How to prevent back pain
Back pain isis painful and uncomfortable. Back pain is common among adults above the age of 35. back pain is associated with how we treat our bones, muscles, and ligaments in our back. lower back pain may be linked with the bony lumbar spine, ligaments around the spine and discs, spinal cord and nerves, discs between the vertebrae, abdomen and pelvic internal organs, lower back muscles, and the skin around the lumbar area. Upper back pain may be due to disorders of the aorta, tumors in the chest, and spine inflammation. Causes of back pain: The human back is a complex structure of muscles, ligaments, tendons, disks, and bones. The fragment of our spine is protected with cartilage-like pads called disks. If any damage occurs with any of these components can lead to back pain. Damage in the spine such as osteoporosis can lead to back pain. Strain - the most common causes of back pain are: • Strained muscles. • strained ligaments. • A muscle spasm. Strains occur due to: • Lifting weights improperly. • Lifting heavyweights. • The result of a sudden and clumsy movement. Some structural problems may also cause back pain: Crack in disks - all vertebra in our spine is cushioned by disks. If the disk cracks there will be more pressure on a nerve, it causes back pain.
Swelling in disks – swelling in disk creates more pressure on a nerve. Sciatica – sciatica never is the biggest never in the human body. It starts from the root never of the spinal cord and it travels through buttocks and it reaches the lower limb. May pain occurs in the lower back because, when the disks give pressure on sciatica never. Arthritis – who has osteoarthritis, they commonly had problems in the hips, lower back, knees and hands joints. Spinal stenosis can develop in some cases when the space around the spinal cord gets narrows. Abnormal curvature of the spine – when the patient, who curves the spine in an abnormal way it leads to back pain. An example is scoliosis, a condition in which the spine has been curved to one side. Osteoporosis – bones and vertebrate of the spine become fragile and spongy making compression fractures more likely. Some other causes of back pain cauda equina syndrome – the cauda equine is a bunch of spinal never roots that appear from the lower back end of the spinal cord. Who has cauda equine syndrome, they feel a dull pain in the lower back and upper buttocks, genitalia, and thigh. Cancer of the spine – a tumor located on the spine may affect or press a never, resulting in a back pain. Infection of the spine – if the patient has high body temperature (fever) as well as a tender warm area on the back, it may be caused by the infection of the spine. Sleep disorders – who have sleep disorders are more likely to experience with back pain when compared to others. Shingles - an infection may damage the nerves may lead to back pain, Bad mattress – mattress does not support specific parts of the body and keep the spine straight, it is a greater risk of developing back pain. Everyday activities or abnormal actions/positions: Back pain also occurs due to some everyday activity or abnormal actions. For example... Sitting in a curved position for a long duration when using computers can result in increased back and shoulder problems over time. • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Bending awkwardly Pushing heavy weights Pulling heavyweights Carrying heavyweights Lifting heavy weights Standing for long periods Bending down for long periods Twisting Coughing Sneezing Muscle tension Over-stretching Straining the neck forward, such as when driving or using a computer
Long driving sessions without a break, even when not hunched
Risk factors: A risk factor is something which increases the developing a condition or disease. The following factors are the higher risk of developing lower back pain. A mentally stressful job Pregnancy - Pregnant women are more likely get back pain. Age factors Anxiety Obesity smoking Toughest physical exercise Toughest physical work. How to prevent back pain: There are some methods to be followed to prevent back pain.
Exercise – Regular exercise helps to build strength as well as keep your body fit. There are two types of exercise that can reduce the risk of back pain.
Core strengthening exercises - core exercise that helps to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles.
Flexibility – iits makes flexible and strengthen the back muscles, spine, hips and upper legs
Smoking – statistics say most of the smokers have back pain compared to nonsmokers of the same age, height, and weight.
Obesity - the amount of weight and about the distance people carry, it affects the risk of developing back pain. People who carry the weight in the abdominal area vs the buttocks and hip area are also at greater risk.
Moving things – whenever you push things across the floor using your leg strength is better than pulling them.
Shoes – always use flat shoes, it places the less strain on your back.
Driving - It is most important to have a proper support for your back. Make sure the side mirror is properly positioned for your vision, so you don't need to turn.
Your bed - Use a mattress that keeps your spine straight, that supports the weight of your shoulders and buttocks at the same time. Don't use a pillow that forces your neck into a steep angle.
Posture when sitting - A good seat have good back support, armrest and a rotating base (for working). While sitting try to keep your knees and hips level and keep your feet flat on the floor. If you can't use a footstool. You should sit upright with the support of your back. If you are using a keyboard, make sure your elbows are the right angles and that your forearms are horizontal.