2 minute read
MAY 2012
May 15-18
(800) 650-4570 Fax: (202) 789-1899 Email: annual@apic.org Web: www.apic.org
Interdependence 2012 Conference and Exposition Venue: Vancouver, BC Tel: (604) 681-2153 Fax: (604) 681-1049 Email: i2012info@rickhansen.com Web: http://www.rickhansen.com/ What-We-Do/Interdependence-2012/ Conference/conferenceprogram.aspx
May 22-24
June 11-12
RC_lab_new:Layout 1 1/19/2012 9:27 AM Page 1 Life Science Innovation Northwest 2012 Venue: Seattle, WA Tel: (206) 456-9567 Fax: (206) 456-9561 Email: wbba@washbio.org Web: http://www.washbio.org/ displaycommon. cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=145
C21 BioVentures (C21) Venue: Napa, CA Tel: + 1 (831) 464.4230 Fax: + 1 (831) 515-5070 Web: http://www.techvision.com/c21/
June 13-16
15th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID) Venue; Bangkok, Thailand Tel: (617) 277-0551 Fax: (617) 278-9113 Email: info@isid.org Web: www.isid.org
June 14-17
ASMCUE: Blending Science and Education Venue: San Mateo, CA Tel: (202) 942-9248 Email: generalmeeting@asmusa.org Web: www.asm.org
June 16-19
ASM 2012: 112th General Meeting Venue: San Francisco, CA Tel: (202) 942-9248 Email: generalmeeting@asmusa.org Web: www.asm.org
May 23-24
China BIO Partnering Forum Venue: Suzhou, China Email: mrannertshauser@ebdgroup. com / info@chinabiollc.com Web: www.ebdgroup.com/cbpf/ index/php
May 25-27
How to Talk about Science Venue: Victoria, BC Email: cfbr@uvic.ca Web: http://.cbr.uvic.ca/conferences
May 27-30
CMA4CH Mediterraneum Meeting 2012 Venue: Rome, Italy Email: infocma4ch@uniroma1.it Web: http://w3.uniroma1.it/cma4ch/ index2.html
May 29-30
BioFincanc Venue: Toronto, ON Tel: 1 (866) 342-4933 Email: mstinson@biofinance.ca Web: www.biofinance.ca
May 29
The Crossroad for BioTransfer Venue: Montreal, QC Web: www.biotransfer.ca I wish to receive/continue to receive a complimentary subscription to LABORATORY FOCUS Yes No Format Preference: Print option Digital option
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JUNE 2012
June 1-6
CYTO 2012 Venue: Leipzig, Germany Email: rjaseb@faseb.org / leftwich@ faseb.org Web: www.faseb.org
June 2-4
AAMI 2012 Conference & Expo Venue: Charlotte, NC Tel: (703) 525-4890 Ext. 1210 Fax: (703) 525-1067 Email: education@aami.org Web: www.aami.org
June 4-6
10 Aerospace 11 Automotive 12 Biological Sciences 13 Chemicals 14 Electrical/Electronics 15 Energy 16 Environmental Science 17 Food/Beverages/
Agriculture 18 Forensics 19 Genetic Technology 20 Material Science
C87 Products Used in your Laboratory
A Analysis Instruments B Basic Lab Equipment C Chemicals/Biochemicals D Chromatography – Gas E Chromatography – Liquid F Filtration, Water Purification G LIMS H Liquid Handling & Sample Prep I Microscopes, Optics, Cameras J Safety & Hygiene K Spectroscopy L Testing Systems/Equipment M Vacuum Equipment
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