Laboratory Focus August/September 2018 www.laboratoryfocus.ca
app review Instrument Connect
Canada in the limelight Machine learning is augmenting human ability and drastically changing possibilities. It is restructuring businesses and rewiring brains for transformative thinking. Whether it be to develop vaccines for deadly diseases or combat climate change, Canada is at the forefront of this monumental shift. Canada has been on the vanguard of machine learning long before it became a popular headline. The growth and brilliant minds from around the country have led the way for Canada to place its mark with AI on the world and build a more promising ecosystem for the future. Across the country, there have been several companies lending a hand in this newer and multi-faceted industry that will reshape history. Among those, innovative researchers are developing imaging devices for skin cancer, diagnostic platforms that analyse natural speech to detect dementia and mental decline, advanced signal analysis to diagnose coronary artery disease, just to name a few, and numerous others that stem to topics unrelated to health care, but keep Canada at the forefront of change. This year Canada had its 31st Canadian Conference in Artificial Intelligence that stands to show how long Canada has been involved with this game-changing technology. Events like this bring together hundreds of leaders in research, industry, and government that provide a melting pot of inquisitive and likeminded people. Artificial intelligence and deep learning have the potential to revolutionize health care, and with Canada as a global frontrunner, we can expect to see exponential shifts in the upcoming years to come.
Instrument Connect remotely monitors instruments in real-time. Stay connected to cloud-enabled instruments and benchtop devices anytime, anywhere, using the Instrument Connect mobile app. With the Instrument Connect remote monitoring app powered by Thermo Fisher Cloud, you can stay connected to any Thermo Fisher Cloud-enabled instruments, including the Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 3 and 5 realtime PCR instruments, and the ProFlex and SimpliAmp end-point PCR devices.
Bio-Rad Events
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.doubledutch.bioradeventmanager&hl=en This mobile app allows you to view schedules, explore sessions, and find after parties. You can create your own personal schedule, access location and speaker information. Check-in to sessions, meetings, keynotes, and exhibitor booths. View an entire feed of the event activity, including attendee check-ins, photos, and more.
DNAApp: DNA sequence analyzer
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=bii. seqdatreader&hl=en This is the first android app that allows for the opening and analysis of DNA sequencing files - ab1. It includes handy tools such as “Reverse Complement”, “Jump to”, fast and end scrolling, “Chromatogram adjustments”, amino acid translations, “export to fasta”, and “searching for segment” function. This app works with cloud storage access like Dropbox to your sequencing files.