Q&A with Todd Smith
Compiled by Michelle Cornish
Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade There has never been a better time to invest in Ontario. Several valuable assets exist in Ontario, making it a hotbed for artificial intelligence, regenerative medicine, advanced therapeutics, biomanufacturing and clinical trials. The Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT) is set to modernize the way government supports business.
Biotechnology Focus had the opportunity to interview Todd Smith, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade recently about the MEDJCT’s mission and Ontario’s future in the fiercely competitive global life sciences landscape.
“Our vision is to work with all businesses, large and small, to ensure a stable and competitive economy that protects workers and creates jobs, opportunity and growth.” Photo printed with the permission of the Government of Ontario.
Biotechnology Focus
June/July 2019