An Introduction Transforming young lives through creative cultural exchange
RE:LOCATION International Youth Theatre Project Transforming young lives through creative cultural exchange RE:LOCATION is a pioneering international youth arts project designed to celebrate excellence in youth theatre through: > multinational collaboration, and > the creative investigation of notions of place and identity. Each event brings together talented young people from local youth theatres in participating nations to take part in one extraordinary creative experience. Every two years the RE:LOCATION process culminates in a new piece of large scale site-specific theatre designed to respond to an inspiring location within the host nation. RE:LOCATION aims to demonstrate the ambition, contemporary relevance and quality of current youth arts practice to an international audience. RE:LOCATION was co-founded in 2010 by the Rogaland Teater, Norway and Promote YT, Scotland, and launched to widespread acclaim in 2012. RE:LOCATION 2012 saw 50 young people and 15 professional artists from Scotland, Norway, Denmark, France, Germany and Ireland investigate the space, environment and atmosphere of the Bjergsted Park in the coastal city of Stavanger, Norway. In 2014, RE:LOCATION participants will respond to a chosen site in the Kingdom of Fife, in Scotland.
RE:LOCATION er et nytt internasjonalt ungdomsprosjekt som skal skape teaterforestillinger av høy kvalitet for og med ungdommer.Vi skal: > skape multinasjonale prosjekter > utforske ideer om sted og identitet. Hver forestilling samler unge, talentfulle mennesker fra lokale ungdomsteaterorganisasjoner i mange land som g jennom prosjektet tar del i et unikt skapende arbeid. Annet hvert år skal RE:LOCATION skape en ny, storslått stedsspesifikk forestilling med utgangspunkt i et inspirerende landskap i vertslandet. RE:LOCATION vil vise et internasjonalt publikum all den ærg jerrigheten og relevansen som finnes i ungdommenes kunstprosjekter. RE:LOCATION ble grunnlagt i 2010 av Rogaland Teater og Promote YT, Skottland. Vår første visning fant sted i 2012–til stor begeistring blant det lokale publikum. RE:LOCATION 2012 involverte 50 ungdommer og 15 profesjonelle kunstnere fra Skottland, Norge, Danmark, Frankrike, Tyskland og Irland. Sammen undersøkte de rommet, miljøet og atmosfæren i Bjergsted-parken i Stavanger. I 2014 skal RE:LOCATION-deltakerne utforske et utvalgt sted i Fife i Skottland.
Watch THE RE:LOCATION JOURNEY documentary film
Words cannot explain how fantastic the whole experience was. I have learnt about culture and new theatre methods, and have grown and matured so much with the confidence I have gained. Rosalind, 16, RE:LOCATION 2012 Scottish participant
RE:LOCATION was the best 10 days of my life, and absolutely the most scary and amazing thing that I have ever done! Johan, 16, RE:LOCATION 2012 Norwegian participant
For information about RE:LOCATION and RE:LOCATION 2014, Scotland visit: For all enquiries about RE:LOCATION contact : Carl Jørn Johansen – Theatermaker – Rogaland Teater carl. Colin Bradie – CEO/Director – Promote YT