

Print Radio Dubai Calendar


Social Media



Facebook Twitter

Attendance = Legacy = Media Management =




Media Accreditation Media Centre Management Media Management in Venue

Editorial Program The editorial program formed a key component of the public relations strategy and had three key goals: 1. To create public interest in the event 2. To obtain maximum media exposure in the lead up to and during the event; and 3. To encourage spectator attendance. The editorial campaign focussed on the following points: =

Profiling the high quality and achievements of the divers competing


Generating interest in the event and informing the public of the exceptional standard of the event


Profiling selected divers to attract spectators


Publicising the arrival of the teams


Publicising children’s activities


Providing informative releases and photographs after each competition session throughout the event.

Press Releases covering these points were produced and were distributed in English and Arabic to over 500 local, national and international print, radio and television. Media coverage in print in the UAE and online was monitored by Media Watch and Cyberwatch.

Editorial Calendar The following releases and communications were produced in the lead up to and during the event:


March 9

Press Release – Diving Superstars to Shine in Dubai in FINA/NVC Diving World Series 2015


March 9

Media Accreditation Invitation with information about the event


March 9

Press Conference Invitation


March 11

Press Release – China’s Superstars Heading to Dubai


March 16

Press Release – Challengers Out to Topple China


March 17

Photos with captions – Diving Stars Arrive in Dubai


March 17

Press Conference reminder


March 18

Press Release - Multiple World And Olympic Champions In Action At FINA/NVC Diving World Series Dubai 2015


March 19

Photos and Extended Caption – Daley Dives into Dubai


March 19

Press Release - Day 1 – China Survives Scare to Take First Gold


March 19

Press Release - Day 1 – China Faces Tough Competition but Takes 4 Gold on Day 1


March 20

Press Release - Day 2 – Stage Is Set For Thrilling Finals On Day 2


March 20

Press Release - Day 2 – Laugher Takes Gold for Great Britain


March 21

Photo Release - Day 3 – Daley performs Perfect Dive to Qualify for 10m Finals


March 21

Press Release Day 3 – Spectacular Finals Serve up Masterclass in Diving

All releases were also sent to ARN radio who promoted the event in news, sport and chat shows on Dubai 92, Dubai Eye, Al Arabiya, Dubai Eye and Virgin radio each day in the lead up to and during the event. All releases and updates were also uploaded onto the event Facebook page and on Twitter.

Media Coverage and Value Coverage of the event appeared in all major daily English and Arabic newspapers including:




Gulf News


The National


Al Bayan


Al Khaleej


Khaleej Times


Gulf Today


Al Ittihad


Al Fajr


7 Days


Xpress Dubai




Emarat Al Youm


Sport 360


Time Out Dubai


Al Watan


WAM = Xpress Abu Dhabi

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The Worlds Best Driver have arrived

The world's best divers have arrived in Dubai ahead of the second round of the FINA/NVC Diving World Series which will be held at the Hamdan Sports Complex from March 19-21.Among those touching down on Monday were teams from Great Britain, Canada, Ukraine and China. Published on: Section: Page: Size: Ad Value: Clip Source:

18/03/2015 Main 17 62 $844.09 Clip Source

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ay 1 D n ho s u r gold y o j en s r e v e di s e n i Ch

World-class competitors from 14 countries to vie for glory in second round of FINA Diving Series at Hamdan Sports Complex World-class divingretums to the UAE on Thursday as the second round of the FINA/NVC Diving World Series 2015 kicks off in Dubai.

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Stage s et for F ina Div ing Wo rld Ser ies in D ubai

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19/03/2015 Main 16 65 $884.94 Clip Source

Name: Country: Circulation: Distribution: Frequency:

The Gulf Today United Arab Emirates 46,200 BH, IN, OM, QA, AE, GB Daily

Ad Value: Clip Source:

$1,481.24 Clip Source

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Size: IN, PK, YE, GCC37 Ad Value: $947.02 Daily

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315 6 $9,872.1

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Chinese s tars dive i An impres nto Dubai s iv Diving Wo e line-up of Chin rld Series ese Olym

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Laugher brea ks China mo nopoly

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Everything is going swimmingly as the UAE moves forward with FIN A The relationship between UAE Swimming and FINA, the world's governing body for aquatic sports, is probably the fastest growing partnership in international sport at the moment, with Dubai essentially at the heart of that bond. The biggest sign of the strengthening relationship between the UAE and FINA perhaps came just last week when Abu Dhabi hosted the Marathon Swimming World Cup - a 10km open water race. Published on: Page: Size: Ad Value: Clip Source:

19/03/2015 2 59 $3,761.16 Clip Source

Name: Country: Circulation: Distribution: Frequency:

Sport 360 United Arab Emirates 29,447 AE Daily


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te C team-ma Al Ittihad s b Emirate United Ara 109,640 AE Daily e Clip Sourc

hil O amdan Sports e preparing fo lympic Games Comple x here r the second r in Rio de Jan e from to o Name: day unt und of the Finiro. My big aim il a/NVC Saturda Gulf Ne Country Diving this year y. ws : World United Circulat Arab Em ion: irates 109,905 Distribu tion: BH, OM Freque , QA, A ncy: E Daily

There was extensive online coverage on local and internationally based websites, including: Eurosport Skysports BBC Sport Swimming world magazine (Canada) Malay Mail Online 7daysindubai The Star Online (MAS) Star Phoenix (Canada) Prensa Latina Malaysian digest Northern Echo - UK Plymouth Herald

TThe coverage in local print media was in excess of USD$172,498.27 (AED 633,068.65) The coverage value for locally based websites only was USD $319,905.46 (AED 1,174,053.04)

Total Coverage Value

USD $492,403.73 = AED 1,807,121.70


Tom Daley

As the diver with the highest profile within the expat community in Dubai, an agreement was negotiated with Tom Daley to undertake several promotional activities before, during and after the event. Daley’s image was used on printed advertising collateral, and he recorded the radio advertisement which played in the lead up to the event. ARN radio also conducted an interview prior to his arrival in Dubai to promote the event.The interview ran on Sports Tonight on Dubai Eye, and clips from it were used in news bulletins until the commencement of the event. Daley also attended the Press Conference and conducted one on ones with selected media afterwards. In the week following the competition he conducted a one-hour clinic for aspiring divers. Following the event Daley produced a video of his experience in Dubai. This was posted on YouTube. A photoshoot was also organized for Daley at Burj Al Arab. The photos were distributed to all local and international media.

Team Arrivals Photographs

Photographs were taken of the divers as they arrived at the airport. One metre long hashtags were produced for the divers to hold as they had their photos taken. The photos were distributed to all media and used on all social media channels.

• Children’s Programs and Schools Attendance The children’s activities were widely advertised through press releases and the Facebook page, and invitations to attend were sent to all schools in the region. Over 300 children from 8 different schools attended the Thursday morning session in response to the invitation.

• Press Conference The Pre-Event Press Conference was held on Wednesday 19 March at the Hamdan Sports Complex. The conference was attended by 22 media and was covered by Dubai Sports TV. All media were given a Press Kit containing the following: = Pre-Event Press Release = Diver list with major event results = Speeches of Dubai Sports Council and UAE Swimming Federation = List of Special Guests = Event Schedule = Competition Handbook

Special guests at the conference were: Cornel Marculescu – FINA Executive Director Khuwaiter Al Dhaheri – Assistant General Secretary, UAE Swimming Federation Ayman Saad – Executive Director UAE Swimming Federation Kathy Seaman – Chairman, FINA Technical Diving Committee Chen Jiang Rong – Director and Vice President of NVC Melanie Beck – FINA Technical Diving Committee Guest divers were Tom Daley – 2009 World Champion and 2012 Olympic Bronze medallist, Roseline Filion of Canada – 2013 World Championship silver medallist.

Following the conference one on one interviews were held with the guests and the divers, as well as Tom Daley’s coach Jane Figueiredo. Interviews were conducted by: Sky Sports Arabia Dubai Sport ARN radio Sport360 Ahlan Magazine Khaleej Times

Event Editorial Services

At the request of Dubai Sports Council and UAE Swimming Federation, the following documents were also prepared and translated into Arabic: = Official Program Welcome Messages – UAE Swimming Federation and Dubai Sports Council = Press Conference Speeches – UAESF and Dubai Sports Council = Opening Ceremony Speeches – UAESF

See the

world’s best


in action!

See Tom Daley Qiu Bo David Boudia Tania Cagnotto Melissa Wu and Olympic champions in action as they go for gold in the FINA/NVC Diving World Series.

• Print

19-21 March 2015, Hamdan Sports Complex

A vibrant and engaging advertisement was produced and appeared in Sport 360. The ad appeared in 7DAYS on the following days: = Tuesday 10 March = Thursday 12 March = Sunday 15 March = Tuesday 17 March = Thursday 19 March

Thursday 19 March First session 10am – 12noon Opening Ceremony 5.30pm Finals 5pm – 8pm Friday 20 March First session 10am – 12noon Finals 5pm – 8pm Saturday 21 March First session 10am – 12noon Finals 5pm – 8pm

Tickets available at the door. General entry Dhs 40 Children under 12 Free Entry FINA/NVC Diving World Series Dubai

7DAYS also placed an online banner on their website which had 50,000 impressions.


• Radio

A 30 second radio commercial was recorded in English and Arabic and played a total of 106 times between 5 March and 20 March on Dubai Eye, Dubai 92 and Al Arabiya. The radio ad schedule was as follows.


Mutual Trade-Fina NVC Diving World Series



Material Status

30 Sec To Be Follow Barter Media Booking - ROS March

Station Al Arabiya Al Khaleejiya Virgin Dubai Dubai Eye Dubai 92 City FM Hit FM Shoma TAG FM Production Fees

Cost Per Spots

No Of Spots

750.00 600.00 900.00 750.00 750.00 900.00 600.00 600.00 600.00

37 0 0 34 35 0 0 0 0



Total spots Total Amount

Total Cost

Month - 2015

27,750.00 25,500.00 26,250.00 106 79,500.00










10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

















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‫‪Radio Commercial - English‬‬ ‫‪MV1: Hi this is Tom Daley and I’m back in Dubai for the FINA/NVC Diving World Series from the 19-21st March. Come to the‬‬ ‫‪Hamden Sports Complex and watch the world’s best divers compete on 3 and 10 metre boards in an exciting competition as‬‬ ‫! ‪we go for gold‬‬ ‫‪SFX : splash, crowd cheering‬‬ ‫‪MVO1: Tickets available at the door for morning and evening sessions. Check the Facebook page FINA/NVC Diving World Series Dubai for all‬‬ ‫‪the details.‬‬ ‫‪MVO1: Brought to you by Dubai Sports Council and UAE Swimming Federation.‬‬

‫‪Radio Commercial - Arabic‬‬ ‫النص اإلذاعي لبطولة العالم للغطس فينا‪ /‬ان في سي‬ ‫الحدث‪ :‬السلسلة العالمية للغطس فينا‪/‬ان في سي‬ ‫ميديا‪ :‬نص إذاعي‬ ‫فترة اإلعالن‪ 30 :‬ثانية‬ ‫المحطة اإلذاعية‪ :‬شبكة اإلذاعة العربية‬ ‫توم دالي (الصوت باللون األحمر)‬ ‫«بطولة العالم للغطس فينا‪/‬ان في سي تعود إليكم من ‪ 19‬إلى ‪ 21‬مارس في مجمع حمدان الرياضي »‬ ‫ندعوكم لمتابعة نجوم الغطس في العالم‪ ،‬توم دالي‪ ،‬كي بو‪ ،‬وآخرين وهم يتنافسون طوال ثالثة أيام رائعة للظفر بالذهب!‬ ‫مؤثرات صوتية‪ :‬أصوات المياه لدى قفز الغطاسين إليها‪ ،‬وهتافات الجماهير‪.‬‬ ‫صوت رجالي ‪( :1‬صوت المذيع)‪ :‬تتوفر التذاكر عند بوابة المجمع‪ .‬لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى زيارة صفحة الحدث على فيسبوك‪ :‬فينا‪/‬ان في سي دايفينغ‬ ‫ورلد سيريز دبي (‪.)FINA/NVC Diving World Series Dubai‬‬ ‫صوت رجالي ‪ُ :1‬ينظم الحدث مجلس دبي الرياضي واتحاد اإلمارات للسباحة‪.‬‬

• Dubai Calendar

The event was also promoted by DTCM through the Dubai Calendar website.

Social Media The social media campaign was designed with several key goals: 1. To engage with fans of all ages and provide a communication channel for the event 2. To provide information and generate excitement about the event 3. To ensure everyone had access to results and the live streaming 4. To provide photos, videos and updates, prior to and during the event The campaign utilized Facebook and Twitter.

• Facebook The 2015 FINA/NVC Diving World Series Facebook campaign served 209,705 impressions to 105,458 people. Out of this 15,387 people engaged with our 184 posts leading to an engagement rate of 14.6%. Of these posts the majority (54%) were photos, followed by status updates (24%), videos (15%) and links (7%). Following an advertising campaign led by the UAE Swimming Federation the page had 3,582 likes, 86% of which were males aged 13-17 years old, mainly from Egypt and Arabic speakers. The most engaging post was a photograph of Tom Daley with his coach Jane Figueiredo after he won the silver medal in the 10m platform.

• Twitter The official event hashtag #Dubai2015 appeared in 2,131 tweets and the official Twitter account - @DivingWSdubai appeared in 1,422 tweets. Both the hashtag and the account mention received a positive sentiment score. A total of 1,069 tweets have been sent from the account and over the campaign period the tweets had a potential reach of 11.2million people. The account has a community of 1,507 followers and the total number of followers of followers is 13,666,826. Out of the followers who show their location the majority are located in the UAE and UK. There were 325 tweets during the campaign, an average of 11.21 tweets per day. These tweets were retweeted a total of 1,020 times and favourited 1,668 times.

Twitter Hashtag Heat Map

Twitter Activity Analysis

• Attendance

As a result of the extensive media coverage attendance numbers for the event were among the highest recorded at the Hamdan Sports Complex, with over 2500 spectators filling the stands on the final night of competition.

• Legacy

In addition, and most importantly, the creation of a legacy in the community through the regular hosting of these events is having a significant impact on the development of sport in Dubai by inspiring children to participate in sport. The demonstrations by DuDive at the commencement of each session generated considerable interest, and the club has subsequently received a high number of enquiries and new enrolments.

Media Management • Media Accreditation

An invitation to apply for accreditation for the event was sent to all English and Arabic media on 9 March. Two more reminders were sent prior to the event to ensure good coverage during the event. A total of 36 media (photographers, journalists and tv crews) were accredited for the event. Of the 36 media, 11 were journalists and 24 were photographers or cameramen. The total accredited did not include Dubai Sport TV crews. Media accredited included representatives from all the major local publications and outlets in the UAE, as well as international services including AP, AFP, Reuters and Getty. Gulf News, Khaleej Times, The National, Sport 360, Gulf Today and 7 Days all arranged in advance to publish the press releases and photographs sent by the Media Manager.

• Media Centre Management

The Media Centre was opened on Wednesday 18 March. It was open throughout the event from 9am to 11.00pm. Start lists were available for all media prior to the commencement of each session. Results were produced and copies distributed to media in all media areas (tribunes, mixed zone, media centre) immediately after the completion of each race. Locker keys, carpark passes and photographer’s bibs were issued as required.

• Media Management in Venue

Media areas within the venue were managed and controlled in accordance with FINA Event rules for the Swimming World Cup by Promoseven Sports Management staff. Interviews were conducted in the mixed zone during each session and after medal presentations, with the assistance of the Media Manager.

Tribunes – The Tribunes were supplied with start lists prior to the

commencement of each competition session. Results were supplied as soon as they became available after each race. A Promoseven staff member was on duty to assist with any queries or requests.

Mixed Zone – The Mixed Zone was operational after medal

ceremonies, and the Media Manager was in attendance at all times. Results were supplied to the mixed zone as soon as they were available.

Photographers’ Zone – The photographers’

zone was managed by a Promoseven staff member during all sessions. The photo manager assisted with controlling the movement of photographers during each session, and before, during and after medal ceremonies. The photo manager also ensured that only accredited photographers entered the pool deck, and that only authorized camera crews filmed the event.

FINA/NVC Diving World Series Dubai 19-21 March 2015

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FINA/NVC Diving World Series Dubai


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