Ontario’s neuroscience By Linda Quattrin
Matters OF tHe Mind: an overview of Ontario’s neuroscience excellence
If it were an infectious disease, the prevalence would qualify as a global epidemic. The constellation of neurological and psychiatric-related disorders – from Alzheimer’s to anxiety – touches fully one in three Canadian families, according to Neuroscience Canada. And the picture, as we know, is only getting greyer given the aging demographic in the developed world.
With the enormity of this challenge also comes tremendous opportunity: the opportunity to grow a significant neurotechnology industry from Ontario’s already extensive track record in neuroscience research. At stake are huge economic rewards, long-lasting effects on employment, infrastructure development and regional competitiveness. Devices aside, the global neuromedicine market alone is valued at over USD$144 billion and has become larger than any other therapeutic market with projected market growth of 10 per cent per year, outpacing both cancer and cardiovascular markets. So where do Ontario’s strengths lie? In 2009, a group of distinguished international scientists took an in-depth look at the province’s research prowess. Led by eminent Canadians Dr. Joseph B. Martin, Dean Emeritus, Harvard Medical School, Joseph L. Rotman, businessman and philanthropist, Dr. Fergus Craik, Professor at the University of Toronto and Rotman Research Institute and Dr. Richard Murphy, President and CEO of Salk Institute for Biological Studies (retired), here’s a snapshot of what they found:
MOLeCuLar and CeLLuLar BiOLOgy Ontario is rich in capable molecular neurobiologists working in cell biology, signal transduction, neural development, the regulation and plasticity of synaptic transmission, neurotransmitter receptor biology and RNA biology. A major focus
Biotechnology Focus / May 2010
of Ontario neurobiologists is in characterizing fundamental molecular mechanisms mediating neural transmission. Many Ontario researchers have made transformative discoveries on the fundamental principles of neurotransmitter release and uptake at nerve-cell-connecting synapses in the brain and spinal cord.
neurOdegenerative diseases University of Toronto has an impressive array of affiliated research hospitals: Baycrest, Bloorview Kids Rehab, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Hospital for Sick Children, Mount Sinai Hospital, St. Michael’s Hospital, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto Rehab, University Health Network and Women’s College Hospital, many of which have long and storied traditions in outstanding neuroscience research. That strength extends outward in Ontario, with nodes of cross-disciplinary expertise in Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and beyond.
genetiCs and genOMiCs Ontario geneticists have made major contributions to understanding the genetic influences that contribute to neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric diseases. Some highlights: • Researchers at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health have been leaders in relating gene variants in the receptors for dopamine and serotonin to psychiatric disorders and to treatment response. • CAMH researchers have led important investigations into unstable DNA mutations in mental illness and are expanding that work to a range of disorders. • New lines of research include: combining genotyping and MRI to explore genetic determinants of stroke recovery; and pharmacogenetic studies— discovering gene variants associated with good and bad responses to specific drugs— an area with great commercial potential. • The Centre for Applied Genomics at the Hospital for Sick Children is a fast-growing centre producing excellent research on autistic spectrum disorders.
deep Brain stiMuLatiOn (dBs) Toronto has one of the largest neurosurgery clinical and teaching groups in North America, and the Department of