Promoting Purpose Fall 2015

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He Will Make It Alright






KURTIS PARKS Created to Worship!



Anniversary Celebration









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HAPPY FALL! I am excited about this issue of Promoting Purpose Magazine. This is our 5th anniversary issue and I thought what better way to celebrate than to do a “Praise & Worship” issue. An issue giving God praise that is due onto him for his love, grace and mercy. In this issue, although we have gospel artist as features, they are not here to entertain but to empower you, the readers, by sharing their expertise on how, why and what Praise & Worship truly is. I pray that this issue ministers to your heart and open up a door for true Praise & Worship, a true relationship with God in the spirit and not just a form of entertainment in the flesh. Thank you so much for your prayers, word of encouragement the seeds that you’ve sowed, word of mouth and so much more. Year 2015 has truly been amazing and I am so looking forward to what 2016 will bring. And speaking of amazing I would like to officially welcome the new managing editor of Promoting Purpose magazine Shenee Edwards. She is an amazing, hardworking, no nonsense woman who is extremely focus. I truly thank God for her and can’t wait for you all to see what we have brewing in the Promoting Purpose lab. While reading this issue I want you to truly see the love God has for you and understand that He wants the best for you. No matter where you currently are wake up each day knowing that it’s a new day and so many wonderful things can happen. It takes God less than a second to fulfill your prayers, hearts desire and dreams. Rejoice knowing that even if God does not give you exactly what you’re expecting he is truly giving you something even better. I hope you enjoy this issue as this is not only our anniversary issue but it is the last issue for 2015. I’m excited! So come on and bless the Lord with me and can’t wait to see you in 2016!

Sherrell Straker-Valdezloqui

THE STAFF EDITOR- IN- CHIEF Sherrell Valdezloqui

MANAGING EDITOR Shenee Edwards CONTENT EDITOR Tiff’s Editing Café GRAPHICS LAYOUT Promoting Purpose, LLC



22 HELEN MILLER Born To Praise, Live To Worship

24 NIA ALLEN The Core Of Praise & Worship

26 JASON 8

ISAIAH D.THOMAS “You Can’t Take My Praise” Isaiah D. Thomas tells us during a brief conversation.


CHERI KEAGGY How To Find Joy In Your Journey



NELSON Bishop Jason Nelson Talks About Praise & Worship

32 KURTIS PARKS “Created To Worship”


STANDLEY “I’ll Make It Alright”


“My Praise”

Managing Editor Shenee Edwards Chats with Beverly Crawford About Her Praise!



WHITTINGTON Get To Know Chris Whittington?


WATER DOESN’T MIX By: Pastor Erika Toney



YOU CAN’T TAKE MY PRAISE! When veteran producer, songwriter, and vocalist; Isaiah D. Thomas was asked how he’s doing. He simply replied “Isaiah is getting older....LOL! But wiser!! He continued on to share how excited he was about what God was currently doing in this season. Isaiah who currently serves as Minister of Worship at the Ark of Safety church loves helping the people of God through his music. Isaiah began to embark upon what is now a successful career in the ministry of music at the young age of 10 years old.

The songs penned by Minister Thomas are remarkable, musically structured, scripturallybased, breath-taking, soul-stirring, and inspiring. His music is easily identifiable with the present day and age challenges and obstacles of life. With over 25 years of experience, Isaiah has made quite a mark and earned a reputable reputation as a songwriter, producer, and vocalist in the gospel industry.

In January 2007, as a distinguished songwriter, Thomas captured the hearts of the gospel industry and proudly accepted his first Stellar Award for “Song of the Year” and “I Will Bless The Lord” recorded by Byron Cage. In January 2008, Isaiah D. Thomas and his group, Elements of Praise, won the Stellar Award for “Contemporary Choir of the Year”. In April of 2008, Thomas shared the stage with the likes of Aaron Shust and Jars of Clay as he received the prestigious BMI Christian Award for the most played gospel song (“I Will Bless The Lord”) in 2007.


“THE DEVIL IS TRYING TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH” It has been through the obstacles Isaiah had to overcome that truly made him glorify God through his music.

Thomas’ Stellar Award win and the BMI Christian Award win was a true blessing after a year of trials and tribulations. He gives God credit for saving him from a near-fatal car accident that he was miraculously able to walk away from with minor injuries. Prayer and praise is very important to Isaiah, he uses this not only for his personal life but apply it when setting the atmosphere for worship through music. “Prayer and praise keeps me focused and in my right mind through test and trials. Prayer is my shield and praise is my WEAPON! I love it when my back is against the wall because my praise confuses the ENEMY. You can take away a lot of stuff, BUT YOU CAN’T HAVE MY PRAISE!!!!!” he continues. “Also these two elements will open the door for true worship. To admonish our king and communicate with him is the best way to experience a move of God "For He inhabits the Praises of His People."


“Through the bad times I learn to lift my hands and Bless him, it was through my test that made me "run tell that" every song I've written comes from an experience that God brought me out of. So writing the songs is my way of Glorifying God!! With that being said Isaiah understands that everyone will experience some sort of hardship in life. And that for some the situation may be so overwhelming it will test one’s faith and strength to continue to praise God. So he leaves readers with this encouragement “Listen!! The devil is trying to shut your mouth! He wants to take away your testimony because that's how WE OVERCOME!! Don't let anyone or anybody steal your praise because YOUR VICTORY IS IN YOUR PRAISE!! GLORY!!!! Isaiah also preaches the Word of God and travel all over the world teaching a class called "Effective Music Ministry."



How To Find Joy In Your Journey What is Joy? My kids used to have this illustrated Webster/Garfield Dictionary which defines "joy" as: a feeling of happiness that comes from success, good fortune, or a sense of well-being. Melba Colgrove said, "Joy is the feeling of grinning on the inside." G.K. Chesterton called it the "Giant secret of the Christian." And a friend of mine once described joy as the quiet, confident assurance of God's love and work in our lives...that He will be there no matter what happens. I like to say that J.O.Y. = Jesus On You. What are 5 ways to discover Joy in your life no matter what season you are currently in? 1) Understand that joy is a choice. We must appropriately grieve our losses, but also believe that joy is possible even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Psalm 30:5 says, "Mourning may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning." 2) With God's help, deal with the following deadly joy killers: bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness. 3) Digest the Word. Jeremiah 15:16 says, "When Your words came, I ate them. They were my joy and my heart's delight..." 4) Practice the presence of God. Psalm 16:11 says, "You make known to me the path of life; You fill me with joy in Your presence..." 5) Follow the example of Paul who "learned the secret of being content in any and every situation (Phil. 4:12)". Remember where he was when he wrote the book of Philippians? Yep. In prison. Known as the "joy" book, the concept of joy or rejoicing appears 16 times in just 4 chapters. The key to his contentment in verse 12 is found in verse 13: "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." He didn't find it in himself or by flipping some sort of magic switch; he found it in and through Christ.

How can you increase your Joy? In my song "Restored (The Grindstone Song)" from the BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED US CD (2007), I sing about practicing joy, choosing it daily, putting it on like a favorite cologne. Through a particularly challenging relationship, I learned that no one can steal my joy unless I allow it. God taught me how to draw healthy boundaries to not allow someone else to drag me down. I learned how to fight for my joy and the joy of the Lord truly became my strength (Nehemiah 8:10). I was amazed at His supernatural filling. It's also crucial to keep things in proper perspective, to understand that God is doing a greater work in us.


1 Peter 1:6-9 is especially helpful..."In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief on many levels and in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls." Also, I believe the more grateful we are, the more joy we experience. Adapting an attitude of gratitude really works! 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." A joy-filled spirit comes from a thankful and humble heart. Some may say it’s hard to find joy in all that’s going on in the world today. Christians are being persecuted, laws have been passed concerning morals that many believers are against or the thought of wanting to be successful is hindered from different circumstances. How does one “OVERCOME” (Which is a single from the NO LONGER MY OWN cd) and encourage others to keep their Joy? It's not as much about us overcoming as it is about leaning into the One who has already overcome. How comforting Jesus' words are in John 16:33 as he forewarns us of what's to come..."I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble (emphasis mine). But take heart! I have overcome the world." One of my pastors once said if you're not facing any opposition in life, perhaps you need to consider how effective your witness is as a believer. None of us want to face persecution for our beliefs, and yet 1 Peter 4:13 admonishes..."Rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed." What is the Joy in discovering and understanding that you are no longer your own, but God’s? He knows better what to do with my life than I do.

Trust is a difficult thing. I discovered a treasure in the middle of Romans 15:13..."May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace, as you trust in Him (emphasis mine), so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." How do we get the joy and the peace we all long for? It's as we actively and intentionally trust that He is good, and He is working things together for our good. "No Longer My Own" is ultimately a song of surrender that says whatever You have for me, God, is what I want, even at the expense of my own comfort. I was created for Your purposes, not merely my own. And in my most surrendered moments, when I feel the most secure in the Father's love for me, I can truly say I want what He wants for me more than what I want for myself. And that is one of the most joyful places one can be. What inspired you to pen/sing the songs on the No Longer My Own CD? My last project, SO I CAN TELL (2012), was very much about my own healing and pouring out after a tough season of life, including the loss of both of my grandparents and the end of my twenty-two year marriage to my high school sweetheart. God met me in so many specific ways and I'm still sharing those testimonies out on the road. But, the Lord heals and this album has a broader feel to me. We go through hard things, discover God's goodness in the midst, and it changes us. It makes our hearts break even more for all that's wrong in the world. It makes us long all the more for Christ's return.

What do you want listeners to receive from your music? My prayer has been that this album would embolden fellow sojourners of the faith to live more fearlessly and courageously for Christ, especially as the Day is fast approaching. Generally, I know that if they receive from the Lord as they're listening, He will do the transforming work in their hearts which leads to bolder living and greater surrender. That's what's so amazing about Christian music. It's no longer just a song with words and music, but a tool of the Holy Spirit to impact lives.


What song on the CD is very personal to you and why? Every song is born of personal experience, but "Be My Sabbath" is probably one of the rawest lyrics I've ever written. The song came after a very busy season of ministry work that resulted in extreme burn out. I was at my end which was unfamiliar territory for me, because I'm a do-er. Priscilla Shirer said, "Overwork is a form of unbelief." That's such a convicting statement. I wonder how often our striving sends a message that we don't believe God is going to take care of us. I had to repent of neglecting regular times of rest. The Lord is growing me in the discipline of seeking Sabbath. It's His protection for me and helps me be a better steward of what He's called me to. With this song I'm crying out to God to renew my strength as promised in Isaiah 40:31. I'm confessing my need for Him to be My Source and My Sabbath. In our super productive, overworked culture, I'm finding this song really resonates with people. Another related song is "I Love Your Company", an invitation to return to the simple joy of communing with Jesus, and allowing life, work, and ministry to flow out of that. Thank you for the opportunity to share. Continued blessings on your ministry... Cheri

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12 NIV



Maurette Brown Clark

MY PRAISE! What is Praise & Worship to you? Praise and Worship to me is my lifeline. Praise is the way I express my thankfulness, my “thank you” to God for being who He is and for doing such great things for me. Sometimes my praise is a wave, tears, a leap or a skip – but I always have a praise. Worship is when that “thank you” takes over and I lose myself in that gratefulness. I lose myself in His presence. He is always here. He is always near. But worship for me is when I allow myself to come into the very essence of His presence, allow His love to envelope me and I leave everything else behind – cares, worries, agendas…everything. I worship the King. Tell us about your release, King Oh King King Oh King is my latest single from my yet to be released fifth solo project. I’m excited because God has been so faithful to me. I’ve been sharing my music ministry for a long time and I’m grateful that God still blesses me to do it on such a big platform. King Oh King is just another offering to God first, and then to God’s people. Co-written by myself, Kenneth Shelton and Kristin Ringgold, it just states the facts - God is so big and so great, but yet He still makes time for “little ole me.” He is my King. How would you describe your style of music? I would say my music is “user-friendly” and I hope it meets people at the point of their needs. I have a compassion for God’s people so I’m always looking for songs that will uplift and encourage someone to come to Christ and if you are already saved, to love Him even the more. Someone told me the other day that it wasn’t so much how I sing, but it’s the way I “serve” the songs. That blessed me, because that is the very reason why I sing. Where do you feel God is taking your ministry and what do you feel is your purpose? I hope He is going to continue to take my music to the masses. I keep getting words of prophesy spoken over me that my latter is going to be greater. That is amazing to me because God has already blessed me beyond what I ever expected. But I’m open to whatever God has for me to do.


I hope that everyone He has assigned me to in the earth is touched by something I say, or sing, or just the way I praise. I feel like my purpose is to allow people to see that I’m a “work-in-progress.” We are all working on salvation, our daily walks. But that’s ok. There’s a BIG GOD that loves all of us and no matter what is going on in the earth, He still has all power. That reality should be what pushes all of us to press on. So if I can encourage someone to keep pressing, then I’m fulfilling that purpose. What would you like to say to the audience to encourage or empower them to walk boldly in their purpose? If God says “Go”, just answer Him w ith a “Yes, I’ll go.” Let Him lead the way and I promise you His word is true – “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered in to the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” Just keep loving God.

GETTING TO KNOW CHRIS WHITTINGTON Tell us a little bit about yourself? I’m a Jesus follower, artist, songwriter, worship leader, entrepreneur, husband and father. As an image-bearer of God, I find great satisfaction in reflecting His nature by creating the best art that I am able to make. What was life like for Chris as a child? Other than living with an alcoholic, verbally abusive father, my childhood was mostly pleasant until my parents’ divorce when I was 11 years old. What are you most passionate about? I’m most passionate about endeavoring to make art which glorifies and reflects the nature of God, and upholding biblical standards in all of my relationships, be they familial, business or personal. How would you describe your style of music? It’s a musically interwoven expression of classic rock rhythms and contemporary melodies. My lyrical focus is drafted from biblical truths and is an expression of worship for the King of Kings. What do you want listeners to experience when listening to your music? I hope that they are, through both sound and word, comforted by all that God has done for them, and encouraged to seek to know God and the riches and depths which come with obedience to His word.


How do you set the atmosphere for worship? I often seek to encourage the congregants, along with myself, to be mindful that, as Hebrew 12:22-24 tells us, we are joining with all of the saints, past, present and future, and with an innumerable company of angels in the great worship service which is already in progress. What do you enjoy doing for fun? I am a Texan and in this state we have many landscapes to explore. My family and I enjoy exploring the Hill Country together and sharing meals with friends. I enjoy watching films and attending many live music shows, both in churches and stadiums. Outside of music how else does God use you? My wife, Joanne, and I own a business in which we strive to encourage all who we’re privileged to work with and to see all of life as under the Lordship of Christ. This includes repentance when needed and offering mercy and grace to one another.


If you were selected to empower others during a speaking engagement what topic would it be? Also, what tip or advice would you give on that topic to help your audience? I would encourage everyone to see all life as belonging to God and to acknowledge that He is constantly involved in every single aspect of our lives. It is our duty and our joy seeking to know Him and to emulate Christ in every aspect of our lives. Only in doing so, may we know real freedom. Why did you pick the topic you chose to empower others? Because it is man's chief end to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever. What lesson has life taught you about not giving up on your passion or dreams? Perseverance is an attribute of God and, as we are made in His image, we are meant to persevere through all which the world, the flesh and the devil throw at us.

Thanks !


TO GET SOMEWHERE” Dr. Inecir Matthis


Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6 (NIV)





Helen’s music has been described as Traditional Gospel and she says she somewhat agrees. “I like to take listeners back to the way church “used to be”, with hand-clapping, foot-tapping praise. Therefore, I would say that it is Traditional Gospel with a fresh, or new, anointing that keeps it alive.” She says. After her CD Time is Winding Up she followed it with another CD entitled Worth It All one that Helen says is to encourage the people of God in their time of trials and tribulations. “I was also instructed by the Holy Spirit to record some traditional hymns on this project as a means of preserving them in this rapidly changing gospel music era. Worth it All, continues to revive the ‘old fashioned churching’ music style, but with a contemporary flavor. “

BORN TO PRAISE, LIVE TO WORSHIP It is evident that the hand of God is upon the life of Helen Miller – a nationally known gospel recording artist and Minister of the Gospel, who believes in Holiness and “Without Holiness, no man shall see the Lord.” Helen, who was born into a family of gospel singers, was raised in Boynton Beach, Florida. She began singing in church at the tender age of four, and since that time God has touched many lives through the dynamic singing gift He placed in her. Helen Miller was born to Praise and Live to Worship. “I am convinced that I was born to praise the Lord. His purpose for allowing me to exist here on Earth is to glorify Him. I realize this is not only done by singing or uttering words, but even more so by the life that I live. I believe that when we live a life that’s acceptable/pleasing to God, by walking in obedience to His word, this is actually our worship to Him.” She says. Her song, I Won’t Let You Fall, a song that topped the charts nationwide from her hit CD, Time Is Winding Up, is still roaring in churches everywhere as choirs minister to the congregation. A song in which Helen explains how she had been inspired to create such a powerful message, “I was going through, what I considered, the “worst time of my life.” There were many negative situations occurring at the same time; marital problems, financial problems, and my children were also in trouble. I knew that God had brought me through many things in my life before, but at this point, I felt as if I was slowly sinking and dying.” Helen continues, “As I began to fast and pray and seek the Lord for direction, the Holy Spirit visited me about 2:00AM one morning and ministered the song, I Won’t Let You Fall to me. It was at that point I was encouraged, and knew that I would be all right. I felt like this song was just for me. Coincidentally (but not really, because God always has His plan), it was during this time that we were preparing to record the CD, Time Is Winding Up. One night, during praise and worship at church, I was compelled to sing I Won’t Let You Fall. The musicians picked it up and we “went in”. The producer suggested that we add it to the project – and well, the rest is history. “


When asked where Helen felt God was taking her ministry and what she felt her purpose was she responded. “I was called by God as a minister of the Gospel, and gifted and anointed as a psalmist. Whether this ministry takes place by way of singing, preaching or teaching, I love doing what I was called to do. As I stay true to the call, I believe God will continually open doors and enlarge my territory so that I can carry this gospel to those that He has ordained for me to reach.” It is evident that this woman of God takes her anointing as a psalmist seriously along with preaching the Word of God. Before ending the interview Helen leaves an encouraging and empowering message for you the readers. “The sooner in life we find out God’s purpose for us, the better off we are. Knowing God’s purpose for our lives can eliminate time wasted pursuing that which is not our purpose. I believe God is only obligated to bless that which originates from/with Him. I once heard a wise man say, “The best way to know how something is supposed to function is to find out from the one that made it.” God has a plan and purpose for every one of our lives. When we submit to His plan, even in the midst of obstacles and adversity, we not only experience contentment and peace, but we are assured to reach our destiny. “



To describe Nia Allen’s music is to describe the sound of pure, passionate worship. She sings with a heartfelt conviction that exudes her zeal for God and compels listeners into a genuine worship experience. Nia is one of this generation’s fresh talents leading the way in praise and worship. Having a universal appeal, her music is honest, uplifting and captivating to the soul. She is truly something special and her ministry will impact the lives of many. Nia sits down with Promoting Purpose Magazine to discuss the core of Praise & Worship. THREE CORE WORDS TO DESCRIBE THE PRINCIPLES OF WORSHIP Response, Love and Heart. In worship, we are responding to what God initiated as our creator, savior, and redeemer. We are responding to the love God demonstrated on the cross and the love God continually shows in our lives everyday. For me, worship is a love relationship. We love God because God first loved us (1 John 4:19), so our worship is a response to the love God initiated. We respond with love, gratitude and sincerity in our heart. As we know, man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). I believe the Lord is concerned with those inner things, and in our worship, it is important to maintain a posture of humility, sincerity, and a pure heart. WHY PRAISE & WORSHIP IS SO PERSONAL TO NIA For me, there is a level of joy and intimacy with the Lord when it comes to praise and worship. When I hear or sing songs of adoration and celebration to God, I experience a joy that is only found in the presence of the Lord. God inhabits, lives and dwells in our praise (Psalm 22:3), so as I offer praise and worship to God, God draws close and intimacy is experienced with the Father.

WHAT MAKES NIA’S STYLE OF MUSIC GOD HAS GIVEN HER DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS I believe the style of music will be a continuation of crosscultural worship that is already taking place, however the message and approach will be different from others as I am ministering from personal experience and singing songs God has uniquely given me to share. I believe there is a specific sound, song and message that God has placed on the inside of Nia, and that is what I desire to share with the world.

NIA’S ULTIMATE GOAL IN LIFE To walk in purpose and fulfill all that God has called me to do. THE BEST ADVICE SOMEONE HAS EVER GIVEN NIA Breathe, relax, and enjoy the ride. Stop stressing and trying to figure everything out, and learn to enjoy the journey.






T H E P R A I S E & W O R S H I P E X P E R I E N C E

ishop Nelson pastors the Greater Bethlehem Temple Church, a thriving ministry in Randallstown, Maryland; however he is one of the most recognized voices in gospel music and is considered to possess a rare gift in the Body of Christ as he releases the power of the presence of God. Earlier this year Bishop Nelson released his album entitled Jesus Revealed, but before discussing this powerful album. We wanted the Bishop to share with us the true power of Praise & Worship. As he spoke we listened!

THE PRAISE & WORSHIP EXPERIENCE On what it means to live a lifestyle of worship and how music and worship comes together to create an atmosphere for the presence of the Lord: It means giving yourself over to the concept of instantaneous worship. A life of worship is the embodiment of Romans 12:12. Presenting our bodies a living sacrifice. Holy and acceptable to GOD. It’s understanding that effective lives in service to GOD means remaining in position to stay in the presence of The Lord. Psalms says to ascend the hill of The Lord requires clean hands and a pure heart. That’s what a lifestyle of worship looks like.” He continues, “Worship isn’t just music or song. It requires a heart that’s open and grateful for the opportunity to offer a sound and song to GOD knowing we have issues, problems and situation that should separate us but GRACE has opened the door for us to approach HIS throne boldly. arlier this year Bishop Nelson released his album


Music accentuates our offering because it crosses barriers of race, creed, social status or any other man-made difference. Music also has a way of opening our hearts. Music sets the stage and the right sound drives away unruly spirits making room for Worship to be released unhindered.” If that wasn’t a mouthful… Bishop Nelson, whom takes his calling as a man of God and gifts seriously, doesn’t go onto the stage for entertainment. He goes on stage with hopes and prayers that the audience would go beyond their issues and problems so they can see God is at work at that very moment. “Our responsibility is to glorify GOD despite of the issue. GOD moves in worship. My hope is that we offer GOD our best and get a GLORY response of healing and manifestation.” Bishop Nelson says.

“The most rewarding part of being an artist is seeing the impact of worship on the audience.” With this much knowledge of Praise & Worship we can only imagine what a Sunday service feels like at Greater Bethlehem. “A typical Sunday at our church is intense corporate worship in a family environment and a Word from the Lord that challenges us to become what GOD has decreed over our lives.” Bishop Nelson says when asked about a typical Sunday at Greater Bethlehem. Besides just seeing a man behind the mic singing to the glory of God, Bishop Nelson wants people to see a man that loves God with all of his heart. Them being able to see that he is a man who loves his family in which he is most passionate about and ultimately him wanting people to know that he’s just a normal guy who God has chosen to represent HIM. Bishop Nelson shares with us the most rewarding part of being an artist and pastor along with the hardest. “The most rewarding part of being an artist is seeing the impact of worship on the audience. It’s such a privilege to usher people into the presence of The Lord and I’m honored to be able to be one of the Praise & Worship leaders of this generation.

It’s the same as a pastor. It is a blessing to be able to watch the growth and matriculation of the saints of the ministry move into a greater relationship with GOD.” He continues, “The hardest part of ministry is maintaining balance so that my family receives adequate attention. They are my first ministry and I have to honor my commitment to my wife and children.” THE FAMILY Bishop Nelson has made it known that his family comes first and out of all of the accomplishments he’s received, they are his biggest. “Tonya, Jaelyn and Jason Christopher are my heart. They aren’t concerned with awards or what church I’m ministering in. They simply want me to be husband and daddy. They are the reason I work as hard as I do and the reason why I want to come home.” The conversation continues in reference to his family and what he does when he spends time with them. “We spend time talking and laughing mostly around the dinner table. That’s when we catch up on the events of the day. My kids are as animated and comical as they come. So our house is full of laughs.” JESUS REVEALED It’s no secret that Bishop Nelson pens his songs. What’s rather interesting is when, where or where the Lord places songs on his heart. When asked what Bishop Nelson is normally doing when the Lord places a song in his heart his first response was, “It really depends.” He continues on to say, “I have written songs in dreams and woke up to record them. I have written songs on airplanes and trains. I have written songs in the midst of a worship experience. I just try to be open to when GOD sends a new song or sound in the earth to me.” With that being said finally we were able to get to his album Jesus Revealed. What is its purpose and how did the project come about? “Jesus Revealed is all about unfolding the name of Jesus. It was inspired by a sermon series I preached at our church dealing with the names of GOD. The name Jehovah means, The Lord GOD who unceasingly reveals Himself. We dealt with what the Jehovah titles meant and how they culminate in the name of Jesus. Each song on the cd deals a particular name of GOD and it all settles on the name of Jesus.” Indeed Jesus Revealed is a very powerful album and we believe it’s living up to its purpose. Just a little side note: We asked Bishop Nelson who would he like to do a song/project with and why? Here’s who he mentioned! “Jonathan McReynolds. I think he’s a prolific lyricist and his gift continues to amaze me. Also, I would love to do a song with Lalah Hathaway. The way she interprets music in general is nothing short of genius.”


Interview and written credit for this cover story: Jaymes Mccloud, Aaron Hines & Sherrell Valdezloqui



The reason for which something is done or c reated or for which something exists.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.








KURTIS PARKS It has been quite a busy season for Kurtis Parks in whom many know as the American Idol 4th season semi-finalist. Parks is currently touring with his worship team, NCC Worship, alongside his pastor Mark Batterson for the “IF” BOOK TOUR”. “Our pastor is a NY Times best-selling author and his new book releases this fall, called "IF". It's a book about following a God of the impossible! We're doing 5 cities with nights of word and worship! I'm the worship director at the church, and we're about to launch our 8th campus at Echostage, in DC! So, managing 8 different worship teams, and writing songs for the Church always keeps me moving!” Parks continues, “I've also just finished writing MY first book, called “SoundCheck”. It's a book about pursuing authenticity in our lives, and in our worship! I’m so excited about that. I am also in the middle of recording my first Kids’ Album, called "Story Songs from Scripture" and that should release around Christmas time.” Although Parks is juggling a lot theses day yet he still manages time with his family. “Being a dad of two crazy awesome kids, and hanging with my beautiful wife is still my favorite way to spend my time these days.” He says. Kurtis have written over 1300 songs in all genres of music. When PPM managing editor Shenee Edwards asked him what was the determining factor of the songs that he keep for himself and the ones he allowed other artist to sing he responded. “Honestly, I'm not territorial over the songs I write. If it's good, I want it to get out in as many ways possible. There are many songs that I write that I put on my own albums, church albums, and then I still pitch it to different artists. I believe a good song will find its way onto many projects! I also love to collaborate with other artists, and cowrite songs, that speak both of our hearts into the music. Collaboration over Competition has always been the way I operate.” Inspiration for writing songs: I think what makes a good songwriter, is simply writing good songs! As with anything, it takes time. I've written hundreds of songs that will probably never be heard by anyone other than me, and maybe my wife! In my freshman year of college, I challenged myself to write a song every day, and at the end of that year, I had written hundreds of songs, mostly really bad ones. But that gave me a chance to get in the HABIT of writing. You have to MAKE time for what you love to do. If songwriting is a priority, make it something you work on daily. Don't be afraid of showing your songs to other songwriters. Two heads are better than one, in most cases. When you're writing with other people, remember the SONG IS KING. You can't be married to any particular part of the song, and that way you can always come out with the best possible product at the end of the day.


The meaning of Praise & Worship: Here's the deal - we were CREATED to worship. It says in Ephesians 1:11 that "we might be for the praise of His glory." All throughout the Psalms, we see man responding to God's glory, and His everlasting love. Praise and Worship is our way of giving back to God the breath that He first gave us! I believe that music is the language of our culture. That's why we all have those special songs that literally take us somewhere. That first dance, that rock n' roll song that you blasted in your high school car, the song that was played as you walked down the aisle... Music stirs the soul. God knew that when He gave it to us it would be as a gift. Prayer and fasting are important disciplines, but they can't be the only thing. Prayer will always lead you to WORSHIP, much like worship should point you towards prayer. Worship is the soundtrack to our conversation with our heavenly Father! And sometimes we can only sing, what we can't say! Empowerment for the artist who has forgotten the ministry aspect of leading people into worship: Worship isn't a selfish thing. Worship is actually one of the most humble things we can do. I always say that Pride and Praise cannot coexist. If there's anything that stands in the way of you leading people into God's presence, that must be removed. Whenever I have the privilege of leading people in worship, my goal is always to see people connect with God's presence. This world doesn't need more great bands, talented songwriters, or even more great preachers. We need more of God's presence! That is the way the Holy Spirit moves in our lives, and changes us from the inside. That's what worship is all about. I think if we, as worship leaders, spend more time in God's presence OFF the stage, then we'll be more equipped to lead people into encounters with God ON the stage. A higher purpose: We're all here for a purpose. I’d like to think that we each hold a key to a door in this world that ONLY we can open! That's our unique reason for living. On this side of heaven, our higher purpose, as stated in Matthew 28, is the Great Commission! Are we making disciples, pointing people to Jesus, and living a life that glorifies the Father? That's the higher purpose every Christian can live for. Whatever we do as our job comes second. What good is it being a worship leader, if I never lead people to knowing Jesus more? Worship is just music, without Jesus.





How They Met: (Oluwatomi’s) Our account of this encounter is always slightly different. This handsome dude walked up to me to extend a hello in front of the ECOWAS building in Nigeria. Just as I was getting ready to blow him off and be on my way he mentions the name of my best friend and says he is a friend of hers. So of course, not to be accused of being rude, I extended a smile, shook hands, spoke to him a bit and said my good byes (I never got his number though). You can rightly imagine the shock I was in a few weeks after when I walk into a new church (of all the churches in my city) and ran into Bayo again (Coincidence or Providence?) The latter is what I'd say, even though I didn’t know that yet until 3 years later.

Bayo’s: The first time Tomi and I exchanged a 'Hello' was in December 2009 at ECOWAS in Abuja, Nigeria.


But prior to that time, I had observed her in company of some mutual friends but just never said hi even though she was remarkably gorgeous. But the disappointing part was that while I had known her for much longer, she only got to know of 'my existence' when I approached her that first time back in 2009.

WHAT WAS IT ABOUT ADEBAYOU THAT CAPTURED OLUWATOMI ‘S HEART: The million-dollar question!!! You have only to meet my prince charming to know that I must have bagged the sexiest, most intelligent, purpose driven man on earth (Thou shall not be jealous). This is so not a religious answer but my hubby loves and fears God and that was the first attraction. For the first time in my life and several relationships (don’t judge me…lol), I was meeting a man I tagged genuine, he truly believed and went all out to stand as an ambassador for Christ in every way - sexual purity included (No double standards with this man).

Secondly, he is amazingly talented (Lawyer, Editor/Writer, Radio presenter etc). He isn’t only a dreamer but ensures to implement each and every one of his dreams and mine too. So once again I had someone who loved me to bits and whose vision and passion for people rivaled mine in depth and sheer magnitude. Finally, he is unpardonably sexy with six packs and all (which girl’s heart wouldn’t be lost). My very own prince charming, emphasis on the word MY….haha! WHAT WAS IT ABOUT OLUWATOMI THAT CAPTURED ADEBAYOU’S HEART: Bayo: Physically, she is totally pretty and cute. Secondly, I've got to say that she is a God-chaser and this is a quality that is non-negotiable for me. Then she is very compassionate; always willing to go out of her way to help others. To add to all these; she is smart and conscious of purpose - having the understanding that we are to live for something bigger than ourselves. There was just no way, after getting to see the excellence of her heart that I was going to let her go.

HOW LONG THEY DATED BEFORE DECIDING TO TIE THE KNOT: We started our relationship on June 18, 2012 and got married about three years after (May 2nd 2015) but what is important about our whole journey is how we started: we agreed to start our relationship with God at the center (we actually said those words) and keyed into the words of Ecclesiastes 4:12 ‘A threefold cord is not quickly broken’. Note that he didn’t say the cord won’t be stretched or tested but it won’t be ‘easily broken’. That is the grace that we have enjoyed till this day. It made our wedding possible.

THE PROPOSAL: Bayo: Well, since I am the one who took a knee, I shall be the one to recount the experience (haha). I had set up dinner for us at a fancy restaurant and convinced her as to why her favorite cousin needed to be there too. But the real reason was because I needed an accomplice. I had arrived at the restaurant much earlier to win over some more accomplices specifically the waiters. When dinner was over, the 'bill' was brought in a wallet and handed over to Tomi but since it was my treat, she passed it to me. I however insisted that she should 'pick the bill'. She hesitantly opened the wallet and saw a card instead. Already brimming with smiles, but clueless about my ultimate plan, she opened the card and started reading my carefully crafted words. The next moment I was by her side, kneeling and pulling out the ring while saying some more romantic things. Her face lit up with surprise but she didn't hear half of what I said (as she was to later tell me). But she gave the most important response I needed to hear: YES


THE EMOTIONS THAT WERE FLOWING ON YOUR BIG DAY: Oluwatomi: The wedding ceremony itself was like a blur to me but my emotions were that of happiness and contentment (In truth, it was more like…finish this ceremony already and get me my man). I knew I married the right man There was no denying that, it could only have been him or him or him again (lol). Let me quote my friends: “I didn’t get the chance to tell you how beautiful your wedding was…not necessarily the physical beauty but the sincerity of the love you guys feel for each other… We kept saying…Tomi got this one right, and there is no reason on earth for us to get ours wrong...” That evoked a feeling of gratitude to God, that our wedding itself will become a reference point and testimony for others. Bayo: I was definitely excited and I think that seeped through my face and that of my wife because with our smiles, you would have thought we were auditioning for some toothpaste advert. Another emotion I felt was one of gratitude to God for blessing me with such an awesome woman. Then seeing how so many people turned up for our wedding, it was quite humbling. ON THE IMPORTANCE OF HAVING GOD IN THEIR MARRIAGE: You know how important it is to have a survival kit when going for an unknown mission filled with many uncertainties, turns and curves? God is the survival kit of marriage! He instituted it, he has knowledge of all it entails and the ability to keep it all together. WHAT MR. & MRS. OKEOWO WANTS OTHERS TO KNOW ABOUT THEIR LOVE STORY: 1.



God makes all the difference in relationships and marriages. This is a fundamental truth and His presence or absence in a relationship is critical to how awesome or otherwise that relationship will be. True love grows deeper regardless of whatever challenges one may face. It is a reflection of God’s love for us - his children. Sexual purity wasn’t easy (we had times we physically and mentally struggled) but it’s possible, achievable and well worth it.

THE REASON THE TWO FEEL GOD PLACED THEM TOGETHER: To change the world and affect lives positively one day at a time.




TRISH STANDLEY Trish Standley is a voice of hope in a hurting generation. With God-given vocal talent and a passion for those in need of healing and redemption, she has been called as a minstrel for today’s body of believers. Through her anointed music ministry, she has uplifted the downtrodden and encouraged the broken-hearted. Trish was born and raised in the church as far as her early memories. “Gospel was the first form of music that I was introduced to. I always enjoyed it; however the first time I heard Walter Hawkins and the Hawkins Family – that was IT for me.” Trish says when asked about the first memories of her truly falling in love with Gospel Music. Trish understands that just singing gospel music is not enough, but living the lifestyle to complement what is being said is the complete package. “First and foremost it is important to live the life to support the songs that you sing because my ultimate goal is to make it into Heaven. I don’t want to carry the message of Christ and then end up in hell. Secondly, I love my God and His people therefore I marry His command of going out to spread the Gospel and even in my failings as a human I desire to example God’s redeeming power.” Trish says. As part of living the life God has created Trish to live she understands the importance of walking boldly in her purpose, and doing so with passion. Trish’s passion is to encourage and support women to live out their dreams in life. “One of my pet peeves is to hear a woman who says, “I don’t get along with women.” This disturbs me because there is no one here on earth that will totally understand the many hats that we wear. Instead of tearing one another down we should be standing shoulder to shoulder in support.”

Trish recently released I Will Make It All Right, a song that entered into her heart while she was going through something in her life. “I was going through a little struggle with something in my life and at the same time I, along with my production team, was looking to pay homage to my COGIC roots. This song stood out among others because it caused a quickening in my spirit and I knew it was the one.” I Will Make It All Right is a part of a full project entitled “No One Else”. This is a project that Trish says God is speaking through. “The message that God is speaking through this project is that there is NO ONE ELSE who will do for us what He has done. A lot of times, we focus on what man is or can do for us but God is saying to us ~ Listen, if I did it back then I can do it again because there is nobody but Me whose able. “No One Else” is to place God back at the realm (in our minds because He’s always been there) of our Salvation.”


“Pick Yourself Up, Dust Off Your Clothes And Jump Back In The Race.” God has personally done so much for Trish, so much that she wouldn’t be able to put it all in writing, she tells us. “My God is so awesome. I really wouldn’t be able to put it all in writing BUT one of the things that I will share is that I’ve recently forgiven an old hurt. And the fear of being hurt again rises up regularly in me and I really want to retreat to my most comfortable way of living often. However, the voice of God whispers to me to trust Him because He HAS made it all right.” She says. Concerning what Trish learned to accept about life’s situations she goes on to tell us that she heard a message by T.D Jakes years back entitled, Nothing Just Happens, which was life altering. A lot of times we think that our decisions have turned us down a bad path; however look at Jonah and Samson to name a few. They made decisions contrary to what God desired, but God! He used those decisions to bring a greater testimony in their ministries. As hard as it may seem at times, God will not walk away from us even in our foolishness.” Trish says. As the artist that tells her audience God will make it alright, she too has to remind herself of what she sings during her hard times. “I love to journal. I journal the good, the bad, and the ugly and when I allow myself to go back to those episodes where I’ve had crisis of belief I revisit those journals. I also read stories in the bible where God made the impossible possible as well as listen to music that encourages and uplifts my spirit. “ When Trish is not out encouraging the masses or penning a song she enjoys being with family, shopping, reading and writing, while surprisingly admits she’s a loner. “I enjoy my own company so no matter what I have to have, at least an hour of “Me-time.” Before we let Trish go we asked her what encouragement she could provide to someone who feels as though all hope is lost. She didn’t hesitate by stating, “Life is a journey. God graced us with it and He will not call any of us home until either that work is done or the time He has allotted us is finished. We only get one opportunity in this human form to complete that work. As long as breath is in your body, it is your duty to fall, fail and want to quit but remember those who no longer have a chance to get it right. Pick yourself up, dust off your clothes and jump back in the race. Place your hope in Jesus Christ because He’ll Make it All Right.”



Jesus, Family, Love, Peace & Joy all describe Beverly Crawford’s experience in life thus far. The gospel artist and pastor is known for her powerful songs such as hit song Sweeping Through the City , He’s Done Enough, Praise Jehovah , and many other great and power pieces. Managing Editor Shenee Edwards gets the opportunity to chat with Legendary Gospel Artist Beverly Crawford. The Interview: Mrs. Beverly Crawford!!! Excuse me, but I must say I am excited to be interviewing you. I've been following your career since I was a teenager, so with that being said, I would rather say I've been following your ministry for a long time. How are you? Awwww, bless you. I am Honored. Thanks sooo much for asking me, I am doing just fine. Your current release, Thank You For All You've Done, which was released in May 2014 debuted at #1 on the Gospel Music Billboard Charts. It contains the hit Sweeping Through The City. We know another artist, Shirley Ceasar, did a version as well. What is it that inspired you to do you own version of the song? See I grew up on this song Sweeping Through The City. My Father used to sing this. I remember the Ward Singers and the Caravans and then My Mother in the Lord, Shirley Ceasar. Oh Lord, I am telling my age now, LOL!!!!! But I promise Albertina Walker that I would keep traditional alive soooo how this song made it on my CD was when BMI ask me to sing this song for the Trailblazer Award Honoring Shirley Ceasar after that the record company ask me to do this on my CD. I said, “Yes!” I went on Youtube and saw that you have a women's conference in Gainesville, Florida on September 13th. The theme is "There's a Fight in You." What exactly is the idea behind the theme? What do you want women to take from it when it is over? Yes, this is our 8th Year having our Women's Conference in my hometown Gainesville, Fla. Calling All Women 911! September 16th,17th and18th 2015. As you said, this year’s theme is THERE’S A FIGHT IN YOU. The Lord gave me this one day when I was on the road preaching. I begin to think about what we go through and the enemy makes you feel like you can't make it and you start looking at your bills, job, home, children, husband, wife, money, etc....People pulling you here and there just an overwhelming time, while saying to yourself, I don't have any more fight in me. Oh, I come to tell you that as long as there is blood running warm in your veins THERE IS STILL A FIGHT IN YOU!!!!! I have to stop there because I feel a dance coming on LOL!!! My prayer is that no one leaves the same way they came if they came in sad they will leave happy and if they came in happy they will leave happier and that their fight will be rekindled OMG!!!!!! CHOO!!!! CHOO!!!!!


You are what I always call a female who does a lot of things, "A Woman of Many Hats." You are not only a well-known national recording artist but also a pastor. How do you balance the 2? What advice would you give an artist who is an ordained pastor? You know I have learned that it doesn't matter if you are a pastor or minister or an artist etc........ Yes, I am a pastor, wife, mother and artist. I have learned how to balance it. I spend time with my Family even though me and my husband pastor together, we have date nights, go on Vacations with our kids and mother and son times; and even though my daughter is married we still have girl time. I cook for my family clean and wash clothes and all the above but then it’s important to make time for yourself. No, it is not easy but with God He will help you make it work. Your husband, Todd Crawford, plays a big part in your life including your music ministry. In these days, there are a lot of women who are pastors as well as artist. However, the support factor from their spouse might not be as evident as yours and it’s bothersome. You are given an opportunity to speak one-on-one with a sister that is about to give up because of this. What would you say? Yes, He is my manager and we have been married 32 years but it has not always been like this. In our early years he didn't care if I was a singer but when God called me to preach that was another story. He would say God may have called you to go get a job at McDonald's but he didn't call you to preach, Ha! Ha! . He said, “I am going to get a divorce.” Then the Lord said to me, ”Stop Fighting with Todd. I know him better than you. I made him.” Then I started Praying and I started doing less talking. When I would wash his clothes I would say, ”Work on him.” and when I cooked his food I would say, “Work on him.” I didn't put no Rat Poison in his food LOL!!!!! I would just say, “Work on him.” I got to write this book, LOL!!!! HOLD your peace and let the Lord fight your battle. He did it for me and I know he will do it for you. Now we pastor together and travel the world together. He has my back and I have his. My fine looking husband. HA!!!!! I know with all your success you have had moments of rejoicing (Stellar Awards and Grammy nominations to name a few). I also know as Christians, God requires us to bare our own cross. During your not so "joyful moments", what would you say has kept you going? What did you do to remain focused? Nobody but Jesus, the Word, my praise, that's my weapon, my family, doing what I love to do serving God’s people, seeing them heal, saved, delivered and set free. I truly appreciate you taking this time out to interview with me. Promoting Purpose Magazine truly loves you. As I close, what 5 words would you say best describe your experience in this life thus far? JESUS, FAMILY, LOVE, PEACE, JOY Bless You All, Love You More. Interviewed by: Managing Editor Shenee Edwards


The crushing is purpose aligning itself with destiny and that crushing creates a platform for us to operate in total performance. Before an olive is crushed it's just matter. Matter is defined as anything that has mass and occupy space. Matter is only relevant if it serves a more expanded purpose than mere existence. Like the olive we have something valuable locked inside of us, but we must first be torn before we can be used. The crushing is designed to push out the treasure in you. Your crushing, although does not feel good, has a purpose that exceeds what we can imagine.

Someone once said that writers are not truly great until they have suffered. Well, this is what I know. Despite all that I've been through, I remain. Whether I'm great, I do not know. But the one thing I do know; I'm still here after the pain. If the pain of life is the crushing, we are certainly the olive. Like the crushing to an olive which produces a rare oil so does the pain of your life. It produces a beneficial contribution to the world. I am amazed at God's regimen of elevation. When we think of the awesomeness of God, it is somewhat difficult to comprehend how God in all of His infinite wisdom, chooses adverse situations to display His glory. The way up is down. The way out is through. Pain has a way of producing our true essence and intensifying our radiance in the earth. One Hebrew word for olive is "Es-Shem", which literally means tree of oil. It is from a primitive root meaning "To Shine". It would be hard to explain what I have learned and how I was made better by it if I did not share this truth. The breakthrough is always greater than the crushing. Every oil carrier has to go through the painful process of being crushed.


The purpose is greater than the pain. Isaiah 66:9 says that God will not allow you to walk through the place of pain without allowing something to be birthed. This is designed to generate the purest oil from our lives. Many of us spend a lot of time on the why, how and when. Olives are carefully chosen and picked at the right moment to ensure the right balance. The pain of the process for purpose is inevitable. The truth is this; the seemingly brutal process isn't for the olive, but for the oil. But there is a revelation that is opened during the pressing of the olive that creates elevation within. It’s an elevation that gives you experience and revelation of the sustaining power of God. There is purpose for the pain. Yes, I know it's a contradiction in terms but there is a far greater purpose for your crushing. We suffer for the sake of the anointing. This is called redemptive suffering. Redemptive suffering is when you experience an issue or a pain for the benefit of the greater or others.

Yokes Destroyed, Burdens Lifted Isaiah 10:27 It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil. Five years ago I endured one of the hardest storms of my life. My mother became ill with ovarian cancer and 4 months later she died. Amazingly, it's still hard to say or even write. I remember feeling like I would never be able to laugh again or live in a world where my mother no longer existed. During this time the Lord said to me, “I will elevate you in your sorrow.” I could not imagine how that was possible at all. One month after the passing of my mother I was invited to run revival in Virginia. Although I accepted the invitation, I had no idea how I would minister every night to the people of God being that I was so broken. But it was in this revival that the anointing (the oil) illuminated my knowledge of the sovereignty of God. The anointing destroys the yoke and lifts the heavy burden. Not only does the anointing lift the heavy burden but it elevates in due season. Four months after the passing of my mother, the keys to my first building for our church, was placed in my hand. It has since been 5 years and while every year my ministry celebrates my tenure as Pastor, I celebrate God's Grace. The Grace that has sustained and carried.

Discovery Science says that Oil and water are two liquids that are immiscible, meaning they will not mix together. Liquids tend to be immiscible when the force of attraction between the molecules of the same liquid is greater than the force of attraction between the two different liquids. In other words you can pour the same amount of oil and water into a glass but they will never mix because one has a heavier mass than the other therefore, different densities. No matter the process of my production I now know that my crushing was the only way to reveal my true treasure. Value is characterized by the markings left after the crushing. The olive was created to handle the crushing. Like the olive you will not be hoisted to a level of performance, meaning complete fulfillment until you bear the mark of the crushing. The grace He gives to every olive that's crushed for the sake of the oil. He gives grace and an exchange. According to Isaiah 61:3 "To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified." He appoints, gives a charge to oil for our mourning, our tears, our crushing. Understand that there has to be an exchange but they can't run at the same time because oil and water doesn't mix.





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