1 minute read

Applications Services

Core Platform Pronto Xi Application Services

With a clever Applications Services daemon, Pronto Xi programs can be scheduled without needing to set up scheduled tasks at the operating system level. All running services are checked at one-minute intervals to determine whether any program is due for execution.

You can set up Application Services to perform backups, run reports and update functions according to predefined values. It can even be used to control such vital functions as end-of-period processing, realtime data synchronisation across databases, streaming updates and message-based functions used to communicate between distributed servers, databases and applications.

Processes can be set up to run multiple times during the day, or at any given time-point. Every time a program is executed it is logged for easy and direct verification.

A single service can be set up to execute a program in multiple companies, either concurrently or consecutively. As all services operate independently, there is no risk of a job not being executed because the execution of a program by another service has failed.

Platform Overview

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