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New Products
Automated Sample Storage Systems
Compact, high-density automated systems designed to fi t into existing laboratories that require ultra-low-temperature storage of sensitive biological samples. These systems ensure the viability of 100,000 to over one million long-term samples. The BiOS M and L are ideal for forensic applications, and mediumsized research and clinical repositories. Samples are held in labware that is both tracked and picked automatically without human intervention, thus avoiding the risk of inadvertent warming and degraded sample integrity. The original BiOS and largest system, BiOS XL, is designed for very large biological sample collections, such as large clinical biorepositories and population-based biobanks, and holds 250,000 to more than 10 million samples. All samples within BiOS systems are stored in -80° C chest freezer compartments to maintain temperature stability. All internal workfl ows, including sample picking, are optimized to keep samples at ultra-low temperatures at all times. System parts are easily accessible for service and maintenance, while 1-D and 2-D barcode reading and sample tracking provide complete chain-of-custody documentation, with software tools to support 21 CFR Part 11 compliance. Multiple backup systems ensure that samples stay at -80° C even in emergencies. BiOS systems can store and process multiple labware types, and they integrate with Hamilton liquid handling robotics for additional tracking and hands-free, high-throughput sample preparation.
System for Advanced Protein Structure Analysis
Malvern Instruments Zetasizer Helix combines dynamic light scattering and Raman spectroscopy for advanced protein structure analysis. It is a tool for early stage biopharmaceutical development that enables the detailed study of mechanisms of protein aggregation. This system combines Zetasizer dynamic light scattering (DLS) technology, for sizing of proteins and other biomolecules, with Raman spectroscopy. The combination of DLS and Raman spectroscopy allows measurement of protein size and structure from a single small volume sample, providing unique insight into protein folding, unfolding, aggregation, agglomeration and oligomerization. Raman spectroscopy delivers information on protein unfolding by monitoring the variations in molecular vibrations that result from changes in secondary and tertiary protein structure. The combination of dynamic light scattering with Raman spectroscopy characterizes a wealth of chemical, structural, and physical parameters of biotherapeutic proteins under formulation conditions - at high concentrations up to 100 mg/ml and using a wide range of buffers and excipients. web: www.malvern.com
Sample Handling
Seward Ltd has expanded its range of Simplette(r) pipetting straws to fi t a variety of variable-volume pipette handsets. Disposable Simplettes are designed specifi cally to transfer prepared samples from the bottom of a Stomacher(r) bag without risk of cross contamination. Available with an internal diameter of 3.6-3.7mm, as well as 4.1-4.2mm, Simplette straws will fi t pipette handsets from a number of companies, including Barky and Socorex. Pipetting volumes of between 0.1 to 2 mL, Simplettes are also available in both 170 and 250mm lengths. Irradiated sterile, Simplettes are available in quantities, either in bulk boxes of 1000 and 2000, or in sachets of 25 or 50. The narrower gauge Simplettes are available as well. www.seward.co.uk
Plate Reader
The DynaPro Plate Reader II is capable of running high-throughput, automated HTS-DLS analyses to characterize PPI in standard microwell plates, under multiple conditions in reduced time frame. The onset points of aggregation or melting may be obtained in the DynaPro via temperature ramps or chemical denaturing, to assess additional SIPs for conformational stability, making the DynaPro DLS plate reader the tool for developability and formulation screening. Techniques for determining protein stability are debated amongst researchers, and a combination of stability-indicating parameters must be weighed to get a complete picture, explains Dr. Daniel Some, Director of Marketing and Principal Scientist at Wyatt Technology, Optimization of screening processes to reduce time and resources spent on ensuring long-term viability is a key consideration in the drug development process. The DynaPro Plate Reader II ensures comprehensive testing, over a range of conditions in minimal time, and eliminates the need for additional laboratory apparatus when screening the stability-indicating parameters of high concentration protein formulations. web: www.wyatt.com
HPLC Columns
Waters Corporation has expanded its family of CORTECS Columns with the 2.7 micron silica-based, solid-core particle columns. The new set of columns is an addition to the Waters CORTECS family of columns. Designed for analytical scientists who need to maximize performance on their existing LC systems, CORTECS 2.7 micron Columns run at lower pressures while delivering high effi ciencies. This gives the scientist the fl exibility to use longer column lengths to improve resolution or higher fl ow rates to speed instrument analysis times and increase throughput. CORTECS 2.7 micron Columns are scalable to CORTECS 1.6 micron Columns. CORTECS C18+ columns deliver peak shapes for basic compounds and impart selectivity while being a formic acid-friendly option for LC/MS applications. CORTECS C18 Columns are RP columns offering balanced retention of acids, bases, and neutrals at low and mid-range pH. CORTECS HILIC Columns are designed for the retention of extremely polar analytes utilizing hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC). web: www.waters.com
RTD Sensor
Omega introduces its new PR-21 series of RTD sensors with M12 connector which features an all welded 316L stainless steel housing, an integral 4-pin M12 connector for easy connection, a fast response time and a temperature range of -50 to 250 degrees Celsius. The PR-21 series is ideal for process control and test and measurement applications. These sensors can be used in any 2, 3 or 4-wire application by selecting one of the two available wiring arrangements and using only those wires needed for your connection. This allows for simplifi ed, trouble free installation with any existing application. This also allows the PR-21 series sensor to be used for a wide variety of replacement applications since it can be connected as-is with just about any measurement or control equipment available when combined with a 4-pin female M12 connector extension or patch cable. web: www.omega.com
neW Products
Tosoh Bioscience introduces its new line of MiniChrom Columns for TOYOPEARL® and TSKgel® resins. Designed as 8 mm ID × 10 cm (5 mL) columns for optimal resin screening, MiniChrom Columns ensure consistent experimental results when it comes to method optimization, parameter screening and/or small scale purifications. These preparative resins can be used for sample analysis as well as purifying proteins and nucleic acids for medical purposes. web: www.tosohbioscience.com
Sequencing Kits
The NEXTflex Cell Free DNA-Seq Kit is the newest product from BIOO Scientific, and is optimized for library prep solution for ctDNA and cfDNA. The technology allows NGS library construction from circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) cell free fetal DNA (cffDNA) isolated from cell free fluids. Delivering high coverage quality and reduced bias, the Illumina-compatible libraries can be created quickly and painlessly: it only requires one ng of DNA – the lowest amount yet – and construction occurs in under two hours, with flexible multiplexing options. The kit is equipped with enhanced adapter ligation technology, which offers improved ligation efficiency, resulting in library preps with a larger number of unique sequencing reads. The SEQBOT™ NGS Library Prep Automation Platform, the Beckman Biomek® Laboratory Automation Workstations and the Sciclone NGS Workstation also include automated protocols to optimize the kit’s safe and efficient usage. web: www.biooscientific.com
Good news for all those seeking a smaller and more simplistic approach to Raman Spectroscopy – the new NRS-4100 Series Laser Raman Spectrometer from JASCO delivers the same performance and features as its larger counterparts – and then some. The spectrometer measures just 24” tall, 22” wide and 24” , and weighs in at only 120 lbs. Delivering all the brains without the bulk, the system comes with a three-laser system at 457nm, 532nm and 785nmm and a spectrograph resolution down to 0.7cm-1/pixel. These three internally mounted lasers deliver up to nine different wavelengths (405 to 1064mm) with the standard measurement range being between 8000 to 50 cm-1 (532nm laser with edge filter). The spectrometer features two imaging-lenses with high and low power objectives for better quality imaging of the laser spot on the sample, and the Raman light path can be auto-aligned when switching between lasers. The options for manual and automated X-Y-Z stages, with temperature control stages for high temperature measurement, provide the icing atop the proverbial cake. These features – and JASCO’s highest resolution CMOS observation camera – make the NRS4100 ideal for work in R&D, forensics and QC. web: www.jascoinc.com
Fluid Extractor
Supercritical Fluid Technologies (SFT) has just released its latest product in its top supercritical fluid extractor (SFE) line, the SFT-110XW. The extractor comes with a restrictor valve, redesigned for more precise flow control, as well as a completely removable oven lid and side panel for access to the high pressure vessel(s). It’s applications include process development, food, flavours and fragrance extraction, chemical and polymer synthesis, and natural product extraction. The SFT-110XW features a variety of precautionary features to avoid misuse or damage, such as an indicator light on the pump module to guide the users through operation of the Peltier pre-cooler and a robust outlet to prevent damage to the outlet tube. With process parameters developed in the laboratory, dual sapphire syringe pump technology, integrated pre-heaters, and precise flow control, the SFT-110XW provides the control of temperature, pressure, and flow rate necessary for both research and process development applications. web: www.supercriticalfluids.com
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air science....................................... 16......................... www.airscience.com amorfix life sciences ......................... 5..............................www.amorfix.com Biosign technologies inc. .................... 5...............................www.biosign.com BioQuebec........................................ 6......................www.bioquebec.com/en BioteCanada..................................... 4.................................www.biotech.ca caledon labs ................................... 5.....................www.caledonlabs.com Canadian institutes of health research 6..........www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/193.html Ceapro inc. ....................................... 4...............................www.ceapro.com Centre for Commercialization......................................................................... of regenerative medicine ................... 3....................................www.ccrm.ca Centre for drug research and....................................................................... development..................................... 3.....................................www.cdrd.ca chemical institute of canada............ 4...................... www.cheminst.ca/cct children’s miracle network............ 17..www.childrensmiraclenetwork.ca dalton pharma services..................... 5................................www.dalton.com denville scientific.............................. 16................ www.denvillescientific.com eppendorf....................................... 20........... www.eppendorf.ca/nexusx2 harvard apparatus ........................... 16..............www.harvardapparatus.com lorus therapeutics ............................ 5..........................www.lorusthera.com mandel............................................ 9...............................www.mandel.ca mars innovation ............................... 3...................www.marsinnovation.com medicure inc..................................... 5........................... www.medicure.com mcGill university ............................... 3................................... www.mcgill.ca Natural sciences and engineering .................................................................. research Council of Canada................ 6......................www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca oncoGenex pharma............................ 5......................... www.oncogenex.com sanofi Group inc................................ 4...................................www.sanofi.ca supercritical fluid technologies .......... 16.............. www.supercriticalfluids.com trillium therapeutics .......................... 4.............www.trilliumtherapeutics.com versant ventures............................... 2.................www.versantventures.com vWr ................................................ 2................................. www.vwr.com
neW Products
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Harvard Apparatus has launched its new Pump 11 Elite Glucose Clamp Infusion System, a time-efficient syringe pump designed for academic euglycemic or hyperglycemic glucose clamp studies. The pump aims to simplify glucose clamp studies by offering animal weight, concentration, and dose rate programming as well as the ability to change dose rates during infusion. The pump requires minimal set-up using touch-screen display and reduces the margin for error by providing the most accurate fluid delivery available. web: www.harvardapparatus.com
Air Science’s introduces its Purair BIO as part of its new line of biological safety cabinets. A Class II Type A2 Biosafety Cabinet, it is designed to protect individuals, the environment and products from a variety of biological particulates. To prevent contaminants from escaping the work area, Purair BIO uses an HEPA filtration system that scours 70% of the incoming room air to protect products, and filters the remaining 30% of exhausted air by a second HEPA filter. Furthermore, the Purair BIO minimizes Biosafety Level 1-3 agents by maintaining negative pressure inside the cabinet during operation. Environmentally sound and efficiently designed, the Purair BIO runs off of low energy consumption and provides ample workspace.
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Harvard Apparatus now offers surgical instrument kits, configured from its surgical tool line. These kits provide a variety of tools and popular surgical applications, with a significant cost savings over purchasing the pieces individually. These pieces include the Rodent Microsurgical Kit, Rodent Microdialysis Surgical Kit, Rat/Guinea Pig Isolated Heart Surgical Kit, Mouse Isolated Heart Surgical Kit, Rat/Guinea Pig Isolated Organ Surgical Kit, Mouse Isolated Organ Surgical Kit, Rat General Surgical Kit, Mouse General Surgical Kit, Minor Surgical Kit and the Deluxe Major Surgical Kit. Surgical instruments are also available individually to supplement any of the kits, and can be made from German Stainless Steel, Tungsten Carbide, and Titanium. Additional instruments include diamond-coated tweezers and UltraEdge scissors. web: www.harvardapparatus.com
Test Tubes
Denville Scientifics now offers a complete range of Culture Tubes, made from Type 1, Class A Borosilicate Glass that reduces both pH changes and leached contaminants. The tubes are produced in an ISO 9001 certified factory before being shrink wrapped in boxes of 250, designed to fit into standard test tube dispensers. The tubes meet ASTM E890 specification, type 1 requirements and conform to USP Type 1 standards. In addition to being chemically inert, the tubes are tissue culture and blood bank compatible. Fire-polished rims and well-rounded bottoms contribute to both the functionality and aesthetic of the tubes. web: www.denvillescientific.com