Todays purpose woman final digital mag

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Live Empower


But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth. Exodus 9:16





Contributing Writers BRANDI N. JEFFERSON-MOTLEY, KAREN JOHNSON, DEBBIE HARRIS, ASHANTI T. BARNES, DONNA R. PATRICK, JENNIFER N. HARRIS Cover Design DENVERSON TODAYSPURPOSEWOMAN.COM Online Contributing Writers MICHELLE C. HALL, LISA SAUNDERS, FULANEEY PERO, LURA HOBBS Social Media Twitter: @todayspurwoman Facebook: @todayspurposewoman Instagram: @todayspurposewoman Inquires Email: PUBLISHED BY PROMOTING PURPOSE MEDIA Chief Executive Officer: SHERRELL VALDEZLOQUI Brand & PR Strategist: KAREN “KJ” JOHNSON BRANDS INCLUDES: Today’s Purpose Woman, Today’s Purpose Man WEBSITES: Promoting Purpose: Today’s Purpose Woman: Today’s Purpose Man: Promoting Purpose Media is a faith base media company producing premium content committed to inspiring, empowering and cultivating the gifts, talents, and purpose God has given mankind for His glory, encouraging others to have a relationship with God and to move their lives forward personally, professionally and spiritually, so they can carry out God’s purpose for their lives. EXODUS 9:16


Live. Empower. Celebrate


Elevate Your Life 12 | Learn six daily spiritual routines to help you overcome from Dr. Renee F. Hornbuckle. 14 | DO YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE BUT NO POWER? by: Donna R. Patrick 16 | SPEAK LIFE Evangelist Ashanti T. Barnes talks about the power of positive self-talk.

26 | WOULD YOU MARRY YOU??? How Ann Esters- Stevenson discovered her purpose.

Leadership- God’s Way

Getting To Know You 41 | DEE BURROWES A conversation with Dee Burrowes

28 | COVER STORY Dr. Renee F. Hornbuckle on propelling to a greater purpose after overcoming a life altering scandal.

Pearls of Wisdom 42 | THIS TOO SHALL PASS by- Brenda Stevenson

Living Her Truth


18 | ARE YOU READY FOR GOD TO DO A NEW THING? by Brandi N. Jefferson-Motley

36 | FINDING A PATH AFTER PAIN Redina Thorpe Thomas reflects on how she found a path after her pain.

45 | THE X FACTOR by Karen “KJ” Johnson


Living On Purpose

38 | WHY ROBIN HAIR IS SOLD OUT FOR GOD! Robin Hair shares her truth and wants you to know that who you choose to connect your life with can have an impact on your future and destiny.

24 | NEVER CREATED TO JUST TAKE UP SPACE by Minister Jennifer Harris


DELAYS IN YOUR LIFE Debbie Harris provides tips on what you can do while dealing with delays in your life.

46 | THANK GOD IT’S NATURAL A conversation with Chris-Tia Donaldson CEO/Founder of Hair-Care Line TGIN.



Dr. Renee F. Hornbuckle Photographed by Kauwuane Burton Photography Makeup: Shonny Young SassieFace Hair: Kristie Withers Marshall Cover Graphic Design Denverson





Are you a dynamic woman of faith “Owning Your Purpose”? Today’s Purpose Woman is looking to feature 12 dynamic women who are women of faith and purpose driven with a heart to inspire and empower others personally, professionally and spiritually. Our goal is to provide additional exposure to the dynamic purpose-driven woman that’s serious about expanding her reach, increasing visibility, enhancing credibility and offering the spiritual tools God has given her to help & serve others. ACT NOW ONLY A FEW SPOTS LEFT!!! For more information visit:


Letter from the Publisher

OWNING YOUR PURPOSE It’s always an amazing sight to see the seasons change. I’m a big fan of watching the transition from winter to spring. It amazes me as to how a seed that has been dormant for three months now know when it’s time to wake up, break through the soil/barrier and own its purpose. Can you imagine what spring would be like if everything that’s supposed to blossom, decided to stay dormant because it feared it might not be able to get the resources (water, food) needed for growth? This would hinder everything that depends on that one seed to grow and blossom to do what it was created to do. Are you that seed that wants to break out of dormancy but are afraid to wake up, break through the barriers and own your purpose? Are you afraid to leave your comfort zone because you fear you’re not going to have the resources needed to walk in your purpose? Perhaps you’re reading this and you’re saying I’m that seed that doesn’t know its purpose. At Today’s Purpose Woman, we share stories of Today’s Purpose Women. We share their stories of truths, triumph over adversity, aha moments and also create editorial contents geared towards helping women move their life forward be it spiritually, personally and professionally. Here’s my advice to you - don’t allow fear or staying in your comfort zone keep you from propelling and owning your purpose. People are waiting for you to do what you are created to do. And remember, there are people God has placed in a position to help you carry out what you are created to do. So, Be Encouraged! And here’s to propelling and owning your purpose in 2018!

Sherrell Valdezloqui SHERRELL VALDEZLOQUI Publisher twitter @sherrellvaldez

INSTAGRAM @todayspurposewoman | TWITTER @todayspurwoman


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“When you start taking care of yourself you start feeling better, you start looking better, and you even start to attract better. It all starts with you.� @soulfoodsessionswithniya







TRUE OVERCOMERS have found a key to overcoming – it’s mostly what they do in their daily routine (s). There are daily spiritual and practical habits that anyone can begin to implement in life as part of a daily routine to overcoming. Here are just a few of the keys that I use and I strongly believe will start anyone on the way to becoming a TRUE OVERCOMER!

We eat in the day, and we eat at night. That is WHY God’s Word admonishes us to MEDITATE (chew your food, the Word of God, slowly) upon His Word day and night. (Ps.1:1-3; Joshua 1:8). We must learn to sit still and think on the Word! Mediation allows you to get focused and organized.




Stop looking at what you see and see what GOD sees! FULL RECOVERY occurs when you stop looking at your situation through the natural and look through the spiritual! When you look back! What do you see? That’s a question I like to ask people. God’s Word tells us to look at what’s been produced in us. 2 Cor 7:11 For [you can look back now and] observe what this same godly sorrow has done for you and has produced in you. I get excited when I read the Word, which is so full of strategies, principles and keys to abundant living. Will lack nothing! James 1:2-5. 2. Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds; 3. Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance; 4. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Will be blessed and receive the victor’s crown! James 1:12 Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who is patient under trial and stands up under temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive [the victor’s] crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him. AMP


Begin each day with prayer. Prayer is how we communicate with Him. James 5:16 says, “The effectual and fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”


Hearing is the ability to perceive or apprehend by the ear: to gain knowledge of by hearing: to listen to with attention. For me, during both good and difficult times, hearing is the key to being able to maneuver in the right direction. God is clear on his instruction on how we should hear and he warns and encourages us as well: Luke 8:18, “So be sure to pay attention to what you hear. To those who are open to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But to those who are not listening, even what they think they have will be taken away from them.” NLT Rev 2:7, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says.” How we listen and what we do with what we hear determines what we receive. Proverbs 8:34-36 34, “Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. 35 For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the LORD. 36 But whoever fails to find me harms himself.” NIV


Prayer is our way of expressing our thanks, supplications, our adoration, and our confession to God. When we sincerely pray, bodies are healed, walls are torn down, people are lifted up and we get direction for our lives. God wants us to be in constant communication with him. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Pray without ceasing.” God wants people to seek HIM for direction for life. God wants total commitment! God wants to lead the path of the people so they will go the right way and receive the blessings HE has for us. Matthew 6:33 tells us to “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Yes, the things that you tried to attain but couldn’t; was God sought first? The decisions that were made but turned out to be the wrong one; was God sought first? We often “have not” because we “ask not” or we ask amiss. We should ask God to give us the plans as we begin each day.


To mediate means to engage in mental exercise (as concentration on one’s breathing or repetition) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness. So, meditation is necessary for us to become more spiritually attuned. In the midst of my storm, my time of meditation would calm my spirit. Jesus said that we are not to “Live by bread alone, but by EVERY Word of God.” (Lk.4:4). He was teaching by illustration. How often do we eat each day?

God speaks daily into our lives; the voice of God is always speaking to us and always trying to get our attention. We often miss what God is saying…we hear a sound, but we are not really listening, so we miss what God is speaking into our situation. God speaks daily into our “routines” of life. We must learn to hear his voice. How can we follow him if we don’t recognize his voice? So, learn to hear what HE is saying daily!


My troubles was so big I didn’t know what else to do but to give them to God. They were unbearable! 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to, “Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.” TLB In times of trouble cast your cares upon the Lord. Even if you are not troubled. Give your cares to God – He’s the most qualified to handle them. Then choose to trust HIM! He cares for you and He will work it out for your good.


No matter what problems you have or how bad things may seem, there is always something to be thankful for. I thank God each day for having a sound mind! That may seem bazaar, but given the trauma we experienced, I’m thankful that my mind is clear. The Bible tells us in 1 Thessolonians 5:18, “No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” TLB Don’t dwell on the negative and certainly stop the complaining. Think of the good things you have, and the problems and challenges will soon diminish or even disappear. Learn to appreciate where you are and to give thanks for ALL things.




But No


“…’Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.’” Zechariah 4:6(b)) Spending 20 years in corporate America taught me a lot about life, people, position, and leadership. I learned you can be very smart, yet very unwise. You can communicate effectively with only occasional contact with clients, and not communicate at all with your staff whom you interact with on a daily basis. A department manager can have the title, but it does not mean he or she exhibits effective leadership. It happens all the time, whether in business or church circles. In today’s society some would argue that “business” and “the church” are one and the same; but that’s another article. You may have heard it said that, “Knowledge is power.” But is it? It depends on how you define “power.” Education, experience, and good old common sense can all bring knowledge, but power is another matter. Power, I believe, for the woman who operates in her purpose comes from the knowledge that it is not HER power, but God’s (Psalm 62:11). She understands very well that without God she is indeed powerless. A careful study of Proverbs 2:6 will reveal that knowledge comes from God as well, but how do you fuse the two? His power and total sufficiency are available to us as we submit ourselves under His authority. Queen Esther had no idea the day would come when she would be the one to save an entire nation from an execution plot put forth by a single individual (Esther 4:8). She knew it would take courage to defy the law of the land to approach the king without being summoned. But she also knew to prepare herself and her people for what needed to be done. Queen Esther’s power came through her commitment to a 3-day fast – her and her people, and her boldness to present herself to king Ahasuerus. Adorned in her royal regalia she approached the king to request his help on behalf of her people. She knew what to do with knowledge, which gave her wisdom to act, which gave her power, and brought the desired result, which was to save her people from being destroyed.



Whether in corporate America, Christian ministry, your family, or any number of other human scenarios, “might and power” express human strength of every description - physical, mental, or moral. When I was employed as a paralegal in some of Dallas’ largest, most prestigious law firms, it always took courage to maintain my personal integrity when one of my assigned lawyers was having a bad day (or, when his true personality was markedly on display). While I wanted to go off, I knew not only was my job at stake, but my reputation and the respect I had earned among my co-workers, was on the block as well. I was working with a gifted attorney, but also an interpersonal skills-challenged individual. What he did not know is that I knew where my power was – it was in the Word of God. My degrees, work experience, and pedigree were not going to be effective - I needed power! In his absence, I prayer-walked his office, spoke the Word over his work space, and invited the presence of the Holy Spirit into that place. I did the same in my own work area, asking God that all who came into my area felt the presence and power of the One who has ALL power! Did it change his behavior? Well, somewhat; but the real objective was for me to work in peace and not constant stress. My concern was not so much his behavior, but my future response to it. Are you facing a situation in which you believe you have knowledge, but no power? Henry Blackaby, author of Experiencing God, said, “If you feel weak, limited, ordinary, you are the best material through which God can work.” Pray this prayer with me: Father in Heaven, what knowledge I have came from You. Please infuse every part of my being with Your Holy Spirit power. May every decision I make pass through the filter of Your Word and prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 NIV





SPEAK LIFE The Power of Positive Self-Talk Evangelist Ashanti T. Barnes, Ed.S


ere we go again. Attack, after attack, after life-draining attack. The weapons formed against you are: criticism, disapproval, and judgment. As a result, you have suffered stress, anxiety and depression. It is beyond time to stand up and speak out against the hate crime that has caused you much pain and grief. It is wartime. Straighten your back, square your shoulders and march yourself to the nearest mirror. There! Right there! That image staring back at you is your biggest enemy. Yes, you! The one who has waged war on your life is Y-O-U. You have spoken negativity about yourself and your abilities. You continue to list the things that you cannot do, will never be and do not have. You deny yourself the opportunities to develop the greatness within you. You talk yourself out of the blessings and miracles that are prepared just for you. Enough is enough! It’s time to fight you – for you! How do you battle negative self-image, self-esteem, or self-worth? I am so glad you asked. It is really quite simple. Change your language from negative to positive. Stating affirmations or positive thoughts daily is an important part of manifesting the goodness of God in your life. The Law of Attraction suggests that what you say will find you. That concept is in direct alignment with Proverbs 18:21 which states, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” That scripture explains why negative things happen when you have a pessimistic mindset. The inverse is, also, true. Adopting an optimistic disposition causes you to attract positive people and experiences in your life. Get back on track by implementing the, I Am, I Have, I Can Strategy.

I AM Decree to yourself, “I am who God says I am!” The Word declares, “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee.” (Job 22:28). The word “am” represents your identity, internal characteristics and strengths. When you say, “I am…” you affirm your existence, confidence, self-esteem and responsibility to yourself. Speak the Word over your life through “I Am” statements: • I am a child of the Most High God. • I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. • I am the head and not the tail and shall be above and not beneath. • I am strong and of good courage. • I am successful in every area of my life.

I HAVE Acknowledge your gifts by stating, “I have what God says I have!” The truth is, you have everything you need, dwelling on the inside of you, to live life more abundantly. I am reminded of the dilemma of Moses when he found himself, and the entire nation of Israel, stuck between a raging sea and Pharaoh’s army.

A fearful Moses called upon God for help and the Lord responded by asking, “What is that in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2). You too, dear one, have amazing gifts, abilities, skills and talents. The word “have” represents your internal strengths, resources, relationships, and connections. Each time you say, “I have…” it affirms your resiliency. Speak life into your situation with “I Have” statements. • I have all my needs met according to God’s riches in glory. • I have God’s full attention. • I have the Spirit of Excellence dwelling on the inside of me. • I have hope and a future. • I have a valuable anointing that is useful for service. I CAN Every day proclaim, “I can do what God says I can do!” The word “can” represents core competencies and opportunities to solve problems. Stating confidently, “I can” affirms your abilities and capacity for success. Paul gives encouragement and empowerment in 1 Corinthians 15:57, “But thanks be to God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” You see, you’re in a fixed fight. You will win because your connection to God causes you to be victorious. Tap into the Source and affirm yourself triumph through “I Can” statements. • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. • I can supernaturally move mountains and walk on water because of my faith. • I can present my requests to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. • I can trust in the Lord and completely submit to Him. • I can accomplish incredible goals. Far too long, the enemy has used tactics to sidetrack your progress on this journey called life. These tricks include: deception, delay, discouragement, diversion, doubt and defeat. If you internalize such negativity, the results can be devastating. Therefore, you must counter these attacks with the Word of the Most High God that has the power for pulling down strongholds. The key to turning your life around is practicing positive self-talk, daily. Remember who you are and Whose you are. Speak the Word over your life by declaring and decreeing you are who He has created you to be, you have all that He has given you to live your best life, and you can do exactly what He has divinely purposed you to do.








love spring because that is when what looked dismal and lifeless during winter, is rejuvenated and restored back to its vibrant and fruitful status. Last year, spring represented the restoration that was occurring naturally to the living things all around me. But this year, spring doesn’t only represent the turnaround that will be observed when we walk out the door; it also represents the turnaround that will be happening in my life as well. God is doing a new thing and it will spring forth (Isaiah 43:19). The word “spring” is everywhere I look.

When we can get out of our own way and the Lord’s, He will do a brand new thing and we indeed, will never be the same.

Something that I have learned as I continue to grow in my spiritual walk with the Lord is that sometimes, things will occur in our lives that we won’t comprehend at all. Circumstances will arise that will completely blindside us and leave us feeling so low that we have no other choice but to look and reach up to the One who desires so much more for us. The Lord desires to do a new thing in our

We don’t have the time to be tripped up or tricked into falling back into old patterns and behaviors. We must do our part and turn our backs on those worldly desires that can corrupt and lead us down the wrong path. We must hold onto God’s unchanging hand, so that we are able to receive all that God has for us.

lives, but at times, we get in the way of that happening.

I get excited when I think about the next chapter that waits for me. There is new, fertile land that I’m believing and trusting that God is about to catapult me into. But I also realize that there are some infertile, unproductive and negative seeds that cannot be in my possession as I prepare to transition and spring forward into all that God has predestined for me.

When I reflect on certain seasons in my life (and believe me, I don’t stay there long, because I don’t want my reflecting to lead to me falling back and retaining those past mindsets or behaviors once again), I realized how situations had a way of changing me into an individual I never intended to be; someone that at times I didn’t even recognize. To be in the place to receive all that God desires to do in our lives, we must surrender it all to Him. We can’t compartmentalize or ration out certain areas of ourselves to the Lord and fight to hold onto the rest. We must release all of ourselves and our circumstances to Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly and above all we could ever ask or think, if we allow His power to work within us (Ephesians 3:20). Through His power we are molded and shaped from within. It may not always feel good, but I can tell you that when we’re in the Potter’s hands and are going through the fire, no matter how uncomfortable it may be or how long the molding or firing process may take, rest assured that once it’s completed, the result will be for our betterment. We are established as new creations with our minds focused on God getting the glory in all that we say and do. For new things to sprout up in our lives, God must uproot some things that have been so deeply entangled beneath the surface. That way, what was restricting us, meaning us no good and taking residence to keep us disconnected, can be removed and thus fresh fertile ground becoming available for all that the Lord desires to spring forth in our lives.



Not only do we serve a God who can do infinitely beyond anything we could ever imagine, but He also cannot lie. Therefore, if He has declared it, it will happen (point...blank...period). Remember that God is true to His Word. He doesn’t make promises and then breaks them. Not one word that He has spoken will return to Him unfulfilled or void.

Are you ready for God to do a new thing in your life? Is there anything standing in the way of you receiving all that God has for you? If so, it’s not too late to surrender it all to the Lord. He’s waiting on you to incorporate and invite Him into every aspect of your life. Is there anything standing in the way of you receiving all that God has for you? If so, it’s not too late to surrender it all to the Lord. He’s waiting on you to incorporate and invite Him into every aspect of your life. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). Never forget that when God pre-wrote each of our days, our missteps, mishaps and mistakes were also included; and He still chose us. There are so many areas that God desires to breathe new life into on our behalf. Can you see it? I can!! Dear Heavenly Father, this is our time, our moment, our season to obtain that breakthrough, blessing, deliverance and miracle that we have been waiting for. Lord you are a way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper and light in the darkness. There is nothing impossible for you to accomplish. In Jesus’ name – Amen.



How to Deal With



ave you ever felt like you were not producing enough? Have you ever blamed yourself for things going wrong or not progressing? Have you ever doubted the vision that God

has given you?

At some point in your journey you will experience delay. You may experience delay in your life, business, or ministry. Just because the business you are building did not skyrocket overnight, does not mean that what God has given you isn’t a shooting star. You must know that it takes time to build anything. There will be delays, detours, and barriers along the way and you must power through in pursuit of the vision. The ministry that God birthed in your heart may be small right now and with limited resources. Your marriage may not be where you want it to be. I want to encourage you to stand still and wait on God in your delay. Avoid making any irrational and erratic decisions during this time. The promise may be delayed, but if you will wait on God and continue to move in faith and obedience you will possess the promise.

Here are some things that you should do, if you are in a season of delay: 1. Remain Consistent- Continue to do what God has instructed you to do, and make a choice to enjoy the process. 2. Rehearse God’s Promises- It is important to remind yourself of God’s promises and rehearse them to build up your spirit, especially in the moments you want to quit or are discouraged. 3. Manage Results & Rewards- Sometimes we get so consumed with the results, that we lose sight of what we are building. Do not compare your results with those who are further along. Stay focused on building a foundation that will produce sustainable results and longevity. Let the results be your reward.


4. Remember the Big Picture- The big picture is the vision and/or mission that God has given you. It is so important to remember that, the building part of the process can be hard, but the reward will always outweigh the labor. Prayer: Lord, help us not to despise small beginnings. Help us to be diligent and faithful stewards over the work that you have assigned to our hands.

Help us to see the joy in the journey. Help us to trust your promise, to stay on course, and not to become distracted from the purpose you have given us. The ministry, the business, the marriage all belongs to you. Teach us to build wisely, and to rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit every step of the way. We ask for your guidance, instruction, understanding, and wisdom. We trust you for growth, prosperity, and favor as we endeavor to do your will and glorify you in all of our affairs. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

GOD Will Make A Way! Romans 8:31- What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?





The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose. -Dr. Myles Munroe






nowing your purpose or why you were created is essential in life. In order for you to walk in it, you must first know what it is.

So, what is purpose? The Oxford dictionary definition says, “The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” We were all created with a purpose and gifts. Knowing your purpose gives your life, life. No longer do you just exist. We were never created to just take up space. The Word of God says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV. So if He has a plan for us, He most certainly has a purpose for us. We all are created to be a blessing to others. But what are you called specifically to do? What is your meaning, or ambition? What were you placed here to do? At a young age, God showed me my purpose. I was going to bless others through speaking and writing. But I was always very shy about speaking in public, so I was trying to figure out how this was going to work. But God already had the plan worked out; all I had to do was trust the process. I always enjoyed helping others, and for years I worked in the social service field as a Domestic Violence Counselor/Advocate, and a Sexual Assault Medical/Legal Advocate. I also worked in healthcare in Ortho-Trauma’s, Medical Surgical, Women’s and Infants, and Labor and Delivery units.

As you can imagine, I witnessed a lot of traumas, pain, hurt, and physical emergencies. Routinely, I prayed for, spoke over, and encouraged clients and patients. I knew this was a part of my purpose. Writing was always a way for me to express myself. It was my solace, and I saw how it encouraged others. I knew from a young age, I wanted to be a television broadcaster. Everywhere I went, people shared their stories with me, without me even asking. God opened the door for me to return to school after age 30 to obtain a second degree. My dream came true and I received my degree in Broadcast Journalism. It was right after graduation that I answered the call and attended and graduated from school of ministry, and was licensed the same year. I did not want to be a television broadcaster just so I could be seen under the lights. However, to use my voice and presence along with God working through me to give people hope. You can deliver a message of Good News and compassion in the midst of reporting on a catastrophe, or a sad story, and all of my former jobs prepared me for such a time as this. God blessed me by allowing me to be hired for as an ABC and FOX affiliate News Producer and Reporter, and within four months I was asked to Co-anchor the morning show. We are called to be light in whatever situation we are in. Your dreams and desires are usually, if not always, connected to your purpose and your destiny. Even today, God continues to show me even more of what He still desires of me. All I have to do is listen. Philippians 2:13 NLT says, “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” If you don’t know your purpose, ask the Lord what it is, and be still, and listen. He will show you.


Our purpose here on earth is never for us, but for those we will reach, and bless, and ultimately for God to get the glory. It would be selfish of us to even think for one minute, all the gifts that have been given to us are for our own use and our pleasure only. What do you enjoy doing, what brings joy to you, and others? What is God telling you to do, that you may have procrastinated about, or are fearful in taking that leap of faith? No matter what you have experienced in life, no matter how many setbacks you have endured, no matter how many losses you have bared, no matter how many nights you have cried. You. Are. Still. Here. Genesis 50:20 says, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Therefore you have work to do and that work rests in your purpose. Remember Romans 8:28 KJV tells us, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Please take comfort in knowing, “For God has Not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, and of power, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV In 2018 may you fully know, and be propelled into your God-given purpose, and may you be victorious in it. May there be no setbacks, delays, or denials, but may your road be smooth, ahead of you. May you be blessed so you can be a blessing to others, as you inspire men, women, boys and girls to discover and own their purpose, as they watch you move precisely in yours. May you have a constant hedge of protection around you, and may No weapon that is formed against you prosper. You shall have a breakthrough, a sudden discovery that leads and catapults you into your destiny. Remember, “It is in Him, that we live and move and have our being. We are His offspring.” Acts 17:28 KJV In Jesus Name, Amen.





Would You Marry You?? Ann Esters-Stevenson reflects on how she discovered her purpose.

“Would You Marry You?” was a resounding question that was asked of me from my mother many years ago and it forced me to take a deeper look within and decidedly make the changes necessary in order for me to be the BEST woman I could be for “myself ” before I could even remotely be the BEST woman for someone else. Over the course of several years when I examined my own life and my outlook on it, I learned so much about myself. I realized that through “Spiritual Maturity” it was extremely difficult to pour from an empty cup and that I needed to inspect what I expected of a potential mate. As like many other young girls in my generation, I had thoughts and aspirations of one day getting married having a fairytale church wedding packed with hundreds of guests. My aspirations included being a mother of four after having had two sets of twins, both boys and girls. I dreamed of having a 2-story home, where I would meet my husband at the door when he arrived home from work and we would all sit down for the dinner, which was prepared for us to eat as a family. Well………I believe I can speak for many women who have had similar aspirations that this wasn’t what GOD had in store for us. First of all, I wasn’t whole and I definitely wasn’t whole in Christ. You see for years, I struggled with the fact that I was single and well into my thirties. I started to accept the stigma associated with being a single female in her mid-thirties with no children believing that something was inherently wrong with me. As I look back in retrospect, it was the stigma coupled with limiting beliefs that I’d created from preadolescence throughout adulthood that hindered my progress. In doing so, I found myself hiding beneath deep-seeded issues of low self-esteem and never feeling that I was enough. In doing so, I was challenged with honing in to my inner-core to recognize that real/true beauty comes from within and is what’s exuded on the surface. I didn’t take into account Psalm 139:14 which tells me I am fearfully and wonderfully made and when GOD created me, HE broke the mold because there’s no one in the entire universe who has my “exact” genetic make-up. I hadn’t accepted the fact that I was a RARE GEM, a priceless jewel. So, I added another question for myself. If I hadn’t accepted it, how was anyone else of marriage material going to accept it? Many would concert that due to my parents being divorced, I was exposed to challenges and vulnerabilities associated with a “single-parent” home. Nothing could be further from the truth. While it was a financial struggle for my mother to carry out her wishes of sending me and my older brothers to parochial schools, and specifically for me to what was considered the best all-girl college preparatory school in the city of St. Louis; she and my Father came to the conclusion that education could never be compromised and any sacrifices that had to be made would in no way, shape, or form negatively impact the opportunities I would be given with a strong educational background.

Let’s just say my mom had to do some strong convincing of my Father based on associative costs of going to a private school. Because they wanted my life to be vastly different than theirs, he was willing to make sacrifices along with all of us. For that I am grateful. For without it, I can say with a high degree of certainty that I would not be where I am today. I fully understand sacrificing and the importance of investing in something far more important that money can buy…..Me. So, while I didn’t have many designer labels or some of the material things in which several of my student colleagues had, I did have the LOVE and SUPPORT of my grandmother. Her along with two PHENOMENAL parents who would set their minute differences aside to make sure I knew I was a daughter who would grow up to be a woman with character, integrity, and class; a daughter who accepted at an early age that the world didn’t owe me anything, and a young lady of principle where hard work and dedication would allow me to excel at whatever I desperately wanted. My mom would tell me growing up that “Being Poor Builds Character.” At that time, I really didn’t understand this concept because as a teenager, I only wanted the latest shoes, fashions, purses, & jewelry. After having completed college and throughout my young adult years, this concept became much clearer to me. I began to appreciate myself, my parents, my grandmother, and my humble beginnings so much more. As a result of my overall experiences, I am thankful to GOD because it has naturally progressed into my Purpose of Passionately Pouring into the lives of women assisting them in realizing several important guiding principles to include my top five which are: *Always Inspect what I Expect *I am a Priceless GEM Created by GOD *My Worth is Not Defined by Designer Labels *I am One with GOD Regardless of my Marital Status *Spiritual Maturity is a Catalyst for a Successful Marriage From then until this day, I stand on the fact that while I may like nice things that have designer labels tied to them, my True Treasure is in heaven and as I peeled back the layers of my life which needed my attention, I came to a place and point in which when the resounding question was asked of myself, “Would You Marry You?”, I could unapologetically say YES and mean it! I’ve now been married to my Husband and Best Friend since August 2011. Not only do we Love each other, we Love our 2 Sons immeasurably and they too understand they’re GOD’s priceless creation.



Photographed by: Kauwuane Burton Photography Makeup by: Shonny Young SassieFace Hair by: Kristie Withers Marshall




RENEE FOWLER HORNBUCKLE Dr. Renee F. Hornbuckle talks to Today’s Purpose Woman about propelling to a greater purpose after overcoming a life altering scandal. By Sherrell Valdezloqui




When Dr. Renee Hornbuckle’s life and the life of her children changed after a real life scandal, she found herself humiliated, embarrassed, and stripped of all dignity, with unanswered questions and the barebones of a shattered ministry. This left her with only two choices; to rise above her crises or collapse into it. This Today’s Purpose Woman chose to rise above and propel into her greatness. And now she’s stronger than ever. Originally from Little Rock, Arkansas in a middle class family, the youngest of 5 girls with both parents who were in education. Dr. Hornbuckle recalls living a life that evolved around the church and community in which her entire family served. From a very early age Dr. Hornbuckle’s parents whom she says is her greatest inspiration taught her to push herself beyond where she currently was in life because there’s always something more. They molded and instilled in her that with decision, determination and dedication- she could do anything. It was Dr. Hornbuckle’s upbringing and learning about her family history that allows her to have a sense of pride and to have an unusually deep sense of service, faith, faithfulness and loyalty. Dr. Hornbuckle’s life continued as she found success in her corporate career. She later successfully transitioned into the faith-based and nonprofit sectors, while still pursuing entrepreneurship, as well as, sitting on numerous community boards. Until 2005, Dr. Hornbuckle says, “I thought I was living the American dream – Great success – pretty much ready, equipped and prepared for anything. In the eyes of many, I was considered “successful” from the external side of things. Successful marriage, thriving ministry, fruitful relationships and lucrative businesses.”

It was difficult for her to see the good of anything, initially. “It’s difficult to see the good of anything, especially in times of crisis or trauma, when you are in the midst or center of it. But troubles don’t ever come at a convenient time. They actually tend to come at times of inconvenience, as an interruption when we least expect it! The truth is that as much as we desire for things to be just “right” in life, the reality is that there will be troubles and unpredictable adversity in this life we live. The bigger question becomes, Will you be ready when troubles come and will you know what to do?” Dr. Hornbuckle now uses her experience to help others; she feels she has a responsibility to set a great example for others. “Every day that I awaken, which is a gift in itself, I ask God to use me to make a difference in the lives of those that I encounter. When you know what you are called to do, and know that God wants to use you, it has a way of causing you to step up and take responsibility for how you conduct yourself in speech, and in the behavior modeled.” “I’ve always been transparent when speaking in my ministry career. I’ve always taken my failures, mishaps, mess-ups, and challenges and shared them with others, first so they would realize that they are not the only ones facing issues (everyone has a story); and so that they can “see” HOPE! Knowing you are not by yourself in your dilemma and seeing someone else who has made it can really be a lifesaver for most. People tell me all the time that just watching how I handled the scandal with grace, strength and dignity helped them to overcome their problems.” For those who have not risen above their crises, Dr. Hornbuckle feels it may be because they simply don’t know how to handle the situations they are faced with. “Just taking the first steps in the right direction when faced with difficulty can be a challenge in itself. I help people to accept that crises are a normal part of life. Some are mild and soon forgotten and others are intense and life-changing. Because by nature, they’re disruptive, all crises require you to respond and make decisions.” “I believe that we are called to be examples and if we never allow people to see our “real” lives, they will not have those examples to relate too. That’s why I’m committed to being transparent, authentic and relatable by showing others how they can overcome anything. Life is too short and meant to be enjoyed… so my message is this, “the sooner you confront your realities, the sooner you can get back to life.”

In 2005 Dr. Hornbuckle’s life and the life of her children changed traumatically. A jolting scandal broke that her then husband and Pastor was facing multiple allegations of narcotics possession and sexual misconduct. “Me, my children, and my congregation, and our communities in which we lived and worked were paralyzed with a real-life scandal, that included shame, suffering, and sorrow, not to mention the spiraling loss of finances, relationships and possessions. I found myself humiliated, embarrassed, stripped of all dignity, and only left with unanswered questions and the barebones of a shattered ministry.” Dr. Hornbuckle had to make a choice as to either rise above her crisis or collapse into it. She made the decision to rise above. Rising above her crises didn’t happen overnight.




So in helping others to fuel their lives for greater, the lesson becomes this, “If you can learn to follow a process even in the midst of bad times, you can bounce back to good (normal) times.” God has given Dr. Hornbuckle a strong gift of wisdom and she loves to serve. Both she says are available at all times and are interwoven into her gift of teaching, guiding and empowering. “My daughter often reminds me that I’m always giving life lessons to others even when they don’t ask. This just shows that when you have God-given gifts, they operate at all times…. It’s difficult to turn off,” she says.

Dr. Hornbuckle strongly believes in giving people the opportunity to shine. She admits that the challenge is that she oftentimes is too generous with deadlines and then when those deadlines are not met, she really, really expects everyone to contribute to make it happen no matter what. She considers herself a driver leader during those times, but overall says she’s really a servant leader. “I believe in serving just as Jesus did, and leading by example. I don’t ever ask anyone to do anything that I’m not willing to do myself. I believe leading by serving is how Jesus would want us all to lead.”

Advice For The Millennial Woman

In serving and teaching, Dr. Hornbuckle is the founder of Rachel’s House Many can agree that millennial women are seen as fearless and bold. Dr. and Destiny Ranch and serves as Senior Pastor of Destiny Pointe Christian Hornbuckle feels the same way. In fact she sees the millennial women as Center. They were founded in 2001, Rachel’s House and Destiny Ranch, a powerful generation. “I love the millennial women – that generation is under the parent nonprofit agencies - Women of Influence, Inc. and Despowerful. I think they are fearless and bold. But I think underneath all of tiny Empowerment Enterprises, Inc. respectively, focuses on the mission that fierceness is the pressure to perform. It concerns me. So, I would say to empower families, faced with life-altering transitions and crisis; so they to millennial women, leverage the powerful resource of the women who are able to make positive changes in their lives, actualize their potential and came before you. Learn from us. Be confident and bold in your own skin, build lives for themselves and their children that are free of stress, violence, but be teachable and coachable. You don’t have to be like anyone else, addictions and unhealthy relationships. Through the leverage your gifts, talents, abilities and education to gain your provision of housing, social services, the promotion maximum potential. I also want them to remember that they of systematic change and empowerment programs, “ I most certainly stand on our shoulders and that we are here for them. They such as life-coaching, counseling, training and mencan trust us and should desire to learn from us. It’s really want my torship, we work to ensure individuals are not led into the model spoken of in Titus, where the older women train situations of chronic poverty, welfare dependency and Legacy to or speak into the lives of the younger women. Life is not homelessness. This year the program is expanding and oulive my life!” just about performance or success, there’s so much more. We adding sustainable housing for veterans. “We are excitneed to have the conversations and bridge the gap. We need ed about working with those who have faithfully served each other – and we are certainly stronger together!” she says. our country.” With all that’s on Dr. Hornbuckle’s agenda this year, you’ll find multiple As the Senior Pastor of Destiny Pointe Christian Center, Dr. Hornbuckle businesses, books and nonprofit projects on the list. With all that she has says that the vision of The Pointe Church is to be a place where people will going on she’s still a mother and grandmother. Since family is most imbe empowered with the tools that are necessary to fulfill their God-Givportant to her, we’re guessing a nice vacation will be added to the agenda. en destiny on earth! The mission is to transform lives through a personal Speaking of vacation and down time, Dr. Hornbuckle knows how importrelationship with Jesus Christ; by effectively promoting the principles and ant it is to giver herself permission to refuel and refresh. Her down time is mandates of the Kingdom of Heaven to a contemporary society through defined by what she desires to do at that time. “I’m really a homebody. So, passionate worship and the study of the Word. “It is our personal endeavor if I can have several ‘staycations’ throughout the year, then I’m extremely to impact all people through the ministries of healing, reconciliation, restorefreshed. The time I have to myself allows me to do whatever I want. ration and inspiration as outlined in the Holy Scriptures,” Dr. Hornbuckle I’m an old movie connoisseur, so a day or two with all the old black and explains. white movies I like is refreshing. I also love classical music, waterfalls and If you ask Dr. Hornbuckle about her leadership style she’ll tell you she’s a candles so days just being in the environment I like with the right ambiance progressive leader. “I am always evaluating myself. I recently took a leadis replenishing. Of course, I love the spa and to travel. And the ultimate, ership quiz and the results stated that I was an idealist. Honestly, I wasn’t best spiritually refreshing for me is the beach! I go as often as I can.” familiar with the term, as I know names of leadership styles have changed Dr. Hornbuckle has many achievements, but her proudest achievements over the years. So, I had to look up the traits of an idealist. But basically are her 3 young adults Matthew, Rachel and Jordan and her granddaughter here’s what that means: Idealists are high-energy achievers who believe in the Kierstyn. positive potential of everyone around them. They want to learn and grow, and they want everyone else to do the same. They’re often charismatic and When it comes down to leaving a legacy, Dr. Hornbuckle believes you can draw others to them with their intuition and idealism. They’re open-minded have an impact upon others now and also have an impact that outlasts your and prize creativity from themselves and others. Working for idealists offers lifespan on this earth. the chance to be creative and express oneself. It offers the chance to have an equal voice and learn by doing. Working for the idealist often provides Dr. Hornbuckle wants to be remembered as one of those who made a a very democratic experience. There isn’t as much process and structure as lasting contribution for generations to come. “I want my children and my with some other leaders (like stewards) and that can be a plus or minus dechildren’s children, and others I encounter to be positively affected by my pending on the employee. Idealists can often be found doing creative work legacy now and once I’m gone. I most certainly want my Legacy to outlive or brainstorming around a table with like-minded individuals. This is a direct my life!” reflection of my leadership style.”



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A PATH AFTER PAIN Redina Thorpe Thomas reflects on how with God she found a path after her pain.

As my life started, I was ready to be a great wife and mother. I was only nineteen as my journey began. I married my first love and the love of my life. I was six months pregnant and graduated high school two years prior to getting married. I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with this man. There was no doubt that we could and would weather every storm that life would send our way, but all of that came crashing down because I became the face of domestic violence. I thought love was enough; I thought love would and could conquer all. Growth would show me that it was only a small part of the equation. There is so much more that is needed to make a marriage work. You have to first have a willing partner, one that is in it to win it. There must be trust and honesty. I would find later that my marriage had all the components of mass destruction and failure. It was filled with lies, deceit, infidelity, fear, and domestic violence. This was indeed a cocktail waiting to explode, but as a young naïve woman, I had no idea what was in store. The years would prove that I could not weather this storm. It was bigger than me, but because I am a fighter, I fought hard to keep my marriage together before deciding to leave. I was not sure who I was, so I stayed in an abusive relationship because I wanted to look good for the public. I wanted to continue wearing designer clothes, and remain in my beautiful brick home, but one day, I woke up and realized I was a gem with or without material things. When God has created you for greater, he will show you a path after the pain. I became weary and tired of the lies, infidelity, deceit, fear, and domestic violence. I decided I didn’t want to be with a man who used me as his human punching bag. I realized I couldn’t change him. He was who he was, and his issues were bigger than me. We, as women, want to fix men. That is not our job to do, and we don’t have the power to change them, only God possesses this power. I started looking at life differently. I always wanted to go back to school, and when I would attempt to, I found myself pregnant and sick during the pregnancies due to stress and abuse, so I was unable to finish. I lost who I was. I forgot as Psalms 139: 1-4 states, “You are beautiful for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” I began to see visions of a new life and a beacon of hope. I knew I had to seek a better life so that my three beautiful little girls would grow up and see a strong, black woman and a mother. It was time for me to begin my walk, a walk that in the latter years would be the walk that God predestined for me. I went back to the family home that had been a safe haven for many. I decided to re-enroll in school. This would be the beginning of my confidence booster. I decided to let God be the artist so that he could begin painting my life to show his masterpiece; Me. The growing process began. I started to see success in the classroom. My grades were good, so I wanted more. The taste of success had begun. God had ordained me for greater as I lay in my mother’s womb, but I lost myself along the way due to the love of worldly goods.



I can remember, as a little girl, I always aspired to be a teacher. I loved children, and it was one of the gifts that God gave me. I was able to foster that gift and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, Language, and Literature. I went on to receive certifications in Middle-Grade English, History, Special Education, Leadership, and a Master’s in Education. When God has a plan for your life, the road will be paved for success to take place. One must put in the work by addressing problematic issues that may have led you to a particular situation. In my case, lacking the power of discernment where men were concerned caused me to find the wrong men, but once God cleans you and makes you new, you move forward in Grace. The sky is the limit because I am no longer the person in charge of my life. God is my captain and has full authority of my direction. He allowed me to find a path without pain by sharing my story in a woman’s anthology entitled Soul Source. I was able to re-visit the wounds and secrets that I buried deep in my soul, the ones that I didn’t want anyone to know. I was living a lie, but God said no. You will show the world the face of domestic violence. You will speak your truth wherever you go and to whomever you can, spreading hope to those that may face or have faced domestic violence. You will become whole again so that you can do my will; my masterpiece for the entire world to see.





Robin Hair Why

Is Sold Out For God!

Robin Hair wants you to know that who you choose to connect your life with can have a big impact on your future and destiny.

My heart was torn to shreds as my family was ripped apart. My financial situation was bleak. I had no job and no place to call my own. I lost my home, cars, and depleted my savings. I suffered an illness that prevented me from working. Without a job, I had no insurance and was in desperate need of surgery. Almost a year had passed without medical treatment. I was abandoned and left alone to sort through these turbulent times: just me and God. These were dark days. At times there was just enough light for me to see how to take just one more step. What happened? How did I get here? What events sent me spiraling into the abyss of despair? Sixteen years in a marriage of betrayal and mental abuse. Let me start from the beginning. Prior to getting married, I finished my degree and I was stuck, not only emotionally and financially, but also spiritually as well. My prospects of finding a job in my field were bleak. I had also been suffering from disturbing nightmares that were so horrific that I did everything I could to stay awake at night. I couldn’t move, or speak or even wake myself up. I had not been consistently attending church and I certainly was not serving God. But I came from a family of Baptist preachers, so I remembered to pray and call on the name of Jesus. Yes, even in my sins, the only thing that worked when I was being tormented in these nightmares was to think “Jesus” in my mind. Desperate and out of options, I prayed and asked God to deliver me from a dead-end job and these nightmares and I would give him my life. Jesus came through! I was blessed with a new life in a new city, with a new job. I was on top of the world, but the nightmares continued until I made good on my promise to serve God. I tried a couple of churches but there is a difference between attending church and serving God, worshiping Him in Spirit and in truth. I joined a church truly seeking God. But I didn’t know anyone who was truly serving God. I did what they did. I was in the choir for 3 years but most of the choir was in the club Saturday night. There was no shame at all. We would all leave the club saying, “I will see you in the morning!” Sunday morning, we would all be there singing praises to a God we hardly new. I was still stuck and misguided. I met a man at a local gym who would change my life. He was flirting, and I was not interested. Little did I know that he was married at the time. I talked about my new-found service to God thinking that would run him off but that was just what he wanted to hear. He turned on the “Biblical charismatic” façade. He was very convincing by mixing knowledge of the Word of God and lies. So, I yielded to his advances and he started visiting my church.

I ended up marrying an adulterer. Ironically, immediately after we got married, he took me to another church which was a Spirit-filled Pentecostal church. There was a difference! So much so that I immediately wanted everything they had! I received salvation and was filled with the Holy Ghost. I spoke in an unknown tongue and I immediately felt different. Then were my eyes opened and I cried for 2 reasons. I was filled with the joy of the discovery of freedom and new life. At the same time, I was filled with the sadness and heartbreak that I had married someone who only used the Word of God to manipulate me and others for his own selfish reasons. He boasted that he used ministry to womanize and sought the magnetic power that a minister could have over women. That’s how the marriage began, continued16 years and 2 children later, and that is how it ended. What the enemy meant for evil, God meant for good. Sixteen years of serial betrayal, manipulation and mental abuse was a nightmare, but divorce was worse. Now begins challenges and tribulations I could not imagine I would have to deal with. The losses were devastating and my trials, I would not wish on my worst enemy. Another failed marriage and many more losses later would miraculously resulted in deliverance, healing, peace, and a ministry! God is still in the miracle business! Failures do not determine your destiny. My life is proof that nothing is too hard for God. God used a liar to bring truth to my life. God used trials that were meant to destroy me to strengthen me. God used heartache and devastation meant to break me, to make me. I am alive today because God’s favor moved on the heart of a physician to donate the surgery I so desperately needed. It was the favor of God that kept me. God used the process of pain for self-discovery. Are you struggling with low self-esteem and feeling rejected? Are your relationships destroying your goals in life? Are you finding yourself with men who suck the life out of you? Maybe you feel stuck in circumstances you did not create. Do you want to break the chains of bondage and overcome? I am a co-author in the highly anticipated anthology Souled Out. If you have ever fallen in love over and over then this book can help you! In the book I write, “Please understand that having a relationship with Christ does not make you immune to the consequences of foolish decisions.” I also write, “I want women to know that who you choose to connect your life with can destroy your future, hope, and derail your destiny.” Get the book Souled Out for more mind-blowing revelations that will set you free.







BURROWES What’s the best thing about walking in your purpose? You are unstoppable when you walk in your purpose as you want to make a massive difference in your life and that of others. Nothing seems unachievable and you will do so with enthusiasm and ferociousness with a deeper connection of self. Walking in your purpose, many fluorescent lights go off literally; you figure things out with high-vibration happiness. With unlimited infectious passion, experiences are more clarity focused, a zealous love for life and an unyielding connection to your being.

Dee worked in corporate for many years, she recalls the days of feeling unac-

cepted, stuck, overwhelmed, passed up for promotion, stressed and at a crosswords of giving up when she found inner fulfillment and the drive to living life on her terms. Dee reached a pivotal point in her life when she yearned to travel abroad for a personal special occasion and could not get the few days off to do so as her Senior Director told her it was not the right time and the business needed her. As a Senior Manager herself, this pains her to say the least. It obviously crushed her and affected her emotional state and at this point she had to re-examine her life and what was of extreme importance to living life on her terms. She knew there was more meaning to her life, more contentment and greatness in her career, love and business. She eventually found her road map and passion. As a transformational life coach she empowers her clients who are struggling to believe in themselves, stand up and stand out to their full potential. What is your purpose and who are the people you are purposed to reach? Inspired by the desire to keep individuals encouraged, empowered to execute and fulfill their own destiny with fervor that is uniquely communicated through a purpose-filled approach to creating impactful results. More importantly, my mission is to connect with other individuals to create their dream lives, careers and businesses. Too often, the struggles of others weigh so much on us, by breaking the negative mindset patterns to start living a life of abundance, joy and purpose. Naturally, I embrace how privileged I am to be part of their successful journey. My purpose has been to support others to rediscover and realignment their self-confidence, self-worth and self-love, which will ultimately result in the actualization of their higher-selves.

What advice or encouragement can you give to those you are purposed to reach? It has been a constant battle hustling daily. However, deep down there’s that feeling of being uncomfortable for wanting all of life’s grandeur. Every time you would miss your goals almost immediately your self-confidence and self-worth were knocked right back down to the ground. No matter how many times, you must keep getting up. Life is not about how many times you fall down. It’s about how many times you get back up.” Jaime Escalante. This quote ring truth as when I fall down, to get back up its profound lessons learned. I think of new beginnings to realign with my purpose and get things straight. What are some things you do on a daily basis that fuels your purpose? My daily rituals: Pray Meditate Journal Set intentions Exercise Sleep well (get enough hours in) AND Celebrate all successes whether big or small. What can we expect to see in from you in 2018? I am on a mission for domination in my life and business!!! I will stay committed to goals, action plans and have the belief system in my own ability to achieve these goals. Much more grace-filled and intentional approach crystallizing my ‘why’ giving structure and focus to decision making, which will undoubtedly contribute to a renewed balance mindset. Make memories whilst attaining more international clients scaling up my business and living life on my terms.




SHALL PASS by Brenda Stevenson

I don’t know about you, but I’ve learned to appreciate seasons because seasons change. I’ve come to understand that life is a constant cycle of trials and tribulations, successes and failures, ups and downs, good times and bad. The blessing in it is realizing that whatever we are facing at any given time in our lives, it’s only for a season. God will never allow us to suffer any trial beyond what we are able to bear. The late Reverend James Cleveland used to sing a song that I still love today called, This Too Will Pass. The message of the song is basically that whatever you’re going through, no matter what it is, it didn’t come to stay; it came to pass. Trouble doesn’t last always. Eventually, the storm has got to pass over. This too shall pass! At the same time, there’s a certain level of maturity that comes with accepting the fact that many of the good things that we enjoy have an end as well. That just means that we have outgrown where we are, and the end to that season of success is motivation for us to move on to bigger and better things. We are too comfortable and have become stagnant or complacent. But it’s only unfortunate for those who don’t want to go higher. The goal is to keep moving forward on the path that God has set before us because eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, and neither has entered into the hearts of men what God has prepared for those that love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9). Life simply cannot be all good without anything to test our faith in God. If it were, we wouldn’t need God, and we certainly wouldn’t be striving to make it to Heaven. Heaven would be right here on earth. Every day can’t be sunshine.



There is going to be some rain. But, we can’t neglect to give God praise even in the rainy seasons of our lives because it’s the rain that causes things to grow. The seasons of life help us to grow and learn and become better, more well-balanced people every day. Seasons teach us lessons and open up windows and opportunities for blessings every time we advance to another level. I am thankful for a God who knows exactly what it takes to get me where I need to be. The very God who created me, and before I was even formed in the womb, He knew me (Jeremiah 1:5). He knows my end from my beginning, and He sees me as I will be, the finished product.., fearfully and wonderfully made. Regardless of the trial you’re facing or the heartbreak or brokenness you’re experiencing, just remember that this too shall pass. Life doesn’t stop and stand still. Time keeps moving and our job is to keep moving right along with it. Roll with the punches. Don’t get stuck and stay where you are. Keep moving forward, one step and one day at a time. We all know that setbacks can slow us down. That’s ok; we’re human. At times it may be necessary to take a minute to catch your breath and regroup. Move slowly if you have to, crawl if you must…but just keep moving. You can’t stop because destiny doesn’t stop here. There is yet more to do. God has an awesome plan and purpose for your life, and you have an obligation and a responsibility to see it through. Why do you think you are still here walking the earth? You have a divine assignment, a destiny, and dreams to fulfill.., and it’s all inside of you waiting for the right time and season to be birthed. It’s normal to be nervous about it, and even unsure as to what your purpose and assignment is. But, the only way to discover it is to keep moving. Get into the presence of God and keep dreaming, keep discovering new and wonderful things about yourself, your gifts, talents and abilities. Get into His presence and discover who He created you to be, and all He created you to be. And use your gifts, talents and abilities to bless the world for His glory.







ou’re ready to begin your entrepreneurial journey, but you are unsure of how to successfully launch the business. Or perhaps, you are already on your entrepreneurial journey, but it’s time to take the business to the next level. To have a sustainable, profitable and successful business, you must build it upon a solid foundation. That solid foundation must consist of these 3 key elements: Vision, Mission and Values. Let’s take a closer look. The 1st key element is Vision. The vision of your organization is the desired dream destination. It’s what the organization is striving to ultimately achieve. It answers the questions: Why does the organization care? Why does the organization bother? Your vision is big, exciting and compelling. It impacts and inspires the world for a better tomorrow. The 2nd key element is Mission. Mission directs and guides the organization toward the desired dream destination. It tells the world who you are, who is your targeted market and what your organization provides on a daily basis. Your mission is the fuel that pumps in alignment with the vision.

Luke 22:24-30, tells us the disciples we’re arguing about, who would be the greatest amongst them. Jesus then told them, “Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank and the leader should be like a servant.” He went on to tell them that He was among them as one who serves. You see, our Lord and Savior in all HIS greatness were among them as a servant. Here are 7 servant-leadership qualities to carry with you on your entrepreneurial journey: Strategic, Ethical, Reliable, Valuable, Accurate, Noteworthy & Trustworthy. Strategic: Utilize the #1 strategic resource, the Bible, to guide you in all of your decision-making. By doing so, you’ll lead your organization effectively toward its ultimate desired dream destination. Ethical: You must apply the principles of honesty and fairness. Be transparent, truthful and honest in all you do and say. Treat others with dignity and respect. Reliable: Your staff and customers are depending on you to show up. They are counting on you to be there, whether it’s spiritually, physically or mentally. This doesn’t mean to say yes to everyone or everything; but what you have promised, you must deliver. Valuable: Value is about providing more than what is expected. What you offer your staff in compensation and what you provide your customers in product and service should outweigh what they give you in exchange. You see, value is in the eyes of those you serve. Accurate: When you are in the Kingdom building business, it’s in your DNA to provide excellence. Accuracy produces excellence and quality. When your staff and customers have accurate information, it positively impacts the output of their language and action. Noteworthy: You may be wondering why noteworthy. Well, when you are serving God’s people, your work and interactions should be exemplary. When you deliver exemplary work, it becomes noteworthy, thus causing a ripple effect, which leads customers to share raving reviews of the organization. Excellent reviews leads to business growth. Trustworthy: And last, but certainly not least, you must be trustworthy. Your staff and customers must have confidence in your ability to deliver every time. Now, how can you effectively care for your clients? You S.E.R.V.E. them! The first thing you’ll do is Support: Your customer has a problem that needs to be solved. Lend your ears and fully listen to the problem. Be inquisitive to discover the hidden issue(s).

The 3rd and final key element is Values. Values are the heart of the business. They speak directly to how the organization will operate in reaching the desired dream destination. But the divine spiritual purpose that holds the three key elements all together is the X Factor – Service. You see, the most strategic book ever written, tells us in I Peter 4:10 that we each have received a gift and we are to use it to serve one another as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. The purpose of service is so God can reach others through the gifts and talents He has given us. This is achieved through being a servant leader and being of service to your customers. Think about this for a moment. The business cannot and should not be out of obligation nor should it be just to make money (that’s another article for another time), but an opportunity to serve.

Next Evaluate: Conduct a deep analysis, utilizing the SWOT method (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats). This process will allow you to obtain a crystal clear understanding of the problem. The third step is to Recommend: After completing the analysis, offer a customized solution that meets the need. The fourth step is to Verify: The verification process is to gain agreement from the customer that the recommended solution does solve the problem. The final step of serving your customer is to Exceed: Exceed your customers’ expectations by going above and beyond. WOW your customers in every interaction. Entrepreneurship is a challenging journey, but one that can be achieved. Yes, the marketing, the operational and the sales plans must be well executed. But, to excel in God’s divine plan, you MUST incorporate the BEST strategic plan – The Purpose of Service! WHO will you serve today?






By day, Harvard graduate, Chris-Tia Donaldson provides strategic legal advice to top executives at one of the world’s largest Fortune 100 companies. By night, the lawyer-turned-businesswoman is inspiring women from the south side of Chicago to South Africa to embrace healthier beauty practices through Thank God It’s Natural, her line of natural products for hair and skin, which is now available nationwide in stores such as Target, Whole Foods, and Sally’s Beauty Supply. Under Chris-Tia’s leadership, the company plans to expand into healthy snacks, cookbooks, supplements, and fitness apparel in the near future. Thank God Its Natural products are made in small batches using the finest natural and organic ingredients for maximum freshness. None of their products contain parabens and phthalates or have ever been tested on animals. The company strives to bring a superior beauty experience, and have made it their priority to protect the planet and to always give back to their community. TGIN Founder Chris-Tia is a breast cancer survivor and has found purpose in a journey that she once thought was unfair. She now uses her voice and platform to educate and financially support breast cancer causes. Just this past October, they’ve risen over close to $10,000 and have given over $20,000. They’re expecting to do even more this year, because now a portion of the proceeds of TGIN products will be donated to a breast cancer cause. What has molded Chris-Tia to being the woman she is today? Growing up, I think what really molded me into the person I am today is the sense that my parents felt that with education I could do anything. They always valued the importance of education, the valued the importance of excellence, they valued the importance of stretching yourself and being curious. I wouldn’t be here today if I wasn’t curious, or was constantly thinking of how I could make the world that I lived in a better place, whether that came to hair care products, or to being a breast cancer survivor. Those were the views that shaped me. That has molded me into who I am today.

How did you come up with the name TGIN (Thank God It’s Natural)? The name basically derived from when I was in the midst of transitioning my hair and I was finally able to go natural. I tell people I wore a wig for the first couple of years because I didn’t know what I was doing, and there weren’t a lot of products available on the market for women who wanted to wear their hair natural. When I finally reached the point where I could own who I was as a black woman, as a woman with kinky, curly hair, it was like this beautiful thing. It was like I can go outside in the rain; I can exercise and not think about my hair sweating out. It was all of those things. Not having to sit in a beauty salon for six hours on a Saturday. It was like, “Thank God I’m Natural. This is the way I was totally supposed to be.” What is TGIN (Thank God It’s Natural) designed to do? The products are made with natural ingredients, and they are formulated specifically for textured hair that has a tendency to be dry. We focus on kinky, curly, and wavy hair, but the products can also be used on straight hair, or hair that’s subject to keratin treatments, or blonde hair, or what have you. But our thing is products are designed to keep your hair soft, moisturized, and manageable. We didn’t want to stand behind a product that was going to be like, “Oh, we’re going to make your hair go down your back,” or, “We’re going to change your curly definition from kinky to silky curls.” We

just wanted to let women know that healthy hair was the most important hair.

What does 2018 look like for Chris-Tia and TGIN? Well, it’s going to be a lot of work. We’re going to continue to be out there traveling, doing grass roots, talking to women, meeting women, and developing new product lines. The plan is to also launch in Wal-mart this year, so that’s going to be a big accomplishment for us as well. All of that, as well as continuing our advocacy work around our mission.





What does having a heart for God and passion for fashion really looks like? Today’s Purpose Woman wants to showcase women who love God and fashion that enjoys providing fashion tips for the women who’s looking for a head-turning but modest style as she walks in her purpose. To learn more visit us at







Psalm 46:5






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